Commodore Amiga A1000, Amiga A500, Amiga A2000 Hardware Reference Manual

© 1992 Commodore Business Machines
Amiga 1200 PAL
Components of the Amiga ..................................2
THE MC68000 AND THE AMIGA CUSTOM CHIPS.................2
VCR AND DIRECT CAMERA INTERFACE........................5
About the Examples........................................7
Some Caveats to Hardware Level Programmers ...............9
Chapter 2 COPROCESSOR HARDWARE ............................13
ABOUT THIS CHAPTER....................................14
What is a Copper Instruction? ...........................14
The MOVE Instruction ....................................15
The WAIT Instruction.....................................17
HORIZONTAL BEAM POSITION..............................18
VERTICAL BEAM POSITION ...............................18
THE COMPARISON ENABLE BITS............................19
Using the Copper Registers...............................20
LOCATION REGISTERS ...................................20
JUMP STROBE ADDRESS...................................21
CONTROL REGISTER......................................21
Putting Together a Copper Instruction List ..............22
COMPLETE SAMPLE COPPER LIST...........................24
LOOPS AND BRANCHES ...................................25
Starting and Stopping the Copper ........................25
STARTING THE COPPER AFTER RESET.......................25
STOPPING THE COPPER...................................26
Advanced Topics..........................................27
THE SKIP INSTRUCTION..................................27
USING THE COPPER WITH THE BLITTER.....................31
THE COPPER AND THE 68000..............................31
Summary of Copper Instructions ..........................32
Chapter 3 PLAYIELD HARDWARE................................33
ABOUT THIS CHAPTER....................................34
PLAYFIELD FEATURES ...................................34
Forming a Basic Playfield ...............................38
HEIGHT AND WIDTH OF THE PLAYFIELD.....................39
BIT-PLANES AND COLOR .................................39
ALLOCATING MEMORY FOR BIT-PLANES .....................46
ENABLING THE COLOR DISPLAY ...........................56
BASIC PLAYFIELD SUMMARY ..............................57
Forming a Dual-playfield Display ........................62
Bit-Plane Assignment in Dual-playfield Mode .............62
ACTIVATING DUAL-PLAYFIELD MODE .......................67
DUAL PLAYFIELD SUMMARY ...............................67
Bit-planes and Display Windows of All Sizes .............68
MAXIMUM DISPLAY WINDOW SIZE...........................74
Moving (Scrolling) Playfields ...........................75
VERTICAL SCROLLING....................................75
HORIZONTAL SCROLLING .................................77
SCROLLED PLAYFIELD SUMMARY ...........................80
Advanced Topics..........................................81
HOLD-AND-MODIFY MODE .................................81
USING AN EXTERNAL VIDEO SOURCE .......................84
SUMMARY OF PLAYFIELD REGISTERS .......................84
Summary of Color Selection ..............................87
COLOR REGISTER CONTENTS ..............................87
Chapter 4 SPRITE HARDWARE .................................93
ABOUT THIS CHAPTER....................................94
Forming a Sprite ........................................94
SCREEN POSITION ......................................94
SIZE OF SPRITES ......................................97
SHAPE OF SPRITES .....................................97
SPRITE COLOR..........................................98
DESIGNING A SPRITE...................................101
BUILDING THE DATA STRUCTURE..........................101
Displaying a Sprite.....................................106
RESETTING THE ADDRESS POINTERS ......................107
SPRITE DISPLAY EXAMPLE...............................108
Moving a Sprite.........................................110
Creating Additional Sprites.............................111
SPRITE PRIORITY......................................112
Reusing Sprite DMA Channels ............................113
Overlapped Sprites......................................115
Attached Sprites .......................................117
Manual Mode ............................................120
Sprite Hardware Details ................................121
Summary of Sprite Registers.............................124
CONTROL REGISTERS....................................124
DATA REGISTERS ......................................126
Summary of Sprite Color Registers.......................126
Chapter 5 AUDIO HARDWARE..................................129
INTRODUCING SOUND GENERATION.........................130
THE AMIGA SOUND HARDWARE.............................133
Forming and Playing a Sound ............................134
DECIDING WHICH CHANNEL TO USE........................134
CREATING THE WAVEFORM DATA...........................134
TELLING THE SYSTEM ABOUT THE DATA ...................136
SELECTING THE VOLUME ................................136
SELECTING THE DATA OUTPUT RATE.......................137
PLAYING THE WAVEFORM ................................140
STOPPING THE AUDIO DMA...............................141
Producing Complex Sounds................................143
JOINING TONES .......................................143
MODULATING SOUND ....................................145
Producing High-quality Sound............................148
MAKING WAVEFORM TRANSITIONS .........................148
SAMPLING RATE .......................................148
NOISE REDUCTION......................................150
ALIASING DISTORTION .................................150
LOW-PASS FILTER .....................................152
Using Direct (Non-DMA) Audio Output ....................153
The Equal-tempered Musical Scale........................154
Decibel Values for Volume Ranges .......................159
The Audio State Machine.................................160
Chapter 6 BLITTER HARDWARE................................163
Memory Layout ..........................................164
DMA Channels............................................164
Function Generator......................................168
Shifts and Masks........................................173
Descending Mode ........................................176
Copying Arbitrary Regions...............................177
Area Fill Mode..........................................178
Blitter Done Flag.......................................180
MULTITASKING AND THE BLITTER ........................181
Interrupt Flag .........................................181
Zero Flag...............................................182
Pipeline Register.......................................182
Line Mode...............................................184
REGISTER SUMMARY FOR LINE MODE.......................186
Blitter Speed ..........................................188
Blitter Operations and System DMA ......................189
Blitter Block Diagram...................................193
Blitter Key Points......................................195
EXAMPLE: ClearMem....................................195
EXAMPLE: SimpleLine..................................197
