Comtech EF Data SLM-5650C CyberLynx, SLM-5650C CyberLynx ODU Installation And Operation Manual

SLM-5650C CyberLynx
SLM-5650C CyberLynx
Satellite Modem
Installation and Operation Manual

Part Number MN-SLM-5650C

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously published information regarding this product. Product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Revision 1

SLM-5650C Satellite Modem
Revision 1
Copyright © 2019 Comtech EF Data. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7
Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161

Revision History

Rev Date Description
0 Mar 2019 Initial Release.
Revised operating temperature in Preface. Added SLM-5650C-ODU features to Section 1.1. Added LNB voltage feature to Section 1.3. Added Section 3.3.3 for SLM-5650C-ODU Ethernet connectors.
1 May 2019
Added Note to Table 3-6 for SLM-5650C-ODU Remote Connector (DB-9F) pinout. Added information for SLM-5650C LNB voltage to Section for ODU Controls. Revised description for Item Number 5 in Table A-3 for SLM-5650C-ODU Connectors and Indicators. Updated manual in various locations to specify information that applies to SLM-5650C, SLM-5650C-
ODU, or both units. Updated acronyms where applicable.
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... I
About this Manual ........................................................................................................................................ i
Conventions and References...................................................................................................................... i
Patents and Trademarks ............................................................................................................................ i
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................... i
Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and References ............................................................................................. ii
Examples of Multi-Ha zar d Notices ............................................................................................................. ii
Recommended Standard Designations .................................................................................................... iii
Safety and Compliance .............................................................................................................................. iii
Electrical Safety and Complianc e ............................................................................................................. iii
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................. iii
Class I Pluggable Equipment Type A-Protecti ve Eart hi ng ........................................................................ iii
Galvanic Isolator Use ................................................................................................................................ iii
Restricted Access Location ....................................................................................................................... iv
Battery Warning ......................................................................................................................................... iv
Operating Environm ent ............................................................................................................................. iv
Product Support ......................................................................................................................................... iv
Comtech EF Data Headquarters ............................................................................................................... iv
Warranty Policy ........................................................................................................................................... v
Limitations of Warranty.............................................................................................................................. v
Exclusive Remedies .................................................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1–1
1.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1–1
1.2 Functional Description ............................................................................................................... 1–3
1.3 SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Features ................................................................................... 1–4
1.3.1 Physical Desc r iption.................................................................................................................. 1–5 Dimensional Envelopes ................................................................................................. 1–5
1.3.2 Operational Features ................................................................................................................ 1–7 Operating Modes ........................................................................................................... 1–7 Secure Management Interfaces .................................................................................... 1–7 Data Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 1–7 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet) .................................................................... 1–7 Independent Tx and Rx Function .................................................................................. 1–7 Verification ..................................................................................................................... 1–8 Updating Modem Firmware ........................................................................................... 1–8
1.3.3 Interoperability .......................................................................................................................... 1–8 Legacy Modems ............................................................................................................ 1–8
1.4 Summary of Specifications ........................................................................................................ 1–9
1.5 Performance .............................................................................................................................. 1–11
1.5.1 Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements ............................................................... 1–11
1.5.2 Data Quality Performance ...................................................................................................... 1–12
1.6 BER Performanc e ...................................................................................................................... 1–14
CHAPTER 2. INDOOR UNIT INSTALLATION.................................................................................... 2–1
2.1 Installation ................................................................................................................................... 2–1
2.2 Connect External Cables ............................................................................................................ 2–1
2.3 Connect Power Supply ............................................................................................................... 2–2
2.4 Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 2–2
2.5 Determine the Modem IP Address ............................................................................................. 2–3
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SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
CHAPTER 3. EXTERNAL CONNECTORS AND PINOUTS .............................................................. 3–1
3.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3–1
3.1.1 SLM-5650C Connector Overview ............................................................................................. 3–1
3.1.2 SLM-5650C-ODU Connector Overview .................................................................................... 3–3
3.2 IF Connectors .............................................................................................................................. 3–4
3.2.1 SLM-5650C Tx, Rx L-Band IF Interface Connectors ................................................................ 3–4
3.2.2 SLM-5650-ODU Tx, Rx L-Band IF Interface Connectors ......................................................... 3–4
3.3 Terrestrial Data Connectors ....................................................................................................... 3–5
3.3.1 SLM-5650C Ethernet Traffic Connector (RJ-45) ...................................................................... 3–5
3.3.2 SLM-5650C Ethernet Management Connector (RJ-45) ........................................................... 3–5
3.3.3 SLM-5650C-ODU Ethernet Connectors ................................................................................... 3–5
3.4 Utility Connectors ....................................................................................................................... 3–6
3.4.1 SLM-5650C Remote Connector (DB9) ..................................................................................... 3–6
