Compaq Netelligent 2000 User Manual

2000 Series UPS
Operation and Reference Guide
Second Edition (October 1999) Part Number 341252-002 Compaq Computer Corporation


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Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide Second Edition (October 1999) Part Number 341252-002


About This Guide
Text Conventions.......................................................................................................vii
Symbols in Text....................................................................................................... viii
Symbols on Equipment............................................................................................ viii
Getting Help ................................................................................................................x
Compaq Technical Support..................................................................................x
Compaq Website..................................................................................................xi
Compaq Authorized Reseller...............................................................................xi
Chapter 1
Compaq 2000 Series UPS Models........................................................................... 1-2
Front Panels............................................................................................................. 1-3
Rear Panels.............................................................................................................. 1-4
Standard UPS Features............................................................................................ 1-6
Communications Port....................................................................................... 1-7
Power Management Software........................................................................... 1-7
Hardware Option Cards.................................................................................... 1-8
Network Transient Protector........................................................................... 1-10
Warranties.............................................................................................................. 1-10
$25,000 Computer Load Protection Guarantee.............................................. 1-10
Pre-Failure Battery Warranty ......................................................................... 1-10
Chapter 2
Installation Requirements........................................................................................ 2-2
Item(s) not supplied with the UPS kit............................................................... 2-2
Item(s) supplied with the UPS kit..................................................................... 2-2
iv Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Before Starting the UPS...........................................................................................2-3
Connecting the External Battery Module..........................................................2-3
Connecting to the Communications Port.......................................................... 2-4
Connecting the Network Transient Protector....................................................2-5
Starting the UPS....................................................................................................... 2-6
Checking the Battery Recharge Date Label......................................................2-6
Connecting the UPS to Utility Power............................................................... 2-7
Connecting Devices to the UPS........................................................................2-7
Powering up the UPS........................................................................................2-8
Completing the Installation....................................................................................2-10
Placing the UPS in Operate mode................................................................... 2-10
Chapter 3
Modes of Operation ................................................................................................. 3-2
Front Panel Controls................................................................................................3-3
Front Panel Indicators.............................................................................................. 3-5
Front Panel LEDs in the Standby and Operate Modes......................................3-5
Overcurrent Protection ............................................................................................. 3-8
Placing the UPS in Operate Mode ........................................................................... 3-8
Returning to Standby Mode..................................................................................... 3-9
Initiating a Self-test................................................................................................3-11
Audio Alarm.......................................................................................................... 3-12
Silencing an Audio Alarm .............................................................................. 3-13
Chapter 4
Placing the UPS in Configure Mode........................................................................4-2
Configuration Parameters and their LED Indicators................................................ 4-3
Changing Configuration Parameters ........................................................................ 4-6
Optimizing Battery Life by Matching the Utility Voltage....................................... 4-7
Chapter 5
Battery Maintenance
Charging Batteries....................................................................................................5-3
When to Replace Batteries.......................................................................................5-3
Pre-Failure Battery Warranty................................................................................... 5-4
Obtaining a New Battery Module............................................................................5-4
Battery Maintenance
Replacing an External Battery Module.................................................................... 5-5
Step 1: Preparing the UPS................................................................................ 5-5
Step 2: Removing the External Battery Module............................................... 5-6
Step 3: Installing a New Battery Module.......................................................... 5-7
Step 4: Testing a New Battery Module............................................................. 5-8
Step 5: Disposing of Used Battery Modules..................................................... 5-8
Care and Storage of Batteries.................................................................................. 5-9
Chapter 6
Troubleshooting During Start.................................................................................. 6-2
Troubleshooting After Start..................................................................................... 6-3
Repairing the UPS................................................................................................... 6-5
Appendix A
Regulatory Compliance Notices
Federal Communications Commission Notice........................................................A-1
Class A Equipment...........................................................................................A-2
Class B Equipment...........................................................................................A-2
Canadian Notice (Avis Canadien) ...........................................................................A-3
Class A Equipment...........................................................................................A-3
Class B Equipment...........................................................................................A-4
European Union Notice ...........................................................................................A-4
Japanese Notice .......................................................................................................A-5
Taiwanese Notice.....................................................................................................A-5
Battery Replacement Notice....................................................................................A-5
About This Guide v
Appendix B
Electrostatic Discharge
Grounding Methods.................................................................................................B-2
vi Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Appendix C
Physical Specifications ............................................................................................C-2
Input Specifications..................................................................................................C-3
Output Specifications...............................................................................................C-4
Output Specifications...............................................................................................C-5
Overcurrent Protection .............................................................................................C-6
Battery Specifications..............................................................................................C-7
Battery Runtime.......................................................................................................C-8
Environmental Specifications..................................................................................C-9
This guide is designed to be used as step-by-step instructi ons for installation and as a refe rence for operation, troubleshooting, and future upgrades.
