States and other countries.
All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use, or copying.
Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software
Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government
under vendor’s standard commercial license.
Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The
information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject
to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express
limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as
constituting an additional warranty.
This document is available on CD-ROM.
This document was prepared using DECdocument, Version 3.3-1b.
The Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product is the Compaq
implementation of the TCP/IP networking protocol suite and internet services
for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX systems.
A layered software product, TCP/IP Services provides a comprehensive suite
of functions and applications that support industry-standard protocols for
heterogeneous network communications and resource sharing.
This manual describes the features of the Simple Network Managment Protocol
(SNMP) provided with TCP/IP Services. It also describes the extensible SNMP
(eSNMP) application programming interface (API) and development environment.
See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration
manual for information about installing, configuring, and starting this product.
Intended Audience
This manual is for experienced OpenVMS and UNIX system managers and
assumes a working knowledge of TCP/IP networking, TCP/IP terminology, and
some familiarity with the TCP/IP Services product.
Document Structure
This manual contains the following chapters:
•Chapter 1 describes the implementation of eSNMP provided with Compaq
TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
•Chapter 2 describes the groups and objects implemented with the Host
Resources MIB and MIB II that are provided with the eSNMP software.
•Chapter 3 describes how to use the eSNMP API to create a MIB subagent to
manage entities or applications.
•Chapter 4 describes the trap sender, trap receiver, and MIB browser utilities
provided with TCP/IP Services.
•Chapter 5 provides reference information about the eSNMP API routines.
•Chapter 6 describes some troubleshooting aids provided with TCP/IP Services.
Related Documents
Table 1 lists the documents available with this version of TCP/IP Services.
Table 1 TCP/IP Services Documentation
DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for
OpenVMS Concepts and Planning
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Release Notes
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Installation and Configuration
DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for
OpenVMS User’s Guide
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Management Command Reference
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Management Commands Quick
Reference Card
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
UNIX Commands Quick Reference Card
DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for
OpenVMS ONC RPC Programming
This manual provides conceptual information about networking
and the TCP/IP protocol including a description of the Compaq
implementation of the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND)
service and the Network File System (NFS). It outlines general
planning issues to consider before configuring your system to use
the TCP/IP Services software.
This manual also describes the manuals in the documentation
set, provides a glossary of terms and acronyms for the TCP/IP
Services software product, and documents how to contact the
InterNIC Registration Service to register domains and access
Request for Comments (RFCs).
This text file describes new features and changes to the software
including installation, upgrade, configuration, and compatibility
information. These notes also describe new and existing software
problems and restrictions, and software and documentation
Print this text file at the beginning of the installation procedure
and read it before you install TCP/IP Services.
This manual explains how to install and configure the TCP/IP
Services layered application product.
This manual describes how to use the applications available with
TCP/IP Services such as remote file operations, email, TELNET,
TN3270, and network printing. This manual explains how to use
these services to communicate with systems on private internets
or on the worldwide Internet.
This manual describes how to configure and manage the TCP/IP
Services product.
Use this manual with the Compaq TCP/IP Services forOpenVMS Management Command Reference manual.
This manual describes the TCP/IP Services management
Use this manual with the Compaq TCP/IP Services forOpenVMS Management manual.
This reference card lists the TCP/IP management commands by
component and describes the purpose of each command.
This reference card contains inforomation about commonly
performed network management tasks and their corresponding
TCP/IP management and Compaq Tru64 UNIX command
This manual presents an overview of high-level programming
using open network computing remote procedure calls (ONC
RPC). This manual also describes the RPC programming
interface and how to use the RPCGEN protocol compiler to
create applications.
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (Cont.) TCP/IP Services Documentation
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Sockets API and System Services
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
SNMP Programming and Reference
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Tuning and Troubleshooting
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Guide to IPv6
For additional information about Compaq OpenVMS products and services, access
the Compaq website at the following location:
For a comprehensive overview of the TCP/IP protocol suite. you might find the
book Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture,by
Douglas Comer, useful.
Reader’s Comments
This manual describes how to use the Sockets API and OpenVMS
system services to develop network applications.
