All products, names, and services are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.
Comtech reserves the right to revise this publication at any time without
obligation to provide notification of such revision. Comtech periodically revises
and improves its products and therefore the information in this document is
subject to change without prior notice. Comtech makes no warranty of any kind
with regard to this material, including but limited to the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No responsibility for any
errors or omissions that may pertain to the material herein is assumed.
Comtech makes no commitment to update nor to keep current the information
contained in this document.
Printed in the United States of America
Document Revision History
07/13/07Initial Release.
Note: This new document part number, MN/22135, supercedes the previous
VCS User Guide part number, 22135.
New functionality in v1.3.5: VMS N:1 Redundancy.
This version has been upgraded to work with VMS version 3.5.x, in both single
and redundant server configurations.
11/22/10New functionality in v3.7.2: VMS Web Services Client.
This version of Vipersat Circuit Scheduler is now fully integrated into the VMS
code base. Out-of-Band switching and Forward Path switching are not
supported. Analysis Report feature is removed.
This manual documents the features and functions of the Vipersat ArrangeLink
Circuit Scheduler software application, and guides the user in how to install and
use this product in a Vipersat network.
Network administrators and operators responsible for the configuration, operation, and maintenance of the Vipersat satellite network are the intended audiences for this document.
Manual Organization
This User Guide is organized into the following sections:
Chapter 1 — General
Contains ArrangeLink product description, customer support information, and
manual conventions and references.
Chapter 2 — Installation
Covers the steps for installing the ArrangeLink software application on a web
client PC workstation.
Chapter 1 - General1-1
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 3 — Using ArrangeLink
Describes using ArrangeLink in conjuction with the Vipersat Management
System (VMS) to schedule and establish satellite network circuits automatically.
Appendix A — Glossary
A glossary of terms that pertain to Vipersat satellite network technology.
Conventions and References
The following conventions are utilized in this manual to assist the reader:
Note: Provides important information relevant to the accompanying
Tip: Provides complementary information that facilitates the
associated actions or instructions.
Caution: Provides explanatory text that notifies the reader of
possible consequences of an action.
Warning: Provides precautionary text that describes a potentially
hazardous situation. Failure to take or avoid a specified
action may result in damage to equipment.
The following documents are referenced in this manual, and provide supplementary information for the reader:
• Vipersat Management System User Guide (Part Number MN/22156).
1-2 ArrangeLink User Guide
Product Description
ArrangeLink is a satellite communication scheduling system used to schedule
network resources in support of a variety of critical applications including
distance learning, telemedicine, video conferencing, news and sporting event
video streaming, and scheduled broadcasting.
Using ArrangeLink, all users of the satellite network have visibility of both
current and future network traffic including the network resources required by
each scheduled use.
Both hardware and time resource conflicts are flagged automatically by
ArrangeLink, allowing users to negotiate for resource allocation.
Each version of ArrangeLink is tailored to work with a specific version of the
Vipersat Management System (VMS); it will not operate with prior or later
versions of VMS. For that reason, these two applications are released together.
ArrangeLink Main Features
Product Description
Schedule Setup
Schedules—onetime and recurring—are set up based on the Circuit Type, Start/
End Date/Time, Transmission Data Rate, Transmitter Node, and Receiver
Node. The recurrence setting is a powerful feature of the scheduler. Choices are
for Daily, Weekly, and Monthly occurrences.
The Advanced Switching feature allows a specified modulation and FEC code
rate to be incorporated into the scheduled switch, as well as assigning a Priority
to the event.
Supported Circuit Types
The scheduler provides circuit type choices for InBand Point-to-Point or Pointto-MultiPoint, and UpStream Switch.
Schedule Tag
In addition to the schedule name, one or more Schedule Tags can be defined and
attached to the schedule, providing an expanded range for filtering and finding a
particular event or set of events.
Chapter 1 - General1-3
Product Description
Contention Verification
The system verifies the contention between schedules to make sure the new
schedule is a valid one. Items of contention include Bandwidth and Hardware
Schedule View
All schedules can be viewed either on a per instance basis or on a per name
basis. Each of these views is controlled using a filter. The filter includes search
fields such as:
• Circuit Type
• Start/End Date/Time
• Status
• Schedule Tag
Figure 1-1
ArrangeLink Schedules View
The contents of a schedule table include:
• Schedule Name
• Type
• Circuit Type
• Start/End Date/Time and Duration
1-4 ArrangeLink User Guide
Product Description
• Status
Schedule View Details
Schedule details that can be viewed include assigned circuit:
• Channel, Data Rate, and Priority
• Frequency and Bandwidth
• Transmitter site and Receiver site(s)
• Mod/Demod Device list
• Power and Eb/No
Schedule Operations
Users are allowed to stop a Running schedule immediately, or change the End
Date/Time. A Pending schedule can be deleted, modified, or started immediately.
