Comet CTC-50M Instructions Manual

Window Gap Jumper
Frequency Range: DC-1300MHz Connectors: SO-239 Length: 15.75 inches Max Power: HF 100W PEP VHF: 60W FM UHF: 40W FM 900MHz –1.3GHz: 10W FM VSWR: <500MHz 1.3:1 >500MHz 1.5:1 Loss: DC-500MHz .5dB 500-900MHz 1.3dB 900-1300MHz 1.8dB Impedance: 50 Ohm
NCG Company 800-962-2611
Window feed-thru jumper
Features: The CTC-50M avoids drilling holes through the wall to route coax indoors from an outside antenna
Low loss SO-239 connectors are used
Use any grade 50 Ohm impedance coax to attach to the CTC-50M
Installation:Installation: It is important to the use the double-faced tape or the screws (or both) included with the CTC-50M to secure the jumper to the wall before use.
Clean the surface of dust, loose paint, etc… before using the tape.
Place the CTC-50M along the window frame and close the window before securing the CTC-50M in place with the tape and/or screws. Attaching the jumper and closing the win­dow before confirming the window will close completely may damage the jumper.
Be sure to use PL-259 (Male UHF) connectors on your coax to screw into the SO-239 (Female UHF) connectors on the CTC-50M
Attach your coax cable to the wall securely making sure to avoid any pressure on the CTC-50M jumper.
Parts List:
15036 Sierra Bonita Lane Chino, CA 91710 800-962-2611 909-393-6133 Fax 909-393-6136
The copper-clad steel center core is highly resis-
tant to metal fatigue but is not indestructible.
Please use care when opening and closing the win-
dow or door where the CTC-50M is located
Specifications:Specifications: Frequency: DC—1300MHz Max Power: HF-50MHz 100W PEP 144MHz: 60W FM 440MHz: 40W FM 1200MHz: 10W FM VSWR: < 500 MHz: Less than 1.3:1 > 500 MHz: Less than 1.5:1 Impedance: 50 Ohm Insertion Loss: DC-500MHz Less than 0.5dB 500-900MHz Less than 1.3dB 900-1300MHz Less than 1.8dB Connectors: SO-239 (Female UHF) Cable Length: 16 inches (approx)