This manual describes the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) and the SNMP application programming interface
(eSNMP). It describes the subagents provided with TCP/IP
Services, utilities provided for managing subagents, and how to
build your own subagents.
This manual provides information about how to isolate the
causes of network problems and how to tune the TCP/IP Services
software for the best performance.
This manual describes the IPv6 environment, the roles of
systems in this environment, the types and function of the
different IPv6 addresses, and how to configure TCP/IP Services
to access the 6bone network.
Compaq welcomes your comments on this manual. Please send comments to
either of the following addresses:
Visit the following World Wide Web address for information about how to order
additional documentation:
If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call
The name TCP/IP Services means both:
•Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha
•Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX
The name UNIX refers to the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system.
The following conventions are used in this manual. In addition, please note that
all IP addresses are fictitious.
Ctrl/xA sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down
PF1 xA sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press
. . .A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following
( )In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you
[ ]In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional
|In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices
{ }In command format descriptions, braces indicate required
bold textThis typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It
italic textItalic text indicates important information, complete titles
UPPERCASE TEXTUppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine,
the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing
device button.
and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release
another key or a pointing device button.
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that
you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not
enclosed in a box.)
In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears
as brackets, rather than a box.
•Additional optional arguments in a statement have been
•The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more
•Additional parameters, values, or other information can be
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code
example or command format; the items are omitted because
they are not important to the topic being discussed.
must enclose choices in parentheses if you specify more than
choices. You can choose one or more items or no items.
Do not type the brackets on the command line. However,
you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS
directory specifications and for a substring specification in an
assignment statement.
within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are
optional; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not
type the vertical bars on the command line.
choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do
not type the braces on the command line.
also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a
of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that
varies in system output (Internal error number), in command
lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in command parameters in
text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device
the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege.
Monospace text
-A hyphen at the end of a command format description,
numbersAll numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen
This typeface indicates UNIX system output or user input,
commands, options, files, directories, utilities, hosts, and users.
In the C programming language, this typeface identifies the
following elements: keywords, the names of independently
compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and
references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example.
command line, or code line indicates that the command or
statement continues on the following line.
otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or
hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the de facto industry
standard for managing TCP/IP networks. The protocol defines the role of a
network management station (NMS) and the SNMP agent. SNMP allows remote
users on an NMS to monitor and manage network entities such as hosts, routers,
X terminals, and terminal servers.
TCP/IP Services provides support for SNMP Version 2, using the Extensible
Simple Network Management Protocol (eSNMP) architecture, under which a
single master agent can support any number of subagents. The TCP/IP Services
implementation of eSNMP includes a master agent, two subagents, an application
programming interface (API), tools used to build additional subagents, startup
and shutdown procedures, and text-based configuration files.
This chapter provides an overview of the Compaq implementation of eSNMP.
Topics include:
•eSNMP master agent and subagent architecture (Section 1.1)
•The procedure for handling SNMP requests (Section 1.2)
•The components of the TCP/IP Services software kit that implement SNMP
(Section 1.3)
•The files useful in developing your own subagent (Section 1.4)
•The eSNMP API (Section 1.5)
•The management information base (MIB) compiler (Section 1.6)
•The impact of running SNMP Version 1 subagents against the SNMP Version
2 implementation provided with TCP/IP Services (Section 1.7)
•Sources of additional information about implementing subagents (Section 1.8)
1.1 SNMP Architecture
Figure 1–1 illustrates the SNMP architecture.
Overview 1–1
1.1 SNMP Architecture
Figure 1–1 SNMP Architecture
Master Agent
Subagent 1Subagent 2Subagent n
AgentX (TCP/IP V5.1)
TCP/IP Kernel
The SNMP environment consists of the following elements:
•The master agent, a process that runs on the host and handles SNMP
requests from clients over the standard SNMP well-known port 161.
•One or more subagents, each of which provides access to the MIB data
specified in client requests. In the TCP/IP Services implementation, the
master agent contains two resident subagents, one that handles a subset of
MIB II variables, and another that handles the Host Resources MIB. These
MIBs are described in Chapter 2.
