Commax JNS-4CM User Manual

513-11, Sangdaewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Int’l Business Dept. : Tel.; +82-31-7393-540~550 Fax.; +82-31-745-2133 Web site :
Printed In Korea / 2009.11
User Manual
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User Manual
1. System Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. System Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. System Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Signals  Lamp Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Functions  Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. How to assign the common number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Bed Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. NURSE CALL System Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. System Introduction
This system was designed to exchange the communication between nurse and patient through data communication system. This system was composed with master station which can control and display whole system and Power controller, and the sub station are connected with 4 common wires. 1 master station is able to cover maximum 32 sub stations and install the presence switch, emergency switch and corridor light.
2. System Specification
22--11.. SSyysstteemm CCoommppoossiittiioonn
- Sub station: 32 unit / Each Patient Room (Subordinate: Presence S/W (1), Emergency S/W (2), Color Corridor Light (1))
- Emergency Display for Corridor Light: 16 Circuits
- Induction lamp: 4-way indication lamp
- Interphone (Master Station): 90 Circuits
22--22.. SSyysstteemm DDiimmeennssiioon
- Master Station: 240(L) x 220(W) x 90(H)
- DDS: 240(L) x 129(W) x 70(H)
22--33.. PPoowweerr RReeqquuiirreemmeenntt
- Power Source: 220V
- Input Frequency: 57Hz ~63Hz
- Power(Emergency): DC 24V, 6.5A
3. System Features
3-1. The system is the electronic Nurse Call System developed by new technology. It has various
functions and is designed to use conveniently to users.
3-2. The end user can put the programming of BED and room number by end user's control, and in
case of emergency case, everybody know the place clearly. 3-3. There is the speaker phone function on Master unit. 3-4. The master station can be covered the sub station (Max 48 unit from 1 master station). 3-5. 16 digit 2 line LED DISPLAY (Year, months, time, display). 3-6. In case of main power off, there have a EEPROM to keep the program, no need the re-
programming. 3-7. The corridor lamp display by 2 color lamp or 3 color lamp(emergency and normal case). 3-8. Each master station can be communicated.
4. Signal and Lamp Specification.
Section LCD LED SOUND Corridor Light
Communication Call: XXXX
Bed Paging Call: XXXX
Toilet(Room) Emerg: XXXX Flashing Red Emer. Sound Flashing Red
Toilet(Corridor) Emerg: XXXX Flashing Red Emer. Sound Steady Red
Presence S/W Steady Green Steady White
Staff Paging Staff: XX Flushing Ginger Police Sound Steady White
If the situation will occur simultaneously, corridor light and master station lamp will blink at once.
(Corridor light, shower room, bed, interphone will blink by turns)
Process AN90:XX
Steady Green
Flashing Green
Melody Sound
Flashing White
Flashing Red
5. How to use and function
55--11.. BBeedd CCaallll ((BBEEDD NNoo..:: 44 ddiiggiittss)
5-1-1. Call a handset in bed or press the dial button to answer the call.
- Pick up the receiver -> Input a sick room and BED number -> Call(#) -> Talk
- Pick up the receiver -> Shortcut button -> Talk
- Speaker phone -> Input a sick room and BED number -> Call(#) -> Talk
- Speaker phone -> Shortcut button -> Talk
- Shortcut button -> Pick up the receiver -> Talk
5-1-2. When you finish the conversation, please hang off the handset. 5-1-3. While in conversation, Green led lamp will turn on and Call xxxx-Bed No will be displayed.
55--22.. SSuubb SSttaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonn
5-2-1. Communication with master and sub station.
- Press the call button in sub station to communicate with master station, and then green lamp will be lighted and white lamp in corridor will be lighted(in that case, the Led lamp in master station  alarm is warning).
- Press the cancel switch to cancel the communication in sub station (LED in master station display as Sub cancel REQ).
5-2-2. Lift up the handset in Master station for communication. (Corridor Light will be off) 5-2-3. If the master station is on the line, it will automatically flash the green led on the bed for its conversation. If press the call button, it will be reserved with the alarming of red lamp, and then it will be automatically connected after the previous conversation.
