Comdial Eloqence VE Installation Manual

!&pence V!!
Voice Mail For Executech

Table of Contents

2 Hardware Installation
3 Svstem Proaramminq
Initialize System
Telephone Type
Operating Mode
Extension Length
Station Ringback
Transfer Mode
214 Set Time
Set Date
Administrator Password
Programmer Password
Record Time Remaining
Record Quality
Printed Reports
4 Auto Attendant Proaramminq
Busy Recording
No Answer Recording
Hold Recording
Receiving Recording
Q/Z Recording
No Names Match Recording
Add/Change/Delete Branch
Branch Recording and Programming
Dial Branch Call Distribution
Re-Record Announcements
5 Voice Mail Proaramminq
Voice Mail Main Greeting
Mailbox Greeting
End of Message Announcement 5.1
User Message Prompt 5.1
Voice Mail Full Announcement
Create/Delete User Mailbox
Create Group Mailboxes
Delete Group Mailboxes
Access Mailbox
Message Light On
Message Light Off
Play Mailbox Usage
Table Of Contents 2
6 Advanced Auto Attendant Proaramminq
Add/Change/Delete Branch
Branch Recording and Programming
344 358
Name Key Length Name Recording Time
360 362
Record Directory Names Playback of Names
364 347
Outdial Branch
Reroute Busy
Reroute No Answer
350 351
Operator Translation
Reroute Operator
Reroute No Response
353 354
Alternate Extensions
Extension Privacy
370 371
Blind Transfer Extensions
Announce Extension Number
Answer Rings
Daily Answer Ring Table
Hourly Answer Ring Table
Activate Alternate Announcement
Daily Announcement Table
Hourly Announcement Table
7 Advanced Voice Mail Proaramminq
Create/Delete User Mailbox
424 436
Message Length
Message Chaining
Purge Messages
Paging Interval
Paging Dialer
8 Worksheet
9 Troubleshootinq
Eloquence VE
General Description I .I
General Description
Auto Attendant
Eloquence is able to operate as a stand alone auto attendant, a stand alone voice mail system, or a combination of both. This manual is designed for all combinations,
simply skip any section that pertains to features not used. The system is housed in a metal case that can be located on a desk top or wall-
mounted in the telephone equipment room. The system is powered by an external power transformer while an internal battery provides for several days of memory tection. Three LEDs indicate system condition and operation.
Programming of the system is done from any telephone by dialing Eloquence directly, then entering the appropriate password and a series of touchtone commands. quence’s built-in 40 word vocabulary walks the programmer through all system pro­gramming on a prompted, step-by-step basis.
Recording of system announcements, prompts or directory names is also done through the phone. Two recording quality levels can be chosen on an announce-
ment-by-announcement basis to provide maximum recording time. Eloquence’s an-
nouncements can be of any length (within total memory limits), and are usually at the
higher quality. Messages and user prompts are usually at lower quality to maximize
memory usage.
Announcements and name changes, or other day-to-day operations are accom-
plished via an administrator’s password. All other, more permanent programming, can be accessed only by a higher level, programmer’s password.
Eloquence is a second generation automated attendant that provides for traditional
automatic answering of incoming calls, presentation of choices to the caller, and con-
nection to extensions based on those choices.
Call routing can contain up to 4 levels of branches with each branch at each level ca-
pable of advancing to up to 9 more branches (total branches not to exceed 28).
Based on his phonepad responses, a caller is routed along a path from branch to
branch to: a preset extension or extensions, an alphabetic directory, a department di-
rectory, or another branch for further choices.
The call routing template installed in the system can be used as is, or altered to fit vir­tually any need.
If a caller does not know the called party’s extension, he can select an alphabetical di-
rectory and will hear an announcement like: “To reach an employee press the first
letter of the person’s last name on your keypad now”...[A] “Press the pound key when
you hear the name of the person: John Able...Whilma Baker...Sally Cox.“...[#]
“Thank you, one moment please”. The department directory works in the same fash-
ion except that only the names for the department are played.
