This manual describes the operation of the Compaq Open Systems Interconnection/File
Transfer, Access and Management (OSI/FTAM) responder and its virtual filestore (VFS). It is
for programmers and users who are working with or writing remote FTAM applications that use
the services of the Compaq responder. It is also useful to those with access to the Compaq
system who are diagnosing and solving problems involving the Compaq FTAM responder.
Product Version
Supported Releases
D48 and above
G06.01 and above
Part NumberPublished
425199-001February 2000
Document History
Part NumberProduct VersionPublished
030246OSI/FTAM C30,
098329OSI/FTAM D20,
425199-001OSI/FTAM D43
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August 1992
September 1993
February 2000
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual
What’s New in This Manualv
Manual Information
New and Changed Information
About This Manual
Supported Standards
Related Manuals
Your Comments Invited
Notation Conventions
1. Introduc tion to the Compaq FTAM Resp onde r
Functional Overview1-1
Compaq FT AM Services
FTAM Applications
Management Interfaces
Architectural Overview
The Responder and Underlying Subsystems
The Responder and the File System
2. Conformance and Interoperatility
Basic Characteristics of FTAM Implementations
Limitations on Value of Future-Filesize Attribute
Document T ypes and Related Parameters
Data-Transfer Considerations
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data
Compaq Computer Corporation—425199-001
3. Compaq FTAM Responder O p er ati on
Responder Structure3-1
3. Compaq FTAM Responder Operation
Responder Data Flow
4. Compaq F TAM Re sponde r Support of ISO FTAM Functions
Supported Functions4-1
Service Classes
Functional Units
Attribute Groups
Attribute Support
Document T ypes
Mapping Between FTAM Contents Types and Compaq File Structures
Create Mappings
Select-Open Mappings
Maximum-String-Length Checking of Data Values
Limits on Small String-Length Values With Large PDUs
File-Attribute Mappings
Kernel Group File Attributes
Storage Group File Attributes
Security Group File Attributes
Private Group File Attributes
Supported and Unsupported Optional Parameters
File-Access and Security Considerations
5. Suggestions for Development of Remote Applications
Design and Programming5-1
Error Handling
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
6. Responder Mana ger
Notes on Configuration6-1
6. Responder Man ager
OSI Address of Responder
Initiator-Identity and Filestore-Password Parameters
Protocol-Error Counter
Increasing Responder Capacity
Increasing Responder Performance
Functional Units Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder4-2
Attribute Groups Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder4-2
Attributes Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder4-3
Document Types and Parameters Supported by the Compaq FTAM
Create Mappings: FTAM Contents Type to Compaq File Structure4-7
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Tables (continued)
Table 4-7.Select-Open Mappings: Compaq File Structure to FTAM Contents
Actions Permitted for FTAM Document Type4-12
Simplification of Document Types Supported by the Compaq FTAM
Bit String for NBS-9 File Attributes4-14
FTAM Storage Attributes and Corresponding Compaq File
Security Attributes Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder4-17
Mapping From FTAM Action List to Guardian Security4-19
Mapping From Guardian Security to FTAM Action List4-21
Compaq Support of Optional Parameters Received
in Request PDUs4-21
Compaq Support of Optional Parameters Sent in Response PDUs4-22
Guardian Access Required to Perform FTAM Actions4-23
Diagnostic Message TypesA-1
Sources and Observers of ErrorsA-2
Protocol and Supporting Service-Related Diagnostic MessagesA-4
Association-Related Diagnostic MessagesA-7
Selection-Related Diagnostic MessagesA-11
File-Management-Related Diagnostic MessageA-16
Access-Related Diagnostic MessagesA-18
Access Contexts by Document TypA-22
FTAM Contents Types and Equivalent Guardian File StructuresA-24
Recovery-Related Diagnostic MessagesA-25
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
What’s New in This Manual
Manual Information
This manual describes the operation of the Compaq Open Systems Interconnection/File
Transfer, Access and Management (OSI/FTAM) responder and its virtual filestore
(VFS). It is for programmers and users who are working with or writing remote FTAM
applications that use the services of the Compaq responder. It is also useful to those
with access to the Compaq system who are diagnosing and solving problems involving
the Compaq FT AM responder.
Product Version
Supported Releases
D48 and above
G06.01 and above
Part NumberPublished
425199-001February 2000
Document History
Part NumberProduct VersionPublished
030246OSI/FTAM C30,
098329OSI/FTAM D20,
425199-001OSI/FTAM D43
New and Changed Information
This manual has been updated to support the G-series releases.