Text Conventions
This document uses the followin g conventions to di stinguish elements of text:
Keys Keys appear in boldface. A plus sign (+) between
USER INPUT User input appears in a different typeface and in

About This Guide

two keys indicates that they should be pressed simultaneousl y.
uppercase. FILENAMES File names appear in uppercase italics. Menu Options,
Command Names, Dialog Box Names
Type When you are in structed to type information, type
Enter When you are instructed to enter information, type
These elements appear in initial capital letter s.
These elements appear in uppercase.
the information without pressing the Enter key.
the information and then press the Enter key.
viii Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Symbols in Text
These symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the following meanings.
WARNING: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or loss of life.
CAUTION: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or loss of information.
IMPORTANT: Text set off in this manner presents clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Text set off in this manner presents commentary, sidelights, or interesting points of information.
Symbols on Equipment
These icons may be located on equipment in areas where hazardous conditions may exist.
Any surface or area of the equipment marked with these symbols indicates the presence of electrical shock hazards. Enclosed area contains no operator serviceable parts. WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from electrical shock hazards, do not open this enclosure.
Any product or assembly marked with these symbols indicates that the
79 to 97 lb
36 to 44 kg
component exceeds the recommended weight for one individual to handle safely. WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment, observe local occupational health and safety requirements and guidelines for manual material handling.
About This Guide ix
Any RJ-45 receptacle marked with these symbols indicates a Network Interface Connection. WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, or damage to the equipment, do not plug telephone or telecommunications connectors into this receptacle.
Any surface or area of the equipment marked with these symbols indicates the presence of a hot surface or hot component. If this surface is contacted, the potential for injury exists. WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component, allow the surface to cool before touching.
WARNING: There is a risk of electric shock from high earth conductor leakage current when connecting multiple pieces of Information Technology Equipment to Compaq 2000 Series Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS):
The summation of the input power for multiple pieces of Information Technology Equipment through the use of a UPS can result in high earth conductor leakage current. For UPS products that have detachable AC power cords, the total combined earth conductor leakage current should not exceed 3.5 mA.
WARNING: There is a risk of personal injury from the hazardous energy levels associated with UPS batteries. The maintenance and replacement of batteries must be carried out by qualified service personnel.
x Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
WARNING: The 2000 Series UPS models weigh between 79 and 97 lb (36 to 44 kg) when fully assembled.
T2000 and T2000j: UPS 32 lb (15 kg) Battery 47 lb (21 kg)
T2400h and T2400h-NA: UPS 34 lb (15 kg) Battery 63 lb (29 kg)
To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment:
Observe local occupational health and safety requirements and guidelines
for manual material handling.
Obtain adequate assistance to lift and stabilize the chassis during
installation or removal.
Remove the battery pack to reduce the overall weight of the product.
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the Important Safety Information (included with the UPS kit) before installing this product.
Getting Help
If you have a problem and have exhausted the information in this guide, you can get further information and other help in the following locations.
Compaq Technical Support
You are entitled to free hardware technical telephone support for your product for as long as you own the produc t. A technical support specialist will help you diagnose the problem or guide you to the next step in the warranty process.
In North America, call the Compaq Technical Phone Support Center at 1-800-OK-COMPAQ
Outside North America, call the nearest Compaq Technical Support Phone Center. Telephone numbers for world wide Technical Support Centers are listed on the Compaq website. You can access the Compaq website at:
Be sure to have the following information available before you call Compaq:
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be rec orded or monitored.
. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial number(s)
Product model name(s) and number(s)
Applicable error messages
Add-on boards or hardware
Third-party hardware or software
Operating sy stem type and revision level
Detailed, specific questions
Compaq Website
The Compaq website has informati on on this product as well as the latest drivers and Flash ROM images. You can access the Compaq website at:
Compaq Authorized Reseller
About This Guide xi
For the name of your nearest Compaq authorized reseller:
In the United States, call 1-800-3 45-1518.
In Canada, ca ll 1-800-263-5868.
Elsewhere, access the Compaq website at:
This chapter contains information on the following topics:
Compaq 2000 Series Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) models
2000 Series U PS front panels
2000 Series UPS rear panels
2000 Series UPS features
1-2 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Compaq 2000 Series UPS Models
The 2000 Series includes the following UPS models:
2000 Series UPS Models
UPS Model Part Number Comments
T2000 242688-005 Domestic; low voltage; Tower
T2000j 242688-295 Japanese; low voltage; Tower
T2400h 242688-006 International; high voltage; Tower
T2400h-NA 242688-007 Domestic; high voltage; Tower
Front Panels
The 2000 Series UPS models are all tower configuration, with companion external battery modules.