EXAMPLE: RotateBits..................................199
Chapter 7 SYSTEM CONTROL HARDWARE ........................201
Video Priorities .......................................202
FIXED SPRITE PRIORITES ..............................202
HOW SPRITES ARE GROUPED..............................203
UNDERSTANDING VIDEO PRIORITIES ......................203
Collision Detection ....................................207
HOW COLLISIONS ARE DETERMINED........................207
Beam Position Detection.................................210
USING THE BEAM POSITION COUNTER......................210
Interrupts .............................................211
NONMASKABLE INTERRUPT ...............................212
MASKABLE INTERRUPTS..................................212
INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTERS .........................212
SETTING AND CLEARING BITS............................213
DMA Control ............................................217
Processor Access to Chip Memory.........................217
Reset and Early Startup Operation.......................219
Chapter 8 INTERFACE HARDWARE..............................221
Controller Port Interface...............................222
Floppy Disk Controller .....,.............................235
DISK INTERRUPTS .....................................244
The Keyboard............................................245
HOW THE KEYBOARD DATA IS RECEIVED....................245
TYPE OF DATA RECEIVED................................245
LIMITATIONS OF THE KEYBOARD .........................247
Parallel Input/Output Interface.........................250
Serial Interface .......................................250
SETTING THE BAUD RATE................................250
SETTING THE RECEIVE MODE ............................251
HOW OUTPUT DATA IS TRANSMITTED.......................253
Display Output Connections .............................255
Appendix A Register Summary-Alphabetical Order............257
Appendix B Register Summary-Address Order.................281
Appendix C Custom Chip Pin Allocation List................289
Appendix D System Memory Map..............................293
Appendix E Interfaces ....................................295
Appendix F Complex Interface Adapters.....................317
8520 Complex Interface Adaptor (CIA) Chips..............317
Chip Register Map.......................................319
Register Functional Description.........................320
I/O PORTS (PRA, PRB, DDRA, DDRB).....................320
INTERVAL TIMERS (TIMER A, TIMER B)...................320
INPUT MODES..........................................322
BIT NAMES on READ-Register...........................322
BIT NAMES on WRITE-Register .........................322
Time of Day Clock.......................................323
Serial Shift Register (SDR).............................324
INPUT MODE ..........................................324
OUTPUT MODE .........................................324
BIDIRECTIONAL FEATURE ...............................325
Interrupt Control Register (ICR) .......................325
READ INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER .....................326
WRITE INTERRUPT CONTROL MASK ........................326
Control Registers ......................................327
CONTROL REGISTER A ..................................327
BIT MAP OF REGISTER CRA .............................328
BIT MAP OF REGISTER CRB .............................329
Port Signal Assignments.................................329
Hardware Connection Details.............................332
INTERFACE SIGNALS ...................................332
Appendix G AUTOCONFIG ....................................335
Debugging AUTOCONFIG Boards.............................336
Address Specification Table.............................337
Appendix H Keyboard.......................................343
Keyboard Communications.................................344
"CAPS LOCK" Key.........................................345
"Out-of-Sync" Condition.................................346
Power-Up Sequence ......................................346
Reset Warning...........................................348
Hard Reset..............................................348
Special Codes...........................................349
Matrix Table............................................350
Appendix I External Disk Connector Interface Spec. .......353
Summary Table...........................................354
Signals When Driving a Disk.............................355
Device I.D..............................................357
Appendix J Hardware Example Include File..................359
Glossary .................................................365
Index ....................................................373
Figure 1-1 Block Diagram for the Amiga Computer Family............11
Figure 2-1 Interlaced Bit-Plane in RAM............................30
Figure 3-1 How the Video Display Picture Is Produced..............34
Figure 3-2 What Is a Pixel?.......................................35
Figure 3-3 How Bit-planes Select a Color..........................37
Figure 3-4 Significance of Bit-Plane Data in Selecting Colors.....38
Figure 3-5 Interlacing............................................44
Figure 3-6 Effect of Interlaced Mode on Edges of Objects..........44
Figure 3-7 Memory Organization for a Basic Bit-Plane..............48
Figure 3-8 Combining Bit-planes...................................50
Figure 3-9 Positioning the On-screen Display......................51
Figure 3-10 Data Fetched for the First Line When Modulo=0 ........54
Figure 3-11 Data Fetched for the Second Line When Modulo=0........55
Figure 3-12 A Dual-playfield Display..............................63
Figure 3-13 How Bit-Planes Are Assigned to Dual Playfields........64
Figure 3-14 Memory Picture Larger than the Display................69
Figure 3-15 Data Fetch for the First Line When Modulo=40..........69
Figure 3-16 Data Fetch for the Second Line When Modulo=40.........70
Figure 3-17 Data Layout for First Line-Right Half of Big Picture..70 Figure 3-18 Data Layout for Second Line-Right Half of Big Picture.70
Figure 3-19 Display Window Horizontal Starting Position ..........72
Figure 3-20 Display Window Vertical Starting Position ............72
Figure 3-21 Display Window Horizontal Stopping Position .........73
Figure 3-22 Display Window Vertical Stopping Position ............74
Figure 3-23 Vertical Scrolling....................................76
Figure 3-24 Horizontal Scrolling .................................78
Figure 3-25 Memory Picture Larger than the Display Window ........79
Figure 3-26 Data for Line 1 - Horizontal Scrolling ...............79
Figure 3-27 Data for Line 2 - Horizontal Scrolling ...............79
Figure 4-1 Defining Sprite On-screen Position.....................95
Figure 4-2 Position of Sprites ...................................96
Figure 4-3 Shape of Spaceship.....................................97
Figure 4-4 Sprite with Spaceship Shape Defined ...................98
Figure 4-5 Sprite Color Definition ...............................99
Figure 4-6 Color Register Assignments ...........................100