3.4.2 SLM-5650C-ODU Remote Connector (DB9) ............................................................................ 3–7
3.5 Power/Ground Connector .......................................................................................................... 3–8
3.5.1 SLM-5650C DC Power Connector ............................................................................................ 3–8
3.5.2 SLM-5650C-ODU DC Power Connector .................................................................................. 3–8
CHAPTER 4. UPDATE FIRMWARE ................................................................................................... 4–1
4.1 Updating Firmware ...................................................................................................................... 4–1
4.1.1 About Firmware Files, Naming, and Versions .......................................................................... 4–1
4.2 Obtain Modem IP A ddress ............................................................................................................ 4–2
4.3 Bulk Firmware Update – Ethernet FTP Upload Procedure ........................................................... 4–2
CHAPTER 5. ETHERNET-BASED MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 5–1
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5–1
5.2 Ethernet Management Interfaces & Protoc ols ......................................................................... 5–1
5.2.1 Secure Ethernet Managem ent Interfaces ................................................................................. 5–2
5.3 HTTP/HTTPS (Web Server) Interfaces ....................................................................................... 5–3
5.4 SNMP Interface ............................................................................................................................ 5–4
5.4.1 Management Information Base (MIB) Files .............................................................................. 5–4
5.4.2 SNMP Community Strings ........................................................................................................ 5–5
5.4.3 SNMP Traps .............................................................................................................................. 5–5
5.5 Telnet Interface ............................................................................................................................ 5–7
CHAPTER 6. MODEM CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................... 6–1
6.1 HTTP/HTTPS Interface ................................................................................................................ 6–1
6.2 Modem Web Page Access .......................................................................................................... 6–1
6.2.1 User Login ................................................................................................................................. 6–1
6.2.2 Web Interface – Operational Features ...................................................................................... 6–3
Navigation ..................................................................................................................... 6–3
Web Page Tabs ............................................................................................................. 6–3
Execution Buttons ......................................................................................................... 6–3
Feature Selection .......................................................................................................... 6–3
Text or Data Entry.......................................................................................................... 6–4
6.2.3 Web Interface Menu Tree ......................................................................................................... 6–4
6.3 HTTPS Certificate ........................................................................................................................ 6–5
6.4 Modem Web Interface Page Descriptions ................................................................................ 6–6
6.4.1 Home Page ............................................................................................................................... 6–6
Home | Home ................................................................................................................ 6–6
Home | Contact ............................................................................................................. 6–7
6.4.2 Admin Pages ............................................................................................................................. 6–8
Admin | Access .............................................................................................................. 6–8
Admin | SNMP ............................................................................................................... 6–9
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SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Admin | Time ............................................................................................................... 6–10
Admin | FAST .............................................................................................................. 6–11
Admin | Upgrade ......................................................................................................... 6–12
6.4.3 Configuration (Modem Configuration) Pages ......................................................................... 6–13
Configuration | Modem ................................................................................................ 6–13
Configuration | Utils ..................................................................................................... 6–16
Configuration | LoadStore ........................................................................................... 6–21
Configuration | Spreading ........................................................................................... 6–22
Configuration | AUPC .................................................................................................. 6–23
Configuration | ODU .................................................................................................... 6–24
Configuration | TRANSEC ........................................................................................... 6–25
6.4.4 Status Pages ........................................................................................................................... 6–27
Status | Status ............................................................................................................. 6–27
Status | Info ................................................................................................................. 6–28
Status | Event Log ....................................................................................................... 6–29
Status | Modem Statistics ............................................................................................ 6–30
Status | Port Statistics ................................................................................................. 6–31
Status | Config Log ...................................................................................................... 6–33
Status | Firmware ........................................................................................................ 6–35
Status | Constellation .................................................................................................. 6–36
CHAPTER 7. REMOTE CONTROL .................................................................................................... 7–1
7.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 7–1
7.2 EIA-232 ......................................................................................................................................... 7–1
7.3 Basic Protocol ............................................................................................................................. 7–1
7.4 Packet Structure .......................................................................................................................... 7–3
7.4.1 Start of Packet .......................................................................................................................... 7–3
7.4.2 T arget Address .......................................................................................................................... 7–4
7.4.3 Address Delimiter...................................................................................................................... 7–4
7.4.4 Instruction Code ........................................................................................................................ 7–4
7.4.5 Instruction Code Qualifier ......................................................................................................... 7–5
7.4.6 Optional Message Arguments ................................................................................................... 7–6
7.4.7 End Of Packet ........................................................................................................................... 7–6