August 1992
September 1993
February 2000
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
What’s New in This Manual
New and Changed Information
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
The OSI/FTAM Responder Manual provides instructions and reference information
needed to write application programs, or to use interactive applications, that use the
services of the Compaq OSI/File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) responder
process. This manual has the following objectives:
Introduce the Compaq FTAM responder and how it fits into the Compaq FTAM
Describe conformance and interoperability issues for the Compaq FTAM responder
Provide information about the Compaq FTAM responder needed by the programmer
writing FTAM applications (or the user using interactive FTAM applications) on a
remote system, which may or may not be a Compaq system
Provide information about the Compaq FTAM responder and its virtual
filestore (VFS) needed for problem solving on the Compaq system
The descriptions that follow provide you with an overview of the content of each section
and appendix in this manual.
Section 1, “Introduction to Compaq OSI/FTAM,” provides a general introduction to
the Compaq FTAM software from the point of view of programmers writing remote
FTAM applications that use the services of the Compaq FTAM responder.
Section 2, “Conformance and Interoperability,” presents information about
standards conformance and interoperability of the Compaq FTAM responder.
Section 3, “Compaq FTAM Responder Operation,” describes the architecture of the
Compaq FT AM responder and the way messages flow to and from the responder.
Section 4, “Compaq FTAM Responder Support of ISO FTAM Functions,” describes
the ISO FTAM functions supported by the Compaq FTAM responder.
Section 5, “Suggestions for Development of Remote Applications,” provides
suggestions for how to write your remote FTAM applications in order to take best
advantage of the features of the Compaq FTAM responder.
Section 6, “Responder Management,” discusses considerations that are related to the
configuration and management of the responder process and its VFS on the Compaq
system, but that you might need to know when writing or using FTAM applications
on the remote system.
Appendix A, “Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages,” provides cause,
effect, and recovery information for all diagnostic messages that originate in the
Compaq FTAM responder or VFS.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
Supported Standards
This manual and the other Compaq FTAM manuals are written on the assumption that
you are familiar with the ISO standards and the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) FTAM Phase 2 agreements to which Compaq FTAM and the
underlying Compaq OSI products conform. These standards include the following:
Standard NumberStandard Name
ISO 8326Basic Connection Oriented Session Service Definition
ISO 8327Basic Connection Oriented Session Protocol Specification
ISO 8571-1File Transfer , Access and Management—Part 1: General
ISO 8571-2File Transfer , Access and Management—Part 2: Virtual Filestore
ISO 8571-3 File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 3: File Service
Supported Standards
ISO 8571-4 File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 4: File Protocol
ISO 8571-5File Transfer , Access and Management—Part 5: Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement
ISO 8649Service Definition for the Association Control Service Element
ISO 8650Protocol Specification for the Association Control Service Element
ISO 8822Connection Oriented Presentation Service Definition
ISO 8823Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol Specification
ISO 8824Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
ISO 8825Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax
Notation One (ASN.1)
ISO/IEC ISP 10607 Information Technology—International Standardized Profiles
AFTnn—File Transfer, Access and Management, Parts 1-6
NIST 500-162Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems
Interconnection Protocols (Special Publication), Part 9—FTAM
Phase 2
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
Related Manuals
This manual is one in a set of Compaq FTAM manuals.
OSI/FT AM Programming Guide. This manual explains important programming
concepts pertaining to the Compaq FTAM application programmatic interface and
describes sequences of procedure calls to use to perform common FTAM
programming operations. This manual also provides an overview of FTAM
concepts for those who have not recently read the ISO 8571 specification.
OSI/FT AM Programming Reference Manual. This is the companion manual to the
Compaq OSI/FTAM Programming Guide and provides reference information on the
programmatic interface provided by Compaq FTAM for application programs that
run on a Compaq host using the FTAM initiator. It discusses product conformance
to standards and interoperability , provides information on the FTAM initiator, and
provides reference material for all procedure calls in the FTAM API (application
programmatic interface), including descriptions of diagnostic and error messages.
OSI/FT AM Responder Manual. This manual provides information for programmers
writing applications on remote systems using the services of the Compaq FTAM
responder. This manual discusses the Compaq FTAM responder’s conformance to
standards and interoperability, describes the operation of the responder, and
provides reference information on diagnostic messages.
Related Manuals
OSI/FT AM Configuration and Management Manual. This manual provides task-
oriented information necessary for the installation and management of the Compaq
FTAM responder and virtual filestore (VFS) and the associated APLMGR process.
This manual also includes information on monitoring and adjusting your subsystem
to optimize performance and on diagnosing and fixing problems.
