reproduced by any means without prior written permission of Comtech EF Data.
Comtech reserves the right to revise this publication at any time without obligation to provide
notification of such revision. Comtech periodically revises and improves its products and
therefore the information in this document is subject to change without prior notice. Comtech
makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but limited to the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No responsibility for any errors
or omissions that may pertain to the material herein is assumed. Comtech makes no
commitment to update nor to keep current the information contained in this document.
All products, names and services are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Printed in the United States of America
Document Revision History
Revisions for software version 3.4.x product release.
Document part number changed from 22117 to MN/22117.
New features:
Modem Support: Modem model SLM-5650A.
Set Preferences: New Digicast mode option available for Digicast networks.
Revisions for software version 3.5.x product release.
New features:
Modem Config File: Compatibility with VMS data file type; Write base modem
parameters Put option for Streamload1.
Set Preferences: New Unrestricted mode option available for Put file
validation inhibit.
Codecast: Cancel sends abort command to modem; New Send Codecast
Termination reset option.
This manual documents the features and functions of the Vipersat Load Utility
software application, and guides the user in how to use this product in a Vipersat network and in a Digicast network.
Workstation users, as well as network administrators and operators responsible
for the configuration and maintenance of the Vipersat satellite network, are the
intended audience for this document.
Manual Organization
This User Guide is organized into the following sections:
Chapter 1 — General
Contains VLoad product description, customer support information, and manual
conventions and references.
Chapter 2 — VLoad Installation
Covers the steps for installing the VLoad software application on a host PC/
Chapter 1 - General1-1
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 3 — Using VLoad in Vipersat Mode
Describes using VLoad for acting on the Application and Base Modem firmware as well as the Configuration parameter file for selected VMS controlled
Chapter 4 — Using VLoad in Digicast Mode
Describes using VLoad for updating the firmware and tuner and PID settings, as
well as setting transmission parameters for selected Digicast receivers.
Appendix A — Glossary
A glossary of terms that pertain to Vipersat satellite network technology.
Conventions and References
The following conventions are utilized in this manual to assist the reader:
Note: Provides important information relevant to the accompanying
Tip: Provides complementary information that facilitates the
associated actions or instructions.
Caution: Provides explanatory text that notifies the reader of
Warning: Provides precautionary text that describes a potentially
possible consequences of an action.
hazardous situation. Failure to take or avoid a specified
action may result in damage to equipment.
The following documents are referenced in this manual, and provide supplementary information for the reader:
• Vipersat CDM-570/570L User Guide (Part Number MN/22125)
• Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide (Part Number MN/22137)
1-2VLoad User Guide
How to Use This Manual
• Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide (Part Number MN-0000035)
• Vipersat Management System User Guide (Part Number MN/22156)
• Vipersat CDM-570/L, CDD-56X Parameter Editor User Guide (Part
Number MN-0000038)
• Vipersat SLM-5650A Parameter Editor User Guide (Part Number
Chapter 1 - General1-3
Product Description
Product Description
VLoad, the Vipersat Load Utility, is a comprehensive tool for managing and
distributing application, configuration, and identification information for the
modem/routers in a Vipersat network.
VLoad is a stand-alone program which runs on a Microsoft Windows-based
workstation. Using VLoad, you can get (read) files from target Vipersat
modems and store the resulting data in files on your workstation. You can then
take these stored files and put (write) them to a targeted Vipersat modem.
The VLoad Utility performs many of the functions available through the Vipersat Management System (VMS) and supports VMS by allowing the system
administrator to store (backup) the application, configuration and identification
files used by every modem on a Vipersat network.
This function can be used to recover from equipment failure, for example, by
uploading the failed equipment’s configuration and application program to its
replacement from the stored files.
In addition, VLoad can distribute updated firmware to network modems as it
becomes available and update the FAST feature codes as new features are
For detailed information on the VMS program, refer to the Vipersat Manage-ment System User Guide.
VLoad Features
The VLoad utility software has the following features:
configuration) are now accepted. This file type can be selected and
converted for Put operations, as well as created and saved with Get
• When using Streamload1 (CDM-570/L, CDD-56X) Put operations, the
parameter set can be pushed from the NP card to the base modem using the
new Write Base Modem Parameters option.