•The SNMP ASN.1 library, used by the master agent to interpret ASN.1
•The eSNMP API, the application programming interface that provides
routines for programming your own subagents. This API runs on the AgentX
routines, which are internal to the SNMP architecture.
•The TCP/IP kernel running on the OpenVMS operating system.
The master agent and subagents communicate by means of the AgentX
protocol, which is based on RFC 2741.
For information about configuring and managing the SNMP service, refer to the
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide.
1.2 Request Handling
The eSNMP software manages network communication by having the master
agent listen for requests and then passes the requests to the appropriate
Figure 1–2 illustrates communication between the master agent and subagents.
1–2 Overview
Figure 1–2 eSNMP Data Flow
1.2 Request Handling
Host 1
Master Agent
Host 2
Master Agent
Subagent 1
Subagent 2
Subagent n
Subagent 1
Flow of trap notification
Flow of get/set request
Flow of "are_you_there" message
The process of communication for a request is illustrated with dashed lines and
includes the following steps:
1. The network management station (NMS) (sometimes called the client),
originates SNMP requests to obtain and set information.
The client component is not provided with TCP/IP Services.
To provide access to MIBs and to test SNMP communication, TCP/IP
Services provides the following utilities:
•MIB browser
•Trap sender
•Trap receiver
These utilities are described in Chapter 4.
Overview 1–3
1.2 Request Handling
The network management station sends an SNMP request to the master
agent running on the host, using port 161. An SNMP request is made using
one of the following commands:
TCP/IP Services does not support the standard SNMP
The request specifies the object identifer (OID) of the data to be accessed.
For information about formatting
Request formats are specified in RFC 1905.
2. The master agent sends the request to the subagent that registered the
subtree containing the OID.
The subagent receives communications from the master agent over the socket
that was assigned when the subagent registered the subtree.
3. The appropriate subagent processes the request.
4. The subagent sends the response message to the master agent using the port
that was assigned when the subagent registered the MIB.
When they are idle, subagents periodically send a message to port 705 to ensure
that the master agent is still running. In Figure 1–2, subagent 1 is sending the
subagent n is generating a trap for the trap client on NMS 2.
is generated by the subagent and sent to the client. In Figure 1–2,
routines are described in Section 5.1.
1.3 TCP/IP Services Components for SNMP
requests, refer to Section 5.2.
Table 1–1 lists the components of SNMP and the command procedures for
managing SNMP that are supplied with TCP/IP Services.
Table 1–1 SNMP Component Files
1–4 Overview
subagent image.
(continued on next page)
1.3 TCP/IP Services Components for SNMP
Table 1–1 (Cont.) SNMP Component Files
TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPRCV.EXESYS$SYSTEMUtility for receiving trap
that installs master and
subagent images and runs
initiated by TCPIP$SNMP_
STARTUP.COM. Provided for
site-specific customizations,
such as parameter settings.
starts the master agent and
stops the master agent and
initiated by TCPIP$SNMP_
Provided for site-specific
customization, such as
parameter settings.
Command procedure
invoked by TCPIP$SNMP_
custom subagents.
Command procedure
invoked by TCPIP$SNMP_
stop custom subagents.
Command procedure
invoked by TCPIP$SNMP_
service is enabled and starts
detached processes to run
1.4 Writing an eSNMP Subagent
Table 1–2 lists the files that are available to help you develop MIBs and
subagents. Except where noted, the files are located in the directory pointed to by
Overview 1–5
1.4 Writing an eSNMP Subagent
Table 1–2 Files for Building a Subagent
ESNMP.HHeader file used to create a subagent. Located in
GAWK.EXEInterpreter for MIB converter.
RFC1213.MYMIB II definitions.
RFC1231.MYIEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB definitions.
RFC1285.MYFDDI MIB definitions.
RFC1442.MYSNMP Version 2 Structure of Management
SNMP-SMI.MYSNMP Version 2 SMI definitions from RFC 1902
SNMP-TC.MYSNMP Version 2 SMI definitions from RFC 1903
V2-TC.MYSNMP Version 2 SMI definitions from RFC 1903
TCPIP$BUILD_CHESS.COMCommand file that builds the sample chess
TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.OPTOptions file for use in building the sample chess
*.C and *.HSource code for chess example. Contains detailed
TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXEFunctioning chess example image.