Eloquence auto attendant will transfer calls in either a blind or supervised mode. In the supervised mode, Eloquence will place the caller on hold, call the selected exten­sion and monitor its status. If no answer or busy, it will flash hook back to the caller, advise them of the condition and then forward the call to the alternate extension, op­erator, or another extension as programmed. If the station is answered, the called party will be advised that a call is being transferred before the caller is connected.
In the blind transfer mode, Eloquence transfers the call once a selection is made and
returns to on-hook status, Eloquence can be set to serve as a bulletin board where­by a caller can get specific information about products or services; but not be able to transfer within the phone system except where specifically allowed.
Eloquence VE
General Description 1.2
Directory Example
The system’s call routing follows a branch concept whereby the caller is routed through a series of branches to the extension he wishes to reach. He moves from
branch to branch by selecting a number or name presented in an announcement.
7hankyou for cattmg ABC, you may dialan saiension if
known at any time, to reach Sales press 1, Service press 2, Accounting 3, Engineering 4, for an employee dimtoy pros.5
5. N calling from a rota&‘phone, please hold.’
70 reach an em­pby~ouss by name press fhe first Ief-
of his last name-Touch the # key when you hear the nams of
fhs emptoyyes you want to reach.’
To Main
..Willard Scott
In the example above, the Branch IDS and Branch names shown are for programming purposes only. The caller only needs to press 1, 2, etc. to move through the choices.
Each box represents a branch that has the following components:
prsss4: \
Branch ID- a numeric designator which indicates its location and relationship to the other branches. There can be up to four levels of branches, the first level being a sin­gle digit, the second level being two digits, and so on. The first or main branch is 1, then each of its sub-branches will have that number plus an additional digit of its own:
11, 12, 13, etc. Branch 123 would have sub-branches 1231, 1232, etc.
Reference Name- is given to the branch to help identify it on the flow chart or during
programming, such as the sales branch, service branch, etc.
Branch Destination- in a Menu Branch the destination is always other branches, in a Dial Branch it is actual extension numbers, in a Jump Branch it is another branch ID, and in a Department or Directory Branch the destination is a list of names which are
then translated by the system to extension numbers and called.
Branch Tvpes:
l=Menu Branch- is the most fundamental branch. it includes an announcement
that gives the caller choices to select.
2zDirectory Branch- allows the caller to be connected to an employee selected
from a company alphabetical directory.
3=Department Branch- allows the caller to reach a specific employee via a
departmental directory.
4=Dial Branch- is one of the “end” branches that actually dials the extension
number(s) listed in it.
5=Jump Branch- is used to jump or reroute to another branch.
The example shown is a routing template completed at installation. Like in many companies, some departments are large while others are small. Some calls should
go to departments generically while other calls should reach a specific person.
The first or main branch will almost always be a menu branch. Notice that a menu
branch has sub-branches and that the key to select them matches the last digit of their ID.
Eloquence VE
General Description 1.3
If the caller selects sales by pressing 1, he will reach another menu branch to guide him to the appropriate sales department (as well as given a chance to return to the main menu). The two dial branches could be programmed to either: always send the
first call to the top of the list and, if busy, down the line until answered; or rotate calls
evenly among the extensions listed.
The jump branches have been used to redirect the caller to another section of the routing template in order to always give the caller an “escape route”.
The department branch shown was set up so that callers would be able to reach a particular employee within accounting.
And finally, the directory branch shown was set up to allow the caller to reach any em­ployee listed in the directory by pressing the first letter(s) of the person’s last name and then selecting it from the list played.
Voice Mail
Eloquence is able to operate as a voice mail only, or combined voice mail and auto attendant.
If voice mail only is used, callers manually routed to the voice mail will hear a system
greeting such as “Input mailbox number now”. Voice mail in conjunction with auto at­tendant can have designated busy and/or no answer stations rerouted to their corre­sponding mailboxes automatically.
A caller who has manually input a mailbox number or who has been redirected by
auto attendant will hear a greeting such as “You’ve reached the mailbox for John
Jones, press 0 to return to the main menu, or begin recording at the tone, and press 1
when finished.” After the message has been left, the caller will hear another prompt
such as “To return to the operator press 0, or if finished press * and hang up.”
The system can have up to 128 individual mailboxes plus up to 16 group mailboxes.
