Compal Electronics TG7C User Manual

SAFETY ................................................................ 17
Traffic Safety......................................................... 17
Do Not Use in Gasoline Stations.......................... 17
Do Not Use in Explosive Sites.............................. 18
Operating Environment........................................ 18
Standard Usage .................................................... 18
Accessories ........................................................... 18
Appropriate Maintenance..................................... 18
Emergency Calls (SOS) ........................................ 18
Use with proper care to reduce electromagnetic
interference (EMI) ......................................................... 19
GETTING STARTED .......................................... 20
......................................................... 11
PHONE OVERVIEW................................................... 20
INSTALLATION & REMOVING .................................. 21
Installing the battery.............................................. 21
Removing the battery ............................................. 21
Installing the SIM Card.......................................... 22
Removing the SIM Card......................................... 22
Connecting the Charger......................................... 23
Removing the Charger........................................... 24
KEYPAD DESCRIPTION ............................................ 24
ALPHANUMERIC MAPPING ...................................... 26
DISPLAY INDICATORS. ............................................. 28
BASIC OPERATION ........................................... 29
Making a Call ........................................................ 29
The SIM Card......................................................... 29
Battery and Charger .............................................. 29
Turning on the Phone............................................. 30
PIN and PIN2 (4 to 8 digits) .................................. 30
PUK1 and PUK2 (8 digits).................................... 31
Calling ................................................................... 31
Dialing Emergency Numbers................................. 31
Changing an Entry................................................. 31
Answering a Call ................................................... 31
Recent Calls ........................................................... 32
Speed Dial.............................................................. 32
Holding a Call ....................................................... 32
Multi-party Calls.................................................... 33
Voice-activated Dialing.......................................... 33
Method of Input...................................................... 34
1. T9 English........................................................................... 35
MENU FUNCTION ............................................... 37
PHONE BOOK …….................................................. 37
Search .................................................................... 38
Add Entry ............................................................... 38
Edit......................................................................... 39
Delete..................................................................... 39
Copy....................................................................... 40
P.Book Setting........................................................ 40
1. Caller Group........................................................................ 40
2. Sorting................................................................................. 40
3. Display SIM Records.......................................................... 41
Memory .................................................................. 41
MESSAGES…….…… ..........錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
1. Write..................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
2. Inbox .................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
3. Outbox...............................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
4. Delete................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
5. Free Count.........................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
6. Setting ...............................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
 Pre-Message .....................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
 SMS Center ......................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
 Valid Time ........................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
 Auto Display.....................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
 Status Report.....................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
1. Read ..................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
2. Filter..................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
3. Auto Display .....................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
VOICE MAIL......................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
1. Call V-mail..............................
2. Voice Mail#.............................
AUDIO PROFILES…................................................. 57
錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
Adjust ..................................................................... 57
1. Activate ............................................................................... 57
2. Ringtone and Volume.......................................................... 57
3. Key Sound........................................................................... 57
4. Crescendo............................................................................ 57
5. SMS Rec Tone..................................................................... 57
6. Vibrator ............................................................................... 58
7. Service Tone........................................................................ 58
8. Auto Answer........................................................................ 58
9. Rename ............................................................................... 58
CALL LISTS.………. ............................................... 58
Missed Call ............................................................ 58
Incoming ................................................................ 59
Outgoing ................................................................ 59
Call Info ................................................................. 59
1. Last Call.............................................................................. 59
2. Total Calls ........................................................................... 59
3. 1-minute Beep..................................................................... 59
4. Charge Info.......................................................................... 59
Total Charge........................................................................ 60
Max Charge ........................................................................ 60
Unit Price............................................................................ 60
SETTINGS ……… ................................................... 61
Personal................................................................. 61
1. Language............................................................................. 61
