COMMELL MPX-2515 User Manual

MPX-2515 User’s Guide Rev 0101
MPX-2515 User’s Guide
MPX-2515 CAN 2.0B USB card features USB 2.0 full speed to CAN 2.0B bus
interface in Mini-PCIe form factor. This MPX-2515 User's Guide describes how to
use MPX-2515 card.
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1 Technical Guide.......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................4
1.1.2 Supported Operating Systems..................................................................... 5
1.2 MPX-2515 Block Diagram.................................................................................5
1.3 CY8C24794 Programmable System-on-Chip..................................................... 6
1.4 MCP2515 Stand-Alone CAN Controller With SPI Interface............................. 7
1.5 MCP2551 High-Speed CAN Transceiver......................................................... 11
1.6 MPX-2515 ISO OSI Model............................................... ...............................11
1.6.1 Introduction...............................................................................................11
1.6.2 ISO11898-1 Physical Signaling.............. ... ................................... ............ 13
1.7 MPX-2515 Card vs. ISO-11898-2 .................................................................... 14
1.7.1 ISO-11898-2 Overview............................................................................. 14
1.7.2 Bus Levels................................................................................................. 15
1.7.3 Comparison...............................................................................................16
1.8 MPX-2515 I/O Interfaces .................................................................................17
1.8.1 Mini Card Golden Finger................................................ ..........................18
1.8.2 CN_USB Connector..................................................................................19
1.8.3 Jumper for Line Termination.................................................................... 20
1.8.4 CN_CAN Connector.................................................................................21
1.8.5 CN_ISSP Connector ................................................................................. 23
1.9 MPX-2515 Card Properties...............................................................................23
1.9.1 USB Properties..........................................................................................23
1.9.2 LED Indicators..........................................................................................26
1.10 OAL-2515 Cable............................................................................................... 27
1.11 OALUSB-H4-1 Cable....................................................................................... 28
1.12 OALUSB-H4 Cable.......................................................................................... 28
1.13 How to Connect................................................................................................ 29
1.13.1 Connect to USB Host via Mini-PCIe Slot ............................................ ....29
1.13.2 Connect to USB Host via Cable.............................. ... ..... ...... .. ...... ..... ... ....29
1.13.3 Connect to CAN Bus ................................................................................ 31
2 Device Drivers..........................................................................................................33
2.1 Device Drivers for Windows............................................................................33
2.1.1 Windows 2000 ..........................................................................................34
2.1.2 Windows XP (32-bit) Device Driver........................................................35
2.1.3 Windows XP (64-bit) Device Driver........................................................35
2.1.4 Windows Vista (32-bit) and Windows 7 (32-bit) Device Driver ............. 35
2.1.5 Windows Vista (64-bit) and Windows 7 (64 -bit) Device Driver ............. 36
2.2 How to Install Device Driver............. ... .................................. ..........................36
3 Firmware Update ......................................................................................................37
3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................37
3.2 Enter Boot Loader........................................................... ...... ..... ... ..... ..... ... ..... ..37
3.3 Install Boot Loader Device Driver................................ .. ..................................39
3.4 Boot Loader Host Application..........................................................................40
3.5 In Case Failed ...................................................................................................44
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4 Reference..................................................................................................................46
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1 Technical Guide
1.1 Introduction
The MPX-2515 CAN 2.0B USB card is a USB 2.0 compliant device, which implements Controller Area N etw ork (CAN) version 2.0B interface . This card is made in Mini-PCIe form factor so that this module is able to insert into motherboards that provide Mini-PCIe slot, like most Commell motherboards do. In addi tion, users are able to connect this card to an USB Type A receptacle that most PC has by using the OALUSB-H4-1 optional cabl e. MPX-2515 CAN 2.0B USB card provides the following features.
1.1.1 Features
USB 2.0 Full Speed compliant
Controller Area Network (CAN) version 2.0B
Implement ISO-11898 Standard Physical Layer
Supports 1 Mb/s operation (rec om mend 125 Kbps)
Default to 125 Kbps
On board 120 Ohm line term inator (enabled/disabled by jum per)
0 to 8 byte length in the data field
Standard and extended data and remote frames
Two receive buffers with prioritized message storage
Six 29-bit filters
Two 29-bit masks
Data byte filtering on the first two data bytes
One-shot mode ensures message transmission is attempted only one time
Typical 5 mA active current
Typical 1 uA standby current (sleep mode)
Externally-controlled slope for reduced RFI emissions
Detection of ground fault (permanent Dominant) on TXD input
Power-on Reset and voltage brown-out protection
Protection against high-voltage transients
Automatic thermal shutdown protection
Up to 112 nodes can be connected
High-noise immunity due to differential bus implementation
IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ± 15kV (air/contact) protection
IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) 50A (5/50ns) protection
Produced in Mini-PCIe card form factor (easily locked on motherboard)
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Figure 1 MPX-2515 CAN 2.0B USB Card
1.1.2 Supported Operating Systems
The following operating systems are supported by MPX-2515:
Microsoft Windows XP 32-/64-bit versions
Microsoft Windows Vista 32-/64-bit versions
Microsoft Windows 7 32-/64-bit versions
No Microsoft Windows 64-bit versions digital signature included.
