Connect Tech DFlex-4-104 User Manual

Connect Tech Inc.
“Meeting your objectives ... by design”
Multi-port Serial Communications Adapter
User Manual
CTIM-00144, Revision 0.04 February 26 2001
Part Number: MAN045
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Warranty i
Connect Tech Inc. warrants to the original purchaser of this Connect Tech hardware product that it is to be in good working order for a period of one year from the date of purchase from Connect Tech Inc. or an authorized Connect Tech dealer. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working order during the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no charge, provided
that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.
You may obtain Limited Warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech dealer or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. If this product is shipped, you agree to insure the product or assume risk of loss or damage in transit, and to prepay shipping charges to the warranty repair location.
The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
ii Copyright/Trademarks
Copyright Notice
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect Tech shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Connect Tech, Inc.
Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1996, 1997, 1998 , 1999 and 2001 by Connect Tech, Inc.
Trademark Acknowledgment
Connect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners.
Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack of acknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this document.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Certification iii
The DFlex-4/104 is to be included into a device ultimately subject to FCC, DOC/IC, and CE certification. The customer is responsible for bringing the completed device into compliance prior to resale.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Contents v
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Manual Overview........................................................................ 1-1
Conventions & Symbols.....................................................1-2
Product Overview .......................................................................1-3
DFlex-4/104 Adapter.......................................................... 1-3
DFlex-4/104 Software ........................................................ 1-6
Customer Service Overview .......................................................1-6
RMA Overview...........................................................................1-9

Chapter 2: Hardware Installation

Configuration ..............................................................................2-1
Port Addresses....................................................................2-2
Status Port Addresses ................................................2-3
Custom Port Addresses.............................................. 2-4
Interrupt Selection .............................................................. 2-6
Mode 1 (one IRQ)...................................................... 2-7
Mode 2 (two IRQs)....................................................2-9
Mode 3 (four IRQs) .................................................2-11
Baud Rate Selection .........................................................2-12
Serial Line Interface Modules (SLIM).............................2-15
SLIM Installation.....................................................2-15
SLIM compatibility .................................................2-18

Chapter 3: Software Installation

Installing the DFlex-4/104 Adapter in your System ........2-18
Configuration ..............................................................................3-1
DOS 3.XX - 6.XX .............................................................. 3-1
Multiuser DOS 7 GOLD ....................................................3-2
QNX 2.XX..........................................................................3-2
QNX 4.XX..........................................................................3-3
SCO Unix ...........................................................................3-3
Windows 3.XX...................................................................3-3
Windows 95/98...................................................................3-3
Windows NT ......................................................................3-4
Portfind ...............................................................................3-4
SeePORT ............................................................................ 3-4
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vi Contents

Chapter 4: Appendices

Appendix A: Specifications ........................................................ 4-1
Operating Environment ...................................................... 4-1
Power Requirements...........................................................4-1
PC Bus Interface................................................................. 4-1
Communications................................................................. 4-1
Control Signals ...................................................................4-2
Connectors/Interface ..........................................................4-2
Part Numbers......................................................................4-2
Appendix B: Connectors/Pinouts................................................ 4-3
Port Connector Pinouts....................................................... 4-3
Cable Connector Pinouts ....................................................4-4
Power Connector Pinouts ...................................................4-5
SLIM Pinouts .....................................................................4-6
Appendix C: Factory Settings.....................................................4-7
I/O/Status Port Address Setting..........................................4-7
IRQ Setting.........................................................................4-8
Baud Rate Setting...............................................................4-9
Appendix D: SLIM Insertion/Removal ....................................4-11
SLIM insertion .................................................................4-11
SLIM removal ..................................................................4-12
Appendix E: RS-232 SLIM Option ..........................................4-13
Installation ........................................................................4-15
Appendix F: RS-485/422 Options ............................................4-17
Installation ........................................................................4-17
RS-485/422 SLIM ............................................................ 4-18
RS-485/422 Cable Wiring................................................4-21
Appendix G: RS-423 Options...................................................4-23
Installation ........................................................................4-24
RS-423 Cable Wiring ....................................................... 4-26
Appendix H: 20mA Current Loop Option ................................4-27
Installation ........................................................................4-27
20mA Current Loop SLIM............................................... 4-28
Current Loop Cable Wiring..............................................4-31
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Contents vii

List of Tables

Table 1: Typical port address usage............................................2-2
Table 2: Port address settings......................................................2-5
Table 3: Baud rates ...................................................................2-14
Table 4: 10 pin port header pinouts ............................................4-3
Table 5: DB-9 cable connector pinouts ......................................4-4
Table 6: Power connector pinouts...............................................4-5
Table 7: SLIM pinouts ................................................................ 4-6
Table 8: SLIM pinouts .............................................................. 4-16
Table 9: SLIM pinouts .............................................................. 4-20
Table 10: SLIM pinouts ............................................................4-25
Table 11: SLIM pinouts ............................................................4-30

