Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161
Network Customer Support
The Network Customer Support Plan identifies the steps to be followed in resolving the
Customer’s concern.
The resolution efforts will follow these levels of contact:
• Level One Contact – Factory Authorized Service Center.
• Level Two Contact – Comtech EF Data Customer Support.
• Level Three Contact – Network Test and Field Support
Procedural Steps
Step Procedure
The Customer raises a concern with the Level One Contact.
The Level One Contact will perform Hardware repairs and Network Operations
troubleshooting in accordance with the Comtech EF Data Service Center
If the Level One Contact is unable to resolve the concern, then the Level One
Contact will inform the Level Two Contact of the concern in accordance with the
instructions found within the attached Comtech EF Data Customer Support
Department’s document.
The Level Two Contact will enter the concern into the Comtech EF Data database
and determine whether the concern is a Hardware concern or a Network Operations concern
The Level Two Contact will interface with the Level One Contact and provide
the appropriate hardware support and enter all correspondence into the Comtech EF
Data database.
If the Level Two Contact determines that the concern is a Network Operations
concern, then the Level Two Contact will inform the Level Three Contact.
The Level Three Contact will interface with the Level One Contact and provide
the appropriate support and enter all correspondence into the Comtech EF Data
If the Level Three Contact determines that there is a Hardware failure then the
Level Three Contact will inform the Level Two Contact. Go to Step 5.
Network Support Customer Plan
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
Midas Network is functioning
Level One Contact is notified
Authorized Factory Service
Resolved by Hardware repair
or Network Operations
Level Two Contact is notified
CEFD Customer Support
*Note: If equipment was purchased
directly from Comtech EFData (not
through a Factory Authorized
Service Center), then CEFD
Customer Support will be the initial
point of contact.
CEFD Customer Support
provides HW support
Hardware or Network
Operations issue?
Network Operations
Level Three Contact is notified
CEFD Network Test and Field
Hardware or Network
Operations issue?
CEFD Network Test and Field
provides Network Operations
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
See the Comtech EF Data website at
Authorized Service Center. Contact the Factory Authorized Service Center for:
for contact information for a Factory
• Product support
• Information on upgrading or returning a product
Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department for:
• Product support or training
• Information on upgrading or returning a product
A Customer Support representative may be reached at:
Comtech EF Data
Attention: Customer Support Department
2114 West 7th Street
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
480.333.2200 (Main Comtech EF Data Number)
480.333.4357 (Customer Support Desk)
480.333.2500 FAX
or, E-Mail can be sent to the Customer Support Department at:
1. To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replacement:
2. Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data Customer
Support Department.
3. Be prepared to supply the Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number,
and a description of the problem.
4. To ensure that the product is not damaged during shipping, pack the product in its original shipping
5. Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.1.2 Mode of Operation.....................................................................................................................................1–3
1.4 General Specifications......................................................................................................................................1–5
1.4.1 Environmental and Physical ......................................................................................................................1–6
2.3.1 EFBUS1/2 Port (J6) ...................................................................................................................................2–5
2.3.2 Fault Connector and Pinouts (J7)...............................................................................................................2–6
2.3.3 User Port....................................................................................................................................................2–7
2.3.4 Auxiliary 1 Connector and Pinouts (J9).....................................................................................................2–8
2.3.5 Alarms Connector and Pinouts (J10).........................................................................................................2–9
2.3.6 AC Power .................................................................................................................................................. 2–10
2.3.7 DC Power .................................................................................................................................................. 2–10
2.3.8 TX IF Output Connector (CP1) .................................................................................................................2–11
2.3.9 RX IF Output Connector (CP2).................................................................................................................2–11
3.1 Front Panel........................................................................................................................................................3–1
3.1.1 LED Indicators........................................................................................................................................... 3–2
3.1.2 Front Panel Keypad ...................................................................................................................................3–3
3.2 Menu System.....................................................................................................................................................3–4
3.3 Front Panel Menu.............................................................................................................................................3–5
3.5 User Port Operation.........................................................................................................................................3–53
3.6.1 User Port Modem.......................................................................................................................................3–54
3.6.2 Remote Site Modem..................................................................................................................................3–54
3.7.1 Character Set..............................................................................................................................................3–55