Schedule Execution
Schedules are executed according to the detail requirement of the schedule, such
as participating Nodes, Data Rate, Start/End Date/Time, and Circuit Type. All
participating Nodes will be initiated, and satellite links will be established
Time Zone Auto-Adjustment
When the local Date/Time (Pacific/Eastern/Greenwich) is input for the schedule, the system saves it as Universal Time Coordinates (UTC) Date and Time.
When data is retrieved from the server, such as with schedule view, the local
Date/Time is displayed for the client, regardless of location.
System Requirements
Please refer to the Release Notes (on the application CD) corresponding to this
version of ArrangeLink for the recommended system requirement specifications.
Chapter 1 - General1-5
Product Description
ArrangeLink and VMS
ArrangeLink shares functionality with the VMS to create a seamless operating
environment to control and manage a satellite communications system. This
combination provides the system operator and user with system management
and operation controls for all aspects of satellite communication system operation.
Using the real-time system configuration information from the VMS, the scheduler is able to display current network operating conditions and resource availability. At the time a scheduled event starts, any of the equipment required to
establish the new circuit that are currently in STDMA mode will be automatically switched to SCPC mode, and remain in this mode for the duration of the
event. At the conclusion of the event, the modem units that were used during the
scheduled event are automatically switched back to their home states and once
again become available resources under VMS management.
ArrangeLink works with either the VMS installed on a single stand-alone
server, or with the VMS installed in the optional N:1 server redundancy configuration.
New in this Release (v3.7.2)
VMS Web Services Client
This version of Vipersat Circuit Scheduler is now fully integrated into the VMS
code base. The VMS Web Services SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
Server offering provides an interface for VMS client applications such as
ArrangeLink for communications with the VMS. The SOAP interface runs on a
web services proxy server that also hosts the web applications using Internet
Information Services (IIS). The user interface for these applications is accessed
using a web browser from a client PC workstation.
For more information on VMS Web Services, including the SOAP Server
installation procedure, refer to the VMS User Guide (Part Number MN/22156).
Event Priority
In previous versions of the Circuit Scheduler, an event created in the scheduler
would always supercede any ongoing event that was in contention with the
scheduled event. This is no longer the case. A priority attribute is now assigned
to the scheduled event, and contention will be resolved by granting precedence
to the event which has the higher priority.
1-6 ArrangeLink User Guide
Customer Support
Contact Information
Contact Comtech Vipersat Network Products Customer Support for information
or assistance with product support, service, or training on any Vipersat product.
Mail:3215 Skyway Court
Return Material Authorization
Any equipment or product returned to Vipersat must have a Return Material
Authorization (RMA) issued prior to return. To return a Comtech Vipersat
Networks product for repair or replacement:
Customer Support
Fremont, CA 94539
• Obtain an RMA form and number from Vipersat Customer Support.
• Be prepared to supply the product model number and serial number of the
unit or product.
• To ensure safe shipping of the product, pack the item in the original
shipping carton.
Reader Comments / Corrections
If the reader would like to submit any comments or corrections regarding this
manual and its contents, please forward them to a Comtech Vipersat Customer
Support representative. All input is appreciated.
Chapter 1 - General1-7
Customer Support
{ This Page is Intentionally Blank }
1-8 ArrangeLink User Guide
The ArrangeLink Circuit Scheduler application software can be installed on any
workstation that will function as a web server and is either the host for the VMS
Web Services (SOAP Server) or is local to the server that performs that function. This web server workstation must be local to the VMS Server.
The SOAP interface runs on a web services proxy server that hosts the web
applications—such as ArrangeLink and VNO—using Internet Information
Services (IIS). The user interface for these applications is accessed using a web
browser from a client PC workstation.
The network component diagram shown in figure 2-1 reflects the recommended
configuration for implementing the VMS Web Services. To minimize latency
issues, the host platform for these services should be on the same LAN as the
VMS Server. Should a network web server be locally available, it would serve
as a logical platform for the SOAP server, as shown in the diagram.
Web Client
* Note: the Web Client PC can be local or remote
Figure 2-1
Chapter 2 - Installation2-1
(Web Server)
Ethernet LAN
VMS Web Services Components
If there is no local web server available to host these services, then the following alternative configurations can be utilized:
• If the VMS is standalone, then the VMS Server can host the Web
services and applications.
• If the VMS is redundant, then another local server must host the Web
services and applications in order to retain true redundancy.