Figure 4-7 Data Structure Layout ................................103
Figure 4-8 Sprite Priority ......................................112
Figure 4-9 Typical Example of Sprite Reuse ......................113
Figure 4-10 Typical Data Structure for Sprite Re-use ............114
Figure 4-11 Overlapping Sprites (Not Attached) ..................116
Figure 4-12 Placing Sprites Next to Each Other ..................117
Figure 4-13 Sprite Control Circuitry ............................122
Figure 5-1 Sine Waveform ........................................131
Figure 5-2 Digitized Amplitude Values ...........................133
Figure 5-3 Example Sine Wave ....................................139
Figure 5-4 Waveform with Multiple Cycles ........................149
Figure 5-5 Frequency Domain Plot of Low-Pass Filter .............151
Figure 5-6 Noise-free Output (No Aliasing Distortion) ...........151
Figure 5-7 Some Aliasing Distortion .............................152
Figure 5-8 Audio State Diagram ..................................162
Figure 6-1 How Images are Stored in Memory ......................165
Figure 6-2 BLTxP and BLTxMOD calculations .......................167
Figure 6-3 Blitter Minterm Venn Diagram .........................172
Figure 6-4 Extracting a Range of Columns ........................175
Figure 6-5 Use of the FCI Bit - Bit Is a 0 ......................179
Figure 6-6 Use of the FCI Bit - Bit Is a 1 ......................179
Figure 6-7 Single-Point Vertex Example ..........................180
Figure 6-8 Octants for Line Drawing .............................184
Figure 6-9 DMA Time Slot Allocation .............................190
Figure 6-10 Norma 68000 Cycle ...................................191
Figure 6-11 Time Slots Used by a Six Bit Plane Display ..........192
Figure 6-12 Time Slots Used by a High Resolution Display ........192
Figure 6-13 Blitter Block Diagram ...............................194
Figure 7-1 Inter-Sprite Fixed Priorities ........................202
Figure 7-2 Analogy for Video Priority ...........................203
Figure 7-3 Sprite playfield Priority ............................206
Figure 7-4 Interrupt Priorities .................................216
Figure 8-1 Controller Plug and Computer Connector ...............222
Figure 8-2 Mouse Quadrature .....................................224
Figure 8-3 Joystick to Counter Connections ......................227
Figure 8-4 Typical Paddle Wiring Diagram ........................229
Figure 8-5 Effects of Resistance on Charging Rate ...............230
Figure 8-6 Potentiometer Charging Circuit .......................231
Figure 8-7 Chinon Timing Diagram ................................236
Figure 8-8 Chinon Timing Diagram (cont.) ........................237
Figure 8-9 The A1000 Keyboard, Showing Keycodes in Hex ..........249
Figure 8-10 The A500/2000 Keyboard, Keycodes in Hex .............249
Figure 8-11 Starting Appearance of SERDAT and Shift Reg .........254
Figure 8-12 Ending Appearance of Shift Register..................254
Figure G-1 How to read the Address Specification Table ..........338
Table 2-1 Interrupting the 68000..................................31
Table 2-2 Copper Instruction Summary .............................32
Table 3-1 Colors in a Single Playfield............................39
Table 3-2 Portion of the Color Table .............................40
Table 3-3 Contents of the Color Registers ........................41
Table 3-4 Sample Color Register Contents .........................41
Table 3-5 Setting the Number of Bit-Planes........................42
Table 3-6 Lines in a Normal Playfield.............................43
Table 3-7 Playfield Memory Requirements, NTSC.....................46
Table 3-8 Playfield Memory Requirements, PAL .....................47
Table 3-9 DIWSTRT AND DIWSTOP Summary.............................53
Table 3-10 Playfield 1 Color Registers-Low-resolution Mode........65
Table 3-11 Playfield 2 Color Registers-Low-resolution Mode........65
Table 3-12 Playfields 1 & 2 Color Registers High-res Mode.........66
Table 3-13 Maximum Allowable Vertical Screen Video................74
Table 3-14 Maximum Allowable Horizontal Screen Video .............75
Table 3-15 Color Register Contents................................87
Table 3-16 Some Register Values and Resulting Colors..............88
Table 3-17 Low-resolution Color Selection ........................89
Table 3-18 Color Selection in Hold-and-modify Mode................90
Table 3-19 High-resolution Color Selection........................91
Table 4-1 Sprite Data Structure..................................102
Table 4-2 Sprite Color Registers ................................105
Table 4-3 Color Registers for Sprite Pairs.......................112
Table 4-4 Data Words for First Line of Spaceship Sprite..........118
Table 4-5 Color Registers in Attached Sprites ...................119
Table 4-6 Color Registers for Single Sprites.....................127
Table 4-7 Color Registers for Attached Sprites...................128
Table 5-1 Sample Audio Data Set for Channel 0 ...................135
Table 5-2 Volume Values .........................................137
Table 5-3 DMA and Audio Channel Enable Bits......................141
Table 5-4 Data Interpretation in Attach Mode.....................146
Table 5-5 Channel Attachment for Modulation......................147
Table 5-6 Sampling Rate and Frequency Relationship...............153
Table 5-7 Equal-tempered Octave for a 16 Byte Sample.............154
Table 5-8 Five Octave Even-tempered Scale........................156
Table 5-9 Decibel Values and Volume Ranges.......................159
Table 6-1 Table of Common Minterm Values.........................171
Table 6-2 Typical Blitter Cycle Sequence.........................183
Table 6-3 BLTCON1 Code Bits for Octant Line Drawing..............185
Table 7-1 Bits in BPLCON2........................................204
Table 7-2 Prirty of Plyflds Based on Values of Bits PF1P2-PF1P0..205
Table 7-3 CLXDAT Bits............................................208
Table 7-4 CLXCON Bits ...........................................209
Table 7-5 Contents of the Beam Position Counter..................211
Table 7-6 Contents of DMA Register...............................218
Table 8-1 Typical Controller Connections ........................223
Table 8-2 Determining the Direction of the Mouse.................226
Table 8-3 Interpreting Data from JOY0DAT and JOY1DAT.............228
Table 8-4 POTGO ($DFF034) and POTINP ($DFF016) Registers.........234
Table 8-5 Disk Subsystem ........................................238
Table 8-6 DSKLEN Register ($DFF024)..............................240
Table 8-7 DSKBYTR Register.......................................242
Table 8-8 ADKCON and ADKCONR Register............................243
Table 8-9 SERDATR / ADKCON Registers.............................252
Table G-1 Address Specification Table............................338
The Amiga family of computers consists of several models, each of which has been designed on the same premise to provide the user with a low cost computer that features high cost performance. The Amiga does this through the use of custom silicon hardware that yields advanced graphics and sound features.