55--44.. PPrreesseennccee sswwiittcch
5-4-1. For emergency case, the nurse put the presence switch to inform the location with corridor lamp function and notifying to be reply for the master station's call. 5-4-2. If the presence switch is on, the corridor lamp will be on display the master station. 5-4-3. To cancel the presence switch, press the presence switch it again. 5-4-4. Under the presence status, communication or call will be STAFF CALL status. 5-4-5. When nurse goes into the patient room, press the presence S/W to turn on the white corridor lamp. When nurse comes out from the patient room, press the presence S/W to turn off the green LED then the presence will be canceled.
55--55.. EEmmeerrggeennccyy sswwiittcchh ((FFoorr ttooiilleett uussee)
5-5-1. For emergency case, push the switch to announce the emergency. 5-5-2. If that case, the corridor Lamp is on, Display the master station with red lamp. 5-5-3. To cancel the emergency switch, press the emergency switch it again.
55--66.. EEmmeerrggeennccyy sshhoowweerr sswwiittcchh ((FFoorr sshhoowweerr rroooomm uussee))
5-6-1 For emergency case, push the switch to announce the emergency. 5-6-2. If that case, the corridor Lamp is on, Display the master station with red lamp. 5-6-3. To cancel the emergency switch, press the emergency switch it again.
55--77.. SSttaaffff CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonn
5-7-1. In emergency, nurse in a patient room can announce the emergency to nurse station through the call button in sub station. 5-7-2. If the presence switch is in, white corridor lamp will be automatically lighted and red corridor lamp will blink. 5-7-3. To cancel the presence switch press the off switch. 5-7-4. The conversation can be available when the master station receive the call, it will be a presence position.
55--88.. EEmmeerrggeennccyy SSwwiittcchh ((CCoorrrriiddoorr TTooiilleett)
5-8-1. For emergency case, push the switch to announce the emergency, it can be connected 16 units with the master station. 5-8-2. If that case, the corridor lamp will be lighted. Display the master station with red lamp. 5-8-3. It will be alarmed directly from the master station, red LED in corridor toilet will blink. 5-8-4. To cancel the emergency switch, press the emergency switch it again. 5-9. Induction lamp
55--99.. IInntteerrpphhoonnee CCaallll
Interphone Call can communicate with other place or between nurse stations through installing extra interphone or between master stations. 5-9-1. Lift the handset, press the Interphone button and the number of room No. or Interphone No. (If receiver's line is busy or is receiving, you can hear the busy tone or back tone.)
5-9-2. When receiver answers the phone, you can communicate. 5-9-3. To cancel it, hang off the handset and if receiver cancels it, you can hear the busy tone.
55--1100.. IInntteerrpphhoonnee RReecceeiivviinngg
5-10-1. If one Interphone calls the other, the call sign will be ringing and display the number of Interphone. 5-10-2. Lift up the handset, you can communicate. 5-10-3. If you are on the phone with BED, Interphone LED and communication sign will blink. 5-10-4. If you hang off the phone, Interphone call will be ringing then you can answer.
55--1111.. IInntteerrpphhoonnee BBrrooaaddccaassttiinng
*To use the handset, you can broadcast to the master station and Interphone.
- Lift up the handset, press the Interphone button and DIAL button 00.
- All master stations and Interphones receive the broadcasting.
- The master station on the phone with BED can not receive the broadcasting.
55--1122.. SSppeeaakkeerr PPhhoonne
* Without lifting the handset, you can call BED or Interphone.
- But, receiving is possible, you can not communicate so if you want to communicate, please use the handset. 5-12-1. Press the speaker phone button, you can call the BED directly using BED No or DIAL button. 5-12-2. You can call the master station or Interphone to press speaker phone and then DIAL button.
55--1133.. SSttaattee  TTiimmee DDiissppllaay
Using LCD, the master station displays year, month, day and time continuously. To set them up, press the adjustment time button, year, month, day, time and a day of the week (Sun = 0 ~ Sat = 6) then press Input button.
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