7.5 Remote Commands / Queries .................................................................................................... 7–7
7.5.1 Table Indexes ............................................................................................................................ 7–7
7.5.2 Initial Setup – Priority Commands / Queries ........................................................................... 7–11
7.5.3 Modulator (Tx) Commands / Queries ..................................................................................... 7–12
7.5.4 Demodulator (Rx) Commands / Queries ................................................................................ 7–17
7.5.5 Modem, Unit Commands / Queries ........................................................................................ 7–23
7.5.6 Bulk Configuration Commands / Queries ............................................................................... 7–31
7.5.7 Automatic Uplink Power Control (AUPC) Commands / Queries ............................................ 7–32
7.5.8 Gigabit Ethernet Interface Com mands / Queries .................................................................... 7–36
7.5.9 ODU Commands / Queries ..................................................................................................... 7–37
CHAPTER 8. 10/100/1000BASE-T (GBE) INTERFACE ................................................................... 8–1
8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 8–1
8.2 Physical Description ................................................................................................................... 8–1
8.2.1 Connector Pinout ...................................................................................................................... 8–2
8.3 General Specifications ............................................................................................................... 8–2
APPENDIX A. TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................A–1
A.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... A–1
A.2 Common Setup Issues .............................................................................................................. A–1
A.3 System Check ............................................................................................................................. A–1
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SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
A.3.1 Initial System Check ................................................................................................................. A–2
A.3.1.1 SLM-5650C Status Indicators ....................................................................................... A–2
A.3.1.2 SLM-5650C-ODU Status Indicators .............................................................................. A–3
A.3.2 System Check Using IF Loopback and Inter n al BERT ............................................................. A–5
A.3.2.1 Tx Waveform Check ...................................................................................................... A–6
A.3.2.2 Rx Waveform Check ..................................................................................................... A–7
A.3.3 Modem Demodulator Constellations......................................................................................... A–8
A.4 Fault Isolation ............................................................................................................................A–11
APPENDIX B. OPERATIONS REFERENCE .......................................................................................B–1
B.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... B–1
B.1.1 OM-73 Mode ............................................................................................................................. B–2
B.1.2 MIL-STD-188-165A Mode ......................................................................................................... B–2
B.1.3 MIL-STD-188-165A Mode – Sequential .................................................................................... B–4
B.1.4 IESS-308 Mode – Standard Higher Rates ................................................................................ B–5
B.1.5 IESS-308 Mode – Extended ..................................................................................................... B–8
B.1.6 IESS-309 Mode – Extended (Closed Network) ...................................................................... B–10
B.1.7 IESS-310 Mode – Extended Rates ......................................................................................... B–11
B.1.8 Turbo Code Mode ................................................................................................................... B–11
B.1.9 16-QAM Mode ......................................................................................................................... B–12
B.1.10 AUPC Mode ............................................................................................................................ B–12
B.1.11 AUPC Mode – Sequential ....................................................................................................... B–13
B.1.12 AUPC Mode – Turbo ............................................................................................................... B–14
B.1.13 NON-SPREAD LDPC Mode – Ultra Low Latency (ULL) ........................................................ B–14
B.1.14 NON-SPREAD LDPC Mode – Low Latency (LL) ................................................................... B–15
B.1.15 NON-SPREAD LDPC Mode – High Performance (HP) .......................................................... B–15
APPENDIX C. OVERHEAD AND SYMBOL RATE CALCULATIONS .................................................C–1
C.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... C–1
C.2 Processing Flow and Symbol Rate Calculation ...................................................................... C–2
C.3 Sources of Overhead ................................................................................................................. C–3
C.3.1 Framing Overhead ....................................................................................................................C–3
C.3.1.1 AUPC Framing ..............................................................................................................C–3
C.3.1.2 TRANSEC Framing .......................................................................................................C–3
C.3.2 Total Framing Overhead ............................................................................................................C–3
C.3.3 IP Traffic Encapsulation Overhead ............................................................................................C–3
C.4 Product Support ......................................................................................................................... C–4
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SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Table 1-1. SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Physical Characteristics ....................................................... 1–2
Table 1-2. Summary of General Specifications ......................................................................................... 1–9
Table 1-3. Summary of Modulator Specifications...................................................................................... 1–9
Table 1-4. Summary of Demodulator Specifications ............................................................................... 1–10
Table 1-5. Summary of Coding Options .................................................................................................. 1–10
Table 1-6. Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements .............................................................. 1–11
Table 1-7. Doppler Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1–12
Table 1-8. Viterbi Decoder BER .............................................................................................................. 1–14
Table 1-9. BSPK/QPSK/OQPSK Viterbi with Reed-Solomon Decoder BER Performance ................... 1–14
Table 1-10. 8PSK, Trellis Decoder BER Perform anc e ............................................................................ 1–14
Table 1-11. 8PSK, Trellis Dec oder with Ree d-Solomon BER Performance .......................................... 1–15
Table 1-12. 16QAM, Viterbi Decoder with Reed-Solomon BER Performance ...................................... 1–15
Table 1-13. TPC Decoder BER Perf orm anc e ......................................................................................... 1–15
Table 1-14. Sequential Decoding with / without Reed-Solomon BER Performance .............................. 1–16
Table 1-15. LDPC ULL Decoder BER Perform anc e ............................................................................... 1–16
Table 1-16. LDPC LL Decoder BER Performance .................................................................................. 1–17
Table 1-17. LDPC HP Decoder BER Perf orm anc e ................................................................................. 1–17