2. Greetings............................................................................. 61
3. Power On/Off Melody......................................................... 61
4. Folder On/Off Melody......................................................... 61
5. Hot Key Setting................................................................... 61
6. Own Number....................................................................... 62
Clock...................................................................... 62
1. Set Date............................................................................... 62
2. Set Alarm............................................................................. 63
3. Power Off............................................................................ 63
Screen..................................................................... 63
1. Standby mode...................................................................... 63
2. Color Theme........................................................................ 63
3. Network Name.................................................................... 63
4. Show Clock......................................................................... 63
5. Standby LED....................................................................... 63
6. Sub LCD Sleep Time.........................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
Call Setting ............................................................ 64
1. Call Waiting......................................................................... 64
Activate............................................................................... 64
Cancel................................................................................. 64
Status .................................................................................. 64
2. Divert .................................................................................. 64
Forward to .......................................................................... 64
Unreachable........................................................................ 64
If No Reply......................................................................... 64
All Calls .............................................................................. 64
If Busy................................................................................ 65
Status .................................................................................. 65
Cancel All ........................................................................... 65
3. Answer Mode...................................................................... 65
4. Present Number................................................................... 65
Network.................................................................. 65
1. Select Method...................................................................... 65
2. New Search......................................................................... 65
3. Select Sequence................................................................... 66
Security .................................................................. 66
1. Bar Calls.............................................................................. 66
All Out ................................................................................ 66
Out Intl ............................................................................... 66
Out X Home ....................................................................... 66
All In................................................................................... 66
In If Abr .............................................................................. 66
Status .................................................................................. 66
Cancel All ........................................................................... 66
2. PIN Check........................................................................... 67
3. PIN Change......................................................................... 67
4. PIN2 Change....................................................................... 67
5. Fixed Numbers.................................................................... 67
6. SIM Lock ............................................................................ 67
Set Lock.............................................................................. 67
Change PCK....................................................................... 67
Reset Setting........................................................... 67
MMEDIA …… ........................................................ 68
File Manager ......................................................... 68
Open File............................................................................ 68
Send MMS.......................................................................... 68
Save as Wallpaper............................................................... 68
Save to P.Book.................................................................... 68
Rename............................................................................... 68
Delete.................................................................................. 68
Delete all file ...................................................................... 68
File Sort.............................................................................. 68
  By Name .................................................................. 68
  By Date..................................................................... 69
  By Type .................................................................... 69
View.................................................................................... 69
  List ............................................................................ 69
  Icon........................................................................... 69
Detail Info........................................................................... 69
Image ..................................................................... 69
Audio...................................................................... 69
Free Space ............................................................. 69
Game...................................................................... 69
1. Game................................................................................... 69
Puzzle ................................................................................. 70
Hostage Salvation............................................................... 70
Reversi................................................................................ 70
Coin Elf .............................................................................. 71
Tone Edit ................................................................ 71
1. Play ..................................................................................... 71
2. Edit...................................................................................... 71
Keypad functions................................................................ 71
Edit ..................................................................................... 72
3. Reset.................................................................................... 72
4. Tempo.................................................................................. 72
5. Instrument ........................................................................... 73
6. Rename ............................................................................... 73