TCPIP$ESNMP.OLBObject library file containing routines used to
TCPIP$ESNMP_SHR.EXEShareable image containing routines used to
definition in ASN.1 notation and converts it to an
.MY file.
Information (SMI) definitions.
(replaces RFC 1442).
(replaces RFC 1443).
(superset of those in SNMP-TC.MY).
documentation that explains how the code
create a subagent. Located in the directory
pointed to by TCPIP$SNMP.
create a subagent. Located in the directory
pointed to by SYS$SHARE.
compatibility with existing customer subagents
linked under TCP/IP Services V4.x. Located in
the directory pointed to by SYS$SHARE.
Images associated with the MIB compiler.
Located in SYS$SYSTEM.
shell script that takes a MIB
For information about building a subagent on an OpenVMS system, see
Chapter 3.
1.5 The eSNMP API
The Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS implementation of the eSNMP
architecture includes an API that provides programmers with many eSNMP
routines they would otherwise have to develop themselves.
The eSNMP API includes interface routines, method routines, and support
1–6 Overview
1.5 The eSNMP API
Interface routines handle the basic subagent operations, such as:
•Subagent initialization and termination
•Polling of the master agent
•Trap sending
•UNIX system time conversion
•Adding and removing subagent capabilities registered with the master agent
The support routines allow the subagent to manipulate the data in the response
to the request, and include the following:
•Basic protocol data unit (PDU) handling
•Authentication handling
•Octet string handling
•Variable binding (
•Object identifier (OID) handling
•Buffer handling
Chapter 5 describes the API routines in more detail.
To create a subagent, the programmer must provide modules to implement the
method routines, as described in Chapter 3.
1.5.1 The SNMP Utilities
To provide quick access to information in the MIBs, and to test SNMP operation,
TCP/IP Services provides the following utilities:
•TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.EXE, a MIB browser that allows you to retrieve
and update objects from the MIBs.
•TCPIP$SNMP_TRPSND.EXE, a trap sender that generates traps (messages
that require no response).
•TCPIP$SNMP_TRPRCV.EXE, a trap receiver (or ‘‘listener’’) that is used to
detect trap messages.
For information about using the SNMP utilities, see Chapter 4.
1.6 The MIB Compiler
The MIB compiler processes the statements in an ASN.1 file and generates
modules that are used by the developer to create subagent routines. For every
ASN.1 input file that is processed using the MIB compiler, two output files, a
subtree_TBL.H file and a subtree_TBL.C file, are generated, where subtree is the
name from the original MIB definition file (for example, chess). The output files
are described in more detail in Chapter 3.
) handling
The subtree_TBL.H file is a header file that contains the following:
•A declaration of the subtree structure
•Index definitions for each MIB variable in the subtree
•Enumeration definitions for MIB variables with enumerated values
•MIB group data structure definitions
Overview 1–7
1.6 The MIB Compiler
•Method routine function prototypes
The subtree_TBL.C file is an object file that contains the following:
•An array of integers representing the OIDs for each MIB variable
•An array of OBJECT structures
•An initialized SUBTREE structure
1.7 SNMP Versions
The extensible SNMP software supports SNMP Version 2, based on RFCs 1901
through 1908, including:
•The SNMP Version 2 structure of management information for SNMP Version
2 (SMI Version 2) and textual conventions.
•The eSNMP library API (SNMP Version 2), variable binding exceptions, and
error codes.
•SNMP Version 1 and SNMP Version 2 requests. Both versions are handled
by the master agent. SNMP Version 2 specific information from the subagent
is mapped, when necessary, to SNMP Version 1 adherent data (according
to RFC 2089). For example, if a management application makes a request
using SNMP Version 1 PDUs, the master agent replies using SNMP Version
1 PDUs, mapping any SNMP Version 2 SMI items received from subagents.
In most cases, subagents created with a previous version of the eSNMP
API do not require any code changes and do not have to be recompiled. The
circumstances under which recoding or recompiling are required are described
in Section 1.7.1.