3.7.2 Status Lines and Flow Control...................................................................................................................3–55
3.7.5 Receive Control Channel Frequency (ICF) ...............................................................................................3–58
3.7.6 Transmit Control Channel Frequency (OFC)............................................................................................3–58
3.7.7 Transmitter On (RF_ON)...........................................................................................................................3–59
3.7.8 Transmitter Off (RF_OFF)........................................................................................................................3–59
3.7.9 Transmit Power (TX).................................................................................................................................3–59
3.7.10 Current SNM-1000 DAC Software Revision (VER).................................................................................3–60
3.7.11 Node to NMS Service Messages (NMS_MSG).........................................................................................3–60
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
3.7.16 Channel Type (CT)....................................................................................................................................3–65
3.7.18 Data Call....................................................................................................................................................3–67
3.7.20 Initiate Multipoint Data Call (MI) .............................................................................................................3–70
3.7.21 Add Multipoint Data Circuit (MA)............................................................................................................3–72
3.7.22 Drop Multipoint Data Circuit (MT)...........................................................................................................3–73
3.7.23 Change Forward Channel for Multipoint Data Circuit (MF).....................................................................3–74
3.7.24 Change Return Channel for Multipoint Data Circuit (MR).......................................................................3–75
3.7.25 Send Message to Multipoint Data Circuit Originator (MO)......................................................................3–76
3.7.26 Send Message to Multipoint Data Circuit Listeners (ML).........................................................................3–77
3.7.27 Port Redirection.........................................................................................................................................3–77
3.7.28 Debugging with the User Port....................................................................................................................3–78
CHAPTER 4. THEORY OF OPERATION........................................................................ 4–1
4.1.2 Theory of Operation ..................................................................................................................................4–3
4.1.3 EFBUS1/2 Port (External).........................................................................................................................4–4
4.1.4 Monitor and Control..................................................................................................................................4–4
4.1.6 User Port....................................................................................................................................................4–5
4.1.7 M&C Theory of Operation ........................................................................................................................4–5
4.2.1 Theory of Operation ..................................................................................................................................4–8
4.2.2 Theory of Modulation Types.....................................................................................................................4–9
4.3.1 Theory of Operation ..................................................................................................................................4–12
5.1.1 System Faults/Alarms................................................................................................................................5–2
Figure 3-3. Main Menu..........................................................................................................................................3–5
Table 1-1. System Specifications...........................................................................................................................1–5
Table 1-2. Environmental and Physical.................................................................................................................1–6
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
About this Manual
This manual describes the operation and maintenance of the Comtech EF Data
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem. This is a technical document intended for earth station
engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of
the Comtech EF Data SNM-1000 Node Control Modem.
Related Documents
The following document is referenced in this manual:
• Comtech EF Data Specification, SP/5747 DAMA Control Channel Messaging
Conventions and References
Cautions and Warnings
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other
unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
IMPORTANT indicates a statement that is associated with the task
being performed. .
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
Metric Conversion
Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This
information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing English to Metric
Recommended Standard Designations
Recommended Standard (RS) Designations have been superseded by the new designation
of the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). References to the old designations are
shown only when depicting actual text displayed on the screen of the unit (RS-232, RS485, etc.). All other references in the manual will be shown with the EIA designations
(EIA-232, EIA-485, etc.) only.
Intel is a registered trademark of the Intel Corporation.
Sportster is a registered trademark of US Robotics Incorporated.
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual
Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual will be
appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the:
Comtech EF Data Technical Publications Department:
Overview of Changes to Previous Revisions
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
Electrical Safety
The SNM-1000 Modem has been shown to comply with the following safety standard:
• EN 60950: Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including
electrical business machines
The equipment is rated for operation over the range 100 - 240 volts AC. It has a
maximum power consumption of 40 watts, and draws a maximum of 400 mA.
