Conair TB250R-4, TB500-6, TB100-4, TB500-4, TB900-4 User Manual

WARNING - Reliance on this Manual Could Result in Severe Bodily Injury or Death!
This manual is out-of-date and is provided only for its technical information, data and capacities. Portions of this manual detailing procedures or precautions in the operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the product forming the subject matter of this manual may be inadequate, inaccurate, and/or incomplete and cannot be used, followed, or relied upon. Contact Conair at or 1-800-654-6661 for more current information, warnings, and materials about more recent product manuals containing warnings, information, precautions, and procedures that may be more adequate than those contained in this out-of-date manual.
Gravimetric Blender Software Version V2.7
USER INSTRUCTIONS • About this operating manual • Warranty and liability • Layout of the manual • Meaning of safety
information Display conventions • Pictograms for safety and information Abbreviations • SAFETY • General • Designated
use • Sources of danger • Safety devices • Warning symbols on the unit • Information for the operator • Information for
operating and maintenance personnel • TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Manufacturer • Specifications • TRANSPORT AND
SETUP • Unpacking • Lifting • Setup • Positioning controller • Making connections • Stowing discharge chute
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION • Structure of the unit • Brief description of the functional units • Layout of the material
hoppers • Operating modes • Gravimetric mode • Volumetric mode • Combined mode • COMMISSIONINGOPERATION
Switching on • Menu structure • Navigation • Starting and stopping the metering and mixing process • Switching off
Logging in/logging out • Commissioning • Mixing process • Component setup • GRAVICOLOR Setup • Working with recipes
Changing material for a component (also valid for all other components) • Checking total throughout • Creating reports
Corporate Office: 412.312.6000 | Instant Access 24/7 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 | Parts and Services: 814.437.6861
© 2007 Conair
The information contained in these operating instructions, including any transla­tion thereof, is the property of Conair and may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, nor stored in any retrieval system of any nature for any purpose) with­out the express written authority of Conair
To every person concerned with commissioning of the devices/systems it is recommended to read thoroughly these operating instructions. Conair accepts no responsibility or liability for damage or malfunction of the equipment arising from non-observance of these operating instructions.
To avoid errors and to ensure trouble-free operation, it is essential that these operating instructions are read and understood by all personnel who are to use the equipment.
Should you have problems or difficulties with the equipment, please contact your local Conair partner (see list attached).
These operating instructions only apply to the equipment described below.
Manufacturing address:
The Conair Group, Inc.
455 Allegheny Blvd.
Franklin, PA 16323
Conair Headquarters:
The Conair Group, Inc.
One Conair Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Phone: 412.312.6000
Fax: 412.312.6227
1.0 User instructions................................................................................................ 7
1.1 About this operating manual.................................................................................... 7
1.2 Layout of the manual............................................................................................... 8
1.3 Meaning of safety information ................................................................................. 9
1.4 Pictograms for safety and information................................................................... 10
1.5 Abbreviations......................................................................................................... 10
2.0 Safety ................................................................................................................
2.1 General.................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Safety Hazards...................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Safety Features..................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Designated use .....................................................................................................12
2.5 Sources of danger................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Safety devices ....................................................................................................... 17
2.6.1 Position of safety devices........................................................................... 17
2.6.2 Detachable Material Hopper Procedure ..................................................... 18
2.7 Warning symbols on the unit................................................................................. 19
2.7.1 Position of warning symbols on the unit ..................................................... 19
2.7.2 Meaning of warning symbols on the unit .................................................... 20
2.8 Information for the operator................................................................................... 20
2.8.1 Qualifications of personnel ......................................................................... 20
2.9 Information for operating and maintenance personnel.......................................... 21
3.0 Technical specifications.................................................................................. 22
4.0 Transport and setup ........................................................................................ 31
4.1 Unpacking .............................................................................................................31
4.2 Lifting..................................................................................................................... 31
4.3 Setup..................................................................................................................... 32
4.4 Positioning controller............................................................................................. 32
4.5 Making connections............................................................................................... 33
4.5.1 Compressed air connection ....................................................................... 33
2 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Contents
4.5.2 Electrical connection .................................................................................. 33
4.5.3 Hopper loader connection (option)............................................................. 34
5.0 Structure and function .....................................................................................35
5.1 Structure of the unit............................................................................................... 35
5.2 Brief description of the functional units (Item numbers refer to diagram on
previous page)................................................................................................................
5.3 Layout of the material hoppers ............................................................................. 36
5.3.1 For four component blenders..................................................................... 37
5.3.2 For six component blenders....................................................................... 37
5.4 Operating modes .................................................................................................. 38
5.4.1 Gravimetric mode....................................................................................... 39
5.4.2 Volumetric mode ........................................................................................ 39
5.4.3 Combined mode......................................................................................... 39
6.0 Start-up..............................................................................................................40
7.0 Operation...........................................................................................................40
7.1 Switching on.......................................................................................................... 40
7.1.1 Switch on main switch................................................................................ 40
7.2 Menu structure ...................................................................................................... 41
7.3 Navigation ............................................................................................................. 41
7.3.1 Explanation of the navigation buttons ........................................................ 42
7.3.2 Explanation of keypad screens .................................................................. 45
7.3.3 Explanation of additional screen icons....................................................... 46
7.4 Starting and stopping the blending process.......................................................... 47
7.4.1 Starting blender process (with set values or factory setting) ..................... 47
7.4.2 Stopping the blending process................................................................... 47
7.4.3 Restarting after EMERGENCY STOP ....................................................... 47
7.5 Turning off the power ............................................................................................ 48
7.5.1 Stopping the blender at the end of a cycle................................................. 48
7.5.2 Switching off in emergency ........................................................................ 48
7.6 Logging in/logging out........................................................................................... 49
7.6.1 User levels and password input (for service users only!) (Level 3)........ 49
7.6.2 Changing password (for service users only!) (Level 3) .......................... 49
7.6.3 Auto logout (for service users only!) (Level 3) ....................................... 50
7.6.4 Parameters/Global Reset (for service users only!) (Level 3) ................. 51
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7.7 Start-up.................................................................................................................. 52