• When Put operations are performed in Codecast mode, the Cancel
command now includes a Codecast abort command that is sent to the
targeted modem(s). In addition, an abort command can be issued using the
new SendCodecast Termination setting that is available during a Reset
Chapter 1 - General1-5
Customer Support
Customer Support
Contact Information
Contact Comtech Vipersat Networks Customer Support for information or
assistance with product support, service, or training on any Vipersat product.
Mail:3215 Skyway Court
Reader Comments / Corrections
If the reader would like to submit any comments or corrections regarding this
manual and its contents, please forward them to a Comtech Vipersat Customer
Support representative. All input is appreciated.
Fremont, CA 94539
1-6VLoad User Guide
System Requirements
VLoad can be installed on any workstation with the following minimum configuration. The Vipersat Load Utility software should be installed on an industrystandard computer workstation running Microsoft Windows 2000 or later operating system.
The minimum hardware configuration required is:
• Pentium or later (or equivalent) processor
• 128 Mbytes of RAM minimum (depending on the operating system used)
• 16 bit color or higher video capability
• Network interface card with an IP stack
For the most current system requirements, refer to the VLoad Release Notes.
Using VLoad with Windows Firewall
Depending on the Windows configuration of the host PC, security warning
messages may appear when running VLoad due to the Windows firewall that
monitors the communications passed over the network. If necessary, the firewall settings can be adjusted to eliminate these messages.
Chapter 2 - VLoad Installation2-1
Installing VLoad
Installing VLoad
The VLoad program can be installed in one of two ways:
• Copy the VLoad file set to the local C: drive.
This method is acceptable for Vipersat users.
• Copy the VLoad Installation file to the local C: drive and launch the
VLoad Setup Installation Wizard. The wizard guides the user in creating a
program folder accessible from the Start menu, as well as the option of
creating a shortcut for the desktop.
This method creates an xml data file and registry entries for application
data that are used by Digicast. Therefore, Digicast users should use this
installation method.
Copying the VLoad File Set
The VLoad application is distributed on a program CD with the following files:
• VLoad v3.x.exe – Application program
• VLoadSetup v3.x.exe – Program Installer
• Streamload1.dll – Streamload protocol library for CDM-570/L, CDD-56X
• Streamload2.dll – Streamload protocol library for SLM-5650A
Create a new VLoad directory on the workstation that will be used to run the
VLoad utility, then copy the VLoad file set to this directory.
The VLoad.exe file runs the VLoad program and displays the graphical user
interface. The ParamEdit.dll files are utilized when editing a Vipersat modem’s
2-2VLoad User Guide
VLoad File Set example
Installing VLoad
configuration parameters using the capabilities described in the Vipersat Parameter Editor User Guide.
This completes the initial installation of VLoad. During the operation of VLoad,
additional files will be created to store the parameter sets of the network
Using the Installation Wizard
Copy the VLoad Installation file to the local C: drive of the workstation.
Figure 2-2
VLoad Installation File
Open the Comtech EF Data VLoad Setup Wizard by double-clicking on the
VLoadSetup icon. The initial window of VLoad Setup will appear, as shown in
figure 2-3, below.
Figure 2-3
VLoad Setup Wizard, Initial window
Click on the Next button to continue with program installation.
Chapter 2 - VLoad Installation2-3
Installing VLoad
Destination Location
Figure 2-4
Select Destination Location, VLoad Setup
Select the destination for the VLoad files as they are installed. If the user does
not specify a destination, the installation program provides a default.
Click the Next button to proceed.
2-4VLoad User Guide
Select Start Menu Folder
Installing VLoad
Figure 2-5
Select Start Menu Folder, VLoad Setup
Select the name of the folder located in the Start Menu. If the user does not
specify a name, the installation program provides a default.
Click the Next button to proceed.
Chapter 2 - VLoad Installation2-5
Installing VLoad
Create a Desktop Icon
Figure 2-6
Create Desktop Icon, VLoad Setup
Click the Create a desktop icon box to instruct the installation program to
automatically create a shortcut on your desktop, if desired.
Click the Next button to proceed.
