Quick Start Guide
Power On
Press and hold the SELECT key for more than 1 second to power on
the Spotcheck device.
Press and hold the SELECT key then press either the BEARING
key or the VIBRATION key to power off the Spotcheck device.
Take a Vibration Overall Measurement
1. Attach the accelerometer sensor cable to the device by inserting the
cable plug to the BNC connector and gently turning clockwise.
2. Attach the accelerometer sensor to the measurement point.
If the measurement location is smaller than the magnetic base of the
accelerometer, use the included stinger probe.
1. Press the VIBRATION key. A vibration measurement numeric
value will be shown in the center of the screen.
2. Press the SELECT key repeatedly to toggle between the device's
available measurement types: 'Disp' (displacement in µm peak-topeak), 'Acc' (acceleration in g peak) and 'Vel' (velocity in mm/s RMS).
3. Press the VIBRATION key to hold the value being shown
onscreen, and again to return to the active measurement mode.
Spotcheck Quick Start Guide 1
Check Vibration Alarms
1. Press the SELECT key repeatedly until 'Vel' (velocity in mm/s
RMS) is displayed as the measurement type.
2. Press the VIBRATION key to hold the value being shown
onscreen. A vibration alarm level using the ISO 10816-3:2009
standard will also be displayed on the LCD screen. Three alarm
levels are possible and may be shown:
• OK (indicated by a tick icon)
• Alert (indicated by a single bell icon)
• Danger (indicated by two bell icons)
NOTE: The alarm level displayed is only applicable to the machine
group (determined by the machinery's size and power) and
support class (determined by the support structure the machinery
has been mounted to: rigid, or flexible) specified in the bottom lefthand corner of the screen.
3. Press the SELECT key repeatedly to toggle between machine
groups and support classes.
NOTE: A quick reference list of available values is printed on the
device's rear label. For more information on machine groups and
support classes, see the Spotcheck Reference Guide.
Spotcheck Quick Start Guide 2