7.7.1 Checking functions in manual mode ..........................................................52
7.7.2 Calibrating .................................................................................................. 56
7.7.3 Input TrueBlend Model/Name (for service users only!) (Level 3) ........... 61
7.7.4 Input TrueBlend name................................................................................ 62
7.7.5 Activating Batch Setting .............................................................................62
7.8 Blending process................................................................................................... 65
7.8.1 Assigning components – factory default setting ......................................... 65
7.8.2 Example of a mixing process ..................................................................... 67
7.8.3 Typical dispense cycle based (7.8.2) settings............................................ 68
7.9 Component setup.................................................................................................. 69
7.9.1 Input of material percentages..................................................................... 70
7.9.2 Input of Material type.................................................................................. 70
7.9.3 Input Alarm mode ....................................................................................... 71
7.9.4 Input Dosing retries .................................................................................... 71
7.10 TrueBlend Setup ...................................................................................................72
7.10.1 Setting Operating mode .............................................................................72
7.10.2 Setting Weigh Bin Batch weight ................................................................. 73
7.10.3 Setting Mixing time ..................................................................................... 74
7.10.4 Setting the Interval time ............................................................................. 74
7.10.5 Setting Damping......................................................................................... 74
7.10.6 Advanced Operation Settings (Password level 3 only) .............................. 75
7.11 Working with recipes ............................................................................................. 79
7.11.1 Calling recipe status ................................................................................... 79
7.11.2 Assigning an order number ........................................................................ 79
7.11.3 Save a new recipe...................................................................................... 80
7.11.4 Naming a recipe ......................................................................................... 80
7.11.5 Deleting a recipe ........................................................................................81
7.11.6 Load/view a recipe .....................................................................................82
7.12 Changing material in a blender component (also valid for all other components). 83
7.12.1 Detachable Material Hopper Procedure ..................................................... 83
7.12.2 Manual cleaning: ........................................................................................ 84
7.12.3 Clean-out with optional drain chute with safety interlock ........................... 86
7.13 Checking total throughput .....................................................................................88
7.14 Creating reports..................................................................................................... 89
7.14.1 Reports for batches, shifts, recipes and scales.......................................... 89
7.14.2 Report generator – TrueBlend Reports ...................................................... 90
7.14.3 Operation ................................................................................................... 91
7.15 System setup......................................................................................................... 95
7.16 Panel setup ...........................................................................................................96
7.17 System info............................................................................................................ 97
4 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Contents
7.18 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 98
7.19 Hopper loaders (Optional)................................................................................... 100
7.19.1 Go to Material loading (conveying) overview screen ............................... 100
7.19.2 Switching on hopper loaders.................................................................... 100
7.19.3 Changes to Loader Screen ...................................................................... 102
7.19.4 Loader Alarm Settings ............................................................................. 102
7.19.5 Settings .................................................................................................... 103
8.0 Alarm messages and troubleshooting..........................................................108
8.1 Signaling alarm message.................................................................................... 108
8.2 Handling alarm messages .................................................................................. 108
8.3 Deciphering Alarm Messages ............................................................................. 109
8.4 Alarm messages and correction ......................................................................... 109
8.5 Troubleshooting/Mechanics ................................................................................ 114
8.6 Diagnostic Overview Screens ............................................................................. 115
9.0 Maintenance and repair..................................................................................117
9.1 Safety.................................................................................................................. 117
9.1.1 Qualifications of personnel....................................................................... 117
9.1.2 Safety equipment ..................................................................................... 117
9.1.3 Safety equipment ..................................................................................... 117
9.2 Before starting work ............................................................................................ 118
9.2.1 Switch off unit/disconnect from compressed air supply ........................... 118
9.3 Inspections.......................................................................................................... 118
9.3.1 Checking EMERGENCY STOP function ................................................. 118
9.3.2 Testing safety interlock switch ................................................................. 118
9.3.3 Test the safety interlock switch as described in 7.7.1
Checking functions in manual mode. ..................................................................
9.4 Mixing chamber instructions ............................................................................... 119
9.5 Maintenance work............................................................................................... 120
9.5.1 Annual maintenance work........................................................................ 121
9.6 Repair work......................................................................................................... 123
9.6.1 Calibrate/adjust a sensor with no material present. ................................. 123
9.6.2 Replacing pneumatic cylinder on vertical dispense valve assembly........ 126
9.6.3 Load Cell Removal and Installation for Trueblend models,
TB045 and TB100............................................................................................... 127
9.6.4 Load Cell Removal and Installation for Trueblend models,
TB250, TB500 and TB900 ..................................................................................
9.6.5 Replacing controller ................................................................................. 132
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9.7 Cleaning .............................................................................................................. 133
9.7.1 Cleaning material hopper and mixing chamber........................................ 133
10.0 Decommissioning and disposal........................................................... 134
10.1 Decommissioning the unit ................................................................................... 134
10.2 Disposing of unit parts......................................................................................... 134
11.0 Appendix ................................................................................................ 135
11.1 Menu structure ....................................................................................................135
11.1.1 Operating levels/password level .............................................................. 135
11.1.2 Menu overview/dosing unit....................................................................... 136
11.1.3 Menu overview/conveying ........................................................................ 137
11.1.4 System settings menu .............................................................................. 138
11.1.5 Unit settings menu ................................................................................... 139
11.1.6 Conveyor settings menu .......................................................................... 140
12.0 Appendix: Addendum for Retrofit Blenders........................................ 141
12.1 Retrofit Control Blender Start up Procedures...................................................... 141
13.0 Appendix ................................................................................................ 143
13.1 Blow off installation instruction sheet ..................................................................143
14.0 Appendix ................................................................................................
14.1 Replacing the TrueBlend Touch Screen Control................................................. 145
6 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend User Instructions

