CONEX FM336-D90, FM336-D, FM336 Datasheet

Data Sheet
Doc. No. 100086B
Proprietary Infor m at ion February 18, 2000
V.34/Group 3 High Performance Fax Modem Family
The Conexant™ FM336 High Performance Fax Modem f am ily of f er s I TU-T V.34 half-duplex mode operation that supports synchronous Group 3 facsimile send and receive speeds up to 33600 bits per second (bps). The FM 336- D and FM336-D90 support ITU-T V.34 duplex data and synchr onous/asynchronous modes with rates up to 33600 bps. The FM 336- D90 also support s I TU-T V. 90 PCM mode, which can receive data at speeds up to 56 Kbps.
The device has low voltage operation and is housed in a 100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Package (PQFP). The modem’s small size and low power consumption allow the design of compact system enclosures for use in industrial, of f ice, and home environments. Table 1 lists the FM 336 M odem Fam ily models and features.
This data sheet is for the FM336 f amily of modems, which includes all of the features of the FM 336 ver s ion, t he duplex dat a m ode opt ion, and t he V. 90 PCM mode option. For more inf or m at ion on t hese f eat ur es, refer to the FM 336 High Performance Fax Modem Designer's Guide, t he FM 336- D V.34/Group 3 High Performance Fax Modem with Duplex Data Modes Supplement, and t he FM336-D90 V.34/Group 3 High Perfor m ance Fax Modem with V.90 PCM Mode Supplement.
Utilizing V.34 and V.90 t echniques t o opt im iz e m odem c onf iguration for line conditions, the modem connects at t he optimal selected data rate that t he channel can support from 2400 bps up to 56000 bps. The modem can operate over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through a line terminator provided by a Data Access Arrangement (DAA).
Table 1. FM336 Modem Fam i ly Models and Features
Oscillator Clock
Crystal Clock
FM336 R6719-11 Yes No No Yes No FM336 R6719-12 Yes No No No Yes FM336-D R6719-13 Yes Yes No Yes No FM336-D R6719-14 Yes Yes No No Yes FM336-D90 R6719-15 Yes Yes Yes Yes No FM336-D90 R6719-16 Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Features (Entire FM336 Family)
• 2-wire half-duplex fax modem modes
with send and receive data rates up to 33600 bps
− V.34 half-duplex, V.17, V.29,
V.27 ter, and V.21 channel 2
− Short train option in V.17 and V.27 ter
• 2-wire duplex data modem modes
− V.21, V.23 (75 bps TX/1200 bps RX
or 1200 bps TX/75 bps RX)
• PSTN session starting
− V.8 signaling
• HDLC support at all speeds
− Flag generation, 0-bit stuffing, ITU
CRC-16 or CRC- 3 2 c a lc ula tion and generation
− Flag detection, 0 bit deletion, ITU
CRC-16 or CRC- 3 2 c h ec k s u m error detection
− FSK flag pattern detection during
high-speed receiving
• Tone modes and features
− Programmable single or dual tone
− DTMF receiver
− Tone detection with three
programmable tone detect or s
• Serial synchronous data
• Parallel synchronous data
• Automatic Rate Adaptation (ARA) in
V.34 half-duplex
• Auto-dial and auto-answer control
• TTL and CMOS compatible DTE
− ITU-T V.24 (EIA/TI A-232- E)
− Microprocessor bus
• Receive dynamic range:
− 0 dBm to –43 dBm for V.17, V. 29,
V.27 ter and V.21
− –9 dBm to –43 dBm for V.34 half-
FM336 V.34/Group 3 High Perform ance Fax M odem Fam ily
Features (Entire FM336 Family − Continued)
Programmable RLSD turn-on and tur n- of f thresholds
Programmable transmit level: 0 t o –15 dBm
Adjustable speaker output to monitor r eceived signal
DMA support for interr upt lines
Two 16-byte FIFO data buf f er s for burst data tr ansf er with extension up to 255 bytes
NRZI encoding/decoding
Diagnostic capability
+3.3 V operation with +5 V tolerant inputs
+5 V analog signal interface
100-pin PQFP package
Typical power consumption
Sleep mode: 20 mW
Normal mode: 250 mW
Distinguishing Features (-D / -D90 )
2-wire duplex data modem modes with send and receive rat es up t o 33600 bps
V.34 (33.6 Kbps), V.32 bis, V. 32, V. 22 bis, and V. 22
Bell 212A and 103
Serial asynchronous data
Parallel asynchronous data
In-band secondary channel (V.34 and V.32 bis)
Automatic Rate Adaptation (ARA) in V.34 duplex and V.32 bis
Automatic Mode Selection (AMS)
Digital near-end and far-end echo cancellation
Bulk delay fo r satellite transmis s io n
Receive dynamic range:
9 dBm to 43 dBm for V.34, V. 32 bis, V. 32, V. 22 bis, V. 22, V. 23
511 pattern generation/ det ect ion
V.13 signaling
Diagnostic capability
V.54 inter-DCE signaling
V.54 local analog and remote digital loopback
Distinguishing Features (-D90 only)
2-wire duplex data modem modes with receive data rates up to 56 Kbps and send data rates as specified in the V.34 specification
V.90 PCM mode
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V.34/Group 3 High Perform ance Fax M odem Fam ily FM336
Group3 Facsimile Modem (Entire FM336 Family)
The modem satisfies the requirement s s pec ified in ITU-T rec om mendations V.34 half- duplex , V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, V .21, and meets the binary signaling requirements of V .8 and T.30 with Annex F.