SCF Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR. This manual describes the
interactive interface that allows operators to manage and monitor the configuration
and operation of FTAM responder and APLMGR processes, and to monitor FTAM
subdevices, using SCF commands. It also describes the formats of trace records
generated by responder and APLMGR processes.
Operator Messages Manual . This manual describes Compaq operator messages in
general and describes the operator messages that can be generated by various
Compaq subsystems, including their causes, effects, and recovery actions. The
“OSI/APLMGR Messages” and “OSI/FTAM Messages” sections describe the
operator messages generated by Compaq FT AM.
If you are writing applications using a remote initiator that interoperates with the
Compaq FTAM responder, your main source of information is the documentation for the
FTAM initiator you are using. If your initiator is running on a system other than a
Compaq system, you need whatever documentation is provided for the remote
If your FT AM initiator is on a Compaq system, you need the following manuals in the
Compaq FTAM manual set: the OSI/FTAM Programming Guide and the OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
If you are diagnosing and solving FTAM problems using tools on the Compaq system
where your responder resides, you also need to refer to the following manuals: the
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual and the SCF Reference Manual for
If you need to understand the meaning of event messages and additional information on
displaying trace records for problem diagnosis, you need to refer to the following
PT race Reference Manual provides general information on how to select and
interpret information in trace files created using the SCF TRACE command. This
information serves as background for the trace-record information in the SCF
Reference Manual for FT AM and APLMGR.
Operator Messages Manual.
If you need to understand how files are stored in the Compaq responder’s VFS or if you
are diagnosing problems in the VFS, the following manuals are also likely to be of
Enscribe Programmer’s Guide describes the four types of Enscribe disk files on the
Compaq system (unstructured, key-sequenced, entry-sequenced, and relative).
Your Comments Invited
NonStop SQL Installation and Management Manual explains how to install
NonStop SQL, the Compaq relational database management system, and how to
plan, create, and manage NonStop SQL databases. This manual is useful to you if
your applications access SQL tables as FTAM-2 files.
NonStop SQL Messages Manual describes messages produced by the NonStop SQL
relational database management system and file-system messages that pertain only
to NonStop SQL files. This manual is useful to you if your applications access SQL
tables as FT AM-2 files.
Your Comments Invited
After using this manual, please take a moment to send us your comments. You can do
this by returning a Reader Comment Card or by sending an Internet mail message.
A Reader Comment Card is located at the back of printed manuals and as a separate file
on the User Documentation disc. You can either fax or mail the card to us. The fax
number and mailing address are provided on the card.
Also provided on the Reader Comment Card is an Internet mail address. When you
send an Internet mail message to us, we immediately acknowledge receipt of your
message. A detailed response to your message is sent as soon as possible. Be sure to
include your name, company name, address, and phone number in your message. If
your comments are specific to a particular manual, also include the part number and title
of the manual.
Many of the improvements you see in manuals are a result of suggestions from our
customers. Please take this opportunity to help us improve future manuals.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
Notation Conventions
Notation Conventions
General Syntax Notatio n
The following list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words; enter
these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
lowercase italic letters. Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items that you supply.
Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
[ ] Brackets. Brackets enclose optional syntax items. For example:
TERM [\system-name.]$terminal-name
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or
none. The items in the list may be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on
each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by
vertical lines. For example:
FC [ num ]
[ -num]
[ text]
K [ X | D ] address-1
{ } Braces. A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to
choose one item. The items in the list may be arranged either vertically , with aligned
braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated
by vertical lines. For example:
LISTOPENS PROCESS { $appl-mgr-name }
{ $process-name }
| Vertical Line. A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in
brackets or braces. For example:
… Ellipsis. An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you
can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times. For example:
M address-1 [ , new-value ]...
[ - ] {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}...
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
General Syntax Notation
An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that
syntax item any number of times. For example:
Punctuation. Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described
must be entered as shown. For example:
error := NEXTFILENAME ( file-name ) ;
LISTOPENS SU $process-name.#su-name
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a
required character that you must enter as shown. For example:
"[" repetition-constant-list "]"
Item Spacing. Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a
punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma. For example:
CALL STEPMOM ( process-id ) ;
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In the following
example, there are no spaces permitted between the period and any other items:
Line Spacing. If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation
line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of
selections. For example:
ALTER [ / OUT file-spec / ] CONTROLLER
[ , attribute-spec ]...