1.0 User instructions

1.1 About this operating manual

This operating manual is a component of the TrueBlend Gravimetric blender.
It contains important instructions on the correct operative and maintenance of the unit. Follow these instructions to avoid dangers, to prevent repair expenses and downtime and to increase the service life of the unit.
The manual must be kept for referral with the unit at its place of use. The manual must also accompany the unit if it is rented or sold.
It is directed to people who operate and repair the unit and must be read, under­stood and used by every person who is responsible for the following work with the unit:
Transport and setup,
Maintenance and repair,
Correction of faults,
Decommissioning and disposal.
Take particular note of
the chapter on,
the warning notes in the various chapters.
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User Instructions

1.2 Layout of the manual

This manual is classified into several main parts:
User information,
Technical specifications,
Transport and setup,
Structure and function,
Maintenance and repair,
Decommissioning and disposal,
Appendix (menu structure).
8 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend User Instructions

1.3 Meaning of safety information

Safety instructions are placed before the work steps. Read the safety instructions carefully before carrying out the subsequent operation.
If safety instructions are not followed, serious personal injury - possibly with fatal results - and property and environmental damage may occur!
The safety instruction in this operating manual are indicated with a symbol. The symbol contains a signal word indicating how serious the danger is.
A symbol with the word "DANGER" warns of an imminent danger to the health and life of persons.
If these safety instructions are not observed serious or even fatal injuries will be caused.
Î Always observe the directions for avoiding such dangers.
A symbol with the word "WARNING" warns of a possible dangerous situa­tion for the health and life of persons.
If these safety instructions are not observed serious or even fatal injuries may be caused.
Î Always observe the directions for avoiding such dangers.
A symbol with the word "CAUTION" warns of a possible dangerous situa­tion for the health and life of persons or of property and environmental dam­age.
If these safety instruction are not observed injury or property and environ­mental damage may occur.
Î Always observe the directions for avoiding such dangers.
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User Instructions

1.4 Pictograms for safety and information

In this operating manual you will find sections of text that a re identified by picto­grams. The meaning of the pictograms is described below.
Pictogram for general identification of hazards. This pictogram occurs in con­nection with safety instructions (see
Pictogram for hand injury. This pictogram occurs in connection with safety instructions (see
Pictogram for electric shock. This pictogram occurs in connection with safety instructions (see
Pictogram information for identification of important instructions, additional information and tips.
1.3 Meaning of safety information).
1.3 Meaning of safety information).
1.3 Meaning of safety information).
Pictogram for safety gloves that warns you to wear safety gloves.

1.5 Abbreviations

The following terms and abbreviations are used in this operating manual (in al­phabetical order):
Controller Area Network
Electric motor
Light-emitting diode
10 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Safety

2.0 Safety

2.1 General

This chapter contains basic safety instructions for working with the gravimetric batch blending unit.
Observe all the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the unit in this chapter.
In addition, observe the warning notices that are placed before the action direc­tions where the operating steps are described.

