Connect Tech Echo/ISA User Manual

Connect Tech Inc.
“Industrial Strength Communications”
Multi-port Serial Communications Adapters
Connect Tech Inc 42 Arrow Road Guelph, Ontario N1K 1S6 Tel: 519 836-1291 800-426-8979 Fax: 519 836-4878 Email: URL:
CTIM-00023 Rev. 0.00 Nov. 5, 2003
Part Number: MN005
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Warranty i
Limited Lifetime Warranty
Connect Tech Inc. provides a Lifetime Warranty for all Connect Tech Inc. products. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working order during the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.
You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc. business partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned to Connect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. With an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured and packaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid ground shipment service.
The Connect Tech Inc. Lifetime Warranty is defined as the serviceable life of the product. This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product if available or to retract Lifetime Warranty if no replacement is available.
The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under no circumstances will Connect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, such product.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
ii Copyright/Trademarks
Copyright Notice
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect Tech shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Connect Tech, Inc.
Copyright 2003 by Connect Tech, Inc.
Trademark Acknowledgment
Connect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners.
Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack of acknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this document.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Conventions & Symbols ............................................................. 1-1
Product Overview ...................................................................... 1-2
Echo Adapter..................................................................... 1-2
Echo Software ................................................................... 1-3
Customer Service Overview ...................................................... 1-3
RMA Overview.......................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Introduction................................................................................ 2-1
Configuration............................................................................. 2-1
Port Addresses................................................................... 2-2
Custom Port Addresses............................................. 2-3
Status Port Address ........................................................... 2-4
Custom Status Port Addresses .................................. 2-4
Interrupt Selection............................................................. 2-5
Installing the Echo Adapter in your System...................... 2-7
Chapter 3: Software Installation
Introduction................................................................................ 3-1
Configuration............................................................................. 3-1
DOS 3.XX - 6.XX............................................................. 3-2
COMSET.EXE ......................................................... 3-2
DFLEX.SYS............................................................. 3-3
CTIMODE ................................................................ 3-3
Accessing Ports ................................................................. 3-3
Character Device Access .......................................... 3-4
INT 14h Access ........................................................ 3-4
Linux ................................................................................. 3-7
Multiuser DOS 7 GOLD ................................................... 3-8
Configuration............................................................ 3-8
QNX 2.XX ...................................................................... 3-11
Configuration.......................................................... 3-11
QNX 4.XX ...................................................................... 3-14
Configuration.......................................................... 3-14
QNX 6.XX ...................................................................... 3-19
SCO Unix........................................................................ 3-20
Configuration.......................................................... 3-20
Other Configurations .............................................. 3-27
Solaris.............................................................................. 3-28
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
iv Contents
Windows 95 .................................................................... 3-29
Echo Enhanced Driver............................................ 3-30
Installation...................................................... 3-31
UART/FIFO Configuration............................ 3-32
Configuration.......................................................... 3-33
Windows NT ................................................................... 3-37
Configuration.......................................................... 3-37
Chapter 4: Appendices
Appendix A: Specifications ....................................................... 4-1
Operating Environment..................................................... 4-1
Power Requirements ......................................................... 4-1
PC Bus Interface................................................................ 4-1
Communications................................................................ 4-1
Control Signals.................................................................. 4-1
Dimensions........................................................................ 4-1
Connectors/Interface ......................................................... 4-1