!i and !o. In procedure calls, the !i notation follows an input parameter (one that passes data
to the called procedure); the !o notation follows an output parameter (one that returns
data to the calling program). For example:
[ ] Brackets. Brackets enclose items that are sometimes, but not always, displayed. For
Event number = number [ Subject = first-subject-value ]
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list of all possible items that can be displayed,
of which one or none might actually be displayed. The items in the list might be
arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally,
enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines. For example:
proc-name trapped [ in SQL | in SQL file system ]
{ } Braces. A group of items enclosed in braces is a list of all possible items that can be
displayed, of which one is actually displayed. The items in the list might be arranged
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
About This Manual
Notation for Management Programming Interfaces
either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in
a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines. For example:
obj-typeobj-name state changed to state, caused by
{ Object | Operator | Service }
process-name State changed from old-objstate to objstate
{ Operator Request. }
{ Unknown. }
| Vertical Line. A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in
brackets or braces. For example:
Transfer status: { OK | Failed }
% Percent Sign. A percent sign precedes a number that is not in decimal notation. The
%þnotation precedes an octal number. The %Bþnotation precedes a binary number.
The %Hþnotation precedes a hexadecimal number. For example:
P=%p-register E=%e-register
Notation for Management Programming Interfaces
The following list summarizes the notation conventions used in the boxed descriptions
of programmatic commands, event messages, and error lists in this manual.
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate names from definition files; enter these
names exactly as shown. For example:
lowercase letters. Words in lowercase letters are words that are part of the notation,
including Data Definition Language (DDL) keywords. For example:
!r.The !r notation following a token or field name indicates that the token or field is
required. For example:
!o.The !o notation following a token or field name indicates that the token or field is
optional. For example:
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM
This manual describes the Compaq Open Systems Interconnection/File Transfer, Access
and Management (OSI/FT AM) responder and its virtual filestore (VFS). Compaq
OSI/FTAM is the Compaq implementation of the FTAM standard ISO 8571, developed
by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
File Transfer , Access and Management (FTAM) is a set of Application Layer services
and an Application Layer protocol to support file handling on Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) networks. Using this standard FTAM protocol across an OSI
network, different computer systems can transmit and receive file contents and filemanagement-related messages.
The information in this manual is useful to you if you are doing either of the following:
Developing FT AM applications, or using interactive FTAM applications, that run
on remote systems and use the services of the Compaq FTAM responder
Solving problems involving a Compaq FTAM responder or its virtual filestore
While this manual is designed to be as complete as possible with regard to the Compaq
FTAM implementation of the responder, it is not intended to duplicate or replace the
ISO standards and National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) FTAM Phase 2
agreements. The preface to this manual, called “About This Manual,” lists the relevant
ISO and NIST documents that you may want to review.
In this manual, ISO FTAM refers to the FTAM specification as defined in ISO 8571,
and Compaq FTAM refers to the Compaq OSI/FTAM product.
Functional Overview
ISO FTAM provides the following file-handling functions across the network:
Creating files
Deleting files
Erasing part or all of the contents of files
Reading from files
Writing to files
Reading file attributes
Changing file attributes
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq F TAM Responder
FTAM users communicate with the FTAM service provider by way of primitives, the
smallest units of interaction between the FTAM user and the FTAM service provider. An
operation like any of those mentioned above requires the exchange of multiple
primitives, which the FTAM software encodes as protocol data units (PDUs).
FTAM file handling is defined in terms of initiator and responder functions. The
initiator provides application programs with access to the FTAM protocol so that you
can request services to be performed by a responder across the network. The remote
responder acts as a file server and performs the requested services.
Compaq FTAM Services
Compaq FTAM provides most of the FTAM services specified in ISO 8571.
The Compaq FT AM implementation separates the initiator and responder functions into
two processes. The Compaq FTAM initiator process implements the initiator function,
while the Compaq FTAM responder process implements the responder function.
Note. The initiator and responder functions of remote FTAM implementations are not
necessarily performed by sep arat e processes. In this manual, the term “remote init iato r” refe r s
to the entit y in th e remote imp lementation that perfo rms the init iat or function .
Compaq FTAM Service s
The initiator and responder processes provide the FTAM functions required for your
applications. These processes manage the FTAM communications among your
application and other FT AM applications on the local or remote computer systems on an
OSI network.
Compaq FTAM can handle the following types of files, where the corresponding FTAM
document types are listed parenthetically:
Unstructured text files (FTAM-1)
Structured text files (FTAM-2)
Binary files (FTAM-3)
Directory files (NBS-9)
FTAM Applications
This manual focuses on the FTAM services available to remote ISO FTAM applications
through the Compaq FTAM responder. There is no programmatic interface to the
Compaq responder; you request the services of the responder by means of the FTAM
interface on your remote system, which may or may not be a Compaq system.