2.2 Safety Hazards

Mix blades are driven with substantial torque.
NEVER place your hand in the mix chamber unless power is completely dis­connected.
SERIOUS INJURY may result.
Over time, mix blades may become RAZOR SHARP.
Always be careful when TOUCHING or CLEANING these blades.
Check for sharp edges frequently.
Replace blade if a hazard exists.
Vertical valves in hoppers SLAM CLOSED without warning.
They will injure your fingers.
ALWAYS keep fingers clear valve openings.
NEVER use your fingers to clear an obstruction.
NEVER use your fingers to move a sticking valve.
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NEVER use your fingers to move a sticking slide gate under the mix cham-

2.3 Safety Features

The ACCESS DOOR is equipped with a safety interlock switch that prevents the mix motor from running and the slide valves from operating.
DO NOT defeat this safety switch
Finger guards are fitted into each hopper compartment.
DO NOT reach through these guards.
DO NOT use your fingers to clear an obstruction below these guards.
DO NOT remove these guards.

2.4 Designated use

The TrueBlend gravimetric blender must be used exclusively for metering and mixing free-flowing rials can be metered and mixed in the TB 45 and TB 100 models. Other models for up to six different materials are available including the: TB 250, 500 and 900 model series.
The following must not be metered and mixed:
Foods of all types (the unit does not meet the hygienic standards),
Highly abrasive materials, such as stones, sand (increased wear of unit
Poorly free-flowing, sticky materials (materials only flow poorly, airtight seal by the pneumatic cylinder is adversely affected),
Liquids and powders (airtight seal by the pneumatic cylinder is not possi­ble).
as per DIN ISO 3435
plastic granulate and additives. A total of four different mate-
12 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Safety
Do not make any changes to the unit. Any changes may adversely affect the safety of the unit.
Designated use includes following this operating manual and following the speci­fied maintenance intervals and conditions.
Please contact Conair if you have any questions about the designated use of the unit.
Edition: February 2007 13

2.5 Sources of danger

The unit is manufactured to comply with the state of the art in technology and the generally accepted rules of safety engineering. However, operation of the unit may give rise to dangers for life and limb of the operator or third parties or dam­age to the unit or other property.
The unit has four sources of danger, which are shown in the figure below:
Fig. 1: Sources of danger
[1] Electrical system/power cabinet
[2] Pneumatic material seal at the outlet of the pneumatically operated vertical valves
[3] Agitator in mixing chamber
[4] Pneumatic seal at the discharge slide gate
14 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Safety
The sources of danger and the consequences are shown in more detail below:
Danger source Consequences
Electrical system Fatal injury by electric shock!
High voltages can cause life-threatening currents in the body and electric shock.
Î Allow only trained and qualified electrical tech-
nicians to work on the electrical system.
Î Before any electrical work disconnect the unit
from the power supply and lock to prevent un­authorized persons switching it on.
Pneumatic seal on supply hoppers
Mixer Danger of injury by moving parts!
Danger of injury by moving parts!
Vertically moving pneumatic cylinders can cause crushing, impact and shearing injuries.
Î Do not reach into the pneumatic seal of the
supply hopper during normal operation and during manual operation.
Rotating mixing blades can catch body parts and pull them in and cause life-threatening crushing, shearing and bone fracture injuries.
The edges of the mixing blades can be as sharp as knives after extended operation.
Î Never reach into the mixing chamber while the
mixer is rotating.
Î Do not extend any objects into the movement
range of the mixer.
Î Do not disable the safety interlock switch.
Î Wear gloves when touching or cleaning the
stationary mixer.
Edition: February 2007 15
Danger source Consequences
Pneumatic seal on the discharge slide gate2 at bottom of mix chamber
Danger of injury by moving parts!
Horizontally moving pneumatic cylinders can cause crushing, impact and shearing injuries and bone fractures.
Î Do not reach into the pneumatic discharge
slide gate during normal operation and during manual operation.
The pneumatic discharge slide gate is not installed if a manual slide gate is installed and the unit is
mounted directly on the injection molding machine.
16 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Safety

2.6 Safety devices

Safety devices protect your health and your life.
Do not operate the unit without effective safety devices.

2.6.1 Position of safety devices

The operator runs the risk of injury if the safety devices are not operating cor­rectly.
Î Check that the safety devices function correctly after work has finished
7.7.1 Testing the mix chamber safety interlock switch).
Electrical System/Power Cabinet
Fig. 2: Safety devices
[1] Finger guard
[2] Safety interlock switch (Mix chamber door)
[3] Main switch (=EMERGENCY STOP)
[4] Padlock
[5} Alarm beacon
[6] Alarm horn
Edition: February 2007 17
Safety device Safety function
Safety guard
Prevents injury by crushing and impact at the pneu­matic cylinder of the supply hopper.
Safety interlock
Stops the mixer motor when the main door is opened.
Stops all movement of the machine.
Locks the switch to prevent unauthorized persons switching it on.

