Commodore CBM 4023 User Manual

CBM Bi-Directional
Users Manual
Model 4023
f i c o m m o d o re
WARNING This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
CBM Bi-Directional
Users Manual
Model 4023
Part Number 4023025
© 1983 Commodore Business Machines, Inc.
Table Of Contents
Page No.
DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 1
Printing Characteristics ............................................................................................ 1
IEEE-488 Interface .................................................................................................... 3
Paper Feed Mechanisms.......................................................................................... 3
Printer Ribbon Cartridge
3 Internal Microprocessor System 3
Specifications ........................................................................................................... 3
UNPACKING YOUR PRINTER ....................................................................................... 5
Section 2: PREPARING TO USE YOUR PRINTER ....................................................... 7
INSTALLING THE PAPER .............................................................................................. 10
Loading Model 4023 ................................................................................................ 10
Section 3: USING YOUR PRINTER ............................................................................... 13
SPECIAL PRINTER-ASSOCIATED COMMANDS......................................................... 14
The OPEN Command 14
The CMD Command ................................................................................................ 14
The PRINT # Command
The CLOSE Command ............................................................................................ 15
PRINTING IN THE DIRECT MODE ............................................................................... 16
PRINTING UNDER PROGRAM CONTROL.................................................................. 17
FORMAT CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 21
Printing Data Exactly as Received: s a = 0................................................................ 21
Printing Data According to a Previously Defined Format: sa=1
22 Storing the Formatting Data: sa=2
The Formatting Characters ..................................................................................... 23
Numeric: ............................................................................................................. 23
Alpha (String Data):
Skip (Blank): ...................................................................................................... 26
Literals in Format Strings ......................................................................................... 26
Setting the Number of Lines Per Page: s a= 3......................................................... 27
Enabling the Printer Diagnostic Messages: sa=4
Defining a Programmable Character: sa=5
Setting Spacing Between Lines: sa=6 .................................................................... 31
Selecting Upper or Lower Case: sa=7 .................................................................... 31
Selecting ASCI I/Graphics: sa=8 ............................................................................. 32
Suppress Diagnostic Message Printing: sa=9 ....................................................... 32
Resetting the Printer: sa=10..................................................................................... 32
Enhanced Characters
*..................................................................................... 33
Paging ........................................................................................................................ 33
Specifying Individual Upper- and Lowercase Characters
Reversing a Field ...................................................................................................... 35
The Carriage Return .......................................................... 35
Quotation Marks ........................................................................................................ 35
SIMPLE STRING FORMATTING ........................................................................... A-2
LEADING ZEROES FORCED ................................................................................ A-4
SIGNED NUMBERS ............................................................................................... A-5
MIXED FORMAT FIELD TYPES ............................................................................. A-8
FORMATTING WITH LITERALS ........................................................................... A-9
Section 1
With the purchase of a Commodore CBM Printer, you have added a great deal of versatility and convenience to the use of your Commodore Computer. You have purchased the
FRICTION/SPROCKET FEED Model 4023. While this manual contains all the information you need to check out, connect, and operate your printer, you should also refer to other Commodore manuals to get the most out of your computer system.
NOTE TO BUSINESS KEYBOARD USERS ONLY: If you wish to duplicate the examples in this manual and you are using the CBM Business Keyboard computer, you should type the BASIC command POKE 59468,12 at the beginning of each session with your computer and printer.
This printer is designed to operate through software control. It prints upper- and lower
case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and all the graphic characters available
on your Commodore computer, and even a custom user-defined character. Additionally,
your printer has considerable formatting capability owing to its own internal
microprocessor system.
Printing Characteristics
Your printer employs a SHINWA print head. The wire heavy-duty jeweled head has a life expectancy of 50 million characters. If a print head malfunction should occur, obtain authorized technical assistance. Failure to do this may void your warranty.
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Figure 1. Feed Mechanism and Ribbon Cartridge
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IEEE-488 Interface
This printer conforms to IEEE-488 interface requirements and may be connected directly to your Commodore computer. The printer, designed to be used with the Commodore CBM Floppy Disk Drive, may be daisy-chained with other IEEE-488 devices.
Paper Feed Mechanisms
The Model 4023 Printer employs FRICTION/SPROCKET feed mechanism that involves the use of sprocket holes in the paper edges. This model is especially useful for the printing of business forms. See Figure 1.
Normal paper without sprocket holes is useable, too.
Printer Ribbon
The printer ribbon (shown in Figure 2) is an easily-loaded cartridge.
Internal Microprocessor System
Your printer contains a microprocessor system that resets and executes a diagnostic and initialization sequence when power is applied. In addition, it contains a random access memory (RAM) in which you can store formatting data. Because your printer is an intelligentperipheral, it uses none of your computers memory.
Table 1 shows the specifications for the Model 4023 Printer.