CALCUATOR ............................................................73
Calendar.......................................................................... 74
1. View Day Note ........................................................... 74
2. Make Note.................................................................. 74
3. Erase Note ................................................................. 75
4. View All Notes............................................................ 75
5. Go To Date................................................................. 75
Exchange Rate ....................................................... 75
Voice Memos .......................................................... 76
1. Record................................................................................. 76
2. Playback.............................................................................. 76
Playback ............................................................................. 76
Delete One.......................................................................... 76
Label................................................................................... 76
3. Options................................................................................ 76
Self Only............................................................................. 76
Other Party Only................................................................. 76
Both .................................................................................... 77
World clock ............................................................ 77
Set Location........................................................................ 77
  Automatic................................................................. 77
  Manual...................................................................... 77
WAP…. ................................................................. 77
Access WAP............................................................ 77
Favorites ................................................................ 78
1. New Bookmark ................................................................... 79
2. New Folder.......................................................................... 79
3. Delete all............................................................................. 80
4. Hotkeys ............................................................................... 80
Go To URL ............................................................. 80
WAP Settings.......................................................... 80
1. Connection.......................................................................... 81
Add New............................................................................. 81
  Name ........................................................................ 81
  Homepage ............................................................... 81
  IP Address................................................................ 81
  Bearer....................................................................... 81
  User name ............................................................... 81
  Password................................................................. 81
  DNS IP address. ..................................................... 81
  Linger Time.............................................................. 82
  APN .......................................................................... 82
  Security .................................................................... 82
  Store ......................................................................... 82
Add from List ..................................................................... 82
  中華 WAP................................................................. 82
  台哥大 WAP............................................................. 82
  遠傳 WAP................................................................. 82
  泛亞 WAP................................................................. 82
  東信 WAP................................................................. 82
2. Color Scheme...................................................................... 82
3. Clear Cache......................................................................... 82
4. Reset all............................................................................... 82
GPRS Setting.......................................................... 83
1. Permanent......................................................................... 83
2. Needed ............................................................................. 83
STK( SIM TOOLKIT ). ......................................... 83
BATTERY ............................................................ 84
CARE AND MAINTENANCE ........................... 85
FCC Regulation ……………………………72 FCC RF Exposure Information ………...…73
Menu Map
P. Book
Search Add Entry Edit Delete Copy P. Book Setting
1. Caller Groups
2. Sorting
3. Display SIM Records Memory Status
1. Write
2. Inbox
3. Outbox
4. Delete
5. Free Count
6. Setting
Pre-Message SMS Center Valid Time Auto Display Status Report Broadcast
1. Read
2. Filter
3. Auto Dispaly Voice Mail
1. Call V-mail
2. Voice Mail#
Typ ical Silent Outdoor Handsfree Meeting Customer
1. Activate
2. Ringtone and Volume
3. Key Sound
4. Crescendo
5. SMS Rec Tone
6. Vibrator
7. Service Tone
8. Auto Answer (Only in Handsfree mode)
9. Rename (Only in Customer mode)
Call Lists
Missed Call Incoming Outgoing Call Info
1. Last Call
2. Total Calls
3. 1-minute Beep
5. Charge Info
Total Charge Max Charge Unit Price
1. Language
2. Greetings
3. Power On/Off Melody
4. Folder On/Off Melody
5. Hot Key Setting
6. Own Number Clock
1. Set Date/Time
2. Set Alarm
3. Power Off Screen
1. Standby mode
Pic & Text
Digital Clock Calendar
2. Color Theme
3. Network Name
4. Show Clock
5. Standby LED Call Setting
1. Call Waiting
Activate Cancel Status
2. Divert
Forward to Unreachable If No Reply All Calls IF Busy Status Cancel All
3. Answer Mode Normal answer
Any key answer Folder answer
4. Present Number Network
1. Select Method
2. New Search
3. Select Sequence Security
1. Bar Calls
All Out Out Intl Out x Home All In In If Abr Status Cancel All
2. PIN Check
3. PIN Change
4. PIN2 Change
5. Fixed Numbers
6. SIM Lock
Set Lock Change PCK Reset Setting
File Manager
1. Image
Open file
Save as Wallpaper Rename Delete file Delete all files File Sort
View Detail Info
2. Audio
Open file
Rename Delete file Delete all files File Sort Detail Info
3. Free Space Tone Edit
1. Play
2. Edit
Keypad function Edit Save
3. Reset
4. Tempo
5. Instrument
6. Rename
1. Hostage Salvation
2. Reversi
Calculator Calendar
1. View DayNote
2. Make Note
3. Erase Note
4. View All Notes
5. Go To Date
Exchange Rate Voice Memos
1. Record
2. Playback
Playback Delete One
3. Options
Self Only
Other Party Only Both World Clock Auto Manual
Access WAP Favorites
1. New Bookmark
2. New Folder
3. Delete all
4. Hotkeys
Go To URL WAP Setting
1. Connection
Add New Add from List
2. Color Scheme
3. Clear Cache
4. Reset all GPRS Setting
1. Permanent
2. Needed
Read carefully the following important safety and regulations before you use the phone. Failure of obeying these instructions may lead to suspension of mobile telephone services, or broke the law. Most of all, it will cause your personal in danger. Always adhere to the following:
Traffic Safety
Avoid using a hand-held phone while driving. For your safety, you should park the vehicle before making or answering a call. Using a hand-free car kit or earpiece is recommended.