1.2 MPX-2515 Block Diagram
The MPX-2515 CAN 2.0B USB card is composed of a System on Chip, a stand-alone CAN controller, and a high-speed CAN transceiver.
Microchip MCP2515
Microchip MCP2551
USB bus CAN bus
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Figure 2 MPX-2515 Block Diagram
The above figure shows the components diagram of the MPX-2515 CAN 2.0B USB card. The Cypress CY24794 co ntroller implemented a USB device tha t inte racts with a USB host to perform requests and return responses. A Microchip MCP2515 CAN controller is connecting to CY24794 via SPI and other signals. Another Microchip MCP2551 CAN Transceiver is interfacing to the CAN bus to sen d a n d receive CAN messages.
1.3 CY8C24794 Programmable System-on-Chip
We uses Cypress CY8C24794 PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip as the general purpose controller for MPX-2515 card. A firmware has implement for CY8C24794 to support full speed USB, SPI master, timers, and others for MPX-2515 functionalities. The full speed USB interface is used to communicate with a USB host to perform request packets and return response packets. The SPI master interface however is used to communicate to the MCP2515 CAN bus controller for CAN activities. Please refer to the CY8C24x94 PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip Technical Reference Manual for detail information.
The following figure shows the bloc k diagram of CY8C24794.
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Figure 3 CY8C24794 Block Diagram
1.4 MCP2515 Stand-Alone CAN Controller With SPI Interface
Microchip Technology's MCP2515 is a stand-alone Controller Area Network (CAN) controller that implements the CAN specification , ve rsion 2.0B. It is capable of
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transmitting and receiving bot h standard and extended data and r emote frames. The MCP2515 has two acceptance masks and six acceptance filters that are used to filter out unwanted messages. Thereby reducing the host MCUs overhead. The MCP2515 interfaces with CY8C24794 microcontroller via an industry standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI).
The following figure shows the block diagram of MCP2515
Figure 4 MCP2515 Block Diagram
The MCP2515 has three transmit and two receive buffers, two acceptance masks (one for each receive buffer) and a total of six acceptance filters. The following figure shows the MCP2515 buffers and protocol engine block diagram. Please refer to MCP2515 data sheet for detail information.
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Figure 5 MCP2515 Buffers and Protocol Engine Blcok Diagram
The following table shows the MCP2515 Controller Register Map. Please refer to the MCP2515 data sheet for detail information.
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Figure 6 MCP2515 Controller Register Map
The following table shows the MCP2515 Control Register Summary. Please refer to the MCP2515 data sheet for detail information.
Figure 7 MCP2515 Control Register Summary
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1.5 MCP2551 High-Speed CAN Transceiver
The MCP2551 is a high-speed CAN, fault-tolerant device tha t serves as the interface between a CAN protocol controller and the physical bus. The MCP2551 device provides differential tra nsmit and receive capability for t he CAN protocol controller, and is fully compatible with the ISO-11898 standard, including 24V requirem ents. It will operate at speeds of up to 1 Mb/s.
The following figure shows the MCP2551 block diagram. Please refer to the MCP2551 data sheet for detail information.
Figure 8 MCP2551 Block Diagram
1.6 MPX-2515 ISO OSI Model
1.6.1 Introduction
This section defines the MPX-2515 card in the ISO OSI reference model . The following figure shows this model.
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Figure 9 MPX-2515 ISO/OSI Reference Model
The Controller Area Network (CAN) pro tocol defines the Data Link Layer and part of the Physical Layer in the OS I model. Therefore, all the undefined layers can be defined by the system designer, or can be implem ente d using existing non-propr ietary High Layer Protocols (HLPs) and physical layers.
Data Link Layer The Data Link Layer is defined by the CAN specification. This Data Link Layer is divided into Logical Li n k Control (LLC) Layer and Medium Access Control Layer (MAC). T he Logical Link Control (LLC) manages the over load control and notification, message filtering and recovery management functions. the Medium Access Control (MAC) performs the data encapsulation/decapsulation, error detection and control, bit stuff in g / destuffing and the serializatio n a n d deserialization functions.
Physical Layer The Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) and Medium Dependent Interface (MDI) are the two sub-laye rs of the physical layer which are not defined by CAN. However, the Physical Signalin g (PS) s ub-layer of the physical layer is defined by the CAN specification. The system designer can choo se any driver/receiver and transport medium as long as the PS requirements are met.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) has defined a standard which incorporates the CAN specification as well as the physical layer. The standard, ISO­11898, was originally created for high-speed in-vehicle communication using CAN. ISO-11898 specifies the physical layer to ensure compatibility between CAN transceivers.
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1.6.2 ISO11898-1 Physical Signaling
The bit encoding/deco ding and synchronization shall meet the requi rements defined in ISO-11898-1 and it is recommended to follow the definitions as given in the Recommended bit timing settings table. The according bus length estimations are therefore shown in the table follows it.
Table 1 Recommended bit timing settings
The following table shows the according bus length estimations.
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Table 2 Estimated bus lengths
1.7 MPX-2515 Card vs. ISO-11898-2
1.7.1 ISO-11898-2 Overview
ISO-11898-2 is the international standard for high-speed CAN communications in road vehicles. ISO-11898-2 specifies the PMA and MDA sub-layers of the ISO/OSI Physical Layer.
The following figure shows a representation of a common CAN node/bus as described by ISO-11898.
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