1.7.1 Using Existing (SNMP Version 1) MIB Modules
Existing SNMP Version 1 MIB subagent executable files should be compatible
with the current SNMP Version 2 master agent without the need to recompile
and relink, with the following exceptions:
•Any program that relies on TCP/IP Services Version 4.1 or 4.2 kernel data
structures or access functions may run but may not return valid data. Such
programs should be rewritten.
•Programs linked against UCX$ACCESS_SHR.EXE, UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE, or
other older shareable images (except for UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE, which is
described in the next list item) may not run even when relinked. You may
need to either rewrite or both rewrite and recompile such programs. Note
that the Chess example image (UCX$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXE) has been
updated and renamed TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXE.
•For programs linked against certain versions of UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE:
–Images associated with the following versions of TCP/IP Services will run
correctly without the need to relink them:
Version 4.1 ECO 9 and later
Version 4.2 ECO 1 and later
The installation of TCP/IP Services provides a backward-compatible
version of UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE in the SYS$SHARE directory. Do not
delete this image.
1–8 Overview
1.7 SNMP Versions
If you have problems running images linked against an older version of
UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE, verify that the version in SYS$SHARE is the
latest by entering the following DCL command:
The creation dates of the files with the prefix TCPIP$ and UCX$ should
be within a few seconds of each other, and only one version of each file
should exist. Make sure both images include the file protection W:RE.
–You should relink and perhaps recompile images associated with ECOs for
Version 4.1 or 4.2 other than those discussed in the previous list item.
Images linked against object library (.OLB) files may not need to be relinked,
although you can relink them against the shareable images in this version of the
product to decrease the image size. Relinking against the shareable image allows
you to take advantage of updated versions of the eSNMP API without the need to
relink. Some images linked against the current version of TCP/IP Services may
run under Versions 4.1 and 4.2, but this backward compatibility is not supported
and may not work in future versions of TCP/IP Services.
If an existing subagent does not execute properly, relink it against this version
of TCP/IP Services to produce a working image. Some subagents (such as the
OpenVMS Server MIB) require a minimum version of OpenVMS as well as a
minimum version of TCP/IP Services.
1.8 For More Information
This manual provides the OpenVMS information required for implementing
eSNMP subagents and ensuring their proper operation in that environment.
The eSNMP software for OpenVMS is derived from the Compaq Tru64 UNIX
product. For information about the architecture and for details about the eSNMP
API, refer to the UNIX documentation at the following URL:
For information about prototypes and definitions for the routines in the eSNMP
API, see the TCPIP$SNMP:ESNMP.H file. Table 1–2 lists files that contain
additional comments and documentation.
Overview 1–9
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
This chapter describes how MIBs are implemented on OpenVMS. The MIBs
provided with TCP/IP Services are:
•The Host Resources MIB, which manages operating system objects
(Section 2.1)
•MIB II, which manages TCP/IP kernel objects (Section 2.2)
2.1 Overview of the Host Resources MIB
The Host Resources MIB defines a uniform set of objects useful for the
management of host computers. The Host Resources MIB, described by
RFC 1514, defines objects that are common across many computer system
architectures. The TCP/IP Services implementation of SNMP includes many
of these defined objects. In addition, some objects in MIB II provide host
management functionality.
This section defines each of the implemented eSNMP objects. Table 2–1
provides a general RFC description and a specific OpenVMS description for
each implemented object.
Table 2–1 Host Resources MIB Objects
Object NameRFC DescriptionOpenVMS Description
hrSystemUptimeThe amount of time since this
host was last initialized.
hrSystemDateThe host’s notion of the local
date and time of day.
hrSystemIntialLoadDeviceIndex of the hrDeviceEntry
for configured initial
operating system load.
hrSystemIntialLoadParameters Parameters supplied to the
load device when requesting
initial operating system
hrSystemNumUsersNumber of user sessions for
which the host is storing
state information.
Time since system boot (in hundredths of
a second).
Date and time character string with
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
information if available.
Index of SYS$SYSDEVICE in the device
A string of boot parameters from the
console (Alpha only).