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Model 4023 Printer Specifications
Printing Method
Serial Impact Dot Matrix
Print Rate
45 Ipm with 80 columns printed 78 Ipm with 40 columns printed 124 Ipm with 20 columns printed
Print Direction
Column Capacity
Character Font
8 X 8
Line Spacing
Character Size
0.094" high, 0.08" wide
3, including original
Ribbon Type
Ribbon Life
1.2 X 106 characters
Ribbon Cartridge
Commodore P/N 613160550
Paper Width
10" computer folded paper
7.5 + (0.5 X 2 sprocket margins) Pin-to-pin distance: .5" longitudinally
9.5" laterally 5/32" diameter
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Before you unpack your printer, inspect the shipping carton for signs of damage. If it
appears to be damaged, be especially careful when you inspect its contents. DONT throw away any of the packaging material until you have located all the contents of the carton! The package should contain:
1. Commodore Printer, Model 4023
2. User Manual Number 4023025
3. Warranty card
4. Printer ribbon cartridge
If any of the these is missing or damaged, notify your Commodore dealer immediately.
Additionally, you must obtain the appropriate cable from your Commodore dealer to connect your printer to your computer. See Section 2, page 8, for information about which
IEEE cable to get.
Setting up
Before starting to use your printer, you should make sure that it is in working condition. This procedure includes checking for obstructions in the path of the printer head or paper feed and that the printer ribbon is properly in place. Follow this procedure.
1. Lift and remove the plastic top cover to expose print head and mechanism.
2. Remove shipping screws. Carefully lift front of printer unit and make it stands as the bottom of case be vartically
face to you and hold the unit by the one of your hand on the soft surface. Then, remove the shipping screws with a Phillips-head screw driver. After it is removed, gently back the unit to lay flat on a firm surface, position the printer front be face to you.
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Section 2
Before starting to use your printer, you should make sure that it is in working condition. This procedure includes checking for obstructions in the path of the print head or paper
feed and that the printer ribbon is properly in place. Follow this procedure:
1. Lift the plastic paper cover gently to expose print head and mechanism.
2. Carefully remove any foreign material that may have strayed into the mechanism or electronics.
3. Install the printer ribbon cartridge as shown in Figure 2.
4. Replace the plastic paper cover.
5. Insert the wire paper rest in the two holes in the rear of the cabinet. Do not attempt to load the paper at this time.
Figure 2. The Printer Cartridge
One of two connector cables is required to connect the printer to the computer:
1. PET-to-IEEE cable, P/N 320202 Use this cable if the printer is to be the only (or first) IEEE device connected to your
2. lEEE-to-IEEE cable, P/N 905080 Use this cable if you will be using your printer in conjunction with the Dual Drive Floppy Disk.
Follow these steps to connect your printer to your computer:
1. Turn off the AC power to your computer.
2. Place the printer in a convenient location close to the computer. DO NOT connect the printer to an AC outlet at this time.
3. If you are using the PET-to-IEEE cable, connect the cable between the IEEE-488 interface connector on your computer and the connector on the printer as shown in
Figure 3. If you are using the lEEE-to-IEEE cable, connect the printer in a configuration
similar to that shown in Figure 4.
4. Connect the printers power cord to an AC outlet. DO NOT turn on the power at this time.
Figure 3. Printer to Computer Hookup
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Figure 4. Multiple Hookup
You are now ready to proceed with the power-on part of the checkout:
1. Turn on the AC power to your computer and verify that it is working correctly.
2. To turn on the power to the printer, press the rocker switch at the rear of the printer so that the white dot is visible. In response to the application of AC power, the printers
microprocessor should move the print head all the way to the right, then to its home position at the far left. If this does not happen (and thats highly unlikely), turn off both machines, check all connections and try again. If you still get no response, contact your Commodore dealer.
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Now that you have gotten a positive response to all the previous steps, you can load the
paper. See Figures 5 and 6.
Figure 5. Paper Path
Loading Model 4023
The tractor feed printer accepts standard fan-folded pin feed paper. You can purchase this paper from your local Commodore dealer.
The paper drive in this printer may be adjusted to accept varying widths of paper. This is done by sliding the pin feed mechanism it to the desired position. Depress the paper feed button in the upper right-hand top panel to advance the paper after it is loaded. To remove
the paper, open the feed mechanism retainers and pull the paper out.
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Figure 6. Inserting Paper Into Model 4023
You can test the print head (and the ribbon cartridge as well) after you have inserted the paper. NEVER allow any printing to occur when there is no paper in the printer. To do so may result in damage to the print head. To perform this test, simply turn off the printer, then
turn it back on while pressing the paper feed button.
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You know how to connect your printer to your computer, how to check it out and how to
insert the ribbon and paper. You are now ready for the next step: putting your Commodore printer to work.
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+ 39 hidden pages