2-6VLoad User Guide
Ready to Install
Installing VLoad
Figure 2-7
Ready to Install dialog, VLoad Setup
The Ready to Install window provides a synopsis of the installation including
the destination for the installed files and the name of the Start Menu folder.
This window is the last opportunity for the user to terminate installation of the
Ensure that all information presented in the synopsis is correct and click Install
to complete the installation.
Chapter 2 - VLoad Installation2-7
Installing VLoad
Completing Installation of VLoad
Upon a successful installation of the VLoad program, the Completing Setup
window will appear.
Figure 2-8
Completing Installation, VLoad Setup
Select the Launch Comtech EF Data VLoad box to launch VLoad after exit-
ing the installation setup program.
Click the Finish button to exit VLoad Setup.
2-8VLoad User Guide
This chapter covers using VLoad with a Vipersat network. For a Digicast
network, refer to Chapter 4, “Using VLoad — Digicast Mode”.
In Vipersat mode, VLoad only supports modem/routers with the Vipersat
feature enabled. Attempts to use VLoad with network units that are not Vipersat-enabled will result in a protocol error. For more information on enabling the
Vipersat feature, refer to the user documentation for that unit.
Note: Refer to the VLoad Release Notes for current information on what
features are supported for each modem type.
Main Window Description
This section describes how to use the controls and capabilities that are available
in VLoad. The five functional areas of the Main Window are shown in
figure 3-1, below.
Chapter 3 - Using VLoad — Vipersat Mode3-1
Main Window Description
Figure 3-1
VLoad Main Window, Functional Areas
About VLoad
Clicking on the V icon in the upper left corner of the main VLoad window title
bar will display a pull-down menu as shown in figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2
Click on About vload_interface... to open the About VLoad window, showing
the version number for this edition of VLoad.
VLoad Pull-Down Menu
3-2VLoad User Guide
Main Window Description
Figure 3-3
About VLoad window
Unit Listing / Selection Area
This area of the main window is used to add and remove units to/from the
modem list for purposes of retrieving (Get) and/or replacing (Put) either the
configuration file, the application image, or the base modem image for the
modem(s). Detailed information for each modem in the list is also available for
viewing. This information can be immediately updated with the use of the
Refresh button.
Following a Refresh operation, VLoad creates and saves a simple text file
Settings\<username>\Application Data\Vload
text editor, and because it is comma-delimited, can be imported into a spreadsheet for offline use.
More details on how to use this area of VLoad are provided in the “Unit Listing
and Selection” section on page 3-18.
VloadUnitList.txt in the Windows directory C:\Documents and
. This file can be opened with a
Mode Selection Area
The specific functions of VLoad that are available for action on the listed
modems vary depending on which Mode and Preference and what Type of unit
is selected at that time.
• Application – This mode is used to Get and/or Put an application image
(firmware) from/to the unit(s), as well as to Put a FAST Feature Code to
the unit. The “Application Mode” section on page 3-23 describes Putting
and Getting the binary (.bin) image file for a Vipersat modem.
• Configuration – This mode is used to Get and/or Put a configuration file
from/to the unit(s), as well as to edit the Param file for a unit. The
“Configuration Mode” section on page 3-32 describes Putting, Getting,
and editing the configuration file (.txt) for a Vipersat modem.
Chapter 3 - Using VLoad — Vipersat Mode3-3
Main Window Description
The Vipersat Parameter Editor User Guide contains detailed information
for using the Parameter Editor portion of VLoad to configure and optimize
the Vipersat modems in your satellite network.
• Base Modem – This mode is used to Put a base modem image (firmware)
to the unit(s) that are selected, as well as to select which image to run. The
“Base Modem Mode” section on page 3-39 describes selecting and
uploading a base modem image in binary format from a .bin file to one or
more modem units.
Use the appropriate radio button in the Mode Selection block, shown at the top
of the main window in figure 3-1, to select the mode of operation for VLoad.
File Selection Area
This area of the main window is used to either specify the file name and location
for a Get operation to be saved to, or to select the desired file for a Put operation. A Browse button is available for locating the desired directory and file, or
the desired path can be entered using the keyboard.
The file type used for both Application mode and Base Modem mode is binary
(.bin). The file type used for Configuration mode is either text (.txt) or Vipersat
(.vipersat-modem-config); the latter is a VMS-compatible file type. During a
Get operation, the utility prompts for a file name and choice of the desired
directory to save this file to; typically, this will be the same directory in which
the VLoad.exe program file resides.