2.6.2 Detachable Material Hopper Procedure

Detachable material hopper for TB45 (4 bins) TB100 (2 bins) and TB250R-4 (2 bins) models.
All detachable material hoppers on the above referenced models are held in place with a captive retainer (screw) held in the hopper support frame. The retainer stabilizes the detachable hopper when mounted in the blender support frame from forces exerted on the hopper by resin weight and various types of automatic loading/receiving device(s) during normal vibration from the process. There is a separate retainer for each detachable hopper.
When removing any of these detachable hoppers for cleaning or material changeover; first, remove the automatic loading/receiving device; then use the proper hex head socket or screwdriver and back out the captive retainer. Hopper can then be removed.
Upon re-insertion of the detachable hopper, it is very important to re-anchor the respective hopper(s) using the captive retainer to provide stability during normal operation of the blender. Once the hoppers have been placed
and anchored, the respective loading / receiving devices can be mounted.
18 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Safety

2.7 Warning symbols on the unit

The instructional, warning and prohibition signs on the unit are a component of the operating manual. Observe and follow these signs in the same way as with the manual. Keep the signs clean and legible and never remove them, paint over them or stick other signs over them.

2.7.1 Position of warning symbols on the unit

Fig. 3: Warning symbols on the unit
Edition: February 2007 19

2.7.2 Meaning of warning symbols on the unit

Symbol Meaning Explanation
Warning of hazardous elec­trical voltage
Warning of injury to hands Do not reach into the pneumatic

2.8 Information for the operator

The operator is responsible for the designated use of the unit.

2.8.1 Qualifications of personnel

Only electrical technicians may work on the electrical system.
seal on the supply hoppers and the discharge slide gate during operation. Never touch the mixer blades.
The operator is responsible for ensuring that the personnel are qualified for the requirements of their tasks.
The machine must only be operated by trained and qualified person author­ized by the operator.
Personnel, who are apprentices, are in training or instruction may only work on the machine under the supervision of an experienced person.
Improper operation and maintenance by insufficiently qualified personnel may lead to incalculable risks with negative results for persons, machine and the environment.
Î Only qualified and authorized technicians may operate the machine and
carry out repair and maintenance work.
20 Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend Safety

2.9 Information for operating and maintenance personnel

Persons who are required to operate and maintain the unit must read and under­stand the operating manual, particularly the section on safety, before starting work.
The following safety instructions are particularly important for avoiding personal injury and property damage:
Observe all safety and danger information on the unit.
Keep all unauthorized people clear of the unit.
Make sure that no people are in the danger zone every time before starting
the unit.
Keep the operating station clear of tools, equipment and other objects. Do not place tools or other objects on the unit. Vibration can cause them fall off the unit and injure persons and/or cause property damage.
Keep the unit and work area clean and make sure that granulate does not accumulate on the floor. It may cause people to slip and injure themselves.
Wear work gloves when working on the stationary mixer. Work gloves pro­tect hands and fingers from being cut.
The local safety and accident prevention regulation always apply for work with the unit.
Edition: February 2007 21
MODELS TB45-4 Performance characteristics
Batch size lb {g} 1.0 {450} Maximum throughput rate lb/hr {kg/hr}
200 {91}
Bin capacity - main ingredient ft
{liter} 0.2 {5.7}
Bin capacity - minor ingredient ft
{liter} 0.2 {5.7} Maximum number of materials 4 Number of vertical discharge valves 4 Number/(size) of major bin valves 2 - (40 mm) Number/(size) of minor bin valves 2 - (20 mm)
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate
30.90 {785} B - Width 23.63 {600} C - Depth 25.78 {655} D - Control height 8.25 {209.6} E - Control width 9.25 {235.0} F - Control depth 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 75 {34} Shipping 125 {57}
Voltage total amps
115V/1 phase/60 hz 1.0 230V/1 phase/50 hz 0.5
Compressed air requirements
Discharge valves 90 psi @ 0.2 ft
/min {6 bars
@ 0.09 liters/sec}; 1/4 in. NPT fitting
Maximum loader sizes
8 inch loaders Number of loaders - 4
Top view
Front view
Side view
Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft3pel­letized material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
‡ Hopper positions three and four are supplied with
eight inch cover plates as standard.
Specifications may change without notice consult with a Conair representative for the most current information.
7-7/8 {200}
1-25/32 diameter {45}
5 {127}
7-15/32 {190}
1-7/16 {37}
3-15/16 {100}
5 {127}
Position 1
Position 2
Position 4
Position 3
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Mixing chamber access door ­this side of the interface.
Mounting bolt hole size (4 holes) 7/16 inch {11.0 mm}. Predrilled 5 x 5 mounting pattern as standard.
the optional
material drain chute
that readily installs to the chassis opening of the blender for fast and
simple cleanout.
Drain chute
TrueBlend™ TB45-4

