HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V PowerHP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
Pack B-Series Family
Pack B-Series Family
Pack B-Series FamilyPack B-Series Family
The highly available HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power Pack offer 2 Gb connectivity for an entry-level storage area network (SAN), and the
ability to grow to a core-to-edge infrastructure. The simplicity and ease-of-use advantages of the SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power Pack can help increase
administrator productivity and lower the cost of management. This can be especially beneficial for organizations with limited IT expertise.
The Switch delivers eight high performance Auto Sensing 1 and 2 Gb Fibre Channel ports. In addition, the SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power Pack are fully
non-blocking and provide 16 Gb switching (2 Gb full duplex) capacity for un-congested sustained, 2 Gb full duplex throughput. The SAN Switch 2/8V
scales to a maximum fabric configuration of two switches and can be upgraded to full SAN configurations by purchasing a full fabric upgrade license.
Small-form-factor-pluggable optical transceivers (SFPs) must be ordered separately.
The Power Pack provides the SAN administrator with the necessary tools to monitor the health and performance of the network, while also ensuring the
highest levels of security, scalability and manageability. Available pre-configured on the switch or as an upgrade, Power Pack also provides the foundation
for integration into HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM), enabling infrastructure management through a single-pane-of-glass. The Power Pack tools
can be ordered separately, as well.
Key Features and Benefits
Key Features and Benefits
Key Features and BenefitsKey Features and Benefits
Reduced Total Cost of Ownership for SAN Infrastructure
Reduced Total Cost of Ownership for SAN Infrastructure
Reduced Total Cost of Ownership for SAN InfrastructureReduced Total Cost of Ownership for SAN Infrastructure
Enables storage consolidation, simplified management of data center SAN environment
Interoperability with the more than 1 MILLION port HP SAN Switch installed base
Interoperability with the more than 1 MILLION port HP SAN Switch installed base
Interoperability with the more than 1 MILLION port HP SAN Switch installed baseInteroperability with the more than 1 MILLION port HP SAN Switch installed base
Highest integration with HP Open View Storage Area Manager via:
Highest integration with HP Open View Storage Area Manager via:
Highest integration with HP Open View Storage Area Manager via:Highest integration with HP Open View Storage Area Manager via:
SAN Switch API
SAN Switch element managers
HP StorageWorks Fabric Manager
Broadest range of compatibility with SAN products
Broadest range of compatibility with SAN products
Broadest range of compatibility with SAN productsBroadest range of compatibility with SAN products
Multi-vendor server and storage environment
Widest range of HP SAN solutions
Backward compatible with previously installed 1Gb SAN Switches
HP Power Pack (Optional) - highest supported modular functionality
HP Power Pack (Optional) - highest supported modular functionality
HP Power Pack (Optional) - highest supported modular functionalityHP Power Pack (Optional) - highest supported modular functionality
Trunking - highest throughput between switches (8Gb/sec)
HW enforced WWN Zoning (Advanced Zoning)
Proactive threshold monitor (Fabric Watch)
Advanced Performance Monitor
Per Switch element manager (WebTools)
Support for extended distance (Extended Fabrics)
Support for multi-protocol gateways (Remote Switch)
Broadest Range of HP Packaged SAN Services
Broadest Range of HP Packaged SAN Services
Broadest Range of HP Packaged SAN ServicesBroadest Range of HP Packaged SAN Services
Mission critical SAN Services SAN-ES
Assessment and installation services for security
Flexible storage connectivity
Flexible storage connectivity
Flexible storage connectivityFlexible storage connectivity
The only SAN solutions providing the complete HP SAN Switch functionality from Embedded to Enterprise. The HP SAN Switch value line
products allows the capability to apply the complete SAN Switch functionality to an affordable entry level SAN deployment and then to grow
that deployment to the largest SAN fabric solutions supported by HP.
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HP StorageWorks SAN
HP StorageWorks SAN
HP StorageWorks SANHP StorageWorks SAN
Switch 2/8V SAN Switch
Switch 2/8V SAN Switch
Switch 2/8V SAN SwitchSwitch 2/8V SAN Switch
2/8V Power Pack Models
2/8V Power Pack Models
2/8V Power Pack Models2/8V Power Pack Models
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V 2-Switch to Full Fabric Upgrade License
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V Power Pack
SAN Switch Power Pack Software Bundle (optional)
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V PowerHP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
Pack B-Series Family
Pack B-Series Family
Pack B-Series FamilyPack B-Series Family
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Product Highlights
8 non-blocking ports
8 non-blocking ports
8 non-blocking ports8 non-blocking ports
Configuration support
Configuration support
Configuration supportConfiguration support
High-availability features
High-availability features
High-availability featuresHigh-availability features
Advanced Fabric Services
Advanced Fabric Services
Advanced Fabric ServicesAdvanced Fabric Services
Eight auto-sensing 1 and 2 Gb universal, self-configuring ports (F, FL, E). Can be programmed to fixed 1 Gb or 2 Gb
speed. Full 16 Gb switching capacity for un-congested fully sustained, 2 Gb full duplex throughput.
SAN Switch 2/8V Power Pack will interoperate with 1Gb and 2Gb B-Series SAN Switches running the firmware version
defined in the SAN Design Guide
Hot Code Load Activation
ISL Trunking (optional)
Hardware Enforced Zoning
Remote Switch (optional)
Fabric Watch (optional)
End-to-End Performance Analysis (optional)
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V PowerHP StorageWorks SAN Switch 2/8V and 2/8V Power
Pack B-Series Family
Pack B-Series Family
Pack B-Series FamilyPack B-Series Family
Software Components, Standard
Software Components, Standard
Software Components, StandardSoftware Components, Standard
Frame Filtering
Frame Filtering
Frame FilteringFrame Filtering
Advanced Zoning
Advanced Zoning
Advanced ZoningAdvanced Zoning
Software Components, Optional
Software Components, Optional
Software Components, OptionalSoftware Components, Optional
SAN Switch 2/8V Power
SAN Switch 2/8V Power
SAN Switch 2/8V PowerSAN Switch 2/8V Power
Pack Software Bundle
Pack Software Bundle
Pack Software BundlePack Software Bundle
SAN Switch 2/8V has a two switch SAN scaling limit (standard)
Optional full SAN scaling license
An ASIC based capability in the 2Gb family of switches that enables new applications and features. The switch now has the
ability to "view" the first 64 bytes of the Fibre Channel frame. At this time, Frame Filtering enables advanced capabilities
such as Advanced Zoning and Advanced Performance Monitoring.
In the 2 Gb generation of switches, WWN Zoning and Access Control are enforced by hardware that provides the same
simple administration previously enforced only with software. Administrators can organize a physical fabric into logical
groups and prevent unauthorized access by devices outside the Zone.
Enables organizations to monitor and manage single Fibre Channel switches and small SAN fabrics. Tasks can be
performed through a Java-capable Web browser from a standard laptop, desktop PC or workstation from any location
within the enterprise.
Includes bundled license for:
ISL Trunking
Advanced Performance Monitoring
Fabric Watch
Extended Fabric
Remote Switch
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