There are three distinct models that make up the Amiga computer family: the A500, A1000, and A2000. Though the models differ in price and features, they have a common hardware nucleus that makes them software compatible with one another. This chapter describes the Amiga's hardware components and gives a brief overview of its graphics and sound features.
- Introduction 1 -
These are the hardware components of the Amiga:
o Motorola MC68000 16/32 bit main processor. The Amiga also supports the 68010, 68020, and 68030 processors as an option.
o 512K bytes of internal RAM, expandable to 1 MB on the A500 and A2000.
o 256K bytes of ROM containing a real time, multitasking operating system with sound, graphics, and animation support routines.
o Built-in 3.5 inch double sided disk drive.
o Expansion disk port for connecting up to three additional disk drives, which may be either 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch, double sided.
o Fully programmable RS-232-C serial port.
o Fully programmable parallel port.
o Two button opto-mechanical mouse.
o Two reconfigurable controller ports (for mice, joysticks, light pens, paddles, or custom controllers).
o A professional keyboard with numeric keypad, 10 function keys, and cursor keys. A variety of international keyboards are also supported.
o Ports for simultaneous composite video, and analog or digital RGB output.
o Ports for left and right stereo audio from four special purpose audio channels.
o Expansion options that allow you to add RAM, additional disk drives (floppy or hard), peripherals, or co-processors.
THE MC6X000 AND THE AMIGA CUSTOM CHIPS The Motorola 68000 is a 16/32 bit microprocessor. The system clock speed for NTSC Amiga’s is 7.15909 megahertz (PAL 7.09379 MHz). These speeds may vary when using an external system clock, such as from a genlock. The 68000 has an address space of 16 megabytes. In the Amiga, the 68000 can address over 8 megabytes of continuous random access memory (RAM).
- 2 Introduction -
In addition to the 68000, the Amiga contains special purpose hardware known as the "custom chips" that greatly enhance system performance. The term "custom chips" refers to the 3 integrated circuits which were designed specifically for the Amiga computer. These three custom chips (called Agnus, Paula, and Denise) each contain the logic to handle a specific set of tasks, such as video, sound, direct memory access (DMA), or graphics.
Among other functions, the custom chips provide the following:
Bitplane generated, high resolution graphics capable of supporting both PAL and
NTSC video standards.
o On NTSC systems the Amiga typically produces a 320 by 200 non-interlaced
or 320 by 400 interlaced display in 32 colors and a 640 by 200 non­interlaced or 640 by 400 interlaced display in 16 colors.
o On PAL systems, the Amiga typically produces a 320 by 256 non-interlaced
or 320 by 512 interlaced display in 32 colors, and a 640 by 256 non­interlaced or 640 by 512 interlaced display in 16 colors.
Additional video modes allow for the display of up to 4,096 colors on screen simultaneously (hold-and-modify) or provide for larger, higher resolution displays (overscan).
A custom display co-processor that allows changes to most of the special purpose
registers in synchronization with the position of the video beam. This allows such special effects as mid-screen changes to the color palette, splitting the screen into multiple horizontal slices each having different video resolutions and color depths, beam synchronized interrupt generation for the 68000 and more. The co-processor can trigger many times per screen, in the middle of lines, and at the beginning or during the blanking interval. The co-processor itself can directly affect most of the registers in the other custom chips, freeing the 68000 for general computing tasks.
32 system color registers, each of which contains a twelve bit number as four bits
of RED, four bits of GREEN, and four bits of BLUE intensity information. This allows a system color palette of 4,096 different choices of color for each register.
Eight reusable 16 bit wide sprites with up to 15 color choices per sprite pixel (when
sprites arc paired). A sprite is an easily movable graphics object whose display is entirely independent of the background (called a playfield); sprites can be displayed over or under this background. A sprite is 16 low resolution pixels wide and an arbitrary number of lines tall. After producing the last line of a sprite on the screen, a sprite DMA channel may be used to produce yet another sprite image elsewhere on screen (with at least one horizontal line between each reuse of a sprite processor). Thus, many small sprites can be produced by simply reusing the sprite processors appropriately.
Dynamically controllable inter-object priority, with collision detection. This means
that the system can dynamically control the video priority between the sprite objects and the bitplane backgrounds (playfields). You can control which object or objects appear over or under the background at any time.
Additionally, you can use system hardware to detect collisions between objects and have your program react to such collisions.
o Custom bit blitter used for high speed data movement, adaptable to bitplane animation. The blitter has been designed to efficiently retrieve data from up to three sources, combine the data in one of 256 different possible ways, and optionally store the combined data in a destination area. This is one of the situations where the 68000 gives up memory cycles to a DMA channel that can do the job more efficiently (see below). The bit blitter, in a special mode, draws patterned lines into rectangularly organized memory regions at a speed of about 1 million dots per second; and it can efficiently handle area fill.
o Audio consisting of four digital channels with independently programmable volume and sampling rate. The audio channels retrieve their control and data via direct memory access. Once started, each channel can automatically play a specified waveform without further processor interaction. Two channels are directed into each of the two stereo audio outputs. The audio channels may be linked together to provide amplitude or frequency modulation or both forms of modulation simultaneously.
o DMA controlled floppy disk read and write on a full track basis. This means that the built-in disk can read over 5600 bytes of data in a single disk revolution (11 sectors of 512 bytes each).
The internal memory shared by the custom chips and the 68000 CPU is also called "chip memory". The original custom chips in the Amiga were designed to be able to physically access up to 512K bytes of shared memory. The new version of the Agnus custom chip was created which allows the graphics and audio hardware to access up to a full megabyte of memory.
The Amiga 500 and 2000 models were designed to be able to accept the new Agnus custom chip, called "Fat Agnus", due to its square shape. Hence, the A500 and A2000 have allocated a chip memory space of 1 MB. This entire 1 MB space is subject to the arbitration logic that controls the CPU and custom chip accesses. On the A1000, only the first 512K bytes of memory space is shared, chip memory.