Each mailbox can have a maximum of 32 messages. A unique dynamic voice record­ing technique allows the system to use only the amount of memory required to store
the actual message.
A mailbox user, using a personal password to enter his mailbox, will be played the
number of new and old messages currently in his mailbox and then played all mes-
sages starting with the oldest new message first until all messages are played.
The user can execute the following options during or at the end of each message:
pause, save, delete, reply to sender, back-up, hear time & date stamp, or move the message to another mailbox with a preamble.
System Programming
Group mailboxes allow individuals, so authorized, to “broadcast” a message to its members’ mailboxes at one time. Even though a group mailbox can have up to 32 members, a group message only uses memory storage as one message.
In addition to picking up messages, a mailbox user can also control many mailbox
functions once his password has been entered: Hear or enter a new password; and
(if a group mailbox owner) hear, add, or delete members from a group mailbox.
Before programming, read each section thoroughly for a complete un­derstanding of the system and all features.
Once the manual has been read, complete the Worksheet Section and follow it as a step-by-step guide during programming. The Installation Manual provides a complete
function description including a step-by-step programming example for all functions.
Eloquence VE
Advanced Features
General Description 1.4
The Administrator Manual provides details of all functions that are programmable by the administrator.
All announcements can be recorded by the installer during the initial set-up and then, when satisfied that the system is programmed according to the customer’s needs, the announcements and names can be re-recorded in the customer’s voice.
Most applications can be programmed using the standard features sections: Sections 3, 4, and 5. Advanced features, Section 6 and 7 allow the programmer to set addi­tional features that may only be required in some installations. Skip any advanced sections or advanced features that are not required.
At the end of each basic section is listed the appropriate advanced features that may
apply. If any are to be programmed, skip to those advanced features, program them, and return to the next basic section and continue.
3 System Programming
4 Auto Attendant Programming
5 Voice Mail Programming
6 Advanced Auto Attendant Programming 7 Advanced Voice Mail Programming
Eloquence VE
Hardware Installation 2.1
Hardware Installation
LED Indicators
Eloquence is designed as a stackable desktop unit or is wall-mountable by use of the
two mounting holes located on the bottom of the unit (requires two #IO screws mount-
ed vertically, 8” apart).
Connect a 14 or heavier gauge ground wire to the screw connecting the case halves at the right rear side of the system to a good earth ground such as a cold water pipe or ground rod.
Power/ Port Port Battery One Two
The front of the case has three LEDs that are designed to provide visual feedback for the following conditions:
Power/Battery LED-LED burns solid when power is being applied to the system and blinks if the battery is low. The battery is constantly recharging when Eloquence is plugged to AC power. The battery may take as much as two days to fully charge when the system is first plugged in. The battery, when fully charged, will hold pro­gramming for up to 5 days.
The system’s internal batteries are designed to preserve the data and voice storage during a power outage. If continuous operations is required, a UPS should be added.
Port LED+indicates that Eloquence is processing a call. The lamp will blink as it de­tects sound on its port. This will provide visual feedback as to ring-back, busy tones,
DTMF detection and voice.
Executech Programming
Eloquence Connection
Requires two (2) data paired ports.
The data paired ports are to be reprogrammed as:
EXECUMAIL on Executech 2000, Single Line for Executech II, OPX for DXP and Executech XE,
Thru Dialing OPX (N/A for XE),
Message Wait Originate (N/A for XE),
Voice Announce blocked, Data Security Ports (Executech 2000).
The two ports that Eloquence connects to must be data paired ports. Eloquence’s first port must always be connected to the even numbered
data paired port of the KSU.
If a single port Eloquence is to be used, it must be connected
to the even numbered data paired port, and no telephones
may be connected to the odd numbered data paired port.
NOTE: On the DXP, Eloquence’s first (or single) port will
connect to the ODD numbered data paired port, e.g. 129;
and the second port to EVEN numbered port, e.g. 130.
3s 8s
Eloquence VE
Before proceeding, connect a multiline telephone to the ports and verify that
they are functioning. A multiline set can make and take calls even though the
port is programmed as OPX, Single Line, or Execumail (the lamps, however, will
not work).
