Compaq 281862-002 User Manual

Integrated Remote Console
User Guide
Second Edition (December 1998) Part Number 281862-002 Compaq Computer Corporation


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This publication contains information protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Compaq Computer Corporation.
1998 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
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Compaq, Deskpro, Fastart, Compaq Insight Manager, Systempro, Systempro/LT, ProLiant, ROMPaq, QVision, SmartStart, NetFlex, QuickFind, PaqFax, ProSignia, registered United States Patent and Trademark Office.
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Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Second Edition (December 1998) Part Number 281862-002


About This Guide
Text Conventions.......................................................................................................................vii
Symbols in Text....................................................................................................................... viii
Getting Help ............................................................................................................................ viii
Compaq Website .............................................................................................................. viii
Telephone Numbers ............................................................................................................ix
Chapter 1
Integrated Remote Console Capabilities ................................................................................. 1-1
Benefits of Using Integrated Remote Console ........................................................................ 1-2
Requirements........................................................................................................................... 1-2
Installation Sequence Outline.................................................................................................. 1-3
Terminology............................................................................................................................ 1-4
Accessing Integrated Remote Console.................................................................................... 1-5
Expected Audience.................................................................................................................. 1-5
Chapter 2
Setup and Configuration
Installing the Modem............................................................................................................... 2-1
Configuring the Modem .......................................................................................................... 2-2
Configuring a non “plug-n-play” ISA Modem................................................................. 2-2
Configuring an external modem or direct connection...................................................... 2-4
Configuring Integrated Remote Console................................................................................. 2-6
Modem Strings................................................................................................................. 2-9
Assigning Authorized Users...................................................................................................2-10
User Configuration..........................................................................................................2-11
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Chapter 3
Establishing a Connection
Establishing a Connection Using Compaq Insight Manager................................................... 3-1
Configuring Insight Manager for Out-of-Band Remote Console Access......................... 3-2
Establishing an Out-of-Band Remote Console Connection ............................................. 3-4
Invoke Integrated Remote Console Login........................................................................ 3-5
Benefits of Using Insight Manager to Establish the Connection...................................... 3-5
Verifying Modem Settings............................................................................................... 3-6
Establishing a Connection Using Windows HyperTerminal................................................... 3-8
Setting up a Connection ..................................................................................................3-10
Invoke Integrated Remote Console Login.......................................................................3-14
Saving a Connection........................................................................................................3-14
Establishing a Connection Using an ANSI Compatible Terminal Emulator..........................3-15
Configuration Guidelines ................................................................................................3-15
Limitations ......................................................................................................................3-16
Establishing a Connection...............................................................................................3-17
Invoke IRC Login............................................................................................................3-17
Login ......................................................................................................................................3-18
Chapter 4
Using Integrated Remote Console
Main Menu Options................................................................................................................. 4-3
Remote Console Menu Option ................................................................................................ 4-4
Beginning a Remote Console Session.............................................................................. 4-5
Changing the Default Attention Key................................................................................ 4-9
Changing the Terminal Screen Size ................................................................................4-10
Return to Main Menu ......................................................................................................4-11
Reboot Server Menu Option...................................................................................................4-12
View Reboot Sequence...........................................................................................................4-17
View Event Log......................................................................................................................4-19
Change Password....................................................................................................................4-20
Manage Login Information.....................................................................................................4-21
Modify User Information ................................................................................................4-22
Manage Configuration............................................................................................................4-23
Communications Setup....................................................................................................4-24
Chapter 5
Using Attention Key Sequences
Attention Key Command Sequences....................................................................................... 5-2
Example: Returning to IRC Main Menu .......................................................................... 5-2
Attention Key Support Sequences........................................................................................... 5-3
Example: Pressing F10 Key ............................................................................................. 5-4
Attention Key Compose Sequences......................................................................................... 5-5
Example: Entering Alt + P ............................................................................................... 5-6
Example: Entering Ctrl + Alt + Del ................................................................................. 5-7
More Attention Key Examples................................................................................................ 5-8
Attention Key Template .......................................................................................................... 5-9
Changing the Attention Key.................................................................................................... 5-9
Chapter 6
Additional Modem Information
Modem Types.......................................................................................................................... 6-1
External Serial Modems................................................................................................... 6-2
Internal ISA Plug-n-Play Modems................................................................................... 6-3
“Windows” Modems........................................................................................................ 6-3
PCI-based Modems .......................................................................................................... 6-4
Modem Configuration Strings................................................................................................. 6-5
Computer to Modem Serial Port Speed............................................................................ 6-6
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Operation.............................................................................. 6-6
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Interpretation ..................................................................... 6-7
Flow Control .................................................................................................................... 6-7
Error Correction ............................................................................................................... 6-7
Data Compression ............................................................................................................ 6-8
Response Codes................................................................................................................ 6-8
Chapter 7
Direct Connections
Connecting Using a Terminal or Terminal Emulator.............................................................. 7-1
Cable Requirement........................................................................................................... 7-2
Communication Requirements......................................................................................... 7-2
Connecting Using a Terminal Server or Concentrator ............................................................ 7-4
Obtaining the Appropriate Cable...................................................................................... 7-5
Configuring Integrated Remote Console.......................................................................... 7-8
Configuring the Terminal Server...................................................................................... 7-9
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Chapter 8
Modem Sharing
Asynchronous Management .................................................................................................... 8-2
Graphical Remote Control ....................................................................................................... 8-4
Additional Information............................................................................................................ 8-6
Determining Proper Initialization Strings in a Windows NT 4.0 RAS Environment....... 8-6
Appendix A
Suggested Modem Settings
Suggested Settings When Modem is Dedicated or Shared in non-Windows NT
Suggested Settings When Modem is Shared in Windows NT 4.0...........................................A-3
Appendix B
Null-Modem Cable Description
Appendix C
POST Errors ............................................................................................................................C-2
Server displays “172-2 IRC Configuration Invalid” message during POST....................C-2
Connection Problems...............................................................................................................C-3
Connection problems using a modem in dedicated mode ................................................C-3
Connection problems using a modem in shared mode.....................................................C-6
Connection problems using a direct-connection.............................................................C-10
Problems while using IRC.....................................................................................................C-11
Screen temporarily pauses during menus or remote console text...................................C-11
Terminal doesn’t scroll correctly in Remote Console Mode..........................................C-11
Terminal loses characters or doesn’t paint correctly in Remote Console Mode ............C-12
“View Reboot Sequence” is grayed out .........................................................................C-13