Do Not Use in Hospitals
The use of mobile telephones may interfere with the functionality of some medical devices in the hospital. Check the law and regulations or posted notices. To avoid electromagnetic interference (EMI) with medical devices, please power off your phone when it is necessary.
Do Not Use in Airplanes
The use of mobile phones in an aircraft may disrupt radio transmissions and signals. This, therefore, can be dangerous to the operation of the aircraft. Be sure to turn off your mobile phone when on board an aircraft. It is recommended to detach the battery pack from the handset to prevent accidentally turning on the phone by miss-touching the power key.
Do Not Use in Gasoline Stations
It is advisable that users switch off their mobile phones when refueling is in process. It is dangerous that any spark may cause an explosion or fire.
Do Not Use in Explosive Sites
The use of mobile phones should be restricted in potential explosive atmosphere sites such as chemical plants, fuel storage, or the area where blasting operations are in process.
Operating Environment
Mobile radio transmitting equipment, including mobile phones, may be subject to interference and may cause danger. Therefore, it is recommended that you follow any special regulations in any area. Switch off your mobile phone whenever the use is forbidden.
Standard Usage
For the satisfactory operation of the mobile phone, it should be used in a normal operating position. Do not touch the antenna while making a call.
This phone can only be connected to approved accessories and batteries. Do not connect the phone to incompatible products.
Appropriate Maintenance
Only qualified and authorized personnel should service the mobile phone. Faulty installation or repair may be hazardous.
Emergency Calls (SOS)
An emergency call “112” can be made from the mobile phone under any circumstances, and even the phone is locked. When making an emergency call, you must be sure to give all the necessary information, such as your name, your mobile phone number, the location and the crisis situation, as accurately as
possible. In order to deliver the sufficient information to a rescue institute, do not disconnect your phone immediately.
Use with proper care to reduce
electromagnetic interference (EMI)
This product has passed the inspection of the Directorate-General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communication. The highest reported SAR values which are: Head 1.15 W/kg; Body-worn 0.211 W/kg are lower than the standard value at 1.6 W/kg, maximum.
Getting Started
Phone Overview
Basic Operation
Warning: Please do not detach any parts and only use
manufacturer original component to keep the quality call phone.
Basic Operation
Installation & Removing
Installing the battery
1. Press the lock on the bottom and then slide the battery cover backward and lift up battery cover.
2. Hold the battery and wedge it under two up corners and press the battery pack into place. Make sure that golden connector are facing the connector on the phone.
3. Place the cover into the track and slide it forward and lock with cover latch.
Removing the battery
1. Turn phone off and repeat the above item 1 to open the battery cover.
2. Lift up the bottom of the battery pack and pull battery by sliding backward to detach the battery from phone.
3. Repeat above item 3 to recover the battery cover.
Basic Operation
Important! : Risk of explosion if battery is replaced
by an incorrect type.
Installing the SIM Card
1. Power off the phone and remove the battery. Make the
SIM card golden contact points face downward and the oblique-angle edge align to up left.
2. Hold the SIM around 30°
the SIM card bottom into the SIM card holder. Place the card inside the SIM holder completely and make sure the SIM latch fixes SIM card.
into SIM card slot and slight push
Removing the SIM Card
Power off the phone and remove the battery. Press down the SIM latch and slide SIM upward to remove SIM from holder and slot as shown in the figure.
Basic Operation
Connecting the Charger
To connect the travel charger to the mobile phone, you should install the battery first. Follow the travel charger instruction, and plug the connector with the sigh upside into mobile phone. See below figure.