Place an intercom call to Eloquence,
Eloquence will answer with “Enter” or “Enter Function”,
Begin programming.
Installation 2.2
Before Cutting Over
Printer Port
Flexible ringing programmed as direct or delayed at Eloquence’s ports, Ringing line preference enabled at Eloquence’s ports.
The output from the RS 232 serial port is: 300 baud, 7 data bits, 2 stop bits, and no
parity. The pin out is Data Transmit on Pin 2 and Ground on Pin 7. A printer is need­ed only if statistics, a printed copy of a program report or advanced diagnostics are re-
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed
for wet locations.
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has
been disconnected at the network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Eloquence VE
Eloquence Programming
Voice Prompts
System Programming 3.1
To program Eloquence, dial the extension that Eloquence is connected to and enter
the programming mode by dialing in the appropriate password. Once entered for pro-
gramming, Eloquence prompts and confirms each action with voice commands.
Both data and recordings are entered in the same manner, using a series of key­strokes. Each function is programmed by entering it’s specific function number and then following the voice prompts. Programming is divided into six sections: System, Auto Attendant, Voice Mail, and Advanced Programming for each. If either Auto At­tendant or Voice Mail is not being used for a particular application, then those sec­tions do not need to be programmed.
Before attempting programming,
understanding of the system.
Built-in voice prompts will prompt, repeat input, and confirm function programming.
“Enter” Signifies that data is to be entered. In some instances the prompt will be
more precise such as “Enter Extension”.
“Confirm” Follows an entry or plays after an existing entry has been played. Accept
Prompts to record a voice announcement or name. The actual recording
will begin by pressing 1 and end by pressing 1. the entry with a #; or if the entry needs to be changed, re-enter it or rere-
cord a recording by pressing 1 to start and 1 to stop; or use *to back up
to the previous entry.
Played if any value being entered is out of range, or otherwise invalid.
read each section thoroughly for a complete
Keypad Methodology
During programming the keystroke methodology is as follows:
Acts as an enter key. It will also confirm the new or existing entry and
advance to the next programming step. (In a function that allows multiple
entries, ## will advance to the end of the function.)
Will back up to the beginning of the function.
00# Will act to erase or replace any existing entry with no entry. lli# Will exit programming mode and go on-hook. llO# Will exit programming mode and go to the main menu.
When a function is entered, Eloquence will play one of the following:
a) the default value, b) the existing value if previously programmed,
c) “None” if the function is being programmed for the first time.
If the function has multiple entries, Eloquence may begin with a command to enter the particular extension, etc, to be programmed.
At any point where a programming entry was made in error, use the * key to back up to the beginning of the function and begin again.
The contents of any function can be played without being altered. Enter the function, then use #to advance through the values without replacing them with new values.
All programming can be performed via either port, however, recording of announce­ments can only be performed while the other port is idle. If the other port is process-
ing a call, Eloquence will not allow a function that includes recording to be accessed.
Once a function that allows recording is accessed, Eloquence will not answer on the
other port until that function has been vacated.
Eloquence VE
System Programming 3.2
Enter Password
Function 200 initialize System
Eloquence is entered for programming by dialing to one of the extensions that Elo-
quence is connected to. If not yet programmed, Eloquence will answer with “Enter
Extension” or “Enter”. If programmed, it will answer with the main announcement. Enter the programming password, **789#, Eloquence will respond with “Enter Func-
From this point all of the system’s programming is performed by entering a particular function and following the manual and the voice prompts from Eloquence. All func­tions are programmable from the programmer’s password (only those functions listed
in the Administrator’s Guide are programmable from the administrator password).
IMPORTANT: Before programming, initialize the system. This function will reset
all components and software to their initial state. All data and programming will be
erased. The function number must be entered twice as confirmation that initialization
is to be done. When initialization is completed the system will go on-hook and will
need to be re-entered with the password, above. To initialize:
200 #
200 #
# Eloquence hangs up.
“789, Enter Function”
Eloquence RESPONDS ACTION “200, Enter’ “200, Confirm”
Enter any three digit function
To initialize, enter 200 again. *to abort or #to confirm
Function 201 Executech Type
Default =l
Indicate the particular Executech phone system that Eloquence is being connected to.
