_uUo_ ...........................3
_ore Operat_n .............................. 7
Int_uction ..................................... 8
Sym_ Used in this Manual ........8
Features ........................................ 8
El_l Safety................................9
Write _e modeland ser_ r_s here:
_el #
Ser_ #
_ can findthe num_ on a I_el on the sid_ o| the
D_ PumPed
• Stap_ _r r_ipt _ this pa_ in _ ,Erver.__ need it
to prove _ of purch_e o,rfor wa_ iss_so
Exte_n Cod ............................ 11
Wi_ Requir_e_ .................12
Size ...............................................12
Of ................................. 13
P_lon of C_sis ............... 14
Unit !n_!a_ ............................ 15
ope_ I_m_ons ...................17
_rr_te C_ol _erations ........ 17
Air Di_on ............................... t9
V_ Co_trol ............................. 19
_in Pipe .................................. 20
Rem_l _m Widow ............... 20
!_e _ wifl!find many _!_ul! hin_ _ h_ to _e and
_ntaJn yourair co_i_!" pro_dy, Ju= a _i_ pr_tive
cam on _ur pa_ _n sa_ _u a g_t dee! of ti_ and
_J over_ life of yourair _io_er.
Y_'I_ flr_ _'_y an_ _ c_n pt'o_JemJs in the _att
oftrou_h_g _ps. ff you re_,d_ our_
_u_es_ng _1_ fl_ _ may _ ne_ to c_ll _
_ at all
• _nta_ an _ho_ Service Ce_ for mp_r
mai_.ce of:this un_. Ca!! 1_77-755_7932 m
• This air cond_er _ n_ i_ for use _ _ung
_i_ren ot _ _ _ _peF¢l_n.
•Young i_i_ren _uld _ su_rvi_ to en_m _
,.If t_ p_ _ mq_res _cement, have
A,Jt_ _i_er irmtalil_n exact imp__ part.
• Installetl. P_ _ be _orm_ In _rdsnce
w_ the N_ionel El_c C_ by quailed a_
aut_ _nne! only,
Ab Fiffer ..................................... 21
Cl_ing] the _r _d_oner .....21
How to _ove
FrontGdtle ................................. 22
Com_ Prol:_s and
Sol_s ....................................... 23
TroutY_ti_ ............................ 24
Room Air Con

To prevent inju_ to the u_r or ot_r people and proper damage, the fo{/owing instructions
must be followed,
m incorrect operat_n due to ignoAng in_ruct_ons w_H_use harm or damage, The seriousness
is cJ_sified _ the fol_wing indications.
m Because of the weight of _e product, it _srecommended that you have a helper to assist in
the installatieao
[] Meanings of symbols used in this manua_ are as shown be/_.
m |nstal ion
,, Improper a_emb_y or insta}_tion may ca_e
in_rre_ o_ratbn includinginjury,fire,
p,oorperformance and
* It may cause fire and ele_nc shock.
• _tm_ cause ele_dc sh_ a_ failure.

Safety Precautions
m Operation
=Otherwise, _t_! cause
e_ric shock or fire,
, it:wil_ _use el_t_ shock o[
,,it will _use electric sh_ or
"_t will cause etectrie shock or
,,it wil_cause ele_#c shock or
,,No grounding may _use
, O_e_ise it wili cause fire
and el_r_ sh_k a_ent,
4 Room Air Co r
,,Jtmaycausefire and e_ectric
,,_tm_j _u_ ele_ric shock.

Do.ot,o e air .d[ Jo.,er
* The air condi_oner must be _erate.d in a * Hmay _ exp!_, fire, and burn.
enc_ area to _ most e_,,e.
• k wil!cause electric _k or failure of
[] Ins_!lation
Oon_ b_k the |n_ or Ensure _at _e o__
theun_w_n _ang
the fi!'mr,
• _y _'e sh_p and may
cau_ inju_.
_1_' dam_ _ age
• It may_use, _iJureof
• Water may enter _e unit and degrade
ir_ul=iono litm_ _use an ,el_ric sh_.
• ff tf-_ outer_ is,damaged,
it musl _ _red or
replaced imm_tely.
Leaving it _ma_d _uld
resuff in the air ¢ondi_oner
_l_ng out of the w_ndow,
creating a safety hazard.

5a_ P_u_oFm
[] Operation
sharp edg_ _en (n_ _ _le)_ _king it _11 n_ _ u_d _ra _ng
insUliing' it_ _ri_,
• it m_ cause injury. • it:may _u_ ele_ric sh_
_d da_,.
b_m _aning it.
• _ the fan rofatesat high
_d during _emtion, it may
._ injury.
pl_t where k _|lbe s_ci= _t_ su_
ex_d to ei_ait_ flow' C_l_ Pro, _s, pr_ion
• Dis could injurethe _t or • It _ _ air _ioner, not a
., It v,_l waste power
and _ may _use an
m_h!r_, or _je_ ofa_,
pr_ision refrigeration system.
• O_on wi_o_ fikem will
,_use failure
* The chemi_is in ba_es _Id _se b_ms or
o_er heai_ haza_s.
6 Room Air er
• T_ app_n_, of the air
_ndiUoner _y detedo_te,
charge co_or,or develop,
suite flaws.
•.It _ not sanii_ an_ _uld
c_u_ iiln_s or perso_]i
injury h_.
• The ch,_i_ls in batteries _ld _use bums o_"
o_er hea]_ h_a_s.

_fore Operation
1. Plug in the power _rd properly:
2. Use a dedicated circuit. Overloading the line could create a fire hazard..
3, Do not use an extension cord. S_ page i 1 for more details.
4. Do not start/stop operation by plugging/unplugging the power cord.
5. if the power cord is damag_ and requires replacement, have an Authorized
Servi_r install an replacement paM.
1. Being exposed to direct airflow for an emended period of time could be
hazardous to your health. Do not expose occupants, pets, or plants to .direct
airflow for nded periods of time.
2. Due to the possibii_y of oxygen deficiency, ventiiate the room when used
t_ether w_h stoves or other heating devices.
3. Do not use this air conditioner for non-sp_ifi_ specia_ purposes (e.g.
preserving precision devices, food, pets, piants, and art objeds). Such usage
_uid damage the items.
4. The air conditioner is a consumer comfo_ appliance, not a precision climate
control system.
i. Do not touch the metai parts of the unit when removing the filter. Injuries can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Ex_sure to water can
destroy the insulation, Ieading to possible electric shock.
3, When cleaning the un_, first make sure that the power and breaker are turned
off. The fan rotates at a ve_ high speed during operation. There is a
poseibili_ of injuPj ff the unit's _wer is accidentally triggered on while
ciean{ng inner parts of the unit.
For repair' and maintenance, contact an Authorized Servia Center, See the
warran_ page for details or call 1-8_-755-79_. Have your model number
and serial number avaiiab_e. _ey should be written on page. 2 of this manual.
Manual Y

WARNING: _is appliance should be installed in accordan_ with the
National Ele_tic C_e°
This symbol alerts you to the risk _ electric shock.
This symbol alerts you to haza_s _ could cause harm to the
air conditioner,
This sym_l indicates s_cia| notes.
Up_r Guide
Front G_lle
Air Filter
Control Boa_
Honzon_l Air Defl_o,r
(Horizontal Louver)
Verti_i Air D_e_or
(Ve_ca! Lo,_er)
-- Air Dis_arge
Air Intake
(Inlet Grille)
Re,_te Co_roller__
8 Room Air Co r
Base Pan
Power Cord

i15V~ 230V~
Sta_ t25% 3-wire g_lndi_
re_,lP_C_e _t_ 1_, 125V AC U_ 15_P. N_
de_ay f_e _ 15 AMP..
8_dard 2_V, 3-wi_ @_u_di_
_tac_e _ed _, 2_V AC
Power _ may include a ,cu_nt
interrupter ,device, A test and r_t b_ Is
provided on _e p!_l case, me devica
should be,tested _ a pa_odio basis by _t,
pr_sing _e TEST bu_ and _en _me
_SET Ibu_on° if the TEST bu_ does not
t_p or ff the RESET blain "_1_not s_y
eaga_d, d_,nanue use _ the air
_dltJo_r and _tact a qaal_ed s_lca
Use of extension co_s
B_u_ of _tentlal safe|y I_a_& we
str_gly d_umge the u_ o#an _tension
_rd_ Ho,_er, if _u wish _ _e an
extension ,_rd,. use a CSA c__L4is_ed
3-wl_ (girmJnding)e×tensl_i _,_, _ 15A,
Nil _i_ s_uld _ _,dle i_ a_dan_ _th
_] electrical_des and _ul_s.
Use 20 AMP. _
_e _J_d _A, 2_V AC
_r _nd_o_ has,a th_rong grounding p|ug
i_er sup_ _, _Ich must _ _ugg_ In_
_y g_nd_ thm_pr_gi wall _p_e _r
_ur prot_oa against pos_Ne sho_ hazard,
Numinulm house wiring m_ _e _.al
p_lems. C_suit a qual_i_ ele_ian.
230, 208, a_ 2301208 _LT UN_S
_,,esa u_ are equi_ed _ a _e_
g_undJng plug o_ _e _er _ap_ _, _ch
m,_t _ p_ged i_ a matchi_ ip_ grounded
thr_pmngl wall _clie for _ur protec_J_
agains_ p_.sib_e sho_ ha_rd, Ifsu_ a_ _t is
not p_ent, one m_t _ ins_l_d by a qual_
e_c_icia_ in a_dan_ with _e Natbnal E.II_d_l
_e a_ I_l _ and o_ina_,
208,and 2_,1208_ un_.

Ele Safety
WARNING: This app|lance must _ p_pody g_unded,
The power cord of _is appliance is equip_d with a three-prong grounding plug.
To minimize the dsk of electric shock, use the plug with a standard three-slot
grounding wall power outlet, if the power outlet does not include a grounding slot,
have a quaLifi_ eiectrician repiace the outlet _fore you use the room air
WARNING: Changing the outl_ without making the appropriate wiring
changes wiii create an unsafe condition that couid result in fire or
eiectrical shock. Refer all such work to a ilcens_ and qua|ifi_
P_ meth_
Ensurep_r grou_
exi_ _f_e use
WARNING: Do n_ cut or remove the grounding prong from the power
WARNING: Attaching the adapter g_und retinal to the wall
_ceptacle cover _rew does not ground the appliance unless _e
cover screw is metal and not insulted, and the wall receptacle is
grounded though the house widngo
WARNING: if you have any doubt whether the air conditioner is
proporly grounded, have the wall rece_cle and ci_uit choked _ a
qualified electrician,
10 Room Air Con r

We strong_ discourage the use of an adapter due to potent_a_ s h_ards.
For temporary connections, u_ on_y a ULolisted adapte5 avaiiable from most
local hard#are Mores. Ensure that the large slot in the adapter is. aligned with
the _arge slot in the r_eptac_e for a pro_r pofari_ connection.
To disconne_ the power cord from the adapter, use one hand on each to avoid
damaging the ground terminal Avoid frequentJy unplugging the power cord as
this can lead to eventua_ ground termina! damage.
_Me_J _rew
WARNING: Never u_ the appliance with a broken adapter.
We strongly ,discourage the use of an extension cord due to potential
hazards. For tem_rary situations, use oniy CSA certified and UL iisted 3-wire
grounded extension cords, rated 15 A, i25 V.
0 Manual 11

T_ k: t 1 EA Type B,:5 _ Ty_ C: 1 _ Ty_ D:3
TNe E: 1 _ Type F: 1 _ TypeG: 2 _ Type H: _
(Seal_p) (Sash S_I) (_e IP_e_)
(AdP__e _ed) (N_ adh_e backed)
Have the following tools avail_le for installation:
* Screwdriver (Slotted and Philtips) * Ruler
* Knife * Hammer
* Pencil * Level
This room air conditioner is
designed for ins_llation in standard
double-hung windows with actual
opening widths from _" to 36°.
.,,,,,,,,,o,i__. to _"
13" min
The upper and lower window sash
must o_n sufficiently to aJlow a
clear vertical _ening of 13" from the
bottom of the upper sash to the
window stool,
WARNING:_is p_duct is a WINDOW AiR CONDi_ONERo
As such, a stsn_ single=hung or doublmhung window is _quited
for proof insf_llationo Non-w|ndow installations, including using
s| , holes in wails, and other insta|iations are not re_mmen_o
12 Room Air Conditioner

Proper clearance enhances the cooling efficien_ of the unit and prevents heat
radiation of the condenser.
1+if a storm window presents interference, n a 2" wide wood strip to the inner
window sHi across the fu+l width of the sllL The wood strip should _ th+ck
enough to raise the height of the window sill so _at the unit _ be installed
without interference by _e storm window frame.
2+See Figure. B+The top of the wood strip shou+d be _proximatety 3/4"higher
than the storm window frame (Storm Window Frame) or wood stdp (Outdoors)
to help condensation to drain properly to the outside.
3+ install a second wood strip (approximate+y 6+ _ong by 11/2" wide and same
thinness as first strip) in the center of the sill flush ag_nst the back off the
inner sill+This will rai_ the L bracket as shown Figure. B.
4+ If the distance between Storm Window Frame and Wood Strip Mounted on Top
o# _nner Sill is more _an i ", two of wood strips are not n_essary+
l_om 7 _ out_m
Figure, A Figure, B
Owner's Manual i3

i. In_ the guide panels into the guides
of the air conditioner. Fasten the
curtains to the unit with screws
(Type A).
: Use a _ong _rewdriver and
tnstaillng the screws will be easier.
2,,Cut the adhesive-ba _a_ strip
E) to the window w_h.
Remove the backing from the seal
strip and attach _e seal strip to _e
underside of the bottom window.
T_ A
3. Loca_ng unit in windew
Open the window and mark center line
on the center of the inner siiL
4. A_ch L bra_et
4-1. install the L brackets behind the
inner window sill, with short side of
b t as shown. Use the 2 screws
(Type A) provided.
4-2. The bracket helps to hold unff
_curely in place. Be sure to p_ace
b t edge flush against back of
inner sill
14 Room Air Conditioner

Caution: During the following step, ho|d unit: firmly unti| window sash
is lowered to top channel behind si_ panel frames. Pe_onal Injury or
pmper_ damage may _sult if unit faUs from window:
i _Install the air conditioner in the window
1ol. Carefully lift the air _nditioner and
slide it into the open window. Make
sure the bottom guide of the air
conditioner drops into the notches of
the L bracket.
_: When _e air conditioner drops
into the L bracket, the air _nditioner
w[tl be centered in window opening.
While steadying the air _nditioner,
carefully bring the window sash
down behind the upper guide of the
air condffioner.
When the air conditioner is properly
installed, it should titt slightly down at
the back. if it is set correctly in the
window, it wil_ hang lower in the back
automatically. If it d_s not, there is a
problem with the installation.
2. Secure the guide panels
E_end the guide panels (Type G) to
fill the window opening using 4
_rews B) to secure them.
L Brac_
3. Install t_ sash seal and sash I_k
Cut the sash _ai F) to the
window width. Stuff the sash _ai
between the giass _d the window
to prevent air and insects from
geeing into the room.
n the L bracket using a screw
(Type A).
3-3, Remove the screws that secure the
cabinet and base pan in the right
Owner's Ma#uat f5

3-4. Fasten the suppo_ bracket (Type H)
using a screw removed from the air
conditioner cabinet. Attach the
suppo_ bracket (Type H) to _e inner
window sift with a screw (Type B).
4. Window installation of room air condiUoner is now completed°
See ELECTRICAL DATA for a_ching power cod to eie_ticai outieto
R_m, Air CondiUoner