Table 1-1
1 2
Figure 1-1. Front panel configuration
Front panel LED display
External battery module
Button controls
4 3
Rear Panels
The 2000 Series UPS models feature the following rear panel configurations:
Overview 1-3
1 2 3
Figure 1-2. Rear panel of T2000 and T2000j
Communications port
Battery connector
Load segment 3
Option slot
Network Transient Protector
6 7 8 9 :
Power cord with 5-20p plug Load segment 2 10A circuit breakers Load segment 1 External battery module
1-4 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Figure 1-3. Rear panel of T2400h
1 2
1 0 A M P
Communications port
Battery connector
IEC-320 power inlet
10A circuit breaker
Option slot
Network Transient Protector
Load segment 3
Load segment 2
Load segment 1
External battery module
Figure 1-4. Rear panel of T2400h-NA
1 2
Overview 1-5
1 0 A M P
Communications port
Battery connector
IEC-320 power inlet
10A circuit breaker
Option slot
Standard UPS Features
The 2000 Series UPS models pr ovide the following features:
Communications port for data exchan ge with the host computer
Power protec tion for loads up to 2000VA
Load segment control
Support for power management software
Support for Compaq hardware option ca rds that extend the power
management capabilities of the UPS
Network Transient Protec tor (for network surge prot ection)
Network Transient Protector
Load segment 3
Load segment 2
Load segment 1
External battery module
1-6 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Communications Port
The 2000 Series UPS models include a communications port that allows the UPS to exchange data with the host computer. Po wer management software (supplied by Compaq) gives users access to status reporting and power management features.
CAUTION: Use only cables supplied by Compaq to connect the communications port to the host computer. Use of standard RS-232 cables may cause equipment damage.
Power Management Software
With each UPS, Compaq supplies a CD containing several power management software applications, to address a variety of installati ons:
Compaq Power Management Software is a comprehensive Microsoft
Windows-based power management application that is tightly inte grated with Compaq Insight Manager.
LanSafe III provides UPS power management capabilities in a network
FailSafe III provides UPS power management capabilities in a
standalone computer environment.
Compaq OnliNet Centro provides UPS power management capabilities
in a multi-platform network environment (supplied only with the Compaq SNMP-EN Internal Adapter).
Compaq Power Management Software
Compaq Power Management Software allows system administrators to monitor, and to manage, t he power bei ng supplied to an entire network of servers and wor kstations.
Software capabilities include:
Monitoring utility power, and the power supplied by the UPS.
Logging events, such as utility power blackouts and brown outs.
Prioritizing protected devices.
Powering up and pow er i ng d own pr o te cte d de vic es .
For example, if Compaq Power Management Software detects an extended utility power blackout, it will initiate the prioritized shutdown sequence specified by the system administrator.
This sequence might include:
Saving work-in-progress throughout the network.
Powering down non-critical devices, to extend the battery power
available to other devices.
After savi ng the necessary information, completin g t he orderly de vice
For more information on using Compaq Power Management Software, refer to the Compaq Power Products Software Reference Guide section of the Power Products Doc umentation CD (included with the UPS kit).
Hardware Option Cards
The 2000 Series UPS models include an option slot that will accommodate one of these hardware option cards:
Compaq Multi-Server UPS Card (option kit pa rt number 123508-B21)
Compaq Scala ble UPS Card (opt ion kit part number 123509- B21)
Compaq SNMP-EN Internal Adapter (option kit part number
Overview 1-7
Compaq Multi-Server UPS Card
A standard UPS can communicate directly with a single host computer. A Compaq 2000 Series UPS with the Multi-Server UPS Card installed has expanded communication capability, and can exchange data with up to three host computers.
Compaq Power Management Software enable s a single UPS, with a Multi-Server UPS Card, to protect up to three servers. By connecting servers to separate load segments, the UPS can provide individual server control.
For example, if a network includes three servers (with one running Windows NT, one running Unix, and one running NetWare), a Multi-Server UPS Card can be used to establish dir ect communications betwee n the UPS and all t hree servers. Allocate a separate UPS load segment to supply power to a particular server and to the devices associated with that server.
1-8 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Compaq Scalable UPS Card
The Scalable UPS Card makes up to three UPS units appear as a single virtual UPS to the host computer and, wi th Compaq Power Management Software, allows scaling up the level of power protection available to the system.