XE 308 = 1,616 = 2,820 = 3,1024 = 4; Executech 2000 E34PT = 5, EGOPT = 6,
E80PT = 7; Executech II! InnTouch 1432 = 8,2232 = 9,2264 = 10, 2296 = 11, KH128 ~12, DXP = 13. Example: to set Eloquence for an Executech 2000, 1632:
INPUT 201# “201, 1, Confirm” *to back up, # to confirm or in-
7# #
put different setting
“7, Confirm”
“Enter Function” Go to next function
to back up, # to confirm
Eloquence VE
System Programming 3.3
Function 203 Operating Mode
Default = 2
Function 204 Extension Length
Default = 3
Function 205 Station Ringback
Input 1 for Auto Attendant only, 2 for Voice Mail only, or 3 for both. If Auto Attendant only is selected, then the Voice Mail section (functions starting with 400) need not be programmed. Conversely, if Voice Mail only is used, then the 300 series functions
need not be programmed. Example: to set the system for both Auto Attendant and Voice Mail:
203 # “203, 2, Confirm”
3# #
Indicates the number of digits in an extension number. Extension length can be from
2 to 4 digits. Example: to set the extension length to 2 digits:
204 #
/” 2#
This function will set the approximate number of rings at a station before Eloquence
determines a no answer and retrieves the call. Example: to set the station rings to
* to back up, # to confirm or in-
put different setting “3, Confirm” “Enter Function” Go to next function
“204, 3, Confirm”
“2, Confirm” * to back up, #to confirm “Enter Function”
*to back up, #to confirm
*to back up, #to confirm or in-
put different ext length
Go to next function
Default = 3 rings
Function 206
Transfer Mode
Default = 2
Function 214 Set Time
, 205 # “205, 3, Confirm” *to back up, #to confirm or in-
# “Enter Function” Go to next function
This function will set the system to use: blind transfer (1) supervised transfer (2) or Bulletin Board, allow for transfer from a dial branch only (0). See Section 1 .l Gener­al Description for explanation. Example: to set to Blind transfer:
INPUT Eloquence RESPONDS ACTION 206 # “206, 2, Confirm” *to back up, # to confirm or in-
l# “1, Confirm” *to back up, #to confirm
# “Enter Function” Go to next function
The time is set with hours and minutes in military (24 hr) time (required only if Voice
Mail or auto attendant functions with calendars are used). The current time is played and can then be changed or accepted as is. Example: to set the time for 3:05 PM:
INPUT Eloquence RESPONDS ACTION 214# “214, Time 0002, Confirm” Input the time as 4 digits includ-
1505 # “1505, Confirm”
“4, Confirm”
“Enter Function” Go to next function
put number of rings
to back up, #to confirm
put 1 to enable blind transfer
ing leading zero * to back up, #to confirm or in­put different time
Eloquence VE
System Programming 3.4
Function 216 Set Date
Function 220 Adminstrator Password
Default = 456
Function 222 Programmer Password
Default = 789 55 # “55, Confirm” * to back up, # to confirm or in-
Function 268
Recording Time Remaining
The date (required only if voice mail or auto attendant functions with calendars are used) is set by inputting the Month and Day and then the Year as numeric values (Jul
1993 = 0715
216# 0109 # “0109, 0000, Confirm” * to back up, # to confirm or in-
1992 # “1992, Confirm” * to back up, # to confirm or in-
# Enter Function”
Both functions operate the same. The function will play back the existing password. Simply input the new password or press #to accept the existing password. The pass­words can be one to four digits. Example: to set the Administrator password to 55:
220 # “220, Key 456, Confirm”
This function can be used to check how much recording time is left in memory. It will
play in order: the % of memory used, the remaining time in seconds that are availa-
ble for recording in low quality, available for recording in high quality, and followed by
the number of names that can still be recorded.