Table 3-1. SLM-5650C Connectors ........................................................................................................... 3–2
Table 3-2. SLM-5650C-ODU Connectors ................................................................................................. 3–3
Table 3-3. Indoor Unit L-Band IF Interface Connectors ............................................................................ 3–4
Table 3-4. Outdoor Unit L-Band IF Interface Connectors ......................................................................... 3–4
Table 3-5. SLM-5650C Remote Connector (DB-9F) Pinout ...................................................................... 3–6
Table 3-6. SLM-5650C-ODU Remote Connector (DB-9F) Pinout ............................................................ 3–7
Table 3-7. SLM-5650C Power Connector ................................................................................................. 3–8
Table 3-8. SLM-5650C-ODU Power Connector ........................................................................................ 3–8
Table 3-9. SLM-5650C-ODU Power Connector Pinout ............................................................................. 3–8
Table 5-1. Alarms and Faults SNMPv1 Traps ........................................................................................... 5–6
Table 5-2. Alarms and Faults SNMPv2c/SNMPv3 Notification ................................................................. 5–6
Table 6-1. Summary of Counters for Port Statistics Pages ..................................................................... 6–32
Table 8-1. Connector Pinout...................................................................................................................... 8–2
Table 8-2. GbE Interface General Specifications ...................................................................................... 8–2
T able A-1. SLM-5650C Connectors and Indicators ................................................................................... A–2
T able A-2. SLM-5650C LED Conditions .................................................................................................... A–3
T able A-3. SLM-5650C-ODU Connectors and Indicators ......................................................................... A–3
T able A-4. SLM-5650C-ODU LED Conditions ........................................................................................... A–4
Table of Contents TOC-5
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Figure 1-1. SLM-5650C Satellite Modem (Indoor Unit) ............................................................................ 1–1
Figure 1-2. SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem (Outdoor Unit) ................................................................ 1–1
Figure 1-3. SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Block Diagram .................................................................... 1–3
Figure 1-4. SLM-5650C Indoor Unit Dimensional Envelope ..................................................................... 1–5
Figure 1-5. SLM-5650C-ODU Dimensional Envelope .............................................................................. 1–6
Figure 3-1. SLM-5650C Connectors............................................................................................................ 3–1
Figure 3-2. SLM-5650C-ODU Connectors ................................................................................................... 3–3
Figure 4-1. Firmware Naming Format ....................................................................................................... 4–1
Figure 5-1. Telnet Login Screen ................................................................................................................ 5–7
Figure 5-2. Telnet Remote Control Interface ............................................................................................. 5–8
Figure 6-1. Browser Address Box ............................................................................................................. 6–1
Figure 6-2. Windows Security Screen ....................................................................................................... 6–2
Figure 6-3. Web Interface Home Page ..................................................................................................... 6–2
Figure 6-4. Navigation Tab Examples ....................................................................................................... 6–3
Figure 6-5. Home | Home Page ................................................................................................................ 6–6
Figure 6-6. Home | Contact Page ............................................................................................................. 6–7
Figure 6-7. Admin | Access Page .............................................................................................................. 6–8
Figure 6-8. Admin | SNMP Page ............................................................................................................... 6–9
Figure 6-9. Admin | Time Page ................................................................................................................ 6–10
Figure 6-10. Admin | FAST Page ............................................................................................................ 6–11
Figure 6-11. Admin | Upgrade Page ........................................................................................................ 6–12
Figure 6-12. Configuration | Modem Page .............................................................................................. 6–13
Figure 6-13. Configuration | Utils Page ................................................................................................... 6–16
Figure 6-14. Configuration | LoadStore Page ......................................................................................... 6–21
Figure 6-15. Configuration | Spre ading Pa ge ......................................................................................... 6–22
Figure 6-16. Configuration | AUPC Page ................................................................................................ 6–23
Figure 6-17. Configuration | ODU Page .................................................................................................. 6–24
Figure 6-18. Configuration | TRANSEC Pag e ......................................................................................... 6–25
Figure 6-19. Status | Status Page ........................................................................................................... 6–27
Figure 6-20. Status | Info Page ............................................................................................................... 6–28
Figure 6-21. Status | Event Log Page ..................................................................................................... 6–29
Figure 6-22. Status | Modem Statistics Page .......................................................................................... 6–30
Figure 6-23. Status | Port Statistics Page ............................................................................................... 6–31
Figure 6-24. Status | Config Log Page .................................................................................................... 6–33
Figure 6-25. Status | Constellation Pa ge ................................................................................................ 6–36
Figure A-1. LM-5650C LED Status ............................................................................................................. A–2
Figure A-2. SLM-5650C-ODU LED Status ................................................................................................. A–3
Figure A-3. Status | Status Page ............................................................................................................... A–5
Figure A-4. Tx Waveform .......................................................................................................................... A–6
Figure A-5. BPSK Constellation ................................................................................................................ A–8
Figure A-6. QPSK Constellation ................................................................................................................ A–8
Figure A-7. OQPSK Constellation ............................................................................................................. A–9
Figure A-8. 8QAM Constellation ............................................................................................................... A–9
Figure A-9. 16QAM Constellation ...........................................................................................................A–10
Figure A-10. 8PSK Constellation ............................................................................................................A–10
Figure C-1. SLM-5650C/ S LM-5650C-ODU – Feature Block Diagram ................................................... C–2
Table of Contents TOC-6
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
Revision 1