Number of processes that are neither
owned by another process nor running
(continued on next page)
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services 2–1
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
2.1 Overview of the Host Resources MIB
Table 2–1 (Cont.) Host Resources MIB Objects
Object NameRFC DescriptionOpenVMS Description
hrSystemProcessesNumber of process contexts
currently loaded or running
on the system.
hrSystemMaxProcessesMaximum number of process
contexts the system can
support, or 0 if not applicable.
hrMemorySizeThe amount of physical main
memory contained in the
hrStorageIndexA unique value for each
logical storage area contained
in the host.
hrStorageTypeThe type of storage
represented by this entry.
hrStorageDescrA description of the type
and instance of the storage
described by this entry.
hrStorageAllocationUnitsThe size of the data objects
allocated from this pool (in
hrStorageSizeThe size of storage
in this entry in
hrStorageUsedThe allocated amount of
storage in this entry in
hrDeviceIndexA unique value for each host
or device constant between
agent reinitialization.
hrDeviceTypeAn indication of the type of
device. Some of these devices
have corresponding entries in
other tables.
hrDeviceDescA text description of
the device, including
manufacturer and version
number (service, optional).
hrDeviceStatusThe current operational state
of the device.
hrDeviceErrorsThe number of errors
detected on the device. The
recommended initial value is
hrProcessorFrwIDThe product ID of the
firmware associated with
the processor.
Number of processes listed using the
SHOW SYSTEM command.
The amount of physical main memory
contained in the host.
Index of entry in hrStorageTable.
A numeric representation of the
device class and type displayed by the
Character string device type displayed by
the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command.
Always 512 (the size of an OpenVMS disk
The total number of blocks on a device
displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL
The total number of used blocks
on a device displayed by the
Index of entry in hrDeviceTable.
In object identifier format, a numeric
representation of the device class and type
displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL
Character string of the device type
displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL
A numeric indication of the status of the
The number of errors indicated by the
SHOW DEVICE command. This value
is initialized to zero when the device is
recognized by the system instead of when
the master agent is initialized.
An object identifier that corresponds to
the console or PALcode version (Alpha
(continued on next page)
2–2 MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
2.1 Overview of the Host Resources MIB
Table 2–1 (Cont.) Host Resources MIB Objects
Object NameRFC DescriptionOpenVMS Description
hrNetworkIfIndexThe value of the ifIndex that
corresponds to this network
hrDiskStorageAccessIndicates whether the storage
device is read/write or read
hrDiskStorageMediaIndicates the storage device
media type.
hrDiskStorageRemovableIndicates whether the disk
can be removed from the
hrDiskStorageCapacityThe total size of this long-
term storage device.
hrSWRunIndexA unique value for each
software product running on
the host.
hrSWRunPathA description of the location
where this software was
hrSWRunStatusThe status of the software
that is running.
The value of the index in the interface
table in the standard MIB that
corresponds to this network device.
This value is set to 2 if the device is
read only; otherwise, it is set to 1. (The
SHOW DEVICE/FULL command displays
‘‘software write-locked.’’)
Indicates device type.
Indicates whether the disk can be removed
from the drive.
Half of the value for total blocks displayed
by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command.
Process ID.
Fully qualified name of executable image.
The values and the associated status of
each are:
•1 indicates that the current process is
running (CUR)
•2 indicates that the process is
computable (COM)
hrSWRunPerfCPUThe number (in hundredths
hrSWRunPerfMemThe total amount of real
of a second) of the total
system’s CPU resources
consumed by this process.
system memory allocated to
this process.
2.1.2 Restrictions to Host Resources MIB
SNMP requests are not implemented for the following Host Resources MIB
For objects that are not implemented, the Host Resources MIB returns a
TCP/IP Services supports the objects in the Host Resources MIB as follows:
error status.
except those with the following characteristics:
Off line
UCB marked delete-on-zero-reference-count
Mailbox device
Device with remote terminal (DEV$M_RTT characteristic)
Template terminal-class device
LAT device (begins with _LT)
Virtual terminal device (begins with _VT)
Pseudoterminal device (begins with _FT)
Data items in the
warning (3)Error logging is in progress (OpenVMS UCB value UCB$M_
running (2)Software is valid and no error logging is in progress (OpenVMS
unknown (1)Any other OpenVMS status.
includes all the devices known to the OpenVMS host
is always null OID (0.0).
is coded as follows:
group have the following restrictions:
NFS and DAD0 for virtual devices).