Internal HDLC support elim inates the need for an external serial input/output (SIO) device in the DTE for products incorporating error detect ion and T.30 protocol. The m odem c an perform HDLC framing per T.30 at all data s peeds . CRC generation/check ing along with zero insertion/deletion enhances SDLC/HDLC frame operations. An FSK flag pattern detector fac ilitates FSK det ection during high-speed reception. The m odem features a programm able DTMF trans m itter/receiv er and three programmable tone detectors .
Duplex Data Mode (-D / -D90)
The duplex data mode supports Internet facsimile applications. The m odem c an c onnect at the highest data rate up to 33600 bps with auto fall back to V.32 bis. The FM336-D and FM336-D90 modem satisfies t he r equir em ents specified in ITU-T recommendations V.34, V.32 bis, V .32, V.22 bis, V .22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103.
ITU-T V.90 PCM Mode (-D90)
The ITU-T V .90 PCM mode can receive data at speeds up to 56
from a digitally connec ted V.90 central site modem . The FM336-D90 t ak es adv antage of the PSTN whic h is pr im ar y to the central office local loop and is ideal for applications s uc h as r em ote access to an Internet Service Pr ov ider (ISP), online service, or cor porate intranet. The modem can send upstream data at s peeds up to V.34 rate.
FM336 V.34/Group 3 High Perform ance Fax M odem Fam ily
Technical Specifications
The single device modem provides the processing core for a complet e facsimile modem design.
Configurations and Rates
The selectable modem c onfigurations, signaling r ates, and data rates are listed in Table 2.
Automatic Mode Selection (-D / -D90)
When Automatic M ode S elec tion (AMS) is enabled, the modem configures itself to the highest compatible data rate support ed by the remote modem. A utomode operation is supported in V .90 (-D90 only), V.34, V.32 bis, V. 32, V.22 bis, V. 22, V.21, V. 23, Bell 212A, and Bell 103 modes.
Automatic Rate Adaptation
In V.34 duplex, V .34 half-duplex, and V. 32 bis modes, Automatic Rat e A daptation (ARA) can be enabled to select the optim al highes t acceptable data rate based on the Eye Quality M onitor (EQM). This selection occurs during star tup.
Two ARA modes are available. ARA in ROM is an adaptive selection made by the modem based upon a fixed ROM table. ARA in RAM is based on the hos t programmable RAM table and c an be changed by the user.
Data Encoding (-D / -D90)
The data encoding confor m s to ITU-T recommendations V.90 (-D90 only), V.34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, V.22 bis, V.22, V.23, or V.21, and is compatible with Bell 208, 212A, or 103, depending on the configuration.
Tone Generation and Supervisory Tone Detection
The modem can generate s ingle or dual voice-band tones from 0 Hz to 3600 Hz with a resolution of
0.15 Hz and an accuracy of ± 0.01%. T ones ov er 3000 Hz are attenuated. DTMF tone gener ation allows the modem to operat e as a pr ogrammable DTMF dialer.
Three parallel tone detec tors (A, B, and C) are provided for supervi s or y tone detection. T he s ignal path to these det ec tors is separate from the main received signal path.
Each tone detect or c ons is ts of two casc aded s ec ond order IIR biquad filters. The coefficients are host programmable. Each fourth order filter is followed by a level detector which has hos t programmable turn- on
and turn-off thresholds allowing hysteres is . A pre-filter and squarer precede tone det ec tor C. This cir c uit is useful for detec ting a tone with a frequenc y equal to the difference between two tones that may be simultaneously present on the line. The squar er m ay be disabled by the SQDI S bit causing tone detect or C to be an eight-order f ilter. The tone detectors are disabled in data mode.
The tone detect ion s am ple r ate is 9600 Hz in V.8 and V.34 modes and is 7200 Hz in non-V .34 modes. The default call progress filter coeff ic ients are based on a 7200 Hz sampling rate and apply t o non- V .34 modes only. The maximum detection bandwidth is equal t o one-half the sample rate.
