XSAT Palm Link 2
User’s Guide
Part Number MN/XPLINK.IOM Revision 0

XSAT Palm Link
User’s Guide
Software Version 2.0
Copyright Comtech EF Data Corporation 2002

XSAT Palm Link 2 Revision 0 MN/XPLINK.IOM

XSAT Palm Link 2 Revision 0 MN/XPLINK.IOM
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. INSTALLING THE CPXLINK PROGRAM.....................................................................5
CHAPTER 2. CONNECTING THE PALM HANDHELD.......................................................................5
CHAPTER 3. GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................6
CHAPTER 4. CONFIGURATION.........................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 5. SYSTEM TYPE ..............................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 6. SIGNAL PATH CONFIGURATION................................................................................9
CHAPTER 7. LNA CONFIGURATION............................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 8. MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION.......................................................................11
CHAPTER 9. REDUNDANCY CONTROLLER..................................................................................12
CHAPTER 10. MAINTENANCE STATUS............................................................................................13
CHAPTER 11. CURRENT FAULT STATUS........................................................................................14
CHAPTER 12. STORED EVENTS & ALARMS...................................................................................15
CHAPTER 13. SET TIME / DATE & CIRCUIT ID MSG. (CID) ............................................................16
CHAPTER 14. MENU BAR OPTIONS.................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 15. PALM™ M100 BATTERY RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................19
15.1 Use Alkaline Batteries..........................................................................................................19
15.6 Loss of the CPXLINK Program..........................................................................................20
15.7 Change the Batteries.............................................................................................................21
15.8 If the Organizer Won't Turn On Because The Batteries Are Dead.................................21
15.9 Reset the Organizer..............................................................................................................22

XSAT Palm Link 2 Revision 0 MN/XPLINK.IOM

XSAT Palm Link 2 Revision 0 MN/XPLINK.IOM
Note: The Comtech EF Data XSAT CPXLINK software is compatible with most of the Palm OS handheld
devices. Instructions are included for use with the Palm model m100. Most any other Palm device
may be substituted as required. This document will show a Palm V for reference only.
Chapter 1. Installing the CPXLINK Program
Install the Hot Sync Software included with the Palm m100 package.
Using Windows Explorer, locate the CPXLINK.prc file either on the floppy disk or the local
computer hard drive. Double click on this file.
This double clicking will activate the hot sync software. Follow the on screen instructions to
prepare the file for loading into the Palm device on the next “hot sync”.
Connect the Palm handheld device to the RS-232 serial port of the local computer that the “hot
sync” software was installed on using the supplied cable.
At this point you are ready to load the CPXLINK software.
Push the “hot sync” button on the cable that connects the Palm device or select the “hot sync” icon
on the handheld device. This action should initiate the uploading of the CPXLINK file to the
Palm. When this is done, the Palm is ready to connect to the Redundant Controller Box or the
individual XSAT.
Chapter 2. Connecting the Palm Handheld
Using the Comtech EF Data modified cable included, connect the Palm handheld device to the 19
pin M&C connector on the Redundant Controller Box.
Turn power on the Palm m100 and press the CPXLINK icon to start the CPXLINK program.

XSAT Palm Link 2 Revision 0 MN/XPLINK.IOM
Chapter 3. General Information
<Main Menu><General Information> (Ref. Figure 1)
XSAT#: (XSAT1/XSAT2) Sets the currently selected XSAT. The Currently Selected XSAT is
used in several menus (in 1:1 mode only) that allows the user to view or change most
parameters of the Currently Selected XSAT.
Note: This selection is not to be confused with the Online XSAT selection in the
Redundancy controller section.
The General Information menu is a status menu only. The Model Number, Serial Number,
Firmware Version and the Circuit ID Message will be displayed for the Currently Selected XSAT
as shown.
In this particular example, the data from XSAT
#1 will be displayed.
As in most of the following menu items, the
(RETURN) select soft button will return the
user back to the main menu and NOT program
any programmable parameters (if applicable).
The (GET DATA) select soft button will
request data from the Currently Selected XSAT
and will refresh the XSAT General
Information screen.
The (UPDATE) and (SEND DATA) soft
buttons (not shown) will program the Palm
device with any parameters that have changed
since the menu was last displayed.
Figure 1