For example, connecting three T2000 UPS units to a Scalable UPS Card creates a virtual 6000VA UPS. Since the T2000 UPS each have three load segments, the virtual UPS will have nine independe ntl y contro lled load segments.
However, no single load can be greater than the lowest rated UPS. For instance, connecting three 1KVA UPS units with a Scalable UPS Card could not support a single 1200VA load.
Compaq SNMP-EN Internal Adapter
In a network environment, the SNMP-EN Internal Adapter provides a user interface, allowing communication between the UPS and the server (when the SNMP-based power management software, Compaq OnliNet Centro, is installed). For workstations or other peripheral equipment that cannot be interrupted by a network ma nagement system, a UPS with the SNMP-EN Internal Adapter option installed can also provide a power management solution.
Using the SNMP-EN Internal Adapter SNMP communication interface, system administrators can quickly ascertain if power-related pr oblems exist anywhere on the network. A Compaq UPS, connected by an SNMP-EN Internal Adapter to power management software, can virtually eliminate costly downtime due to power outages or surges, and decrease day-to-day network management annoyances like spontaneous rebooting, lost files and corrupted
data—issues resulting from inconsistent power. Compaq OnliNet Centro software is a versatile application that can schedule
network component shutdowns or, in case of a utility power outage, perform graceful, sequential shutdown of network components.
Network Transient Protector
The 2000 Series UPS models include a Network Transient Protector that provides protection for communications equipment (such as network devices, a fax machine, or a modem) from surges.
CAUTION: To avoid damaging the equipment, do not connect the Network Transient Protector to a digital PBX line. Connect either to an analog phone line or to a network.
$25,000 Computer Load Protection Guarantee
To back up the wide range of features offe red with the UPS, Compaq provides a three-year limited warranty. In addition, Compaq offers a $25,000 Computer Load Protection Guarantee (provided by the original equipment manufacturer).
IMPORTANT: The warranty card supplied with the UPS must be filled in and returned to qualify for the $25,000 Computer Load Protection Guarantee.
The $25,000 Computer Load Protection Guarantee only applies if:
The UPS is plugged into a sui t ably grounded and wired outl et using no
extension cords, adapters, other groun d wires, or othe r electrical connections.
The UPS installation complies with all applicable electrical and saf ety
codes specified by the National Electrical Code (NEC).
The UPS is used under normal operating conditions. Users comply with
all instructions and labels.
Overview 1-9
The UPS is not damaged by accident (other than a utility power
transient), misuse, or abuse.
Pre-Failure Battery Warranty
The Pre-Failure Battery Warranty, standard on all Compaq Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) units, extends the advantage of a Compaq three-year limited warranty by applying it to the battery before it actually fails. Specifically, the Pre-Failure Battery Warranty ensures that when customers receive notification from Compaq Power Management Software that the battery ma y fail, the battery is replaced free of cha rge under the warranty.
Compaq maintains the highest standards in the industry, as evidenced by the Compaq Pre-Failure Battery Warranty. The Pre-Failure Battery Warranty is beneficial in at least two significant ways:
Reduced total cost of ownership
Reduced downtime
This chapte r provides information on the following topics:
Installation requirements
Procedures to complete before starting the UPS
Starting the UPS
Completing the installation
2-2 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Installation Requirements
This section lists items needed to install the Compaq 2000 Series UPS models.
Item(s) not supplied with the UPS kit
A medium flat-bladed and Phillips screwdriver may be needed.
Item(s) supplied with the UPS kit
The UPS kit should contain the following c omponents:
Software/Reference Material
The Power Products Documentation CD containing the 2000 Series UPS
Operation and Reference Guide and the Compaq Power Products Software Reference Guide
The Compaq Power Management Software Installation Instructions (a
booklet included with the CD) containing information on the installation requirements for Compaq Power Management Software
Important Safety Information to be reviewed bef or e installing this product
The UPS ships with one or more of the following:
The T2000 and T2000j models ship with a non-detac hable input power
cord and a 6-foot UPS/computer interface cable, Compaq part number 295245-003.
The T2400h model ships with a detachable input power cord; a 6-foot
UPS/computer interface cable, Compaq part number 295245-003; and two 6-foot IEC to IEC power cords, Compaq part number 142263-001, for load equipment powe r.
The T2400h-NA model ships with a detachable input power cord,
Compaq part number 162536-001; a 6-foot UPS/computer interface cable, Compaq part number 295245-0 03; and two 6-foot IEC to IEC power cords, Compaq part number 1422 63-001; for load equipment power.
All models ship with a computer interface cable. The computer interface cable is not needed for normal operation. If power management of the UPS is desired, connect the interface cable between the UPS communications port and the serial port on the host computer.