Acronym List

Acronym Description First Use Page Number
AGC Automatic Gain Control 3-2
AO Assignment Operator 7-5
AUPC Automatic Uplink Power Control 6-14
BER Bit Error Rate 1-4
BIT Built In Test 1-4
BUC Block Up Converter 1-4
CEFD Comtech EF Data 1-2
CLI Command Line Interface Preface ii
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 6-32
CW Code Word 6-14 DC Direct Current 2-1
DoD Department of Defense Preface i
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 1-2
Eb/No Energy per Bit (Eb) to the Spectral Noise Density (No)
EIA Electronic Industries Association Preface ii
EVM Error Vector Magnitude A-7
FCS Frame Check Sequence 6-32
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 1-2
FEC Forward Error Correction 1-2
FIFO First In First Out 6-18
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array 6-31
FTP File Transfer Protocol 4-1
GbE Gigabit Ethernet 1-7
HP High Performance 1-2 HDLC High-level Data Link Control 1-7 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1-2
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured 1-2
IBS In t elsat Business Service 6-15
IF Intermediate Frequency 1-4
LAN Local Area Network 1-7
LDPC Low Density Parity Check 1-2
LED Light Emitting Diode 1+2
Table of Contents TOC-7
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
Revision 1
Acronym Description First Use Page Number
LL Low Latency 1-2
LNB Low Noise Block Down Converter 1-2
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling 6-14
M&C Monitor and Control 5-1 MAC Media Access Control 6-32
MIB Management Information Base 5-1 N/C Normally Closed 1-2 N/O Normally Open 1-2
NMS Network Management System 5-1
OID Object Identifier 5-3
PC Personal Computer 1-2
PEM Privancy-enhanced Electronic Mail 6-5
QO Query Operator 7-5
RF Radio Frequency 1-4
SLL Secure Socket Layer 5-2 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 1-2 SWaP Size, Weight, and Power 1-1
TEK Transmission Encryption Keys
TRANSEC Transmission Security B-1
TPC Turbo Product Coding 1-2 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 7-1
ULL Ultra Low Latency 1-2
URL Uniform Resource Locator 6-5
WAN Wide Area Network 1-7
Table of Contents TOC-8
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
Unit / Symbol
bits per second
Celsius (degrees)
kilo Hertz
Decibels relative to the carrier
Fahrenheit (degrees)
Kilobit per second
Kilo symbols per second
Megabit per second
Mega symbols per second
Revision 1
Units of Measurement
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SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1

About this Manual


This manual describes the installation and operation procedures for the Comtech EF Data SLM-5650C CyberLynx Modem. This document is intended for the persons responsible for the operation and maintenance for both of the SLM-5650C modems.
Indoor Unit and SLM-5650C CyberLynxTM Outdoor Unit Satellite

Conventions and References

Patents and Trademarks
See all of Comtech EF Data's Patents and Patents Pending at Comtech EF Data acknowledges that all trademarks are the property of the trademark owners.
Related Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual:
Department of Defense (DOD) MIL-STD-188-165A, Interoperability and Performance Standards for SHF Satellite Communications PSK Modems (FDMA Operation) (dated November 2005)
Preface i MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and References
A WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
A CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
A NOTE: gives you important information about a task or the equipment.
A REFERENCE directs you to important operational information or details furnished elsewhere, either in the manual or in adjunct Comtech EF Data publications.
Examples of Multi-Hazard Notices
Preface ii MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Recommended Standard Designations
The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) designations supersede the Recommended Standard (RS) designations. References to the old designations may be shown when depicting actual text (e.g., RS-232) displayed on front panel menus, Web Server pages, serial remote interfaces, Telnet Command Line Interfaces (CLIs), or unit rear panels. All other references in the manual refer to EIA designations.
Carefully review the following information.

Safety and Compliance

Electrical Safety and Compliance
The unit complies with the EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment (Including Electrical Business Machines) safety standard.
Electrical Installation
Connect the unit to a power system that has separate g round, line and neutral conductors. Do not connect the unit without a direct connection to ground.
Class I Pluggable Equipment Type A-Protective Earthing
The cable distribution system/telecommunication network of this product relies on protective earthing and the integrity of the protective earthing must be ensured
In Finland:
"Laite on liitettävä suojak osk ettim illa varustettuun pistorasiaan"
In Norway:
“Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt”
In Sweden:
“Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag”
Galvanic Isolator Use
Utrustning som är kopplad till skyddsjord via jordat vägguttag och/eller via annan utrustning och samtidigt är kopplad till kabel-TV nät kan i visa fall medfőra risk főr brand. Főr att undvika detta skall vid anslutning av utrustningen till kabel-TV nät galvanisk isolator finnas mellan utrustningen och kabel-TV nätet.
Preface iii MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Restricted Access Location
In Nordic Countries, equipotential bonding should be applied using the permanently connected ground stud by a qualified service person.
Battery Warning
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
Operating Environment

Product Support

For all product support, please call:
+ +1.866.472.3963 (toll free USA)
By email:

Comtech EF Data Headquarters Comtech EF Data Corp. 2114 West 7th Street Tempe, Arizona USA 85281 +1.480.333.2200
Preface iv MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1