List of Figures

Figure 1: DFlex-4/104 adapter....................................................1-4
Figure 2: DFlex-4/104 - 16 port configuration ........................... 1-5
Figure 3: Problem summary sheet ..............................................1-7
Figure 4: Port address (SW1)...................................................... 2-4
Figure 5: IRQ jumper & switch blocks.......................................2-6
Figure 6: Baud rate jumper block (J1) ...................................... 2-13
Figure 7: SLIM socket to serial port relationship .....................2-16
Figure 8: I/O/Status port address factory settings....................... 4-7
Figure 9: IRQ factory setting ...................................................... 4-8
Figure 10: Baud rate factory setting (J1) ....................................4-9
Figure 11: SLIM insertion.........................................................4-11
Figure 12: SLIM removal .........................................................4-12
Figure 13: RS-232; RS-232/Fast SLIM: partial schematic....... 4-14
Figure 14: RS-485/422 SLIM partial schematic.......................4-19
Figure 15: RS-485/422 wiring diagram (4 wire) ......................4-21
Figure 16: RS-485/422 wiring diagram (2 wire) ......................4-21
Figure 17: RS-423 SLIM partial schematic ..............................4-23
Figure 18: RS-423 wiring diagram (4 wire) .............................4-26
Figure 19: RS-423 wiring diagram (all wire) ...........................4-26
Figure 20: 20mA Current Loop SLIM schematic..................... 4-28
Figure 21: Current Loop wiring diagram (4 wire)....................4-31
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 1: Introduction
Manual Overview........................................................................ 1-1
Conventions & Symbols.....................................................1-2
Product Overview .......................................................................1-3
DFlex-4/104 Adapter.......................................................... 1-3
DFlex-4/104 Software ........................................................ 1-6
Customer Service Overview .......................................................1-6
RMA Overview...........................................................................1-9
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-1
This section contains an overall description of the DFlex-4/104 manual, the DFlex-4/104 product, Connect Tech 's technical services, Return Merchandise Authorization and warranty repair policies. The organization of the information is as follows:
Manual Overview - describes the structure of the manual and
the conventions the manual uses.
Product Overview - describes the DFlex-4/104, its features
and specifications.
Customer Services Overview - describes the various
customer support services available to users of Connect Tech products.
RMA Overview - describes the RMA policy and procedures
for all Connect Tech products.
Manual Overview
The purpose of the DFlex-4/104 User's Manual is to help you install the DFlex-4/104 as effortlessly as possible. The manual includes four main sections:
Introduction - the section you are currently reading, covers
the DFlex-4/104 features; Connect Tech's customer services; and return merchandise authorization (RMA) policies and procedures.
Hardware Installation - describes installation of the
DFlex-4/104 adapter.
Software Installation - discusses the installation of the
DFlex-4/104 under various operating systems.
We recommend that you read both the Hardware Installation and Software Installation sections before you
attempt to install the DFlex-4/104 adapter.
Appendices - the appendices contain information on
electrical pinouts, product specifications such as power requirements; default jumper settings; and other technical information.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
1-2 Chapter 1: Introduction
Conventions & Symbols
This manual uses the following conventions:
In most cases the font for file names and command
statements is
DEVICE=DFLEX.SYS p=200 p=208 p=210 p=218
Note: the "Note" convention informs you of important
messages, exceptions, or special cases.
Example: the "Example" convention outlines hardware
Arial Narrow Bold 9 point
and software installation examples.
Technical Tip: the "Technical Tip" convention offers
technical tips to assist you in hardware and software installation or problems
The "Warning" convention advises you to take certain precautions in order to avoid possible damage to your Connect Tech product.
. An example is:
This message warns you that your Connect Tech product is very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure that before handling the product you practice proper ESD procedures.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3
Product Overview
The DFlex-4/104 adapters are high performance multi-port serial adapters in a PC/104 form factor that allow you to connect up to 4 serial devices.
Your DFlex-4/104 product consists of the following components:
DFlex-4/104 adapter
DFlex-4/104 DOS device drivers
DFlex-4/104 Windows 95/98 device drivers
Note: You can also order standard cables for the DFlex-4/104
DFlex-4/104 Adapter
DFlex-4/104 adapters provide the high speed interfaces between a host computer and multiple external serial devices. DFlex-4/104 adapters include features such as:
4 asynchronous serial ports.
RS-232, RS-485/422, RS-423, or 20mA Current Loop
interfaces. Electrical interfaces are on Serial Line Interface Modules (SLIM) and are field upgradeable.
multiple DFlex-4/104 adapters may reside in a system.
16C654 quad UARTs are used to control each port. The
16C654 quad UART has 64 byte transmit and receive FIFO for each port and automatic software/hardware flow control.
each port has independent baud rate selection offering baud
rates from 50 – 460.8 KBPS, with 5, 6, 7 or 8 data bits and 1,
1.5, 2 stop bits, odd or even parity.
on board switches allow the selection of 8 predefined I/O
address sets.
on board jumpers allow the selection of 1, 2 or 4 IRQ lines.
You can choose from interrrupts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9/2, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15.
optional +5V on serial port headers to power external
driver support for Windows 95/98/NT. Also compatible with
operating systems featuring 16450/16550 serial drivers such as: Linux, BSD/OS, QNX, DOS, Solaris, OS/2 (3
driver) and SCO Unix
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