IMPORTANT: If the UPS does not include a power cord that is suitable for your application, contact an authorized Compaq service representative to obtain the
appropriate power cord. Please refer to the “Precautions for Power Products” section of the Important Safety Information (included with the UPS kit).
Before Starting the UPS
This section provides procedures to be ca rried out before starting the UPS. Determine the steps required for the application:
Connecting the external battery module
Connecting the UPS communications port to the host computer
Connecting the UPS Network Transient Protector
NOTE: Although these steps can be carried out after the UPS is installed, the UPS will need to be powered down to safely perform these tasks.
Installation 2-3
Connecting the External Battery Module
The 2000 Series UPS models feature an external battery module. This modular design makes the UPS easier to handle, by distributing the total weight of the unit into two components.
To assemble the unit, connect the battery cables from the battery module to the battery receptacle on the rear panel of the UPS.
CAUTION: It is normal for a small amount of electrical arcing to occur when connecting external batteries to a UPS. To minimize the amount of arcing, insert the battery cables into the receptacle on the UPS quickly and firmly.
2-4 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
. PO
Figure 2-1. Connecting the external battery module
Connecting to the Communications Port
The 2000 Series UPS models include a communications port for data exchange with the host computer.
O P .
IMPORTANT: Compaq Power Management Software, LanSafe III, and FailSafe III require the communications port to be appropriately cabled to the host computer.
Connect the UPS/computer interface cable (supplied) from the communications port on the UPS to the appropriate com munications port on the host computer.
CAUTION: To avoid damaging the equipment, do not use the communications cables (part numbers 142260-001 and 142260-002) supplied with earlier UPS models. The UPS/computer interface cable is required to carry power and is wired differently than earlier communications cables.
Figure 2-2. Connecting the UPS/computer interface cable
Connecting the Network Transient Protector
The 2000 Series UPS models include a Network Transient Protector to provide surge protection for connected communications devices.
Installation 2-5
IMPORTANT: Use the Network Transient Protector with a standard telephone line only— not with a digital PBX.
1 0 a m p
1 2
Figure 2-3. Connecting the Network Transient Protector
Network cable OUT jack
Network cable IN jack
2-6 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
Starting the UPS
Starting the UPS for the first time requires the followin g procedures:
Checking the Battery Recharge Date label on the UPS shipping carton
Connecting the UPS to utility power via the input power c ord
Connecting devices to the UPS
Powering u p t he UPS
Monitoring the automatic self-test to verify that the installation was
Checking the Battery Recharge Date Label
Check the battery recharge date specified on the Battery Recharge Date label. This label is affixed to the UPS shipping carton.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the UPS if the battery recharge date has expired. If the date on the Battery Recharge Date label has passed without the batteries being recharged, contact an Authorized Compaq Service Representative.
Next Recharge Date:
Please refer to Maintenance Section
of Owner's Manual enclosed inside
Figure 2-4. The Battery Recharge Date label
Connecting the UPS to Utility Power
Connect the UPS to a grounded utility power outlet.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to the equipment, take these precautions:
Plug the input line cord into a grounded (earthed) electrical outlet that is
installed near the equipment and is easily accessible.
Do not disable the grounding plug on the input line cord. The grounding
plug is an important safety feature.
Do not use extension cords.
Connecting Devices to the UPS
Before connecting load equipment, verify that the UPS will not be overloaded by the total VA rating of the devices. The load must not exceed the VA rating of the UPS.
Volts x Amps = V A per device
If the devices list the power in Watts, use the following conversion equation:
Watts x 1.35 = VA VA/1000 = KVA
Installation 2-7
After verifying that the UPS will not be overloaded by the cumulative VA rating of all load equipment, connect the power cords from the devices to the appropriate output receptacles on the U PS.
Powering up the UPS
When the unit is plugged in for the first time, the UPS automatically i nitiates a self-test. The front panel LED display lights will go on and off during the self-test. If the self-test is completed successfully, the UPS enters Standby mode.
NOTE: The self-test initiates when the UPS is plugged in for the first time. Afterward, when the UPS is disconnected from utility power, the unit will come back up in the mode it was in when utility power was lost.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock, the combined earth conductor leakage current from all connected devices must not exceed 3.5 mA.
CAUTION: Do not plug laser printers into the UPS. The instantaneous current drawn by this type of printer may overload the UPS.
2-8 Compaq 2000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14
16 17
Figure 2-5. The front panel LED display and controls
AC Input level Power cord Site Wiring Fault indicator
Battery Charge level Battery Battery Service indicator
Load level Load devices Communications
ON button
STANDBY button
+ 63 hidden pages