These custom chips and the 68000 share memory on a fully interleaved basis. Since the 68000 only needs to access the memory bus during each alternate clock cycle in order to run full speed, the rest of the time the memory bus is free for other activities. The custom chips use the memory bus during these free cycles, effectively allowing the 68000 to run at full rated speed most of the time. We say "most of the time" because there are some occasions when the special purpose hardware steals memory cycles from the 68000, but with good reason. Specifically, the coprocessor and the data moving DMA channel called the blitter can each steal time from the 68000 for jobs they can do better than the 68000. Thus, the system DMA channels are designed with maximum performance in mind. The job to be done is performed by the most efficient hardware element available. Even when such cycle stealing occurs, it only blocks the 68000's access to the internal, shared memory. When using ROM or external memory, the 68000 always runs at full speed.
- 4 Introduction -
Another primary feature of the Amiga hardware is the ability to dynamically control which part of the chip memory is used for the background display. audio, and sprites. The Amiga is not limited to a small, specific area of RAM for a frame buffer. Instead, the system allows display bitplanes, sprite processor control lists, coprocessor instruction lists, or audio channel control lists to be located anywhere within chip memory.
This same region of memory can be accessed by the bit blitter. This means, for example, that the user can store partial images at scattered areas of chip memory and use these images for animation effects by rapidly replacing on screen material while saving and restoring background images. In fact, the Amiga includes firmware support for display definition and control as well as support for animated objects embedded within playfields.
VCR AND DIRECT CAMERA INTERFACE In addition to the connectors for monochrome composite, and analog or digital RGB monitors, the Amiga can be expanded to include a VCR or camera interface. This system is capable of synchronizing with an external video source and replacing the system background color with the external image. This allows development of fully integrated video images with computer generated graphics. Laser disk input is accepted in the same manner.
PERIPHERALS Floppy disk storage is provided by a built in, 3.5 inch floppy disk drive. Disks are 80 track, double sided, and formatted as 11 sectors per track, 512 bytes per sector (over 900,000 bytes per disk). The disk controller can read and write 320/360K IBM PC (MS-DOS) formatted 3.5 or 5.25 inch disks, and 640/720K IBM PC (MS-DOS) formatted 3.5 inch disks. External 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch disk drives can be added to the system through the expansion connector. Circuitry for some of the peripherals resides on Paula. Other chips handle various signals not specifically assigned to any of the custom chips, including modem controls, disk status sensing, disk motor and stepping controls, ROM enable, parallel input/output interface, and keyboard interface.
The Amiga includes a standard RS-232-C serial port for external serial input/output devices.
A keyboard with numeric keypad, cursor controls and 10 function keys is included in the base system. For maximum flexibility, both key-down and key-up signals are sent. The Amiga also supports a variety of international keyboards. Many other types of controllers can be attached through the two controller ports on the base unit. You can use a mouse, joystick, keypad, track-ball, light pen, or steering wheel controller in either of the controller ports.
- Introduction 5 -
SYSTEM EXPANDABILITY AND ADAPTABILITY New peripheral devices may be easily added to all Amiga models. These devices are automatically recognized and used by system software through a well defined, well documented linking procedure called AUTOCONFIG.
On the A500 and A1000 models, peripheral devices can be added to the Amiga's 86 pin expansion connector, including additional external RAM. Extra disk units may be added from a connector at the rear of the unit.
The A2000 model provides the user with the same features as the A500 or A1000, but with the added convenience of simple and extensive expandability. The 86 pin, external connector of the A1000 and A500 is not externally accessible on the A2000. Instead, the A2000 contains 7 internal slots that allow many types of expansion boards to be quickly and easily added inside the machine. These expansion boards may contain coprocessors, RAM expansion, hard disk controllers, video or I/O ports. There is also room to mount both floppy and hard disks internally. The A2000 also supports the special Bridgeboard coprocessor card. This provides a complete IBM PC on a card and allows the Amiga to run MS-DOS compatible software, while simultaneously running native Amiga software.
- 6 Introduction -
The examples in this book all demonstrate direct manipulation of the Amiga hardware. However, as a general rule, it is not permissible to directly access the hardware in the Amiga unless your software either has full control of the system, or has arbitrated via the OS for exclusive access to the particular parts of the hardware you wish to control.
Almost all of the hardware discussed in this manual, most notably the Blitter, Copper, playfield, sprite, CIA, trackdisk, and system control hardware, are in either exclusive or arbitrated use by portions of the Amiga OS in any running Amiga system. Additional hardware, such as the audio, parallel, and serial hardware, may be in use by applications which have allocated their use through the system software.
Before attempting to directly manipulate any part of the hardware in the Amiga's multitasking environment, your application must first be granted exclusive access to that hardware by the operating system library, device, or resource which arbitrates its ownership. The operating system functions for requesting and receiving control of parts of the Amiga hardware are varied and are not within the scope of this manual. Generally such functions, when available, will be found in the library, device, or resource which manages that portion of the Amiga hardware in the multitasking environment. The following list will help you to find the appropriate operating system functions or mechanisms which may exist for arbitrated access to the hardware discussed in this manual.
Copper, Playfield, Sprite, Blitter - graphics.library Audio - audio.device Trackdisk - trackdisk.device, disk.resource Serial - serial.device, misc.resource Parallel - parallel.device, cia.resource, misc.resource Gameport - input.device, gameport.device, potgo.resource Keyboard - input.device, keyboard.device System Control - graphics.library, exec.library (interrupts)
Most of the examples in this book use the hw_examples.i file (see Appendix J) to define the chip register names. hw_examples.i uses the system include file hardware/custom.i to define the chip structures and relative addresses. The values defined in hardware/custom.i and how examples.i are offsets from the base chip register address space. In general, this base value is defined as _custom and is resolved during linking from amiga.lib. (_ciaa and _ciab are also resolved in this way.)