Appendix B: Connectors/Pinouts............................................... 4-2
Cable Connector Pinouts................................................... 4-2
Connector Box/Pinouts...................................................... 4-5
Appendix C: Factory Settings………………………………….4-7
Echo................................................................................... 4-7
I/O Port Address Setting........................................... 4-7
IRQ Setting ............................................................... 4-7
Appendix D: RS-422/485 Options............................................. 4-8
RS-422/485 Cable Wiring................................................. 4-8
RS-422/485 wiring diagram (4 wire) ................................4-8
RS-422/485 wiring diagram (2 wire) ................................4-9
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Contents v
List of Tables
Table 1: Typical port address usage........................................... 2-2
Table 2: Switch settings(Echo) .................................................. 2-1
Table 3: Typical IRQ assignments............................................. 2-2
Table 4: Multiuser DOS: port details......................................... 3-9
Table 5: DB-9 pinouts - Echo .................................................... 4-2
Table 6: Echo DB-78 pinouts..................................................... 4-3
Table 6(continued): Echo DB-78 pinouts .................................. 4-4
Table 7: DB-9 pinouts - Echo I/O Box ......................................4-6
List of Figures
Figure 1: Problem summary sheet .............................................1-4
Figure 2: DIP switch block SW1 ............................................... 2-1
Figure 3: IRQ jumper block J1 .................................................. 2-1
Figure 4: Multiuser DOS: switch settings................................ 3-10
Figure 5: Multiuser DOS: IRQ settings ................................... 3-10
Figure 6: QNX 2.XX: switch settings...................................... 3-12
Figure 7: QNX 2.XX: IRQ settings ......................................... 3-13
Figure 8: QNX 4.XX: switch settings...................................... 3-16
Figure 9: QNX 4.XX: IRQ settings ......................................... 3-16
Figure 10: QNX 4.XX: switch settings.................................... 3-17
Figure 11: QNX 4.XX: IRQ settings ....................................... 3-18
Figure 12: SCO Unix: switch settings...................................... 3-21
Figure 13: SCO Unix: IRQ settings ......................................... 3-22
Figure 14: Windows 95: switch settings .................................. 3-33
Figure 15: Windows 95: IRQ settings...................................... 3-34
Figure 16: Windows NT: switch settings................................. 3-38
Figure 17: Windows NT: IRQ settings .................................... 3-39
Figure 18: Echo I/O Box............................................................ 4-5
Figure 19: RS-422/485 wiring diagram (4 wire)........................ 4-8
Figure 20: RS-422/485 wiring diagram (2 wire)........................ 4-9
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 1: Introduction
Conventions & Symbols ............................................................. 1-1
Product Overview ...................................................................... 1-2
Echo Adapter..................................................................... 1-2
Echo Software ................................................................... 1-3
Customer Service Overview ...................................................... 1-3
RMA Overview.......................................................................... 1-6
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-1
Conventions & Symbols
This manual uses the following conventions:
In most cases the font for file names and command
statements is Arial Narrow Bold 9pt. An example is:
Note: the "Note" convention informs you of important
messages, exceptions, or special cases.
Example: the "Example" convention outlines hardware
and software installation examples.
Technical Tip: the "Technical Tip" convention offers
technical tips to assist you in hardware and software installation or problems
The "Warning" convention advises you to take certain precautions in order to avoid possible damage to your Connect Tech product.
This message warns you that your Connect Tech product is very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure that before handling the product you practice proper ESD procedures.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
1-2 Chapter 1: Introduction
Product Overview
The Echo adapters are high performance multi-port serial adapters that allow you to connect up to 8 serial devices through one expansion slot.
Your Echo product consists of the following components:
Echo adapter
Cable harness or external connector box
DFlex DOS device drivers (the Echo is backwards
compatible with our discontinued ISA product, the DFlex. While the drivers will contain reference to the DFlex product, they are fully compatible with the Echo/ISA.)
Echo Adapters
Echo adapters provide the high speed interfaces between a host computer and multiple external serial devices. Echo adapters include features such as:
8 asynchronous serial ports out of one slot.
RS-232, RS-422/485 interfaces.
Different models of Echo adapters may reside in a host
computer offering up to 32 ports per system.
ST16C554 UARTs control each port.
An addressable status control register to improve
Each port on an Echo has independent baud rate selection
offering baud rates from 50 – 115.2 Kpbs with 5, 6, 7 or 8 data bits and 1, 1.5, 2 stop bits, odd or even parity.
On board DIP switch allows the selection of ports 1 & 2 as
COM1 and COM2. It provides 8 predefined I/O address sets and 8 predefined status port addresses.
Jumpers on the board give the user a choice of 8 IRQ lines to
run the board at. The on board DIP switch also provides the choice of running the Echo on 1 or 2 or no hardware interrupts.