File Type and Naming
Since there can be more than one type of .bin file (e.g., CDM-570L Application
file, CDD-564L Application file, Base Modem file), each type should be saved
using a different name so that they can be easily identified. It is recommended
that the .bin file names be based on the firmware release level for that file type.
This is the convention that is used with the original files that are provided by
Comtech EF Data.
For example, for a CDM-570/L modem, the Application file will have a
name such as
such as
Also, a unique file name can be assigned to the Configuration parameter file for
each unit for backup purposes.
VLoad has a smart feature that enables it to distinguish the various file types,
and will not allow the wrong file type to be selected for a particular action. For
example, VLoad will not allow the operator to select a router Application .bin
3-4VLoad User Guide
FW10875N.bin, and the Base Modem file will have a name
Main Window Description
file when in the Base Modem mode. Similarly, in Application mode, a CDD564L .bin file can not be Put to a CDM-570L modem.
This smart feature can be overridden by changing the Preferences setting to
Unrestricted. See the “Unrestricted” section on page 3-7 for more about this
There are two boxes in the File Selection area. The upper box is used to specify
the path and filename. The lower box is read-only and displays additional information for the selected file, such as the file name or the modem type, and the
time and date of creation. This information text may extend beyond the visible
area of the box—use the right/left arrow keys to scroll through the text.
Actions Area
The buttons in the Actions area of the VLoad main window are used to select
the actions for VLoad to perform. Other than the top two buttons, Set Prefer-ences and Cancel, the available actions and the button’s labels will change
depending on the Mode selected in the Mode Selection area, the Preference
selected in the Actions area, and the Type of modem unit that is selected in the
Unit Listing area. These dependent button functions will be described in the
three Mode Selection sections that follow.
The common Action button functions are described below.
Set Preferences
Clicking the Set Preferences button displays the VLoad Preferences dialog
box shown in figure 3-4. Making selections in the radio buttons in this dialog
will determine the Put and Reset method to be used when loading the firmware,
configuration, or Fast Code to selected Vipersat modems.
Figure 3-4
Selecting the Consecutive radio button instructs the VLoad utility to Put/Reset
the data to the selected Vipersat modems sequentially. All selected Vipersat
Chapter 3 - Using VLoad — Vipersat Mode3-5
VLoad Preferences dialog
Main Window Description
modems in the network will receive the data in sequence in the order they are
displayed in the unit listing / selection area shown in figure 3-1.
Selecting the Concurrent radio button instructs the VLoad utility to Put/Reset
the data to the selected Vipersat modems using n different unicast streams all at
the same time, each stream directed toward one unit. All Vipersat modems in
the network will receive the data at the same time.
Note that this option requires that there be sufficient bandwidth available on the
TDM outbound to handle multiple streams at the specified data transfer rate.
Note: The Codecast preference selection only applies to a Put or Reset opera-
tion. A Get action does not use Codecast for the data transfer.
Codecast is not supported for the SLM-5650A.
Codecast uses a streaming multicast method to upgrade the modem firmware
and/or the Param file. When the Hub TDM outbound capacity is limited, Codecast is a useful option for transferring/resetting data.
Caution: Codecast should only be used with a full understanding of its
limitations, and only in situations where the potential benefit offsets
the risks.
Selecting the Codecast radio button causes the VLoad utility to transfer the data
to the targeted Vipersat modems without verifying the integrity of the data
transfer. Thus, the data will not be re-sent in the event that the target modem
receives a corrupted data block. However, the integrity of the file is checked by
the receiving modem prior to writing the data to flash, so the worst case is that
the file transfer will not have succeeded.
Codecast is received by all units configured to listen to the chosen multicast
• If no units are selected in the Unit Listing area (
# Selected: 0), then all
units associated with the multicast address will accept the transfer/reset.
• If specific units are selected, the list of these units is transmitted along
with the file via multicast, and those targeted units that are not on the list
will ignore the transfer/reset.
Using the Codecast preference will result in some alteration of window appearances, such as with the Actions area of the main window and with some of the
3-6VLoad User Guide
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