Technical Specifications

Edition: February 2007
MODELS TB100-4 Performance characteristics
Batch size lb {g} 2.2 {1000} Maximum throughput rate lb/hr {kg/hr}
450 {204}
Bin capacity - main ingredient ft
{liter} 0.6 {17}
Bin capacity - minor ingredient ft
{liter} 0.3 {8} Maximum number of materials 4 Number of vertical discharge valves 4 Number/(size) of major bin valves 2 - (60 mm) Number/(size) of minor bin valves 2 - (20 mm)
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate
45.0 {1145} B - Width 30.25 {769} C - Depth 31.85 {809} D - Control height 8.25 {209.6} E - Control width 9.25 {235.0} F - Control depth 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 160 {72} Shipping 270 {122}
Voltage total amps
115V/1 phase/60 hz 3.0 230V/1 phase/50 hz 1.5
Compressed air requirements
Discharge valves 90 psi @ 0.2 ft
/min {6 bars
@ 0.09 liters/sec}; 1/4 in. NPT fitting
Maximum loader sizes
8 inch loaders Number of loaders - 2 12 inch loaders Number of loaders - 2
Top view
Front view
Side view
Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft
pelletized material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
‡ Hopper position two is supplied with a 12-8 adapter
and eight inch cover plate as standard.
Specifications may change without notice consult with a Conair representative for the most current information.
10-7/32 {260}
8 {203}
10-1/4 {260}
2-5/32 diameter {55}
8 {203}
1-1/8 {28}
5-1/8 {130}
Position 1
Position 2
Position 4
Position 3
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Mixing chamber access door ­this side of the interface.
Mounting bolt hole size (4 holes) 9/16 inch {14.0 mm}. Predrilled 8 x 8 mounting pattern as standard.
the optional
material drain chute
that readily installs to the chassis opening of the blender for fast and
simple cleanout.
Drain chute
TrueBlend™ TB100-4
Technical Specifications
Edition: February 2007
MODELS TB250-4 TB250-6 Performance characteristics
Batch size lb {g} 5.5 {2500} 5.5 {2500} Maximum throughput rate lb/hr {kg/hr}
1000 {454} 800 {363}
Bin capacity - main ingredient ft
{liter} 1.6 {45.3} 2.7 {76.4}
Bin capacity - minor ingredient ft
{liter} 1.6 {45.3} 1.4 {39.6} Maximum number of materials 4 6 Number of vertical discharge valves 4 6 Number/(size) of major bin valves 2 - (60 mm) 2 - (60 mm) Number/(size) of minor bin valves 2 - (30 mm) 4 - (30 mm)
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate
57.50 {1461} 63.0 {1600} B - Width 36.50 {926} 40.13 {1026} C - Depth 40.83 {1037} 42.67 {1084} D - Control height 8.25 {209.6} 8.25 {209.6} E - Control width 9.25 {235.0} 9.25 {235.0} F - Control depth 4.75 {120.6} 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 320 {145} 400 {182} Shipping 440 {200} 520 {236}
Voltage total amps
115V/1 phase/60 hz 6.3 6.3 230V/1 phase/50 hz 3.2 3.2
Compressed air requirements
Discharge valves 90 psi @ 0.2 ft
/min {6 bars @ 0.09
liters/sec}; 1/4 in. NPT fitting
Maximum loader sizes
15 inch loaders - number of loaders - 4 2 8 inch loaders- number of loaders - NA 4
Top view
Front view
Side view
Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft3pel­letized material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
‡ TB250-4 hopper positions two and four are supplied with
12-8 adapters with eight inch cover plates as standard. TB250-6 hopper position two is supplied with a 12-8 adapter with an eight inch cover.
Specifications may change without notice consult with a Conair representative for the most current information.
Position 1
Position 2
‡Position 4
‡Position 3
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Position 1
‡Position 4
‡Position 3
Position 2
4 position
6 position
‡Position 5
‡Position 6
NOTE: Side and front view drawings are model TB250-4. The bin positions change for a TB250-6 see the top view.
Mixing chamber access door ­this side of the interface.
the optional
material drain chute
that readily installs to the chassis opening of the blender for fast and
simple cleanout.
Mounting bolt hole size (8 holes) 9/16 inch {14.0 mm}. Predrilled 8 x 8 and 12 X 12 mounting pattern as standard.
Drain chute
TrueBlend™ TB250-4
Technical Specifications
and TB250-6
3-5/32 diameter {80}
2-1/16 {53}
4-1/16 {103}
16-5/32 {410}
12 {305}
8 {203}
8-1/16 {205}
16-5/32 {410}
Edition: February 2007
TrueBlend™ TB250-R-4
Technical Specifications
Side view
Front view
Drain chute
the optional
material drain chute
that readily installs to the chassis opening of the blender for fast and
simple cleanout.
MODELS TB250R-4 Performance characteristics