Normally, the base address is loaded into an address register and the offsets given by hardware/custom.i and hw_examples.i are then used to address the correct register.
- Introduction 7 -
NOTE The offset values of the registers are the addresses that the Copper must use to talk to the registers. For example, in assembler:
INCLUDE "exec/types.i" INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
XREF custom ; External reference
Start: lea _custom,a0 ; Use a0 as base register move.w #$7FFF,intena(a0) ; Disable all interrupts
In C, you would use the structure definitions in hardware/custom.h For example:
#include "exec/types.h" #include "hardware/custom.h"
extern struct Custom custom;
/* You may need to define the above external as ** extern struct Custom far custom; ** Check you compiler manual. */
main() { custom.intena = 0x7FFF; /* Disable all interrupts */ }
The Amiga hardware include files are generally supplied with your compiler or assembler. Listings of the hardware include files may also be found in the Addison-Wesley Amiga ROM Kernel Manual "Includes and Autodocs". Generally, the include file label names are very similar to the equivalent hardware register list names with the following typical differences.
o Address registers which have low word and high word components are generally listed as two word sized registers in the hardware register list, with each register name containing either a suffix or embedded "L" or "H" for low and high. The include file label for the same register will generally treat the whole register as a longword (32 bit) register, and therefore will not contain the "L" or "H" distinction.
o Related sequential registers which are given individual names with number suffixes in the hardware register list, are generally referenced from a single base register definition in the include files. For example, the color registers in the hardware list (COLOR00, COLOR01, etc.) would be referenced from the "color" label defined in "hardware/custom.i" (color+0, color+2, etc.).
o Examples of how to define the correct register offset can be found in the hw_examples.i file listed in Appendix J.
- 8 Introduction -
The Amiga is available in a variety of models and configurations, and is further diversified by a wealth of add-on expansion peripherals and processor replacements. In addition, even standard Amiga hardware such as the keyboard and floppy disks, are supplied by a number of different manufacturers and may vary subtly in both their timing and in their ability to perform outside of their specified capabilities.
The Amiga operating system is designed to operate the Amiga hardware within spec, adapt to different hardware and RAM configurations, and generally provide upward compatibility with any future hardware upgrades or "add ons" envisioned by the designers. For maximum upward compatibility, it is strongly suggested that programmers deal with the hardware through the commands and functions provided by the Amiga operating system.
If you find it necessary to program the hardware directly, then it is your responsibility to write code which will work properly on various models and configurations. Be sure to properly request and gain control of the hardware you are manipulating, and be especially careful in the following areas:
Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. These are ROM addresses and the ROM routines WILL move with every OS revision. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls.
Do not modify or depend on the format of any private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases.
Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. Remember that all data for direct custom chip access must be in CHIP RAM. This includes bit images (bitplanes, sprites, etc), sound samples, trackdisk buffers, and copper lists.
Do not write spurious data to, or interpret undefined data from currently unused bits or addresses in the custom chip space. All undefined bits must be set to zero for writes, and ignored on reads.
Do not write data past the current end of custom chip space. Custom chips may be extended or enhanced to provide additional registers, or to use currently undefined bits in existing registers.
All custom chip registers are read only OR write only. Do not read write only registers, and do not write to read only registers.
- Introduction 9 -
Do not read, write, or use any currently undefined address ranges. The current and future usage of such areas is reserved by Commodore and is definitely subject to change.
If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump Tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D1/A0-A1 must be assumed gone after a system call.
NOTE The assembler TAS instruction should not be used in any Amiga program. The TAS instruction assumes an indivisible read-modify-write but this can be defeated by system DMA. Instead use BSET and BCLR. These instructions perform a test and set operation which cannot be interrupted.
TAS is only needed for a multiple CPU system. On a single CPU system, the BSET and BCLR instructions are identical to TAS, as the 68000 does not interrupt instructions in the middle. BSET and BCLR first test, then set bits.
Do not use assembler instructions which are privileged on any 68000 family processor, most notably MOVE SR,<ea> which is privileged on the 68010/20/30. Use the Exec function GetCC() instead of MOVE SR, or use the appropriate non-privileged instruction as shown below:
CPU User Mode Super Mode 68000 MOVE SR,<ea> MOVE SR,<ea> 68010/20/30 MOVE CCR,<ea> MOVE SR,<ea>
All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data, and do not use signed variables or signed math for addresses. Do not execute code on your stack or use self-modifying code since such code can be defeated by the caching capabilities of some 68xxx processors. And never use processor or clock speed dependent software loops for timing delays. See Appendix F for information on using an 8520 timer for delays.
NOTE When strobing any register which responds to either a read or a write, (for example copjmp2) be sure to use a MOVE.W #$00, not CLR.W. The CLR instruction causes a read and a clear (two accesses) on a 68000, but only a single access on 68020 and above. This will give different results on different processors.
If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Test your software on many different systems, with different processors, OS, hardware, and RAM configurations.
- 10 Introduction -
Figure 1-1: Block Diagram for the Amiga Computer Family.
- Introduction 11 -
- 12 Introduction -
Chapter 2
INTRODUCTION The Copper is a general purpose coprocessor that resides in one of the Amiga's custom chips. It retrieves is instructions via direct memory access (DMA). The Copper can control nearly the entire graphics system, freeing the 68000 to execute program logic; it can also directly affect the contents of most of the chip control registers. It is a very powerful tool for directing mid-screen modifications in graphics displays and for directing the register changes that must occur during the vertical blanking periods. Among other things, it can control register updates, reposition sprites, change the color palette, update the audio channels, and control the blitter.
- Coprocessor Hardware 13 -
One of the features of the Copper is its ability to WAIT for a specific video beam position, then MOVE data into a system register. During the WAIT period, the Copper examines the contents of the video beam position counter directly. This means that while the Copper is waiting for the beam to reach a specific position, it does not use the memory bus at all. Therefore, the bus is freed for use by the other DMA channels or by the 68000.
When the WAIT condition has been satisfied, the Copper steals memory cycles from either the blitter or the 68000 to move the specified data into the selected special-purpose register.