The user should observe the following instructions:
The SNM-1000 is fitted with two fuses - one each for line and neutral connections. These
are contained within the body of the IEC power inlet connector, behind a small plastic
• For 230 volt AC operation, use T0.75A, 20mm fuses.
• For 115 volt AC operation, use T1.25A fuses, 20mm fuses.
The SNM-1000 must not be operated in an environment where the unit is exposed to
extremes of temperature outside the ambient range 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), precipitation,
condensation, or humid atmospheres above 95% RH, altitudes (un-pressurised) greater
than 2000 metres, excessive dust or vibration, flammable gases, corrosive or explosive
Operation in vehicles or other transportable installations that are equipped to provide a
stable environment is permitted. If such vehicles do not provide a stable environment,
safety of the equipment to EN60950 may not be guaranteed.
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
The installation and connection to the line supply must be made in compliance to local or
national wiring codes and regulations.
The SNM-1000 is designed for connection to a power system that has separate ground,
line and neutral conductors. The equipment is not designed for connection to power
system that has no direct connection to ground.
The SNM-1000 is shipped with a line inlet cable suitable for use in the country of
operation. If it is necessary to replace this cable, ensure the replacement has an equivalent
Examples of acceptable ratings for the cable include HAR, BASEC and HOXXX-X.
Examples of acceptable connector ratings include VDE, NF-USE, UL, CSA, OVE,
International Symbols:
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
Alternating Current
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
In accordance with the Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 91/263/EEC,
this equipment should not be directly connected to the Public Telecommunications
Protective Earth
Chassis Ground
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
In accordance with European Directive 89/336/EEC, the SNM-1000 Modem has been
shown, by independent testing, to comply with the following standards:
Emissions: EN 55022 Class B - Limits and methods of measurement of radio
interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment.
(Also tested to FCC Part 15 Class B)
Immunity: EN 50082 Part 1 - Generic immunity standard, Part 1: Domestic,
commercial and light industrial environment.
Additionally, the SNM-1000 has been shown to comply with the following standards:
EN 61000-3-2 Harmonic Currents Emission
EN 61000-3-3 Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker
EN 61000-4-2 ESD Immunity
EN 61000-4-4 EFT Burst Immunity
EN 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity
EN 61000-4-6 RF Conducted Immunity
EN 61000-4-8 Power frequency Magnetic Field Immunity
EN 61000-4-9 Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity
EN 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips, Interruptions, and Variations Immunity
EN 61000-4-13 Immunity to Harmonics
In order that the Modem continues to comply with these standards, observe
the following instructions:
• Connections to the transmit and receive IF ports (BNC female connectors) should
be made using a good quality coaxial cable - for example RG58/U (50 Ω or
RG59/U (75 Ω).
• All 'D' type connectors attached to the rear panel must have back-shells that
provide continuous metallic shielding. Cable with a continuous outer shield
(either foil or braid, or both) must be used, and the shield must be bonded to the
• The equipment must be operated with its cover on at all times. If it becomes
necessary to remove the cover, the user should ensure that the cover is correctly
re-fitted before normal operation commences
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
European EMC Directive
In order to meet the European Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
(EN55022, EN50082-1), properly shielded cables for DATA I/O are required. More
specifically, these cables must be shielded from end-to-end, ensuring a continuous
ground shield.
The following information is applicable for the European Low Voltage Directive
<HAR> Type of power cord required for use in the European Community.
CAUTION: Double-pole/Neutral Fusing
International Symbols:
ACHTUNG: Zweipolige bzw. Neutralleiter-Sicherung
Alternating Current.
Safety Ground.
Chassis Ground.
Note: For additional symbols, refer to “Cautions and Warnings” listed earlier in this
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
Warranty Policy
This Comtech EF Data product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship
for a period of two year from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech
EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the customer is responsible for freight to Comtech EF
Data and all related custom, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible
for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the customer.
Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express,
Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
Limitations of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper installation or
maintenance, abuse, unauthorized modification, or operation outside of environmental
specifications for the product, or, for damages that occur due to improper repackaging of
equipment for return to Comtech EF Data.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. Comtech EF Data specifically disclaims the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF
Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Comtech EF Data has reviewed this manual thoroughly in order that it will be an easy-touse guide to your equipment. All statements, technical information, and
recommendations in this manual and in any guides or related documents are believed
reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and
they are not intended to be, nor should they be understood to be, representations or
warranties concerning the products described. Further, Comtech EF Data reserves the
right to make changes in the specifications of the products described in this manual at any
time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
If you have any questions regarding your equipment or the information in this manual,
please contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department.
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Preface MN/SNM1000.IOM
This page is intentionally left blank.
This chapter provides an overview of the SNM-1000 Node Control modem, referred to in
this manual as “the node control modem” and “node controller.”
The node controller contains the following components:
The modem is a fully digital. Integrated satellite modem and Demand Assigned
Multiple Access (DAMA) controller. The modem is designed to function as
the traffic node controller within Comtech EF Data’s Bandwi dth On-Dem and
(BOD) Multimedia Integrated Digital Access System (MIDAS).
DAMA control is provided by a DAMA Assignment Cont rolle r (DAC)
daughter board.
SNM-1000 Node
Control Modem
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.1 Overview
The SNM-1000 Node Control Modem is a fully integrated digital satellite modem and
DAMA controller. Utilizing the latest digital signal processing techniques, it is designed
to function as a self-contained indoor unit that operates within Comtech EF Data's
Bandwidth-on-Demand (BOD) Multimedia Integrated Digital Access System (MIDAS).
1.1.1 Additional Features
The modem contains the following additional features:
• Integrated DAMA controller in a 1RU package
• Burst mode modulator
• Continuous mode demodulator
• Fast acquisition
• Operational parameters stored in EEPROM
• 50/180 MHz operation
• Software stored in flash for easy update
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.1.2 Mode of Operation
The SNM-1000 operates as a dedicated node controller at the HUB and REMOTE sites,
receiving the continuous outbound control channel from the hub station and transmitting
to the hub station on the inbound control channel in burst mode. The node control modem
manages traffic modems utilizing EFBUS1 connecting to the M&C port of the traffic
modems (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1. Typical Installation
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.2 Description
The SNM-1000 is housed in a 1-Rack Unit (1RU) rack-mountable chassis. Cooling is
provided by a fan mounted on the rear panel. The SNM-1000 operates in burst transmit
with continuous receive mode.
• Burst mode is used by the SNM-1000 to transmit to the NMS over the inbound
control channel. The burst mode data rate is shown below.
Burst Mode Data Rates
19.2 kbit/s at FEC rate 1/2 QPSK
• Continuous mode is used to receive the outbound control channel at the remote.
The continuous mode data rate is shown below.
Continuous Mode Data Rates
19.2 kbit/s Viterbi rate 1/2 QPSK
Figure 1-2. SNM-1000 Block Diagram
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.3 Options
The following options are available for the SNM-1000:
90-264 VAC
-48 VDC
Part No.