Batch size lb {g} 5.5 {2500} Maximum throughput rate lb/hr {kg/hr} Bin capacity - main ingredient ft Bin capacity - minor ingredient ft Maximum number of materials 4 Number of vertical discharge valves 4 Number/(size) of major bin valves 2 - (60 mm) Number/(size) of minor bin valves
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate B - Width 36.50 {926} C - Depth 38.88 {988} D - Control height 8.25 {209.6} E - Control width 9.25 {235.0} F - Control depth 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 280 Shipping 400
Voltage total amps
115V/1 phase/60 hz 6.3 230V/1 phase/50 hz 3.2
Compressed air requirements
Discharge valves 90 psi @ 0.2 ft
Maximum loader sizes
15 inch loaders - number of loaders - 2 8 inch loaders- number of loaders - 2
{liter} 1.6 {45.3}
{liter} 0.3 {8}
(removable) 2 - (20 mm)
800 {363}
57.50 {1461}
{6 bars @ 0.09 liters/sec};
1/4 in. NPT fitting
Top view
4 position
Position 1
‡Position 4
‡Position 2
‡Position 3
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Mounting bolt hole size (8 holes) 9/16 inch {14.0 mm}. Predrilled 8 x 8 and 12 X 12 mounting pattern as standard.
Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft3pelletized material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
‡ TB250R-4 hopper position two is supplied with a 12-8 adapter with
an eight inch cover plate as standard. Position three and four are supplied with hand-fill lids.
Specifications may change without notice consult with a Conair repre­sentative for the most current information.
Mixing chamber access door - this side of the interface.
3-5/32 diameter {80}
2-1/16 {53}
4-1/16 {103}
16-5/32 {410}
12 {305}
8 {203}
8-1/16 {205}
16-5/32 {410}
Edition: February 2007
MODELS TB500-4 TB500-6
Performance characteristics
Batch size lb {g} 11 {5000} 11 {5000} Maximum throughput rate lb/hr {kg/hr}
1550 {703} 1200 {544}
Bin capacity - main ingredient ft
{liter} 2.7 {76.4} 2.7 {76.4}
Bin capacity - minor ingredient ft
{liter} 2.7 {76.4} 1.35 {38.2} Maximum number of materials 4 6 Number of vertical discharge valves 4 6 Number/(size) of major bin valves 2 - (100/60 mm) 2 - (100/60 mm) Number/(size) of minor bin valves 2 - (30 mm) 4 - (30 mm)
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate
63.00 {1600} 63.00 {1600} B - Width 40.13 {1026} 40.13 {1026} C - Depth 43.00 {1092} 43.00 {1092} D - Control height 8.25 {209.6} 8.25 {209.6} E - Control width 9.25 {235.0} 9.25 {235.0} F - Control depth 4.75 {120.6} 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 400 {182} 400 {182} Shipping 520 {236} 520 {236}
Voltage total amps
115V/1 phase/60 hz 6.3 6.3 230V/1 phase/50 hz 3.2 3.2
Compressed air requirements
Discharge valves 90 psi @ 0.2 ft
/min {6 bars @ 0.09
liters/sec}; 1/4 in. NPT fitting
Maximum loader sizes
15 inch loaders - number of loaders - 4 2 8 inch loaders - number of loaders - NA 4
Top view
Front view
Side view
* Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft
pelletized material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
‡ TB500-4 hopper positions three and four are supplied with 12-8
adapters with 8 inch cover plates as standard. TB500-6 hopper position two is supplied with a 12-8 adapter and an 8 inch cover plate as standard.
Specifications may change without notice, consult with a Conair represen­tative for the most current information.
Position 1
Position 2
‡Position 4
‡Position 3
Position 1
‡Position 4
‡Position 3
Position 2
4 position
6 position
‡Position 5
‡Position 6
NOTE: Side and front view drawings are model TB500-4. The bin positions change for a TB500-6, see the top view.
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Mixing chamber access door - this side of the interface.
the optional
material drain chute
that readily installs to the chassis opening of the blender for fast
and simple cleanout.
Mounting bolt hole size (8 holes) 9/16 inch {14.0 mm}. Predrilled 8 x 8 and 12 X 12 mounting pattern as standard.
Drain chute
TrueBlend™ TB500-4
Technical Specifications
and TB500-6
16-5/32 {410}
12 {305}
3-5/32 diameter {80}
2-1/16 {53}
4-1/16 {103}
8 {203}
8-1/16 {205}
16-5/32 {410}
Edition : February 2007
MODELS TB900-4 TB900-6 Performance characteristics
Batch size lb {g} 19.8 {9000} 19.8 {9000} Maximum throughput rate lb/hr {kg/hr}
3500 {1588} 2800 {1270}
Bin capacity - main ingredient ft
{liter} 4.4 {124.6} 4.4 {124.6}
Bin capacity - minor ingredient ft
{liter} 4.4 {124.6} 2.2 {62.3} Maximum number of materials 4 6 Number of vertical discharge valves 4 6 Number/(size) of major bin valves 2 - (100 mm) 2 - (100 mm) Number/(size) of minor bin valves 2 - (60 mm) 4 - (60 mm)