About This Guide

This guide is designed to be used as step-by-step instructions for installation, and as a reference for operation, troubleshooting, and future upgrades.

Text Conventions

This document uses the following conventions to distinguish elements of text:
Keys appear in boldface. A plus sign (+) between two keys indicates that they should be pressed simultaneously.
FILENAMES Menu Options
Command Names, Dialog Box Names
Type When you are instructed to
Enter When you are instructed to
User input appears in a different typeface and in uppercase.
File names appear in uppercase italics. These appear in italic initial capital letters These appear in initial capital letters.
These always appear in uppercase.
information and then press the
pressing the
information, type the
information, type the
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
viii About This Guide

Symbols in Text

These symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the following meanings.

Getting Help

If you have a problem and have exhausted the information in this guide, you can get further information and other help in the following locations.
WARNING: Indicates that failure to follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or loss of life.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or loss of information.
IMPORTANT: Presents clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Presents commentary, sidelights, or interesting points of information.

Compaq Website

The Compaq website has information on this product as well as the latest drivers and Flash ROM images. You can access the Compaq website by logging on to the Internet at

Telephone Numbers

For the name of your nearest Compaq Authorized Reseller: In the United States, call 1-800-345-1518
In Canada, call 1-800-263-5868 For Compaq technical support:
In the United States and Canada, call 1-800-OK COMPAQ (For continuous quality improvement, calls may be monitored or recorded.)
For Compaq technical support phone numbers outside the United States and Canada, visit the Compaq website at:
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Chapter 1
Compaq Integrated Remote Console (IRC) is an integrated hardware function that provides remote access and remote control to diagnose server failures interactively. IRC gives authorized users direct access to the managed server, independent of the operating system or other software, from locations a few feet away or from another continent.
Ability to control the server is not dependent upon any special software running on the server, nor is it restricted to when the managed server is in a particular state (like running BIOS). An administrator now has the ability to access the server, perform diagnostics, reset the system, watch the reset process remotely, and view Automatic Server Recovery sequences, regardless of whether the server operating system is online or offline.
IRC capability is built into your server. No add-on system management board is required.