Warranty Policy

Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a specific period from the date of shipment, and this period varies by product. In most cases, the warranty period is two years. During the warr an t y period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective. Repairs are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty or a 90-day extended warranty, whichever is longer. Contact Comtech EF Data for the warranty period specific to the product purchased.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid R etur n Mat eria l Aut hor izat ion (RMA) number issued prior to return and be marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned in its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.
Limitations of Warranty
The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product. The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and weather related events or wartime environments.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.
A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.
Preface v MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Exclusive Remedies
Comtech EF Data Corporation ’s warr anty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Preface vi MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1


1.1 Overview

Figure 1-1. SLM-5650C Satellite Modem (Indoor Unit)
Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit with Caps without Caps
Figure 1-2. SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem (Outdoor Unit)
The SLM-5650C CyberLynx
The SLM-5650C indoor unit (referred to as the SLM-5650C), shown in Figure 1-1, uses conductive cooling and provides for mounting in any orientation via either the thermal mounting rails or directly to the top or bottom surface.
Satellite Modem is offered in two unique packages:
The SLM-5650C outdoor unit (referred to as the SLM-5650C-ODU), shown in Figure 1-2, incorporates either conductive or convection cooling.
Introduction 1–1 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
44.6 cubic inches
127 cubic inches
Maximum Power Consumption
11 VDC to 33 VDC,
Revision 1
Both modems satisfy the requirements for government and military communications system applications that require state-of-the-art modulation and coding techniques to optimize satellite transponder bandwidth usage, while retaining backward compatibility.
The table below provide some of the key physical characteristic of both units.
Table 1-1. SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Physic al Ch ara cteri st ics
Dimensions 5.7” x 5.2” x 1.5” 7.7” x 5.9” x 2.8”
Prime Input Power 5 VDC, 5.4 Amps
2.2 Amps to 0.9 Amps Cooling Conduction Convection/Conduction Weight 2.7 lbs. (1.2 kg) 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kg)
The SLM-5650C:
Meets requirements for SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power) constrained applications in a high performance but low acoustic signature package.
Supports Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) waveform and Comtech EF Data (CEFD) proprietary Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Forward Error Correction (FEC) in three block sizes (Ultra Low Latency (ULL), Low Latency (LL), High Performance (HP)) and Turbo Product Code (TPC) FEC (3/4, 5/16, 21/44, 17/18, and 7/8 code rates).
Is compliant with the provisions of Department of Defense (DoD) Standard MIL-STD-188- 165A, Interoperability of SHF Satellite Communications PSK Modems (Frequency Division Mult ip le Ac c e s s [FDMA] Operation). NOT YET CERTIFIED.
Can be controlled and monitored from a Personal Computer (PC) using serial remote, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured (HTTPS), and telnet.
The SLM-5650C-ODU has the same features listed above for the SLM-5650C, plus the following:
Is IP67 rated.
A selectable +13 or +18 VDC Low-noise Block Down Converter (LNB) voltage.
Introduction 1–2 MN-SLM-5650C
An external TX mute capability, using the DB9 remote control connector.
Normally Open (N/O) and Normally Closed (N/C) fault relay outputs, using the DB9
remote control connector.
A different gender and pinout layout of the DB9 connector.
A fault Light Emitting Diode (LED) that blinks continuously during the boot-up process.
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
2 Ch DAC
TX RF Front
2 Ch ADC
RX RF Front
RF Loopback
& Q Samples (LVDS
RJ 45
(Modem Control
(GigaBit Interface)
250MHz VCO
TX RF Output
RX RF Input
TPC Codec
(3.3V I/O)
Turbo TX
Turbo RX
3.3 / 1.8V Level Translator
3.3 / 1.8V Level Translator
Clock Distributor
SD Card
C Config
14 bit DAC
14 bit DAC
RX I & Q Samples (LVDS)
1.8V SPI
1.8V SPI
TX Level
Power Supply
V (
for DDR
for DDR4
Altera 10AX048H2F34
(1.2V & 1.8V I/O)
NXP Vybrid
&C Processor
IP Traffic
M&C Config
14 bit DAC
20MHz Clock
M&C Config
Revision 1

1.2 Functional Description

Figure 1-3. SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Block Diagram
Figure 1-3 depicts the functional block diagram for the SLM-5650C and SLM-5650C-ODU. Both modems have been designed to accommodate a wide range of currently required features, and to support both near- and lo n g-term advances in software-defined radio technology as well as advances in FEC technology.
The user has the ability to:
Utilize an extensive array of built-in test capabilities
Easily upgrade the modem’s operational capabilities in the field
Easily update the modem’s firmware in the field
Use a wide range of flexible remote control options
As shown in Figure 1-3, both modems accept Ethernet data to modulate an L-Band carrier. The demodulator receives and demodulates the L-Band carrier. Recovered data is then output on the Ethernet interface.
The Tx and Rx functions are independent with respect to modulation and coding. Both modems can operate in simplex (Tx only or Rx only) or duplex mode.
Introduction 1–3 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1

