The Game Changing GPS Device,
No Installation Required
To give automotive lenders a competitive edge,we
provide two key advantages.The first uses a smart
dashboard infusedwith artificial intelligence to
categorize risks, allowing dealers to identify and
protect themselves using predictive analytics. Next is
our revolutionary S4N-4LH,the industry's next-gen
GPStracking device that doesn't require a hardwire
installation nor a monthly service plan.
S4N-4LH delivers 3000 events providing you with 36
months of coverage. It also allows you to shift modes
if a vehicle's loan status changes:
Discovery Mode: provides a detailed history for
the first 250 events for STIPverification
Stand-by-Mode: reports vehicle location and
health 2X a day
Recovery Mode: reports vehicle's movement and
stop events.
Revo helps auto lenders eliminate the costs and
headaches associated with labor and improper
hardware installations.
Reduces GPSdevice failures, no installation
No wires to cut, no vehicle warranty concerns
Eliminates the costs and time associated with
installing, training and auditing
Takes 1a-seconds to activate with included key
Battery life delivers 3,000 events guaranteed
Recovery mode collects new data every 5 minutes
Operating voltage is provied by a Lithium Ion battery
pack, allowing for a wide range of uses including Cars,
Trucks, Trailers and Heavy Equipment.
Gain the S4N-4LH™ advantage by visiting Advantage GPS.com/S4N-4LH or
call a representative to place your order today 1-800-553-7031.