Auto-Dialing and Auto-Answering Control
Features are prov ided to allow the host to per form auto-dialing and auto-answering. These funct ions include DTMF or pulse dialing, ring detection, and a comprehensive superv is or y tone detection scheme. The major control par ameters are host pr ogr am m able.
Transmitted Data Spectrum
The transmit ter spectrum is s haped by r ais ed c os ine filter functions, either the square root of 12.5% ( V .34, V.32 bis, V. 32) , 20% (V.17 and V.29) , 50% (V.27 ter, Bell 208), or 75% (V. 22 bis , Bell 212A).
Transmit L evel
The transmit ter output level is selectable from 0 dBm to –15 dBm in 1-dB steps and is accur ate to ±0.5 dB when used with an external hybr id. The output level can also be tuned by changing a gain constant in the modem DSP RAM. The maximum V.34 transmit level for acceptable rec eiv e per formance should not exc eed –9 dBm.
Answer Tone (-D / -D90)
When the NV25 bit is a z er o, the modem generates a 2100 Hz answer tone at t he beginning of the answer handshake for 5.0 sec onds (V.8) or 3.6 sec onds ( V .32 bis, V.32, V .22 bis, V.22, V .23, and V.21). The answer tone has 180° phase revers als ev er y 0.45 seconds to disable network echo canceller s (V.8, V.32 bis , V.32).
Receive Level
The modem satisfies performance r equir em ents for received line signal levels fr om 0 dB m to –43 dBm measured at the receiver analog (TIP and RING) input in V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, and DTMF modes. In V.90, V.34, V.32 bis, V. 32, V.22 bis, V.22, and V.23 modes, the receiv e lev el r ange is from –9 dBm (–15 dBm at RIN) to –43 dBm .
V.34/Group 3 High Perform ance Fax M odem Fam ily FM336
Carrier Recovery
The carrier recovery circuit can track a ±7 Hz frequency off s et in the received carr ier .
Echo Canceller (-D / -D90)
A data echo canceller wit h near - end and far-end echo cancellation is included for 2- wir e duplex
V.90/V.34/V.32 bis/V. 32 oper ation. The combined echo span of near and far c anc ellers can be up to 40 ms. The proportion allotted to each end is automatically det er m ined by the modem. The delay between near-end and far-end ec hoes can be up to
1.2 seconds.
Table 2. Configurat ions, Signaling Rat es, and Dat a Rat es
Configuration Modulation Carrier
Frequency (Hz)
Data Rate (bps)
Symbol Rate
V.90 PCM PCM 56000 R/V.34 rates T
(Note 4)
8000 Dynamic ——
V.34 33600 TCM** TCM Note 2 33600 3429 only Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 31200 TCM** TCM Note 2 31200 3200 min Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 28800 TCM** TCM Note 2 28800 3000 min Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 26400 TCM** TCM Note 2 26400 2800 min Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 24000 TCM** TCM Note 2 24000 2800 min Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 21600 TCM** TCM Note 2 21600 2400 min Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 19200 TCM** TCM Note 2 19200 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 16800 TCM** TCM Note 2 16800 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 14400 TCM** TCM Note 2 14400 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 12000 TCM** TCM Note 2 12000 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 9600 TCM** TCM Note 2 9600 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 7200 TCM** TCM Note 2 7200 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 4800 TCM** TCM Note 2 4800 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.34 2400 TCM** TCM Note 2 2400 2400 only Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 V.32 bis 14400 TCM TCM 1800 14400 2400 6 1 128 V.32 bis 12000 TCM TCM 1800 12000 2400 5 1 64 V.32 bis 9600 TCM TCM 1800 9600 2400 4 1 32 V.32 bis 7200 TCM TCM 1800 7200 2400 3 1 16 V.32 bis 4800 QAM 1800 4800 2400 2 0 4 V.32 9600 TCM TCM 1800 9600 2400 4 1 32 V.32 9600 QAM 1800 9600 2400 4 0 16 V.32 4800 QAM 1800 4800 2400 2 0 4 V.22bis 2400 QAM 1200/2400 2400 600 4 0 16 V.22bis 1200 DPSK 1200/2400 1200 600 2 0 4 V.22 1200 DPSK 1200/2400 1200 600 2 0 4 V.22 600 DPSK 1200/2400 600 600 1 0 4 V.23 1200/75 FSK 1700/420 1200/75 1200 1 0 V.21 FSK 1080/1750 Up to 300 300 1 0 Bell 208 4800 DPSK 1800 4800 1600 3 0 8 Bell 212A DPSK 1200/2400 1200 600 2 0 4 Bell 103 FSK 1170/2125 Up to 300 300 1 0 V.17 14400 TCM TCM 1800 14400 2400 6 1 128 V.17 12000 TCM TCM 1800 12000 2400 5 1 64 V.17 9600 TCM TCM 1800 9600 2400 4 1 32 V.17 7200 TCM TCM 1800 7200 2400 3 1 16
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