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate
74.75 {1896} 74,75 {1896} B - Width 48.5 {1229} 48.5 {1229} C - Depth 51.0 {1296} 51.0 {1296} D - Control height 8.25 {209.6} 8.25 {209.6} E - Control width 9.25 {235.0} 9.25 {235.0} F - Control depth 4.75 {120.6} 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 550 {249} 550 {249} Shipping 700 {318} 700 {318}
Voltage total amps
115V/1 phase/60 hz 6.3 6.3 230V/1 phase/50 hz 3.2 3.2
Compressed air requirements
Discharge valves 90 psi @ 0.2 ft
/min {6 bars @ 0.09
liters/sec}; 1/4 in. NPT fitting
Maximum loader sizes
20 inch loaders - number of loaders 4 2 15 inch loaders - number of loaders NA 2 8 inch loaders - number of loaders NA 2
Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft3pelletized
material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
‡ TB900-4 hopper positions three and four are supplied with
12-8 adapters with eight inch cover plates as standard. TB900-6 hopper positions three and six are supplied with 12-8 adapters and eight inch cover plates as standard.
Specifications may change without notice, consult with a Conair representative for the most current information.
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Top view
Front view
Side view
Position 1
Position 2
‡Position 4
‡Position 3
Position 1
‡Position 4
‡Position 3
Position 2
4 position
6 position
‡Position 5
‡Position 6
NOTE: Side and front view drawings are model TB900-6. The bin positions change for a TB900-4, see the top view.
16 5
Mixing chamber access door ­this side of the interface.
the optional
material drain chute
that readily installs to the chassis opening of the blender for fast
and simple cleanout.
Mounting bolt hole size (8 holes) 9/16 inch {14.0 mm}. Predrilled 8 x 8 and 16 X 16 mounting pattern as standard.
Drain chute
TrueBlend™ TB900-4
Technical Specifications
and TB900-6
3-15/16 diameter {100}
1-27/32 {47}
19-11/16 {500}
16 {406}
8 {203}
5-27/32 {148}
19-7/8 {505}
9-15/16 {252}
Edition: February 2007
Maximum throughput rates are based on 35 lb/ft
pelletized material and using all standard valve sizes. Use of reducer inserts will lower the rate shown.
The optional flow control valve will mount inside the chassis in the space of the manual slide valve. Conair recommends using the optional flow control valve when mounting the blender on a stand, surge bin or hopper.
Specifications may change without notice, consult with a Conair representative for the most current information.
30 {762.0}
27 {685.8}
15 {381.0}
30 {762.0}
27 {685.8}
15 {381.0}
8 {203.2}
15 {381.0}
24 {609.6}
8 {203.2} 15 {381.0} 16 {406.4}
Dimensions shown in inches and {mm}.
Top view
Front view
Side view
MODELS TB1800-4 TB1800-5 TB1800-6
Performance characteristics
Batch size lbs {g} (grams or kilograms) 40 {18000} 40 {18000} 40 {18000} Maximum throughput lbs/hr
{kg/hr}* 6000 {2722} 5500 {2495} 4800 {2177}
Bin capacity - main ingredient
ft3 {liter} 6 {170} 6 {170} 6 {170}
Bin capacity - minor ingredient
ft3 {liter} 6 {170} 4 {113} 4 {113}
Maximum number of materials 4 5 6 Number of major valves 4 (5X5) 3 (5X5) 2 (5X5) Number of minor valves 0 2 (2X5) 4 (2X5)
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Height above mounting plate 94.4 {2397.8} 94.4 {2397.8} 94.4 {2397.8} B - Width 53.0 {1346.2} 53.0 {1346.2} 53.0 {1346.2} C - Depth 53.0 {1346.2} 53.0 {1346.2} 53.0 {1346.2} D - Controller height 8.25 {209.6} 8.25 {209.6} 8.25 {209.6} E - Controller width 9.25 {235.0} 9.25 {235.0} 9.25 {235.0} F - Controller depth 4.75 {120.6} 4.75 {120.6} 4.75 {120.6}
Weight lbs {kg}
Installed 1465 {665} 1498 {679} 1532 {695} Shipping 1715 {778} 1748 {793} 1782 {808}
Voltage total amps
220V/1 phase/50 hz 11.3 11.3 11.3 220V/1 phase/60 hz 11.3 11.3 11.3 240V/3 phase/60 hz 7.5 7.5 7.5 400V/3 phase/50 hz 5.0 5.0 5.0 480V/3 phase/60 hz 4.5 4.5 4.5 575V/3 phase/60 hz 3.9 3.9 3.9
Compressed air requirements
0.3 ft
/min @ 90 psi {6 bars @ 0.14 liters/sec}
3/8 in. NPT fitting
Maximum loader sizes
4 DL25 3 DL25 2 DL15 2 DL25 4 DL15
2 DL25 2 DL15 3 DL25 2 AR10 2 DL25 4 AR10
2 DL25 2 AR10 4 DL20 2 DL15
4 DL20 4 DL20 2 AR10
5 position4 position
6 position
NOTE: Side and front view drawings are shown for model TB1800-6.
The bin positions change for a TB1800-4 and TB1800-5 models, see the top view.
TrueBlend™ TB1800-4
Technical Specifications
TB1800-5, and TB1800-6
Edition: February 2007
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