ISO FTAM protocol defines a common model of the file system (the virtual filestore,
described later in the manual), which allows all computer systems on an open network
to share the same file-handling conventions. Because the Compaq FTAM responder
manages its own local file system, you do not need to learn how to program file
handling for the Compaq NonStop Kernel (the operating system) or the Guardian
environment (the application program interface and the Compaq NonStop tools) when
using the Compaq responder. In writing FTAM applications that use the services of the
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq F TAM Responder
responder, you use the standard FTAM file-handling conventions to perform remote filehandling tasks, by means of the FTAM interface on your remote system.
Each FTAM service, or file operation, requires that multiple FTAM protocol operations
be performed, in sequence, to complete the service. For example, to open a file, an
FTAM application must first send an initialize request, and then a file-select request and
a file-open request, to the responding system in the communication. The responding
FTAM node receives the requests as indications and sends responses back to the
requesting node. The requesting node receives these responses as confirms. Thus, four
primitives—request, indication, response, and confirm—are used to complete most
services, as shown in Figure 1-1. Section 4 identifies the FTAM services supported in
the Compaq FT AM implementation.
Figure 1-1. An FTAM Service Using Four Primitives
FTAM Applications
F-XXX request
F-XXX confirm
F-XXX indication
F-XXX response
The ISO standard provides flexibility in the level of FTAM function that must be
implemented in an ISO-conformant system. This flexibility implies that, as you write
and test your application, you need to consider the specifications for the other FT AM
implementations with which your application will interoperate. Refer to Section 2 for
information about the factors to consider in assessing the interoperability of the
Compaq FTAM product with other FTAM implementati ons.
If your remote FTAM application also runs on a Compaq system, you use the Compaq
FTAM application program interface (API), a set of procedures that interact with the
Compaq FTAM initiator process, to request FTAM services. The initiator, in turn, sends
requests for file-handling services to remote responders. The FTAM API is described in
detail in the OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual and the OSI/FTAM Programming Guide.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq F TAM Responder
Management Interfaces
For those people with access to the Compaq system who are responsible for configuring
and managing FTAM responder processes and for solving FTAM problems, Compaq
FTAM supports the Distributed Systems Management (DSM) management interfaces,
which include the following:
Subsystem Control Facility (SCF)
PTrace utility
Operator message facility of the Event Management Service (EMS)
The use of these management utilities with Compaq FTAM is described in the
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual.
In addition, system managers and problem solvers on the Compaq system use the File
Utility Program (FUP) to perform many functions on Compaq disk files, including
copying and resecuring files. This utility is described in the File Utility Program (FUP) Reference Manual.
Management Interfaces
Architectural Overview
FTAM services facilitate communication between different computer systems in an OSI
network. The communication link (at the FTAM level) created between two systems is
called an association. Each system is further defined in terms of its function in the
association. The system that creates and controls the association is called the initiating
system. The system that responds to the initiating system is called the responding
system. In Compaq FTAM, the initiating and responding functions are performed by
separate processes.
The Compaq FTAM responder process services FTAM requests initiated from remote
systems on the network, such as a request to read a file. The responder acts as an FTAM
file server, mapping FTAM requests into file operations and providing a translation
between Guardian file structures and FTAM file structures.
The Responder and Underlying Subsystems
To communicate over OSI networks, Compaq FTAM uses the services of the Compaq
OSI/AS and OSI/TSsubsystems, and either the Compaq LAN access method (TLAM)
(or PAM for G06 and above releases), or the X.25 access method (X25AM), or TCP/IP.
In turn, X25AM and TLAM depend on hardware controllers to provide the 802.3
communications protocol (for TLAM) and the X.25 communications protocol (for
Figure 1-2 provides an overview of the Compaq FTAM responder and these underlying
Compaq products. The figure illustrates how the Compaq FTAM responder and the
underlying Compaq OSI subsystems support the layers of the OSI Reference Model
for both LANs and WANs:
The Compaq FTAM responder provides FTAM responder functions at the
Application Layer.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq F TAM Responder
Compaq application, presentation, and session service provider (TAPS) processes
perform the services of the Association Control Service Element (ACSE) in the
Application Layer, plus the services of the Presentation Layer and the Session Layer. TAPS processes are provided by the OSI/AS subsystem.
Transport service provider (TSP) processes perform the services of the Transport
Layer. These processes are provided by the OSI/TS subsystem.
Network service provider (NSP) processes perform the services of the Network
Layer and/or the Data Link Layer. These processes are provided by the X25AM
and TLAM (or P AM for G06 and above releases) and TCP/IP subsystems.
The figure also shows the hardware used to implement Data Link Layer and Physical Layer OSI communications through TLAM (or P AM) or X25AM.