1. Do not remove your battery or SIM card while charging.
2. Use a compatible or appropriate charger for the phone.
3. Manipulate the charger carefully, the connector might be
damage easy.
Basic Operation
Removing the Charger
When removing the charger from battery, disconnect the plug from the electrical outlet. Press the release buttons on two sides of the connector simultaneously and pull out the connector from mobile phone.
Keypad Description
Button Description
Accept call and call hold. Affirmative inputs: OK, Select, Call, save and Reply. Negative inputs: End, No, Cancel, Abort, Quit. As call is in progress, press this key to mute the microphone so the other party would not listen to your voice. Press again to activate Microphone. In standby mode, press the key to fast access Inbox, Profile, hot key setting and Softkey switch. Affirmative inputs OK. In standby mode, press the key to connect to the internet to view and access Web and WAP pages. (WAP connection should be preset in advance.)
Press the key to activate the voice recording as call in progress. Press this key to dial out a call. In standby mode, press this key to view the list of the last 30 phone numbers of incoming, outgoing and missed calls. End a call. Press and hold this key to turn on/off your phone. Press this key to swap input methods.
Basic Operation
Button Description
Press this key to delete single character, number, or symbol from the right to left. Long press this key will enable to delete all texts and phone numbers. Push keys to scroll up, down, left and right for entering function menus, submenus and setup selections. Short Cut functions: Up –swap standby mode pictures. Down – Phone book list Left – stay in the 1
layer of SMS list menu. Right – Melody list in Profile. The symbol of numerals and letters. Keypads 2~9 are set as hotkeys; refer to hotkey setup instructions for details.
Push and hold this key for 2 seconds to launch voice mail box function. Enter the voice box number (general 3 digits) of your service provider before using for the first time. Push and hold it for 2 seconds and the “+” will be automatically turn to an international dial-up code. If you are in Taiwan, “+” represents the international dial-up code “002”. Press this key, and “#” sign will be shown on the screen; then enter phonebook address number (SIM: 1 to 3 digits, depend on SIM capacity, Phone Memory: 2001~2250) and
press the
key to dial out this call as the other quick way to making a call. Press and hold it for 2 seconds and then “P” sign will be shown on the screen; then to launch Voice Dial function as a hotkey.
Basic Operation
Button Description
Fast access to make a call with extension number – Input phone number and long press this key to pop-up character “P” then key-in extension number and then press dialing key. In editing mode, press the key to switch input methods. Press this button to activate and disable vibration function. In English Mode, press this key to switch English letter between upper and lower case. In T9 input Method, press this key to switch input methods and symbols. Adjust volume during a call. In folder close mode, press Up key to activate the backlight of Sub_LCM.
Alphanumeric Mapping
The alphabetical and numerical keypad mapping relations are listed on the following table:
Upper Case Mode Lower Case Mode
1 Space .: /\1[]{}() Space .: /\│1[]{}()
A B C 2 Ä Å Æ ç a b c 2 ä å à æ ç
D E F 3 É d e f 3 é è
G H I 4 g h i 4 ì
J K L 5 J k l 5
Upper Case Mode Lower Case Mode
MNO6ÑÖ m n o 6 ñ ö ò
7 P Q R S 7 β p q r s 7 β
T U V 8 Ü t u v 8 ü ù
W X Y Z 9 w x y z 9
Space + - * / ( ) 0 Space + - * / ( ) 0
: * . , “_ @ <> !; : * . , “_ @ <> !;
# / =? % # / =? %
Basic Operation
1. Press case letters and symbols.
2. By pressing and holding mode among Chinese input, English input, and numeric key input.
3. Pressing a number key in the editing mode will result in the character appeared on the display.
4. Press again the button immediately after releasing, and it goes to the next character in sequence as above table. Switching characters will depend upon the duration of the key press.
5. After releasing the button and wait for a second, the cursor will move to next spot for new input.
6. If there are any differences between the character sets listed in the table and on the phone, please refer to the displayed characters on the phone.
button to switch between upper and lower
, you can exchange the input
+ 60 hidden pages