Integrated Remote Console Capabilities

The primary capabilities of IRC let you:
Access the server via modem from a distant location
Access the server via direct-line connection to a terminal or terminal
Remotely control the managed server with complete remote console
access, regardless of the state of the server operating system
Perform a controlled reset of the server, regardless of the state of the
server operating system
Cycle the power, unconditionally resetting all features and internal
peripherals, followed by automatic reconnection to Integrated Remote Console
View a complete boot sequence including all ROM POST messages and
operating system load information following an Automatic Server Recovery event
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
View a log of Integrated Remote Console events
Allow users without supervisory access to modify their login passwords
Allow supervisory users to control access by other users
Remotely change the configuration parameters of Integrated Remote

Benefits of Using Integrated Remote Console

IRC advantages include:
Integrated, low-cost, hardware-based out-of-band management
Support for most standard, high-speed modems
Independent of the server operating system
Full-text mode support
Realistic remote console performance
ANSI compatible


To use IRC, you must have:
A Compaq server equipped with IRC (listed in your server’s features)
Hayes-compatible, controller-based modem for the managed server (for
modem-based out-of-band access) or appropriate cable to couple server to a terminal or terminal server
Management console equipped with the appropriate communications
hardware to establish a connection to IRC
Communications software that includes the ANSI terminal emulation

Installation Sequence Outline

In preparation for using IRC, the following tasks must be performed:
Prepare the management console with the necessary hardware and
software for out-of-band communication
Prepare the managed server for out-of-band communications by
installing a modem or connecting the managed server to a suitable communications device
Configure the usage and communication parameters of IRC
Set up a list of authorized users and their permissions in the IRC user
Figure 1-1. Communication topology showing a modem-based out-of-band connection between a
managed server, left, and a management console, right
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide


Table 1-1 lists the standard terms used throughout this guide.
Table 1-1
IRC Terminology
Term Definition
Managed Server Server that contains IRC or server which can be
remotely managed through a variety of Compaq tools.
Management Console Computer that runs management applications or
collects management data.
Management Application Software running on the
collects management data and/or provides access to
managed server
Terminal Server Multiple port device that includes several serial port
connections and allows access to the managed server via direct-line connection.
management console

Accessing Integrated Remote Console

Integrated Remote Console can be accessed through either Compaq Insight Manager or through any communications package that supports ANSI terminal emulation. It can be accessed through Compaq Insight Manager by configuring the modem remote console feature associated with the managed server. When accessed through Insight Manager, Integrated Remote Console supports dynamic text mode changes and extended keyboard functionality, including the function and alternate keys.
Integrated Remote Console can also be accessed through any ANSI terminal emulation program. This gives you multiple options in the choice of a server management console application. In addition, Integrated Remote Console supports complex keystroke combinations. You can synthesize complex combinations, such as function and alternate keys, which would otherwise be unavailable through the ANSI standard. As a result, virtually any keystroke combination can be entered from any terminal emulation package. Integrated Remote Console also supports different terminal line modes (for example, 80 x 25 or 80 x 50) in both monochrome and color.

Expected Audience

This document assumes that you are familiar with the setup and configuration of Compaq server hardware and that you have a working knowledge of Compaq Insight Manager. The Compaq Insight Manager User Guide is referred to throughout this document.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Chapter 2
Setup and Configuration
This chapter describes the steps required to implement Integrated Remote Console (IRC) using an internal modem, external modem, or direct serial port connection.
See Chapter 6 for information on supported modems and for additional information pertaining to the appropriate configuration of modems with IRC.
To operate IRC by modem, the management console must be equipped with a modem that is compatible with the modem in the managed server. Using different classes of modems in the management console and managed server, particularly if they are from different manufacturers, can cause various connection problems, including the inability to obtain a login prompt. Using the same type of modem from the same manufacturer in both the management console and managed server is strongly recommended.
IMPORTANT: Most connectivity problems are caused by modems that default to a “ Robotics modems and others). For Integrated Remote Console to function properly, both the modem in the management console and the modem in the managed server must have the computer-to-modem port speed set to
“ Integrated Remote Console and the management application. See Chapter 6 and your modem's documentation for more information.
This can be configured through initialization strings in both
computer-to-modem (or DCE-to-DTE) port speed. (U.S.