PDUs from a remote FTAM initiator are received by the Compaq system at the Physical
Layer and are transmitted up through the appropriate communications controller (or
adapter), NSP process, TSP process, and TAPS process to the FTAM responder process.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq F TAM Responder
The Responder and the File System
Figure 1-2 also shows the file system used by the Compaq responder to access files.
When a remote FTAM initiator requests access to files, the Compaq FT AM responder
provides that service via its virtual filestore (VFS) component, which acts as an interface
to the file system. The set of files accessible via the VFS includes all files on the
Expandnetwork to which the Compaq FTAM responder process’ system belongs.
The responder’s VFS maps the FTAM requests into file requests and translates between
FTAM and Guardian file structures and attributes. For more information on the VFS
and how it maps particular file structures and attributes, refer to Sections 3 and 4.
The Responder and the File System
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Introduction to the Compaq F TAM Responder
The Responder and the File System
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
This section presents information about the conformance to standards and the
interoperability of the Compaq FTAM responder.
Conformance is the satisfaction of the requirements of the applicable standards,
consistent with the capabilities stated in the protocol implementation conformance
statement (PICS) for the implementation. Interoperability is the ability of an
implementation of a standard to work with other implementations of the same standard
to deliver services.
A list of the supported standards and agreements that apply to Compaq FTAM is
provided in “About This Manual” at the beginning of this manual.
Conformance and Interoperatility
To be ISO FTAM-conformant, an FTAM implementation must comply with the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) FTAM standard for communication
between different FTAM implementations. Conformance to the ISO FTAM standard is
tested in the areas of the support of services, functional units, service classes, and file attributes.
Conformance testing increases the probability that an implementation is able to
interwork with other implementations. Two or more implementations are more likely to
work together if they conform to the same set of standards.
The Compaq OSI/FT AM product has been tested to conform with ISO 8571, NIST
Special Publication 500-162 (Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems
Interconnection Protocols) Part 9—FTAM Phase 2, and US GOSIP version 1.0.
Interoperabili ty
The interoperability, or interworking, of two FT AM implementations is the ability of
these implementations to communicate using FT AM primitives in a useful and
meaningful way. While conformance to ISO FTAM is necessary, it does not by itself
guarantee that two implementations will interwork. Even if the two implementations
conform to the same OSI protocol standard, they may be incapable of interworking with
each other for reasons outside the scope of that standard (see ISO IS 9646-1, section
5.7.2). In addition, the FTAM standard is very complex. Two implementations may
contain disjoint subsets of the standard that do not allow for interoperability but are fully
conformant to the ISO specification. For example, two systems cannot interoperate if
each supports only an initiator, or if a document type supported by an initiator is not
included among the document types supported by the responder.
The Compaq FTAM product has been tested to conform with the standards and profiles
mentioned in the above subsection, “Conformance.” It has also been tested to
interoperate with a number of other vendors according to the NISTIR 4435 document,
“FTAM Interoperability Tests, ” which most vendors use as a basis for writing FTAM
interoperability tests.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Conformance and Interoperatility
When evaluating interoperability between Compaq FTAM and another FTAM
implementation, consider the following aspects in which FTAM implementations can
vary. Section 4 of this manual provides you with additional details about the Compaq
FTAM implementation that you need to determine whether another implementation can
interoperate with the Compaq FTAM product.
Basic Characteristics of FTAM Implementations
Basic Characteristics of FTAM Implem entations
To determine whether another FTAM implementation can interoperate with Compaq
FTAM, you must first consider the following basic characteristics of the two
Roles of Initiator and Responder
Initiator and responder roles must be compatible to interoperate successfully. For two
implementations to interoperate, there must be an initiator and a responder that can send
and receive data between the two. For more information, see Section 4.
Roles of Sender and Receiver
The sender is the entity that sends data. The receiver is the entity receiving data. In
Compaq FTAM, both the initiator and the responder have sender and receiver
capabilities. For example, an initiator sending a read request is the receiver, and an
initiator sending a write request is the sender.
Service Classes Supported
The service classes supported are defined in terms of combinations of functional units.
At least one common service class must be supported for two implementations to
interoperate. Compaq FTAM supports four service classes: file transfer, file
management, file transfer and management, and file access.
Underlying Services
Compaq FTAM uses Compaq OSI/AS, which is an implementation of version 1 of the
Association Control Service Element (ACSE), as stated in ISO IS 8649 and 8650;
version 1 of the Presentation Layer, as stated in ISO IS 8822 and 8823; and version 2
of the Session Layer, as stated in ISO IS 8326 and 8327. To interoperate with Compaq
FTAM, other FTAM implementations must support compatible versions of ACSE,
Presentation, and Session, as well as the services underlying the Session Layer.