The Copper is a two-cycle processor that requests the bus only during odd-numbered memory cycles. This prevents collision with audio, disk, refresh, sprites, and most low­resolution display DMA access, all of which use only the even-numbered memory cycles. The Copper, therefore, needs priority over only the 68000 and the blitter (the DMA channel that handles animation, line drawing, and polygon filling).
As with all the other DMA channels in the Amiga system, the Copper can retrieve its instructions only from the chip RAM area of system memory.
ABOUT THIS CHAPTER In this chapter, you will learn how to use the special Copper instruction set to organize mid-screen register value modifications and pointer register set-up during the vertical blanking interval. The chapter shows how to organize Copper instructions into Copper lists, how to use Copper lists in interlaced mode, and how to use the Copper with the blitter. The Copper is discussed in this chapter in a general fashion. The chapters that deal with playfields, sprites, audio, and the blitter contain more specific suggestions for using the Copper.
As a coprocessor, the Copper adds its own instruction set to the instructions already provided by the 68000. The Copper has only three instructions, but you can do a lot with them:
o WAIT for a specific screen position specified as x and y co-ordinates.
o MOVE n immediate data value into one of the special-purpose registers.
o SKIP the next instruction if the video beam has already reached a specified screen position.
- 14 Coprocessor Hardware -
All Copper instructions consist of two 16-bit words in sequential memory locations. Each time the Copper fetches an instruction, it fetches both words. The MOVE and SKIP instructions require two memory cycles and two instruction words. Because only the odd memory cycles are requested by the Copper, four memory cycle times are required per instruction. The WAIT instruction requires three memory cycles and six memory cycle times; it takes one extra memory cycle to wake up.
Although the Copper can directly affect only machine registers, it can affect the memory by setting up a blitter operation. More information about how to use the Copper in controlling the blitter can be found in the sections called "Control Register" and "Using the Copper with the Blitter."
The WAIT and MOVE instructions are described below. The SKIP instruction is described in the "Advanced Topics" section.
The MOVE instruction transfers data from RAM to a register destination. The transferred data is contained in the second word of the MOVE instruction; the first word contains the address of the destination register. This procedure is shown in detail in the section called "Summary of Copper Instructions."
FIRST INSTRUCTION WORD (IR1) Bit 0 Always set to 0.
Bits 8 - 1 Register destination address (DA8-1). Bits 15 - 9 Not used, but should be set to 0.
SECOND INSTRUCTION WORD (IR2) Bits 15 - 0 16 bits of data to be transferred (moved) to the register destination.
- Coprocessor Hardware 15 -
The Copper can store data into the following registers:
o Any register whose address is $20 or above.
o Any register whose address is between $10 and $20 if the Copper danger bit is a 1. The Copper danger bit is in the Copper's control register, COPCON, which is described in the "Control Register" section.
o The Copper cannot write into any register whose address is lower than $10.
Appendix B contains all of the machine register addresses.
The following example MOVE instructions point bit-plane pointer 1 at $21000 and bit­plane pointer 2 at S25000.2
DC.W $00E0,$0002 ;Move $0002 to register $0E0 (BPL1PTH) DC.W $00E2,$1000 ;Move $1000 to register $0E2 (BPL1PTL) DC.W $00E4,$0002 ;Move $0002 to register $0E4 (BPL2PTH) DC.W $00E6,$5000 ;Move $5000 to register $0E6 (BPL2PTL)
Normally, the appropriate assembler ".i" files are included so that names, rather than addresses, may be used for referencing hardware registers. It is strongly recommended that you reference all hardware addresses via their defined names in the system include files. This will allow you to more easily adapt your software to take advantage of future hardware or enhancements. For example:
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
DC.W bplpt+$00,$0002 ;Move $0002 into register $0E0 (BPLlPTH) DC.W bplpt+$02,$1000 ;Move $1000 into register $0E2 (BPLlPTL) DC.W bplpt+$04,$0002 ;Move $0002 into regi3ter $0E4 (PL2PTH) DC.W bplpt+$06,$5000 ;Move $5000 into register $0E6 (BPL2PTL)
For use in the hardware manual examples, we have made a special include file (see Appendix J) that defines all of the hardware register names based off of the "hardware/custom.i" file. This was done to make the examples easier to read from a hardware point of view. Most of the examples in this manual are here to help explain the hardware and are, in most cases, not useful without modification and a good deal of additional code.
1 Hexadecimal numbers are distinguished from decimal numbers by the $ prefix. 2 All sample code segments are in assembly language.
- 16 Coprocessor Hardware -
The WAIT instruction causes the Copper to wait until the video beam counters are equal to (or greater than) the coordinates specified in the instruction. While waiting, the Copper is off the bus and not using memory cycles.
The first instruction word contains the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the beam position. The second word contains enable bits that are used to form a "mask" that tells the system which bits of the beam position to use in making the comparison.
Bit 0 Always set to 1. Bits 15 - 8 Vertical beam position (called VP). Bits 7 - 1 Horizontal beam position (called HP).
Bit 0 Always set to 0. Bit 15 The blitter-finished-disable bit. Normally, this bit is a 1. (See the "Advanced Topics" section below.)
Bits 14 - 8 Vertical position compare enable bits (called VE). Bits 7 - 1 Horizontal position compare enable bits (called HE).
The following example WAIT instruction waits for scan line 150 ($96) with the horizontal position masked off.
DC.W $9601,$FF00 ; Wait for line 150, ; ignore horizontal counters.
The following example WAIT instruction waits for scan line 255 and horizontal position
254. This event will never occur, so the Copper stops until the next vertical blanking interval begins.
DC.W $FFFF,$FFFE ; Wait for line 255, ; H = 254 (ends Copper list).
To understand why position VP=$FF HP=$FE will never occur, you must look at the comparison operation of the Copper and the size restrictions of the position information. Line number 255 is a valid line to wait for, in fact it is the maximum value that will fit into this field. Since 255 is the maximum number, the next line will wrap to zero (line 256 will appear as a zero in the
- Coprocessor Hardware 17 -
comparison.) The line number will never be greater than $FF The horizontal position has a maximum value of $E2. This means that the largest number that will ever appear in the comparison is $FFE2. When waiting for $FFE2, the line $FF will be reached, but the horizontal position $FE will never happen. Thus, the position will never reach $FFFE.