Installing the Modem

Consult the instructions for installing hardware options in the documentation that accompanied your Compaq server. Consult the user documentation that accompanied your modem for additional instructions specific to the modem, including default settings.
For internal modems, the Compaq System Configuration Utility can be used to determine the appropriate COM port and IRQ jumper settings.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration

Configuring the Modem

Configuring a non “plug-n-play” ISA Modem
The Compaq System Configuration Utility does not automatically detect non plug-n-play ISA devices. Therefore, you must manually account for system resources used by an installed ISA modem. To configure the modem:
1. Boot the server and run the Compaq System Configuration Utility. This utility can be run from floppies or by booting the Compaq SmartStart and Support Software CD included with your server. If you created a system partition during the initial setup of the server, you can invoke this utility by pressing the F10 key when prompted during the server’s power-on-self-test sequence.
2. Select the System Configuration menu option from the utilities main menu.
3. Select Configure Hardware from the configuration menu.
4. Select Step 2: Add or Remove Boards from the System Configuration main menu.
5. Press Insert to manually add a board to the server configuration.
6. Select !ISA0010.CFG Generic Modem (for use with IRC) from the list of boards that appears.
Figure 2-1. Example: Selecting a configuration file
7. Select the slot where the modem is installed when the Configuration
Utility identifies appropriate slots for the modem, then press Enter.
8. Press F10 to return to the System Configuration Main Menu.
9. Select Step 3: View or Edit Details.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration
10. Set the COM and IRQ IRQ resources to match the jumper settings on the modem. Note these settings as they are needed when configuring Integrated Remote Console.
Figure 2-2. Example: Setting the COM and IRQ resources

Configuring an external modem or direct connection

If you are using an external modem or want to connect IRC directly to another computer, terminal, or terminal server, you must first configure one of the integrated serial ports on the managed server.
1. In the System Configuration Utility, move the selector to Integrated Interfaces in Step 3: View or Edit details. Highlight the serial port that will be connected to the external device. Either serial port can be used with Integrated Remote Console.
2. Select the desired COM port resource setting. The recommended settings are COM1 for Serial (A) or COM2 for Serial (B).
3. Check the interrupt setting for the desired integrated serial port by selecting Edit Resources (F6) when the COM port selection is highlighted. Make sure that the configured interrupt setting is “edge” triggered.
4. Note the COM and interrupt settings for the desired integrated serial port; these are needed when configuring IRC.
Figure 2-3. Example: Configuring an integrated serial port
Figure 2-4. Example: Viewing the resources of an integrated serial port
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration

Configuring Integrated Remote Console

Use the System Configuration Utility to configure IRC. Table 2-1 summarizes the System Configuration Utility configuration options and their default values.
Integrated Remote Console Configuration Summary
Parameter Configuration Value
General Integrated Remote Console Information
Remote Console Functions Enabled/ Communication Device External Modem/Internal Modem/Direct Connect
Table 2-1
(default settings in bold)
Communication Settings
COM Port COM1, Interrupt (Internal Modem only) Sharing Options Maximum DTE Baud Rate Data Bits 7, Parity Stop Bits
United States
French, French Canadian, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin American, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss French, Swiss German
, IRQ4, IRQ5
IRQ3 Shared 19200
, Belgian, British, Danish, Finnish,
, COM3, COM4
, Dedicated
, 38400, 57600, 115200
, Even, Odd
Integrated Remote Console Configuration Summary
Parameter Configuration Value
Modem Settings (not required for direct connection)
Initialization String (primary) Initialization String (secondary) Dial Prefix Answer String
Security Access
Supervisor Yes/ Remote Console Reboot Server Replay Boot Sequence Force Dial-back Yes/
(default settings in bold)
1. Select Remote Console Functions from View or edit details, and set to Enabled.
Figure 2-5. Example: Enabling Remote Console Functions
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration
2. Set the Keyboard type to match the layout of the keyboard on the managed server. For proper remote keyboard operation, this setting must match the keyboard country configuration of the server’s operating system.
3. Set Communications Device according to your hardware configuration: a. Internal Modem
b. External Modem or c. Direct Connect if connecting with a null modem serial cable to
another computer, terminal, or terminal server.
4. Configure the IRC modem resources. Set the COM port and interrupt setting to match the hardware jumper settings on the internal modem , or integrated serial port settings if connecting to an external device.
5. To use this modem only for the IRC feature, select Dedicated under Sharing Options.
To use a single modem for both IRC and Asynchronous System
Management, or to allow the operating system to access the modem, accept the default setting of Shared.
NOTE: To use the “shared” modem setting, you must ensure that Integrated Remote Console is configured identically to the modem configuration settings of the operating system. See Chapter 8 and Appendix A for more information.
6. Configure the COM port settings. Set the baud rate to the highest reliable DTE rate for your modem. Most high-speed modems will tolerate DTE rates as high as 38,400, 57,600 or 115,200 bps. Consult the instructions supplied with the modem for the appropriate computer to modem serial port speed. This setting will be greater than or equal to the desired connection rate. The Data, Parity, and Stop settings should be set to 8-None-1 respectively unless a 7-bit parity mode is required.

Modem Strings

Configure the Modem Command Strings (not required for direct connect):
1. Set the Primary and Secondary Initialization strings. These command
The Primary Initialization string must include the appropriate AT
The Secondary Initialization string must include additional AT
The configuration utility sets the Primary and Secondary Initialization
strings are used to initialize the modem used by IRC.
command to reset the modem to a known state. Since AT command strings can contain multiple configuration and command sub-strings, this string can also contain additional configuration commands. (For example, AT&F and AT&C1&D2 can usually be combined into one command: AT&F&C1&D2.) Not all command strings can be concatenated. For example, most modems ignore commands following the ATZ command.
configuration commands necessary to properly configure the modem for use with IRC.
strings to “ATZ” and “AT&C1&D2,” respectively. These strings were chosen since they generally apply to all modems. Your modem may require different strings to operate properly. These initialization strings must place the modem in the following state for proper operation with Integrated Remote Console.
Computer to modem serial port speed:computer to modem, to fixed
(&B1 or \J0)
DCD serial port signal assertion to “normal” (&C1)
Modem responds correctly to DTR assertion (&D2)
Computer to modem serial port set for hardware flow control
Error correction enabled
Additional configuration options may be necessary if you have the modem in the shared configuration. These settings are necessary to ensure that Integrated Remote Console and the operating system have configured the modem similarly. Additional configuration settings include:
Modem response format (numeric or verbose)
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration
Modem result code options
Chapter 6 explains modem command strings in more detail. Chapter 8 provides additional information on using the modem in shared mode. Appendix A contains suggested entries for proper initialization strings for several common modems.
2. Set Dial Prefix to either ATDT (tone - default) or ATDP (pulse) dialing.
3. The Answer String should contain the command string necessary to place the modem in “auto-answer” mode. It will not accept calls if this string is not set appropriately.
The default string, ATS0=1 places a Hayes-compatible modem in auto-
answer mode, answering on the first ring.

Assigning Authorized Users

Before any users can log into IRC, the system administrator must set up a valid user database. This is also performed through the System Configuration Utility.
Figure 2-6. Example: Configuring users