System requirements are one ISA bus compatible slot; one
available IRQ line.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3
The Echo adapters can accommodate both small and large multi-
channel applications. You can combine different Echo adapters
in a single computer, up to a maximum of 32 ports per system.
Echo Software
To install your Echo adapter under different operating systems see Chapter 3: Software Installation.
Customer Service Overview
If you experience difficulties after reading the manual and using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties.
In the event that the reseller is unable to resolve your problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Please refer to and complete the problem summary sheet found in Figure 1 before contacting us.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
1-4 Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1: Problem summary sheet
Problem Description
Connect Tech Product Description
Product: Revision no.:
Product serial no.: No. of serial ports:
IRQ selected: Base address selected:
I/O port address selected:
Device driver: Revision no.:
System Description
Operating system: Revision no.:
System type & manufacturer:
Amount of RAM: CPU type/speed:
Video adapter: 8 bit 16 bit Settings:
Network adapter: 8 bit 16 bit Settings:
Hard disk adapter: Settings:
Tape adapter: Settings:
Other serial adapters Settings:
Other adapters: Settings:
Devices connected to ports:
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-5
We offer three ways for you to contact us:
You may contact us by letter and our mailing address for correspondence is:
Connect Tech Inc. c/o Customer Service 42 Arrow Road Guelph, Ontario Canada N1K 1S6
You may contact us through the Internet. Our email and URL addresses on the Internet are:
1. You can submit your technical support questions to our customer support engineers via our Internet email address OR
2. You can refer to our knowledge database found in the Customer Support section of our World Wide Web site. OR
3. You can fill out the problem summary form, found in the Customer Support section of our World Wide Web site and submit it to our customer support engineers via the Web. OR
4. You can obtain the latest versions of software drivers and manuals from the Customer Support section of our World Wide Web site.
Customer Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:
Telephone: 519-836-1291 800-426-8979 Facsimile 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
1-6 Chapter 1: Introduction
RMA Overview
Connect Tech products requiring warranty or non warranty repairs need an RMA number. To obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number please contact us in the following manner:
Go to the RMA Request Form found in the Support Center on our
Telephone, fax, email or mail us at:
Connect Tech Inc. Technical Support 42 Arrow Road Guelph, Ontario Canada N1K 1S6 Phone: 519-836-1291 800-426-8979 Facsimile: 519-836-4878 Email:
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-7
Include with the product, proof of purchase (including date of purchase), a description of the problem and the RMA number. Clearly display the RMA number on the external packaging. Please refer to the Limited Warranty for further restrictions or requirements.
Your Echo adapter is very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure you wear an anti-static wrist-band before you remove the adapter from your computer. When you remove the board from your computer, handle it only by the edges and place it on the anti-static bag or an anti-static mat.
1. Please pack the item for repair securely and ship it prepaid and insured. Connect Tech is not liable for damage or loss to the product due to shipping.
2. Connect Tech will not accept items for repair without an RMA number.
3. Connect Tech will not accept items for repair shipped freight collect.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Introduction................................................................................ 2-1
Configuration............................................................................. 2-1
Port Addresses................................................................... 2-2
Custom Port Addresses............................................. 2-3
Status Port Address ........................................................... 2-4
Custom Status Port Addresses .................................. 2-4
Interrupt Selection............................................................. 2-5
Installing the Echo Adapter in your System...................... 2-7
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation 2-1
Hardware installation involves configuration of the Echo adapter.
Note: Please refer to Chapter 3: Software Installation for installation of your Echo board under certain operating systems.
The following sections detail how to change the field configurable parameters. The setting of these will depend on the number of boards installed and the existing configuration of your PC.
You must configure various settings and options before installing your Echo adapter in your computer. In order to insure a successful installation, please follow the steps in the order specified below.
Selection of I/O port addresses.
