14 Inst ruction m an u al C o n e r g y IP G s t r in g in v e r t e r s e r ie s
3 P r o d u c t d e s c r ip t io n
Solar power system (1) You can connect up to two photovoltaic module strings
(photovoltaic modules connected in series) to each string
inverter of the Conergy IPG series. If you wish to connect
more strings, use the Multi-Contact branch connector plugs
and sockets. Note the specifications on the string inverter
(see chapter 9.1, page 57).
Check whether the desired string configuration complies with
the voltage and current ranges of your inverter.
Safety system In general, a photovoltaic system does not affect the risk of a
lightning strike on the building; apart from the solar power
system with a roof structure which stands out and is a more
likely strike point. In such cases a lightning conductor system
must be installed. Discuss this with a specialist, who will be
pleased to help you with the selection and installation of a
lightning conductor system.
Regardless of whether or not the photovoltaic system has a
lightning conductor system, the solar power system must be
earthed. Among other things, the earthing provides
protection of persons.
DC wiring(2) Connect the solar power system modules with one another
using solar wiring. Solar wiring generally consists of singlepole cables with double insulation. They are UV and weatherresistant. Conergy recommends the use of sheathed cables.
This type of cable can also be used to connect the module to
the string inverter of the Conergy IPG series.
When choosing the cables, check what cable section can be
connected to the connection boxes of your module. The
section varies from 2.5 to 6.0 mm
. Connect the solar cables
to the string inverter using Multi-Contact MC4 connector
plugs and sockets.
DC disconnect (3) Before working on the inverter, and also in the case of fire,
the device must always be disconnected from the solar
power system. To disconnect, actuate the DC disconnect (DC
power circuit breaker). The circuit breaker must be capable of
switching the DC rated current of the solar power system
under full load.
Inverter (4) The question of what inverter types you should install
depends both on the system size and the local
circumstances. With the help of the Conergy IPG sizer
system planning program (see www.conergy.com) you can
determine the optimum combination of solar power system
and Conergy inverters.