1.3 SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Features

Both modems incorporate the following features:
SWaP optimized form factor
Low weight and low power dissipa tio n
L-Band (950 to 2000 MHz) Intermediate Frequency (IF) interface
Ethernet Interface for remote control using Telnet, SNMP, HTTP, and HTTPS
On board Gigabit Ethernet Bridge
Full-featured, bui lt-in Bit Error Rate (BER) test-set
Adaptive Equalizer for high order modulation types
8 kbps to 155.52 Mbps (Modulation-, code rate-, and interface-dependent)
FEC Rates: 5/16, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 21/44, 7/8, 17/18, .378, .451, .541
Uncoded, Viterbi, Viterbi + Reed Solomon, and Sequential coding
TPC codec
LDPC coding in three block sizes: ULL, LL, and HP
TRANSEC Encryption
Firmware updating capability
10 MHz Block Up Converter (BUC) and LNB references
LNB voltage supplied through Radio Frequency (RF) connector
Introduction 1–4 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
1.3.1 Physical Description Dimensional Envelopes
Figure 1-4. SLM-5650C Indoor Unit Dimensional Envelop e
Introduction 1–5 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Figure 1-5. SLM-5650C-ODU Dimensional Envelope
Introduction 1–6 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
1.3.2 Operational Features Operating Modes
Both modems support Uncoded, Viterbi, Viterbi+Reed Solomon, Sequential, TPC, and LDPC modes of operation. (STANAG 4486 (EBEM) in fall 2019) Secure Management Interfaces
The modems support secure management interfaces, as part of its Management Security option. Detailed information about these configurations and modes, and their function al a ss oc iation with
the Modem, is provided in the following chapters in this manual. Data Interfaces
The modems support only an Ethernet data interface in GigE Bridge mode. 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet)
Chapter 8. 10/100/1000BASE-T
The 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet, or GbE) interface performs a simple bridge function and passes IP packets, unaltered, in each direction between the Local Area Network (LAN) (10/100/1000BASE-T interface) and Wide Area Network (WAN) (modulator / demodulator).
IP packet traffic is framed via High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) encapsulation by the modem logic, and the modem is both the origination and termination point for HDLC encapsulation. HDLC CRC-16 verification is performed on all received (from WAN) HDLC frames.
(GbE) INTERFACE Independent Tx and Rx Function
The Tx (modulator) and Rx (demodulator) sides of the modem are functionally independent and separately controllable. The baseband Tx and Rx sides of a communication channel passing through the modem are independently configurable, including the ability to select different parameters (to include data rate, coding, modulation, and spreading) in support of asymmetrical operation.
Introduction 1–7 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1 Verification
Both modems include test modes and loopbacks for rapid verification of the correct functioning of the modems. Of particular note is the IF loopback, which permits the user to perform a quick diagnostic test without having to disturb external cabling. During the loopback, the receive frequency configuration parameter is temporarily changed to match that of the Tx side, and an internal RF switch connects the modulator output to the demodulator input. When normal operation is again selected, all of the previous receive frequency is restored. Updating Modem Firmware
Both modems store their firmware in flash memory, which allows the modems to upload firmware downloads from an external PC once Ethernet connectivity has been established. Firmware updates may be obtained free from CEFD via e-mail from CEFD Customer Support during normal business hours.
1.3.3 Interoperability Legacy Modems
The modems are compatible and interoperable with all specified SLM-5650C modes of operation of the following legacy modems:
The remote control protocol is not backwards compatible.
Introduction 1–8 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
Digital Data Rates
8 kbps with LDPC Spreading ON
V.35 and Synchronous
Output Power
+10 to -40 dBm, adjustable in 0.1 dB steps.
Output Impedance
From Carrier (CW) to the greater of the 12th harmonic or 4000 MHz –60 dBc
Revision 1

1.4 Summary of Specifications

Table 1-2. Summary of General Specifications
General Specifications
Parameter Specifications
Operating Frequency Range 950 to 2000 MHz ( in 1000 Hz steps) Modulation Types BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 8QAM, and 16QAM
32 kbps with LDPC Spreading OFF 64 kbps for all other modes * Maximum data rates are modulation and FEC dependent. Refer to
Appendix B.
Symbol Rate Range 14.795 ksps with Spreading ON
32 kbps for all other modes * Maximum symbol rates are modulation and FEC dependent. Refer to
Appendix B.
INT REF Stability 6 x 10-8
Built-in Test (BIT)
Fault and status reporting, BER performance monitoring, IF Loop-back, programmable test modes, built-in Fireberd emulation with all comprehensive BER measurements.
Monitor and Control EIA-232, 10/100/1000BASE-T Et her net with HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, and SNMP
Table 1-3. Summary of Modulator Specifications
Modulator Specifications
Parameter Specifications
Output Return Loss -9 dB (L-Band)
From Carrier
± TX SR TO 500 MHZ –51 dBc (measured in a 10 kHz bandwidth).
Output Connections Indoor – SMA,
Outdoor – “N”-Type
Modulator Spectral Inversion Modem can invert the modulated spectrum.
Introduction 1–9 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem
Maximum Composite
+20 dBm or +40 dBc
Input Impedance
Closed Network
Revision 1
Table 1-4. Summary of Demodulator Specifications
Demodulator Specifications
Parameter Specifications
+10 to -55 dBm (SR>3.2 Msps)
Input Power
Desired Carrier
+10 to 10·log (SR≤3.2 Msps) where SR is in symbols per second
(SR/32000) -75 dBM
Input Connectors Indoor – SMA
Outdoor – “N”-Type Carrier Acquisition Range Input Return Loss -9 dB (L-Band)
Parameter Specifications
Uncoded, Viterbi, Viterbi+RS Per MIL-STD-188-165A Sequential Closed Network Turbo TPC
30 kHz, selectable
Table 1-5. Summary of Coding Options
Coding Options
Introduction 1–10 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem

1.5 Performance

1.5.1 Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements
Revision 1
The following reference Energy per Bit to the Spectral Noise Density (Eb/No) is defined as the
required Eb/No corresponding to a BER of 1 x 10
able 1-6. Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements
with Reed-Solomon FEC not enabled.
Parameter Specification
Initial Acquisition
The modem achieves initial acquisition within the times as specified within ± 30 kHz at the reference Eb/No
For baseband data rates between 64 kbps and 128 kbps, the maximum initial acquisition time is 500 seconds.
For baseband data rates between 128kbps and 1544 kbps, the maximum initial acquisition time is 30 seconds.
For baseband data rates > 1544 kbps, the maximum initial acquisition time is 1.5 seconds.
Reacquisition is achieved, as follows, after a period of up to 15 minutes of the absence of signal when the carrier returns to within 500 Hz of its original frequency.
For baseband data rates between 64 kbps and 128 kbps, the maximum reacquisition time shall be 45 seconds.
For baseband data rates between 128 kbps and 1544 kbps, the maximum reacquisition time shall be 20 seconds.
For baseband data rates greater than 1544 kbps, the maximum reacquisition time shall be 1 second.
System Retention
Synchronization and BCI are maintained for all Eb/No above the reference Eb/No (BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK/8PSK) for signal loss of up to 50 modulation symbol periods, with a probability of at least 90 percent.
Receive Timing Jitter
The Rx output clock peak timing jitter cannot exceed ± 5 percent at the reference Eb/No when the modulated signal meets the modulation timing jitter requirement.
The modem meets the requirements with a Doppler shift, rate of change, and acceleration for satellite inclination up to ± 7°, as presented in Table 1-7, and an additional 0.5 dB added to the reference Eb/No.
Introduction 1–11 MN-SLM-5650C
SLM-5650C / SLM-5650C-ODU Satellite Modem Revision 1
Table 1-7. Doppler Requirements
Parameter C-Band X-Band Ku-Band Ka-Band
Doppler Shift in Hz ± 2475 ± 3535 ± 6045 ± 11,810 Doppler Rate of Change in Hz/sec ± 226 ± 270 ± 490 ± 1046 Doppler Acceleration in Hz/sec2 ± 243 ± 290 ± 526 ± 1124
1.5.2 Data Quality Performance
OM-73 Compatible Mode Performance
Operating in the OM-73-compatible mode, both modems vs. Eb/No performance with differential encoding and data scrambling enabled do not exceed the values shown in Table 1-8 through Table 1-14.
MIL-STD-188-165A Compatible Mode Performance
Operating with BPSK, QPSK, or OQPSK modulation in the MIL-STD-188-165A compatible mode, both modems BER vs. Eb/No performance with differential encoding and data scrambling enabled will not exceed values shown in Table 1-8 (without Reed-Solomon) or Table 1-9 (with Reed-Solomon) tested in an IF back-to-back configuration over the BER range
5 x 10
to 1 x 10-7.
Operating with 8PSK modulation and rate 2/3 pragmatic Trellis coding (without Reed-Solomon outer coding), both modems vs. Eb/No performance is less than or equal to the values shown in Table 1-10 when tested in an IF back-to-back configuration.
Operating with 8PSK modulation, rate 2/3 pragmatic Trellis coding, and Reed-Solomon (219,201) outer coding, both modems vs. Eb/No performance is better than or equal to the values shown in Table 1-11 when tested in an IF back-to-back configuration.
IESS-308 Compatible Mode Performance
When operating in the IESS-308 Compatible Mode, both modems BER vs. Eb/No performance is as specified in IESS-308.
IESS-309 Compatible Mode Performance
When operating in the IESS-309 Compatible Mode, both modems BER vs. Eb/No performance is as specified in IESS-309.
IESS-310 Compatible Mode Performance
When operating in the IESS-310 Compatible Mode, both modems BER vs. Eb/No performance is as specified in IESS-310.
16QAM Coding Mode Performance
Both modems operating in the 16QAM mode provides back-to-back BER vs. Eb/No performance better than or equal to the values shown in Table 1-12 when using the modulation form ats indicated.
Introduction 1–12 MN-SLM-5650C
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