You may be tempted to wait for horizontal position $FE (since it will never happen), and put a smaller number into the vertical position field. This will not lead to the desired result. The comparison operation is waiting for the beam position to become greater than or equal to the entered position. If the vertical position is not $FF, then as soon as the line number becomes higher than he entered number, the comparison will evaluate to true and the wait will end.
The following notes on horizontal and vertical beam position apply to both the WAIT instruction and o the SKIP instruction. The SKIP instruction is described below in the "Advanced Topics" section.
HORIZONTAL BEAM POSITION The horizontal beam position has a value of $0 to $E2. The least significant bit is not used in the comparison, so there are 113 positions available for Copper operations. This corresponds to 4 pixels in low resolution and 8 pixels in high resolution. Horizontal blanking falls in the range of $0F to $35. The standard screen (320 pixels wide) has an unused horizontal portion of $04 to $47 (during which only the background color is displayed).
All lines are not the same length in NTSC. Every other line is a long line (228 color clocks, 0-$E3), with the others being 227 color clocks long. In PAL, they are all 227 long. The display sees all these lines as 227 1/2 color clocks long, while the copper sees alternating long & short lines.
VERTICAL BEAM POSITION The vertical beam position can be resolved to one line, with a maximum value of 255. There are actually 262 NTSC (312 PAL) possible vertical positions. Some minor complications can occur if you want something to happen within these last six or seven scan lines. Because there are only eight bits of resolution for vertical beam position (allowing 256 different positions), one of the simplest ways to handle this is shown below.
- 18 Coprocessor Hardware -
[ ... other instructions ... ]
WAIT for position (0,255) At this point, the vertical counter appears to wrap to 0 because the comparison works on the least significant bits of the vertical count.
WAIT for any horizontal position with Thus the total of 256+6 = 262 vertical position 0 through 256, covering lines of video beam travel the last 6 lines of the scan before vertical during which Copper blanking occurs. instructions can be executed.
NOTE The vertical is like the horizontal - as there are alternating long and short lines, there are also long and short fields (interlace only). In NTSC, the fields are 262, then 263 lines and in PAL, 312,313.
This alteration of lines & fields produces the standard NTSC 4 field repeating pattern:
short field ending on short line long field ending on long line short field ending on long line long field ending on short line & back to the beginning...
1 horizontal count takes 1 cycle of the system clock. (Processor is twice this)
NTSC- 3,579,545 Hz PAL- 3,546,895 Hz genlocked- basic clock frequency plus or minus about 2%.
THE COMPARISON ENABLE BITS Bits 14-1 are normally set to all 1s. The use of the comparison enable bits is described later in the "Advanced Topics " section.
- Coprocessor Hardware 19 -
There are several machine registers and strobe addresses dedicated to the Copper:
o Location registers
o Jump address strobes
o Control register
LOCATION REGISTERS The Copper has two sets of location registers:
COP1LCH High 3 bits of first Copper list address. COP1LCL Low 16 bits of first Copper list address. COP2LCH High 3 bits of second Copper list address. COP2LCL Low 16 bits of second Copper list address.
In accessing the hardware directly, you often have to write to a pair of registers that contains the address of some data. The register with the lower address always has a name ending in "H" and contains the most significant data, or high 3 bits of the address. The register with the higher address has a name ending in "L" and contains the least significant data, or low 15 bits of the address. Therefore, you write the 18-bit address by moving one long word to the register whose name ends in "H." This is because when you write long words with the 68000, the most significant word goes in the lower addressed word.
In the case of the Copper location registers, you write the address to COP1LCH. In the following text, for simplicity, these addresses are referred to as COP1LC or COP2LC.
The Copper location registers contain the two indirect jump addresses used by the Copper. The Copper fetches its instructions by using its program counter and increments the program counter after each fetch. When a jump address strobe is written, the corresponding location register is loaded into the Copper program counter. This causes the Copper to jump to a new location, from which its next instruction will be fetched. Instruction fetch continues sequentially until the Copper is interrupted by another jump address strobe.
- 20 Coprocessor Hardware -
NOTE At the start of each vertical blanking interval, COP1LC is automatically used to start the program counter. That is, no matter what the Copper is doing, when the end of vertical blanking occurs, the Copper is automatically forced to restart its operations at the address contained in COP1LC.
JUMP STROBE ADDRESS When you write to a Copper strobe address, the Copper reloads its program counter from the corresponding location register. The Copper can write its own location registers and strobe addresses to perform programmed jumps. For instance, you might MOVE an indirect address into the COP2LC location register. Then, any MOVE instruction that addresses COPJMP2 strobes this indirect address into the program counter.
There are two jump strobe addresses:
COPJMP1 Restart Copper from address contained in COP1LC. COPJMP2 Restart Copper from address contained in COP2LC.
CONTROL REGISTER The Copper can access some special-purpose registers all of the time, some registers only when a special control bit is set to a 1, some registers not at all. The registers that the Copper can always affect are numbered $20 through $FF inclusive. Those it cannot affect at all are numbered $00 to $0F inclusive. (See Appendix B for a list of registers in address order.) The Copper control register is within this group ($00 to $0F). Thus it takes deliberate action on the part of the 68000 to allow the Copper to write into a specific range of the special-purpose registers.
The Copper control register, called COPCON, contains only one bit, bit #1. This bit, called CDANG (for Copper Danger Bit) protects all registers numbered between $10 and $1F inclusive. This range includes the blitter control registers. When CDANG is 0, these registers cannot be written by the Copper. When CDANG is 1, these registers can be written by the Copper. Preventing the Copper from accessing the blitter control registers prevents a "runaway" Copper (caused by a poorly formed instruction list) from accidentally affecting system memory.
NOTE The CDANG bit is cleared after a reset.
- Coprocessor Hardware 21 -
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