2. Selection of the status port address.
3. Selection of IRQs.
4. Installing the Echo adapter in your computer.
Your Echo adapter is very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure you wear an anti-static wrist-band before you remove the card from the anti-static shipping bag. When you remove the board from the anti-static bag, handle it only by the edges and place it on the anti-static bag or an anti-static mat.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
2-2 Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Port Addresses
You configure port addresses with DIP switches 1 to 5 on SW1. Switches 3 to 5 select a set of port addresses for the ports, while you can override the setting for port 1 and 2 with switch 1 and 2 respectively. When DIP switch 1 is on, then port 1 is COM1 at 3F8 hex. If DIP switch 2 is on then port 2 is COM2 at 2F8 hex. These settings will override the addresses specified by DIP switches 3, 4 and 5. Please refer to Figure 2 for a description of switch block SW1, while Tables 1and 2 provide the switch settings for the various port address sets
However many other devices may require port addresses in your computer's I/O address space. In most cases the factory setting is sufficient, but when there is a conflict, SW1 may require a different setting. Table 1 summarizes typical I/O port address usage.
Do not use a pencil to set the DIP switches as the lead graphite may short-circuit the switch.
Table 1: Typical port address usage
Port Address (Hex) Usage
000 - 0FF Reserved 170 - 177 Fixed disk controller (primary) 1F0 - 1F7 Fixed disk controller (secondary) 200 - 207 Game port 278 -27F Parallel port (LPT2) 2C0 - 2CF EGA video adapter (#2) 2F8 - 2FF Asynchronous serial port (COM2) 360 - 36F Parallel port (LPT1) 370 - 377 Floppy disk controller (secondary) 378 - 37F Parallel port (LPT1) 380 - 38F SDLC adapter (#2) 3A0 - 3AF SDLC adapter (#1) 3B0 - 3BF Video adapters 3F0 - 3F7 Floppy disk controller (primary) 3F8 - 3FF Asynchronous serial port (COM1)
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation 2-3
, p
Custom Port Addresses
You can generate other port addresses by making changes to the programmable logic found on the Echo adapters. If you require specific port addresses not listed please contact the Connect Tech sales department for further information.
Figure 2: DIP switch block SW1
IRQ channel(s)
Status port address (see Tables 2 & 3)
Reserved - must be off
Port addresses (see Tables 2 & 3)
When on, port 2 is COM2 (2F8 hex)
When on
ort 1 is COM1 (3F8 hex)
Table 2: Switch settings(Echo 8)
Switch 3 4 5
on on on 200 208 210 218 220 228 230 238 240 on on off 240 248 250 258 260 268 270 278 280 on off on 280 288 290 298 2A0 2A8 2B0 2B8 2C0 on off off 2C0 2C8 2D0 2D8 2E0 2E8 2F0 2F8 300 off on on 300 308 310 318 320 328 330 338 340 off on off 2B0 2B8 2C0 2C8 2D0 2D8 2F0 2F8 288 off off on 290 298 2A0 2A8 2B0 2B8 2C0 2C8 2D0 off off off 190 198 1A0 1A8 1B0 1B8 1C0 1C8 1D0
Port Status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Port
Note: You enable the status port when switch 7 is in the on position. You disable the status port when switch 7 is in the off position.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
2-4 Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Status Port Address
The Echo board provides a status port that indicates which ports, if any, are causing the interrupts. When read, the port will indicate a one (1) if the corresponding port has an interrupt request pending and a zero (0) if not. The least significant data bit (D0) represents the status of port 1.
In multi-card installations the address for the status port on each card must be unique. DIP switch 7, combined with the selection of the port addresses on DIP switches 3, 4 and 5, determines the status port address. Tables 1 and 2 indicate the relationship.
Custom Status Port Addresses
Custom status port addresses are available with the Echo/ISA. Please contact Connect Tech Customer Support for more details.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation 2.5
Interrupt Selection
You can configure Echo boards to use one, two or no interrupt request lines. To select the appropriate configuration, you must program DIP switch 8 on SW1 and the IRQ jumper block J1. When DIP switch 8 is on, all Echo communication ports will interrupt on the A channel. When switch 8 is off, the odd numbered Echo ports will interrupt on the A channel, while the even numbered Echo ports will interrupt on the B channel.
IRQ jumper block J1 allows the assignment of IRQ lines to both the A and B channels. If your application requires no interrupts then you can remove both jumpers from jumper block J1. To assign interrupts to either channel, go to the posts under the selected IRQ line number and install the jumper(s) between the centre post and the A post (A channel), and/or between the centre post and the B post (B channel).
COM1 and COM2 normally use IRQ 4 and IRQ 3 respectively. If you use the first two ports as COM1 and COM2, set switch 8 on SW1 to the off position and install a jumper between the centre post and the A post on J1 under IRQ 4 (COM1). You should install the other jumper between the centre post and the B post on J1 under IRQ 3 (COM2). If you configure only one of the two ports as a standard COM1 or COM2, then you can relocate or remove the other jumper according to the requirements of the controlling software. Please refer to Figure 3 for an explanation of IRQ jumper block J1.
Figure 3: IRQ jumper block J1
3 4 5 7 10 11 12 15
Note: this example of shows J1 selected for IRQ 3 and 4 on channels B and A respectively.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
2-6 Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Many other devices such as the keyboard and disk drives also require an IRQ. Table 3 shows some typical IRQ assignments.
Table 3: Typical IRQ assignments
IRQ Device 0 Timer output 1 Keyboard 2 Reserved 3 COM2, COM4, SDLC 4 COM1, COM3, SDLC 5 Unassigned (typically) 6 Floppy disk controller 7 LPT1 8 Real-time clock 9 Reserved 10 Unassigned (typically) 11 Unassigned (typically) 12 Unassigned (typically) 13 Co-processor 14 Primary fixed disk controller 15 Secondary fixed disk controller
In most cases the default IRQ setting for your Echo adapter is satisfactory. If an IRQ conflict exists between the Echo adapter and another expansion device, you must choose another IRQ. To select an IRQ simply install the jumper across the corresponding pins for that IRQ on J1.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation 2-7
Installing the Echo Adapter in your System
To install your Echo adapter in your computer follow these steps:
Computer components are very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure that you wear an anti-static wrist-band when installing adapters in your computer. Handle the adapter by its edges and place it on the anti-static bag or an anti-static mat.
1. Turn the power off to your computer.
2. Open your computer to expose the expansion slots (consult
the system documentation for information on this procedure.)
3. Choose an available 8 or 16-bit expansion slot.
4. Remove the screw and the expansion slot cover from the slot
you select and save both.
5. Place the Echo adapter in the expansion slot and push down gently until the card seats fully in the slot.
Note: Do not force the card into the expansion slot. If you meet a great deal of resistance, remove the board and try again.
6. Align the mounting bracket and secure the board with the screw that you saved.
7. Close your computer.
Echo User's Manual, ver. 0.00
Chapter 3: Software Installation
Introduction................................................................................ 3-1
Configuration............................................................................. 3-1
DOS 3.XX - 6.XX............................................................. 3-2
COMSET.EXE ......................................................... 3-2
DFLEX.SYS............................................................. 3-3
CTIMODE ................................................................ 3-3
Accessing Ports ................................................................. 3-3
Character Device Access .......................................... 3-4
INT 14h Access ........................................................ 3-4
Linux ................................................................................. 3-7
Multiuser DOS 7 GOLD ................................................... 3-8
Configuration............................................................ 3-8
QNX 2.XX ...................................................................... 3-11
Configuration.......................................................... 3-11
QNX 4.XX ...................................................................... 3-14
Configuration.......................................................... 3-14
QNX 6.XX ...................................................................... 3-19
SCO Unix........................................................................ 3-20
Configuration.......................................................... 3-20
Other Configurations .............................................. 3-27
Solaris.............................................................................. 3-28
Windows 95 .................................................................... 3-29
Echo Enhanced Driver............................................ 3-30
Installation...................................................... 3-31
UART/FIFO Configuration............................ 3-32
Configuration.......................................................... 3-33
Windows NT ................................................................... 3-37
Configuration.......................................................... 3-37
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+ 55 hidden pages