1-4 Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1 shows the locations of various hardware components of the DFlex-4/104 adapter.
Figure 1: DFlex-4/104 adapter
Maximum baud rate jumper block (J1)
Power connector
The DFlex-4/104 adapters can accommodate both small and large multi-channel applications. You can combine DFlex-4/104 adapters in a single system. Figure 2 below represents a sample configuration for a system requiring 16 ports.
Port connectors
bus connector
SLIM sockets
Port/IRQ address
switch block (SW1)
IRQ jumper block
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-5
Figure 2: DFlex-4/104 - 16 port configuration
Host System
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
1-6 Chapter 1: Introduction
DFlex-4/104 Software
To install your DFlex-4/104 adapter under different operating systems see Chapter 3: Software Installation.
Customer Service Overview
If you experience difficulties after reading the manual and using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties.
In the event that the reseller is unable to resolve your problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Please refer to and complete the problem summary sheet found in Figure 3 before contacting us.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-7
Figure 3: Problem summary sheet
Problem Description
Connect Tech Product Description
Product: Revision no.:
Product serial no.: No. of serial ports:
IRQ selected: Base address selected:
I/O port address selected:
Device driver: Revision no.:
System Description
Operating system: Revision no.:
System type & manufacturer:
Amount of RAM: CPU type/speed:
Video adapter: Settings:
Network adapter: Settings:
Hard disk adapter: Settings:
Tape adapter: Settings:
Other serial adapters Settings:
Other adapters: Settings:
Devices connected to ports:
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
1-8 Chapter 1: Introduction
We offer three ways for you to contact us:
You may contact us by letter and our mailing address for correspondence is:
Connect Tech Inc. c/o Customer Service 42 Arrow Road Guelph, Ontario Canada N1K 1S6
You may contact us through the Internet. Our addresses on the Internet are:
1. You can submit your technical support questions to our customer support engineers via our Internet email address OR
2. You can refer to our knowledge database found in the Customer Support section of our World Wide Web site. OR
3. You can fill out the problem summary form, found in the Customer Support section of our World Wide Web site and submit it to our customer support engineers via the Web. OR
4. You can obtain the latest versions of software drivers and manuals from the Customer Support section of our World Wide Web site or from the /pub section on our FTP site.
Customer Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:
Telephone: 519-836-1291 Toll Free: 1-800-426-8979 Facsimile 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-9
RMA Overview
Connect Tech products requiring warranty or non-warranty repairs need an RMA number. To obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number please contact:
Connect Tech Inc. Technical Support 42 Arrow Road Guelph, Ontario Canada N1K 1S6 Phone: (519) 836-1291 Toll Free: 1-800-426-8979 Facsimile: (519) 836-4878 Email: FTP: URL:
Include with the product, proof of purchase (including date of purchase), a description of the problem and the RMA number. Clearly display the RMA number on the external packaging. Please refer to the Limited Warranty for further restrictions or requirements.
Your DFlex adapter is very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure that before you remove the card from your computer, you wear an anti-static wristband. When you remove the board from your computer, handle it only by the edges and place it on the anti-static bag or an anti-static mat.
1. Please pack the item for repair securely and ship it prepaid
and insured. Connect Tech is not liable for damage or loss to the product due to shipping.
2. Connect Tech will not accept items for repair without an RMA number.
3. Connect Tech will not accept items for repair shipped freight collect.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Configuration ..............................................................................2-1
Port Addresses....................................................................2-2
Status Port Addresses ................................................2-3
Custom Port Addresses.............................................. 2-4
Interrupt Selection .............................................................. 2-6
Mode 1 (one IRQ)...................................................... 2-7
Mode 2 (two IRQs)....................................................2-9
Mode 3 (four IRQs) .................................................2-11
Baud Rate Selection .........................................................2-12
Serial Line Interface Modules (SLIM).............................2-15
SLIM Installation.....................................................2-15
SLIM compatibility .................................................2-18
Installing the DFlex-4/104 Adapter in your System ........2-18
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation 2-1
Hardware installation involves configuration of the DFlex-4/104 adapter. The following sections detail how to change the field configurable parameters. The setting of these will depend on both the number of boards you are installing and the existing configuration of your system.
Note: Please refer to Chapter 3: Software Installation for installation of your DFlex-4/104 board under certain operating systems.
You must configure various settings and options before installing your DFlex-4/104 adapter in your system. In order to insure a successful installation, please follow the steps in the order specified below.
1. Selection of I/O and status port addresses.
2. Selection of IRQs.
3. Baud rate selection.
4. Serial Line Interface Module (SLIM) options.
5. Installation of Serial Line Interface Modules (SLIM).
6. Configuration of RS-232 and/or RS-485/422 and/or RS-423
and/or Current Loop options.
7. Installing the DFlex-4/104 adapter in your system.
Your DFlex-4/104 adapter is very sensitive to static electricity. Make sure that before you remove the card from the anti-static shipping bag, you wear an anti-static wristband. When you remove the board from the anti-static bag, handle it only by the edges and place it on the anti-static bag or an anti-static mat.
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
+ 57 hidden pages