Functiona l Un it s
Both implementations must support the functional units required for any services the
pair will perform together. Compaq FTAM supports seven functional units: kernel,
Limitations on Value of Future-Filesize A ttribute
Aspects of attributes that can affect interoperability include the optional groups of
attributes, the level of support for each individual attribute (see Table 4-4) and its
optional components, and the range of values supported for each attribute. The Compaq
FTAM implementation supports three attribute groups: kernel, storage, and security.
For more information on attributes and attribute support for the Compaq FTAM
responder, see Section 4.
FTA M Parameter s
Aspects of FTAM parameters that can affect interoperability include the supported
optional parameters and the range of values for all parameters. If they are to
interoperate, both implementations must support all parameters and ranges required by
the services to be performed. For more information on the optional parameters and
parameter value ranges supported by the Compaq FTAM responder, see Section 4.
Limitations on Valu e of Future-F ilesize Attribute
Because of file-size limitations imposed by the Guardian file system, the Compaq
FTAM responder cannot support all possible values of the future-filesize attribute sent
in create and change-attribute requests. The Compaq responder creates files with a
maximum future-filesize value of 1 GB. If a value greater than 1 GB is requested, the
responder returns an informative diagnostic message and creates the file with a futurefilesize value of 1 GB.
The smallest file the Compaq responder can create has a future-filesize value of 64 KB.
If a smaller future-filesize value is requested, the responder creates the file with a futurefilesize value of 64 KB. (Note, however, that the entire 64K is not necessarily allocated;
only as many extents as needed are allocated.)
In addition, the maximum size of files is limited by the physical storage capacity of the
Compaq disk device being used.
Document Types and Related Par ame te rs
Both implementations must support one or more common document types to
interoperate. Compaq FTAM supports the following document types: FTAM-1, FTAM2, FTAM-3, and NBS-9. In addition, both implementations must be aware of how the
parameters associated with document type (the maximum-string-length, string-significance, and universal-class parameters) are used in the FT AM software with
which they wish to interoperate.
The NBS-9 document type allows reading of directory information using an attribute bit
For more information on Compaq FT AM document types and related parameters, see
Section 4.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Conformance and Interoperatility
Maximum-String-Length Parameter
Compaq FTAM supports unbounded strings. The limitations of the maximum-stringlength parameter are described in detail in Section 4.
S tr ing-Significance Parameter
The Compaq FTAM responder supports all three values (fixed, variable, and notsignificant) for the string-significance parameter in FTAM-1 documents. For the
FTAM-3 document type, it supports the values not-significant, fixed, and variable.
Universal-Class Parameter
The default universal-class parameter value used by the Compaq FTAM responder for
FTAM-1 and FTAM-2 files is GraphicString, as specified in ISO 8571.
Simplification and Relaxation
Simplification is the act of reading a file of a specific FTAM document type as a
less structured, or simpler, FTAM document type. Compaq FTAM supports
the simplification of FTAM-2 Enscribe relative files to FTAM-1 files, but does not
support simplification of Structured Query Language (SQL) tables.
Data-Transfer Considerations
Relaxation, or the process of deriving one document from another by making the
parameters describing it less restrictive, is not supported at all by Compaq FTAM.
Mapping of Contents-Type Parameters
The Compaq FT AM virtual filestore (VFS) supports the Compaq FT AM responder by
providing an interface to the Guardian file system. It maps FTAM file structures and
attributes to Guardian file structures and attributes, and vice versa. Section 4 describes
the mappings of FTAM document types to Guardian file types.
Note that the Compaq responder does not keep a permanent record of the contents-type
parameter values used on creation of a file in the VFS. These values are directly
available only during the life of the FTAM association in which the file was created.
When a remote initiator makes a create request followed by an open request and the
open request specifies a contents type of unknown, the responder uses the contents-type
parameter values specified in the create request. However, this information is lost when
the association is terminated. On subsequent accesses to the file via a select request
followed by an open request with a contents type of unknown, the responder uses its
default values based on the file structure, as described in Section 4.
Data-Tra n s f er C on s iderations
This subsection briefly describes the aspects of Compaq FTAM data handling that might
affect interoperability between the Compaq FTAM responder and another FTAM
implementation. For complete information, see Section 4.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Conformance and Interoperatility
Limits on Small String-Length Values With Large PDUs
When the Compaq FT AM responder receives data from a remote initiator, it decodes the
data and stores it, as a sequence of strings, in an internal buffer with a maximum size of
25 KB. According to the NIST FTAM Phase 2 agreements, P-DATA carrying encoded
FTAM PDUs or data elements cannot exceed 16 KB; however, string-header
information in the buffer can cause the data in the buffer to be much larger than the
maximum size of the encoded data. Because each string in the buffer includes a fixed
number of bytes of header information, packing small strings into a large PDU can cause
the 25 KB buffer size to be exceeded.