For network devices, only the template devices (those with unit number 0)
are displayed.
between restarts or after a dismount/mount procedure.
•In the
no information is accessible, a
2–4 MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
request. Browsers respond differently to this message. For example,
now includes template devices (for example, DNFS0 for
( is DNFSn. The device may change
group, if no file systems are mounted through NFS or
"no such instance"
status is returned for a
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
2.1 Overview of the Host Resources MIB
TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.EXE responds with no output and returns directly
to the DCL prompt.
After an NFS mount, the following information is returned in response to a
request. The data items implemented for OpenVMS (refer to RFC 1514)
•OID, for OpenVMS if the file system is not a UNIX
style container file system.
Services container file system or a UNIX host.
is the local DNFS device name.
is the remote file system.
is implemented as:
, OID, if the file system is a TCP/IP
, as defined in RFC 1514.
is always HRM_FALSE (integer 2).
is always 0.
according to RFC 1514 as a hexadecimal value 00-00-01-01-00-00-00-00
(January 1, 0000).
available for OpenVMS systems. Instead, hexadecimal value 00-00-01-0100-00-00-00 (January 1, 0000) applies.
OpenVMS VAX. On this type of system, it returns standard null OID (0.0).
For example: = 0.0
For OpenVMS Alpha (firmware version 5.56-7), the response is shown in the
following example:
(OID prefix is not implemented on
always contains the value of
is unknown time. This entry is encoded
is unknown time. This information is not
table have the following restrictions:
is always ‘‘unknown’’ (2).
is always ‘‘false’’ (2). Note the incorrect spelling
(from RFC 1514).
2.2 Overview of MIB II
The Standard MIB (MIB II) described in RFC 1213 defines a set of objects useful
for managing TCP/IP Internet entities. MIB II supports network monitoring
and managing from the Transport layer down to the Physical layer of the
TCP/IP internet stack. This MIB also provides information on how connections
are established and how packets are routed through the Internet. For more
information about MIB architecture, see Section 3.2.
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services 2–5
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
2.2 Overview of MIB II
2.2.1 MIB II Implemented Groups
A group is a subdivision of a MIB that defines a subtree. SNMP as implemented
by TCP/IP Services supports the following groups:
system (1)
interfaces (2)
Internet Protocol (4)
ICMP (5)
TCP (6)
UDP (7)
SNMP (11)
In the SNMP group (, data elements with the status noted as
obsolete in RFC 1907 are not implemented.
The TCP/IP Services implementation of SNMP does not support the
following defined MIB II groups:
(address translation) group
(External Gateway Protocol) group
2.2.2 Restrictions to MIB II Implementation
SNMP requests are not implemented for the following MIB II objects:
elements are under OID prefix See RFC
MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
2.2 Overview of MIB II
When both the TCPIP$OS_MIBS and TCPIP$HR_MIB subagents are
running, a
noted, the OIDs conform to RFC 1907. = = = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = Base o/s agent (HR_MIB) capabilities = 31 = 0 d 0:0:0 = 36 = 0 d 0:0:0
This example is from the MIB browser (TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.EXE).
request on the
is as follows. Except where
•Under certain conditions, a subagent makes a duplicate entry in
when it restarts. For example: = = = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = 3256 = 0 d 0:0:32 = 3256 = 0 d 0:0:32
In this example, the TCPIP$OS_MIBS subagent made two entries with
different ID numbers (OIDs with the prefix that may
show different
translates the value received (in hundredths of a second) to the following,
dropping any fractions of seconds:
d nhh:mm:ss
In this format, n represents the number of days, hh represents the number of
hours, mm represents the number of minutes, and ss represents the number
of seconds.
The HR_MIB subagent has not yet successfully started and registered its
capabilities. If it starts, its entries in this example would use the next
available index number.
•On systems running versions of the operating system prior to OpenVMS
7.1-2, counters for the MIB II
the maximum value (
like the gauge type and remain at the maximum value until cleared by an
external event, such as a system reboot. The following counters are affected: