Comet Disposal of Vacuum Capacitors Service Manual

Service Bulletin-13 | Vacuum Capacitors
Disposal of Vacuum Capacitors
Comet AG Service Bulletin-13 | Vacuum Capacitors Herrengasse 10 | CH-3137 Flamatt Disposal of Vacuum Capacitors T +41 31 744 95 00 | Issue date: 01-JUN-2011 Page 1 of 3 Replaces: 22-JUN-1994
High vacuum capacitors are produced using materials of the highest quality and fabricated to best standards. The materials used are mainly copper, copper alloys as well as high alumina ceramics. Aside from this, they contain small amounts of steel, aluminum and, where gaskets are required, viton and nitril. The surfaces are silver-plated.
As the word "high vacuum" implies the capacitors do not contain any gases or liquids. At the end of their useful life, they can be disposed of in a normal way and do not require special handling. The user should give the car­casses to a scrap dealer.
Some of the types contain a copper/beryllium alloy. The percentage of the beryllium in the alloy is very small (less than 2 %). In alloy form the beryllium, especially in such low percentages, can be handled without any harm. Therefore, also these types can be disposed of safely, without harm, via a scrap dealer.
The only time handling of beryllium is dangerous, is when it is in a pure form (100 % beryllium) and beryllium dust is generated during cutting, grinding etc. The alloy used in vacuum capacitors does not fall under this cate­gory.
In case the customer desires to have the factory to dispose the carcasses they can be returned to COMET pre­paid with the remark "return for disposal".
Comet AG Service Bulletin-13 | Vacuum Capacitors Herrengasse 10 | CH-3137 Flamatt Disposal of Vacuum Capacitors T +41 31 744 95 00 | Issue date: 01-JUN-2011 Page 2 of 3 Replaces: 22-JUN-1994
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