During data decoding, the responder checks the length of the data. If the decoded data
cannot be accommodated in the 25 KB buffer, the responder generates a provider abort.
To avoid exceeding the buffer-size limit for writes to the Compaq responder, you can
either send a smaller number of strings per PDU or send larger strings, as described in
Section 4.
Handling of Escape Sequences
Data-Transfer Considerations
When writing data to the Guardian file system from a remote initiator, the responder
first removes any escape sequences contained in each string it receives before enforcing
the maximum-string-length limitation. When sending data to the remote initiator, it
does not check for escape sequences, but simply counts all bytes and packages them into
Use of Format Effectors
Format effectors are characters such as carriage returns and line feeds, which control
the formatting of information on character-imaging devices. To interoperate
successfully , application programmers must understand what an implementation expects
as an end-of-line symbol and how it interprets format effectors. For example, some
implementations use the FTAM-1 document type to transfer binary data as opposed to
text. Some implementations recognize carriage returns and line feeds as format
effectors and discard them if binary data, not text, is being transferred. Others see the
format effectors as data and transfer them as such.
In the Compaq FTAM responder’s virtual filestore (VFS), FTAM-1 files are treated as
documents and are implemented as Guardian EDIT files, which have a maximum record
length of 239 characters. The responder interprets carriage return-line feed
combinations (CR/LFs) as end-of-line indicators. If a file being written to the
responder’s VFS does not contain CR/LFs, the file is written in 239-character records.
Character Sets
The Compaq FT AM responder does no character-set verification. For FTAM-1 and
FTAM-2 files, to ensure that the file being transferred contains the correct characterstring type as specified in the universal-class parameter, your remote application should
verify characters as it sends or receives the data.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Conformance and Interoperatility
For FTAM-3 files, keep in mind that the native character sets (ASCII, EBCDIC, and
so on) might be incompatible on the sending and receiving systems. For example,
Compaq systems use the 7-bit ASCII character set, whereas some other vendors’
systems use 8-bit EBCDIC. If you decide to send or receive text characters as FTAM-3
binary data, some conversion of the native character set might be necessary.
Some files might contain multiple character sets. The file system provides no means of
storing information on the location of character-set transitions within a file residing in it.
Because the Compaq responder removes escape sequences when enforcing maximumstring-length limitations on data being written to the VFS, indications of transitions
between character sets are lost.
Writing of FTAM-2 Fi le s
FTAM-2 files that are SQL tables must be written using the flat all data units (FA)
access context, since each incoming data element represents a single SQL field and node
descriptors are needed to delineate rows. Attempting to write to an SQL table using the
unstructured all data (UA) access context causes the responder to return a cancel request
that includes a diagnostic message indicating a poorly specified FADU. The file is left
in an unknown state.
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data
FTAM-2 files that are not SQL tables may be written using either the FA or UA access
context. When FTAM-2 files are written using the FA access context, the responder
expects each text data element transferred to be preceded by a node-descriptor data
element. If the node descriptor element is omitted, the responder returns a cancel
request that includes a diagnostic message indicating an FTAM protocol error
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data
As described in ISO 8823, clause 8, there are several options for encoding FTAM PDUs
as presentation data. Presentation data is encoded as a SEQUENCE OF PDV-list. Each
PDV list contains one or more presentation data values (PDVs). PDV lists are encoded
as single-ASN1-type, octet-aligned, or arbitrary. If only a single Abstract Syntax
Notation-1 (ASN.1) data element (that is, a single PDV) is to be encoded, then a single
PDV list encoded as single-ASN1-type may be used. However, if multiple ASN.1 data
elements (that is, multiple PDVs) are to be encoded (as with grouped requests,
concatenated PDUs, and most F-DATA requests), there are several options:
Place the PDVs in a single PDV list encoded as octet-aligned.
Place the PDVs in multiple PDV lists, each containing one ASN.1 data element (one
PDV), encoded as single-ASN1-type.
Place the PDVs in multiple PDV lists, some containing multiple data elements
encoded as octet-aligned and others containing a single data element encoded as
Any of these three options is valid if all data elements have the same presentation context. If different presentation contexts are needed (as would be the case, for
example, with FTAM-2 data using the FA access context), a separate PDV list must be
used for each different presentation context, and the third option applies.
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
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