1993). Example:
Eloquence RESPONDS ACTION “216, Day 0000, Confirm” Input the day and month as 4
“Enter Function” Go to next function
to set the date for Jan 9, 1992:
digits including leading zeros
put different year put different year
Go to next function
to back up, # to confirm or in-
put different password put different password
Function 226 Record Quality
Default = 2,l ,l
Function 600 to 606
Printed Reports
Before Proceeding
268 #
The record quality for announcements, names, and messages (if Voice Mail is used)
is set by inputting 1 for high quality or 2 for low quality. The three values are for messages, announcement&and directory names, respectively. The default setting is
211 (low messages, high announcements, high names). Example: To set the voice
quality for messages, high; names, high; and announcements, high:
226 # “226, 211 Confirm”
With an optional printer connected to the serial port, four reports can be printed by in-
putting the appropriate function number shown (statistics totals are reset to zero when printed):
600 # Prints system usage including branch and station activity.
602 # Prints Ram memory usage. 604 # Prints system program detail. 606 # Prints Alphabetic Directory with space for names to be inserted.
1. Exit programming mode (Function 111) and place a CO call and verify that Elo­quence answers.
2. At the “Enter” or “Enter Extension” voice prompt, dial a valid working extension number and verify that Eloquence is properly transferring calls. If not, see Trouble-
shooting, Section 9.
“268, 14, Time 374, Time1 30,
18, Enter Function”
“1 11, Confirm” * to back up, or # to confirm “Enter Function” Go to next function
Go to next function
* to back up, input different val­ue, or # to confirm
Eloquence VE
Auto Attendant Programming 4.1
Auto Attendant Programming
Auto Attendant Recordings
Function 328 Busy Recording
Auto Attendant functions need not be programmed if Voice Mail only is to be used. Advanced features such as call rerouting, outdial capability, and alternate announce-
ment programming are programmed in Section 6 if necessary.,
Along with recording of branch announcements and directory names, are 5 Auto At­tendant announcements that are played at various points in the call routing. Practice the announcement by recording and re-recording - starting and stopping with the I
key. The time used will be played at the end of each recording to help in planning for total recording time used. The system is available in several memory sizes and also
has the ability to specify voice quality settings to maximize memory usage. Default is
all external announcements and names in high quality and messages in low quality. The voice quality defaults can be changed in System Programming, Section 3, Func­tion 226. Note: Functions that require a recording can be accessed only if the
other port is idle.
The Busy announcement is played to the caller if the station called is busy. After the
Busy announcement is played, the system will route the call to the operator or other
destination, if so programmed. A typical announcement might be: “That extension is
busy, one moment please”.
328 # “328, Record” Start & Stop recording with 1
----I u # “Enter Function” Go to next function
,Time 3, Confirm” *to back up, 1 1 to rere-
cord, # confirms recording
Function 330
,j No Answer Recording
Function 332 Hold Recording
Function 334 Receiving Recording
Function 336 *
Q/Z Recording
The No Answer announcement is played to the caller if the station called does not an-
swer (not required if blind transfer mode is used). After this announcement is played,
the system will route the call to the operator or other destination, if so programmed. A
typical announcement might be: “That extension does not answer, one moment
please” Program in the same way as the previous Function.
The Hold announcement is played to the caller just before a transfer.
nouncement might be: “Thank you, please hold ” or “Thank you, one moment please”. Program in the same way as the previous Function.
The Receiving Call announcement is played to the called party when he answers his
phone and is then connected to the caller (not required if blind transfer mode is used). A typical announcement might be: “You are receiving an incoming call now”. Pro­gram in the same way as the previous Function.
announcement may be played to the caller when he has selected an Alpha­betic Directory. The caller is instructed to use the number 1 key for the letters Q or Z since these two letters do not appear on the phone keypad. This announcement is played at the end of the first directory announcement and is played only if there actu­ally exists a name in the directory that starts with Q or Z. A typical announcement
might be: “For the letters Q or Z use the key nurnber 1”. Program in the same way as
the previous Function.
A typical an-
Function 338* No Names Match Record­ing
* Required only if Alphabetic Directory is used.
The No Names Matched announcement is played to the caller if, in a directory
branch, the first letter(s) he selected does not have any names associated with it; or he has listened to all of the names played and has not made a selection. After this announcement is played, the system will route the call to the previous branch. Atypi­cal announcement might be: “No names matched, you are being returned to the main greeting”. Program in the same way as the previous Function.