Requests and responses transmitted between the web application and the web
service use SOAP over HTTP protocol. The SOAP request is translated into an
RPC call into the VOS and the response is then returned to the web application.
This response is transformed into HTML and sent back to a web browser that
presents the user interface to the operator.
2-2 ArrangeLink User Guide
Server Preparation
Server Prerequisites
Prior to installing the ArrangeLink Web service, the following items are
required for the host server:
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system, with current Service
• Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), current version, to provide
Web server capabilities over an intranet, the Internet, or an extranet. This
allows client PC workstations to access the web services locally and
• Microsoft ASP.NET, current version.
• Full VMS Core program.
• If a firewall is installed on the server, it must be turned off or set correctly
to allow HTTP.
• The SOAP server must be on the same LAN and have either direct access
or an Ethernet connection to the VMS server(s).
Server Preparation
• The SOAP server must be on the same domain as the VMS server(s).
• The installer must have administrator privileges on the server.
Caution: Running SOAP Services on a machine enables that machine to act
as an HTML server which may increase its vulnerability when
connected to the Internet.
Verify that Internet Information Services (IIS) and ASP.NET are installed and
activated (checked):
1. From the Start menu, open the Add or Remove Programs control panel.
Click on the Add/Remove Windows Components button in the left panel
of the window.
The Windows Components Wizard window will open (figure 2-2)
Chapter 2 - Installation2-3
Server Preparation
Figure 2-2
Add/Remove Windows Components
2. Click on Application Server and ensure that the check box is checked, then
click on the Details
The Application Server window will open.
3. Ensure that the check boxes for ASP.NET and IIS are as shown in figure 2-3,
2-4 ArrangeLink User Guide
Server Preparation
Figure 2-3
Configure Windows Application Server
4. Click on the OK button in the Application Server window to confirm the
5. Click on the Next button in the Windows Components Wizard window to
execute the component installations.
Set the IIS Default Application Pool Identity
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from
Administrative Tools.
2. In the left window panel, expand the local computer tree view down to
DefaultAppPool and select the Properties command from the drop-down
menu (figure 2-4).
Chapter 2 - Installation2-5
Server Preparation
Figure 2-4
DefaultAppPool, IIS Manager
3. Open the Identity tab in the Properties dialog, select the Predefined Network Service, then click OK, as shown in figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5
2-6 ArrangeLink User Guide
DefaultAppPool Identity
Server Preparation
Uninstall Previous Version
If a previous version of VMS Web Services or VCS is installed on the server
workstation, that software should be removed prior to installing the new
Remove ArrangeLink or VCS
1. From the Add or Remove Programs control panel, select the ArrangeLink
(or VCS) program and click on the Remove
button, as shown in figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6
2. A confirmation dialog window will appear. Click on the Continue button to
remove the program.
Remove ArrangeLink Program
Remove VMS SOAP Server
From the Add or Remove Programs control panel, select the VMS SOAP
Server program and click on the Remove
Remove VMS
From the Add or Remove Programs control panel, select the Vipersat Management System program and click on the Remove
Chapter 2 - Installation2-7
Server Preparation
Install VMS
The VMS Web Services SOAP Server host machine must have a VMS Full
Install performed; this is necessary in order to provide the required support files
for proper operation of the SOAP interface. However, this copy of VMS is not
used to manage the Vipersat network.
Note: The version number of the VMS Core software must match the version
number of both the SOAP Server software and the ArrangeLink application software.
A VMS Crypto-Key is not required, and these files are not called upon to
execute the client application.
To perform the VMS Full Install, follow the installation procedure in the section
“VMS Server Installation” in Chapter 2 of the Vipersat Management System User Guide, then return here to continue with this procedure.
2-8 ArrangeLink User Guide
Installation Procedure
Use the following procedure to install the ArrangeLink Web Service on the
SOAP Server.
Note that the installation and configuration must be done using an Administrator login.
Installation Procedure
Caution: This software must be installed on a platform that is running Windows
Server 2003. Installing the SOAP Services on a computer that is not
running Windows Server 2003 will void VMS product support.
Install SOAP Services
1. Locate the VMS SOAP Setup.exe file on the VMS program distribution CD
and double-click on the file to start the installer.
This will open the VMS SOAP Server Setup Wizard (figure 2-7) that will
install the SOAP services.
Figure 2-7
2. Click the Next button to progress through the Setup process.
3. Specify the Start Menu Folder for locating the program shortcuts. This
folder defaults to the folder that was specified for the VMS installation.
Chapter 2 - Installation2-9
VMS SOAP Server Setup Wizard
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