incoming signal and the selected PRN code based on certain Carrier Doppler Frequency, Code
On: GPS satellites acquired and Locked
Flash Slow: GPS satellite search is in progress
Off: No power or GPS subsystem fault
On: Indicates GPRS connection is made
Flash Slow: GPRS subsystem initialized but no connection
Flash Fast: GPRS initialization in process
Off: No power or GSM subsystem fault
Doppler Frequency, code phase, carrier phase, and the particular satellite the module is tracking
or acquiring.
Two GPIO pins, GP1 and GP2, are presented to the external environment on the main connector.
They are general purpose bidirectional lines capable of providing system interrupts to generate
a report or drive logic levels to external devices. These lines are 2.8V logic level and are 16V
tolerant. These pins default to input. GP1 is pulled down representing 0 when disconnected;
GP2 is pulled up representing logical 1 when disconnected. They should be asserted to a known
value if used. GP1 is intended to use for Ignition Sensing.
Two LED status indicators are provided to verify correct installation and operation. The status
LEDs are color coded and directly convey the status of the cellular and GPS subsystems as
described in the table below. Their valid operation also indicates operational status and power.
The AR-3HU /SR-3HU / S4N-3HU / KT-3HU provides user control allowing the LEDs to be
extinguished once installation is verified. This feature reduces power and further conceals the
AR-3HU /SR-3HU / S4N-3HU / KT-3HU Tracker from untrained parties wishing to defeat its
A UART port is provided for AT command and data interaction and optionally for application
specific control.
Relay Driver
A 500mA sink capable output pin is provided. This pin is meant to drive a relay coil indented
to interrupt the starter solenoid relay for the ignition circuit to a car.
Battery Monitor
The battery monitor is internal analog input scaled such that the DC value of the power input
pin to the AR-3HU /SR-3HU / S4N-3HU / KT-3HU system is measured. This value is scaled
to span the most significant 8 bits of the A/D and consequently covers a scale from 0 to 25.5