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.4 Specifications
This section includes the following specifications:
• General Specifications
• Environmental and Physical Specifications
• Burst mode operating specifications
• Continuous mode operating specifications
• Bit Error Rate (BER) specifications
1.4.1 General Specifications
Table 1-1. General Specifications
Parameter Specification
Operating IF Range 50 to 180 MHz, in 1 Hz steps
Digital Data:
Burst Mode Transmit (Slotted Aloha)
TX Data Rate
Continuous Mode Receive
RX Data Rate
Symbol Rate 19.2 kHz
Modulation QPSK
Forward Error Correction Viterbi, K=7, 1/2 rate
Data Scrambling IESS-308 (V.35), IESS-309, or None
External Reference 1, 5, 10, 20 MHz
Plesiochronous Buffer 16 bits to 256 kbps, in 16 bit steps
Output Power -5 to –30 dBm, adjustable in 0.1 dB steps
Output Spurious < -55 dBc, 0 to 500 MHz (4 kHz in-band)
Output Harmonics < -55 dBc, 0 to 500 MHz (4 kHz out-of-band)
Output Spectrum Meets IESS-308/309 power spectral mask
Output Return Loss > 20 dB
Output Impedance
Output Frequency Stability
Data Clock Source Internal or External
Internal Stability
19.2 kbps
19.2 kbps
2 to 98 ms, in 2 ms steps
75 Ω (Optional: 50 Ω)
± 10 PPM
External Clock: ± 100 PPM and < 5% jitter
Internal Clock: ± 10 PPM
± 1 x 10
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
Table 1-1. General Specifications (Continued)
Input Power:
Desired Carrier
Maximum Composite
Input Impedance
Input Return Loss > 20 dB
Carrier Acquisition Range
Acquisition Time: 19.2 bps, R=1/2 < 2 seconds
Sweep Reacquisition 0 to 999 seconds, in 1 second steps
Data Clock Internal, External, Transmit, Recovered RX
Outbound (from NMS) Continuous transmission, Time Division Multiplex
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.4.2 Environmental and Physical
Table 1-2. Environmental and Physical
Parameter Specification
Prime Power 90 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz
Optional: 38 to 64 VDC
Power Dissipation 30 Watt
Size 1.75H x 19.0W x 14.0D inch (1 RU)
(4.4H x 48W x 36D cm)
Weight < 11 lbs (< 5 kg)
Humidity Up to 95%, non-condensing
Shipping Container Dimensions 22W x 20D x 12H inches
Shipping Weight 15 lbs (7 kg)
0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
-55 to 70°C (-67 to 158°F)
(56W x 51D x 31H cm)
1.4.3 DAC Specification
The DAC performs all of the DAMA control functions. The DAC provides a set of
interface for communicating with an operator, controlling external traffic modems, etc.
The DAC communicates with the NMS for call control and M&C.
1.4.4 Burst Mode Specification
Table 1-3. Burst Mode Operating Specifications
Modulator Specifications
Operating Frequency Range 50 to 180 MHz
Type of Modulation QPSK
Operating Channel Spacing Less than 0.5 dB degradation operating with 2 adjacent-like
channels, each 10 dB higher at 1.3 times the symbol rate, or a
minimum of 1.2 times t he specified acqui siti on range
Phase Noise In accordance with IESS-308
Digital Data Rate:
QPSK, 1/2 Rate
Forward Error Correction Convolution encoding, soft-decision K=7 Viterbi decoding
Data Scrambling Selectable or none, 215-1, synchronous
19.2 kbit/s
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
Input Power (Desired Carrier) -30 to -55 dBm (composite) +30 dB power within 2 MHz from
desired carrier
+40 dB power outside of 2 MHz from desired carrier
-5 dBm maximum composite
Carrier Acquisition Range
Clock Acquisition Range
Acquisition Time < 1 second at all data rates
Directed Sweep:
Sweep Range
Sweep Center
± 35 kHz
± 100 PPM
0 to 70000 Hz
-35000 to +35000 Hz
1.4.6 Viterbi Performance with Noise, Closed Network
Table 1-5 lists the Viterbi decoder specifications with noise, closed network, for the Eb/N0
required to achieve 10
to 10-8 BER.
Table 1-5. Viterbi Performance
Eb/N0 (dB) Specification
BER 1/2 Rate
10-5 4.6
10-6 5.3
10-7 5.9
10-8 6.4
SNM-1000 Node Control Modem Revision 3
Introduction MN/SNM1000.IOM
1.5 Typical Spectral Occupancy
Figure 1-3. Typical Spectral Occupancy
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