User Configuration

You must have at least one user configured in the database to access IRC. The maximum number of users is eight. Use the System Configuration Utility to add, delete, or modify user entries. Users can also be added, deleted, or modified online from the IRC Main Menu if the connected user has supervisor privileges.
To edit user information:
1. Select View or edit details from the System Configuration Utility.
2. Highlight Configure Users, then press Enter.
Figure 2-7. Example: Selecting a user to modify
3. Highlight the desired user line, then press Enter. To add a user, simply
choose one of the unassigned entries.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration
4. Edit the following user information: a. User Name — Case-sensitive name that must be used when logging
into the Integrated Remote Console. User names can be up to 11 characters in length.
b. Password — Case-sensitive password that the user must use when
logging into IRC. It must contain at least four characters and no more than 15. When setting passwords, the administrator is prompted for verification.
c. Dial-Back Number — If dial-back security is desired for this user,
enter the user’s dial-back number and enable the Dial-Back option in Security Access. When enabled, IRC logs the user out after successful authentication and calls the user back at this number. This prevents the user from logging in from an arbitrary location.
When entering telephone numbers, use only the following
characters: 0, 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ), (, space, comma, and hyphen. Any other characters are ignored. The following are examples of
valid entries: (713) 123-4567 (011612) 213231234 *70, 713-123-4567 1265312653612536 (73847) - 38 - 834378
5. Verify/Change the user’s security settings. Position the highlight to
Security Access and press Enter. Ensure the correct setting of the following security attributes:
Figure 2-8. Example: Edit User screen
a. Supervisor Rights — A user with supervisor rights can remotely
modify all Integrated Remote Console configuration parameters,
including the addition, deletion, and modification of other users.
The default setting is disabled. b. Remote Console Rights — Authenticated user has remote access
to the managed server’s console. Users can be assigned login
access, but have no access to the server console. The default setting
is enabled. c. Reboot Server Rights — Authenticated user can remotely reboot
or power-cycle the managed server. The default setting is enabled. d. Boot Sequence Replay Rights — Authenticated user can replay
boot sequences stored in the Integrated Remote Console. The
default setting is enabled.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Setup and Configuration
e. Force Dial-back — Integrated Remote Console logs out the user
after successful authentication and calls the user back at the number
specified in the Dial Back Number entry of the user’s data structure.
This prevents the user from logging in from an arbitrary location.
Figure 2-9. Example: Setting Security Access
6. Press F10 until you return to the User Maintenance screen.
Repeat steps 1-6 for additional users.
Chapter 3
Establishing a Connection
You can establish a connection to Integrated Remote Console (IRC) from any ANSI X3.64 compatible terminal or terminal emulator. This section contains specific information on how to establish a connection using either Compaq Insight Manager or Windows HyperTerminal. In addition, this section contains general guidelines necessary if an administrator wants to use a different terminal emulator application.

Establishing a Connection Using Compaq Insight Manager

Compaq Insight Manager is the recommended application for accessing IRC in a managed server. Although IRC is designed to be accessible from any ANSI compatible terminal, Insight Manager incorporates several keyboard and terminal extensions to make certain tasks easier from within IRC. In addition, Insight Manager combines access to the Compaq suite of remote management tools into one convenient location.
Compaq Insight Manager provides the ability to manage multiple servers either through a local area network (LAN) or a dial-up connection. In addition to providing in-band manageability to these machines, Insight Manager provides the ability to establish an out-of-band modem remote console session with any of the managed servers. Out-of-band remote console access to a server’s Integrated Remote Console feature can be enabled simply by supplying Insight Manager with that server’s out-of-band management phone number. Once completed, the Remote Console menu item is activated for this server and you are able to use this menu item to establish a connection with Integrated Remote Console.
To use the Insight Manager out-of-band remote console feature, both the managed server and the management console must be equipped with compatible (preferably identical) modems.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Establishing a Connection

Configuring Insight Manager for Out-of-Band Remote Console Access

To contact the IRC function of a server, there must be an entry for that server in the Insight Manager device list. If an entry already exists for this server, proceed to step #2.
1. If the server containing Integrated Remote Console is available for in­band management through a LAN connection, create an IPX or IP entry for the server using methods described in the Compaq Insight Manager User’s Guide.
Create a “PPP” entry if the server is accessible only via a point-to-point
This step is necessary for any server managed through Insight Manager
regardless of whether out-of-band remote console access is configured or desired.
2. Right-click the server name created in step #1 from the Insight Manager Device List window to display a list of functions you can perform on the selected server.
3. Select Device Setup. The Device Setup dialog box is displayed.
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