Table of Contents
•Tools and Material Requirements…………………………………..2
•M2M-W02 Unit Overview……..…………………………………. 3
•M2M-W02 LED Overview …… ………………………….………4
•M2M-W02 Installation Overview…………………………….…..5
•Step by Step installation …………………………………………... 6
-Aligning and Mounting the unit………………….………..6
-Pulling Wires…………………………….………….….…..7
-Connecting Wires……………………………….…..……..7
-Clean up and weather protect………………………...….9
M2M-W02 (Wireless Monitor Controller)
This is a Step by Step guide to help you correctly install the M2M-
W02 controller. Please note that not all sites are the same, and
that this guide only deals with a couple of site possibilities.
Tools and Material Requirements:
•Flat head screwdriver
•Small Phillips head screwdriver
(preferably magnetic)
•Open end connectors (minimum
of 8 per site)
•Female connectors (minimum of 4
per site)
•Drill with approximately 13/16
hole bit, or multi hole bit.
•Silicone tube w/ gun
•3 to 4 self tapping metal screws
•Nipple w/ nut to pull wires through
•Wire cutter, stripper, and crimper
M2M-W02 Unit Overview
Cellular Module
SIM card
Current Sensors
Relay Inputs
Battery: So the controller will stay online in case utility power is lost
Current Sensors: Measures the amp reading during each on/off cycle
Cellular Module: Communicates with the cellular network to send and receive data
SIM card: Is the unique cellular address specific to the controller (same as a phone number)
Relays: The main control for turning the lights on and off
Relay Outputs: Wires going to the lights, once relays are activated voltage will flow throw these
wires to the lights.
Relay Inputs: Coming off the breakers to the relays, source voltage to the lights
Power: Connects to the Utility power from the breaker to power the controller
Neutral: Return path for the voltage, connects with the neutral from the breaker box
LED’s: Indicators to let you know what the controller is currently doing at any given time.
LED’s Overview
Receiving signal
System Heartbeat
• Utility Power: (Red LED) Solid when the controller is connected to utility power
• System Heartbeat: (Green flashing LED) Flashes whenever the system is powered and
operating properly
• Receiving Signal: (Yellow LED) Shows when the controller is currently receiving a message
• Cellular Connection: (Green LED) Flashes if the controller is trying to connect or Solid when
connected to a cellular connection
• Relay “on” signal: (Red LED’s) Solid if the corresponding relays are on
During the calibration process there are a couple of combinations to the LED’s that also mean
• When you receive system information messages you will notice that the Yellow LED will first
turn on showing it is receiving a message, but then both the middle LED’s will then flash
together for about 1 minute while it processes the message.
• Also, after you press the calibrate button the middle two LED’s should flash rapidly together
for about 20 minutes while the lights are warming up. And that is also when the Relay “on”
LED’s should also light up