Eloquence VE
Branch ‘tx Definitions
Auto Attendant Programming 4.2
Setting up call routing follows a branch concept whereby the caller is routed along a path from branch to branch to the extension he wishes to reach. Study the example on page 1.2 to become familiar with the routing concept. If your application re­quires an alphabetic directory (type 2) or department directory (type 3) see Advanced
Features Functions 344, 362, 364. The different basic branch types are:
l=Menu Branch (Function 342,344)- is the most fundamental branch. It includes an announcement that gives the caller choices to select and then advances the caller
>o-asub-branch. ..-....,
,.,number listed and, if bu
5=Jump Branch (Function 342,344)- is used to jump to another branch.
nouncement is necessary but can be recorded. This branch is used to provide the
caller with alternate options.
No an-
11 12 13
Dial Dial
Menu Choice-
Branch Programming
lol 2 Inl 3
Function 342 is used to modify the template or to create a custom template from scratch. Function 344 is then used to program each branch by entering the appropriate values or recordings.
14 15
Ext: Ext: ID:
Eloquence VE
Auto Attendant Programming 4.3
Function 342
Function 344
The call routing template can be modified by adding additional branches, changing
the type of existing branches, or deleting branches. A branch is added, changed, or
deleted by inputting its ID and then inputting the appropriate branch type code: k Menu. 4 = Dial. 5 = Jump. A Branch is deleted by inputting 00 as the type code. Example: to change Branch ID 12 from a Jump Branch to a Dial Branch and delete Branch ID 16:
f.& 12#
~~$. :6”#)
00 #
# Enter Branch ID” Input next Branch ID or # to Exit
This function programs each branch by recording announcements and entering the appropriate data for each type branch. All branch types are capable of having a re­cording but most likely the Dial and Jump branches will not require announcements. The branch ID is entered, the announcement is recorded, and the data required for the branch is entered. Refer to the call routing template for the branch IDS and planned announcements.
The main menu branch (IDl) can have two announcements. After the first announce-
ment (day mode) has been recorded and confirmed, the second announcement (night mode) is recorded in the same manner. To re-record the second announcement, in-
put #to accept the first announcement as played and record the second announce-
ment. Eloquence will play “Primary Record” and “Alternate Record” to distinguish the two announcements. If an alternate announcement is used, see Functions 382,384, and 386 in the Advanced Features Section before continuing.
“342, Enter Branch ID” 12, Jump Branch, Confirm” * to back up, # to confirm or in-
“4, Dial Branch, Enter Branch ID” Input next Branch ID or # to Exit
“16, Dial Branch , Confirm” “00, Confirm Delete” #to confirm
Input Branch ID
put new branch code
Input 00 to delete
{/?I i I
Practice the announcement by recording and re-recording -starting and stopping with the 1 key. The time used will be played at the end of each recording to help in
planning for total recording time used. Example:
344 #
1# “1, Menu Branch, Primaly Record” Start & Stop recording with 1
1 1 , Time 21, Confirm” 1
# “Alternate Record” Start & Stop recording with 1
1 1 , Time 14, Confirm”
# “Enter Branch” Go to next branch or #to exit
Jump Branch-the Jump Branch gives the system great flexibility in call routing. It is
a good idea to provide a jump branch as a sub branch of each menu branch giving
the caller a route to another menu should he not wish to select any of the choices
played. Example: to set Jump Branch 113 to jump to the main menu (ID 1):
344 # “344, Enter Branch” Input branch number
113# “113, Jump Branch, Record” Press 1 to start and stop record-
# “Jump ID None, Enter Jump ID” Input jump-to branch ID
l# “1, Enter Branch” Go to next branch or # to Exit
“344, Enter Branch” Input Branch ID
1 to rerecord, # confirms
* to back up, #for no alternate announcement 1
ing, #to advance
1 to rerecord, # confirms
Eloquence VE
Auto Attendant Programming 4.4
Function 344 Continued
Dial Branch- the Dial branch is used to actually dial the particular extension or exten­sions as a result of a caller’s menu choice. If more than one extension is listed and in supervised transfer mode, the system will attempt to call the first listed extension.
busy or no answer, it will call the second extension listed, etc. Up to 10 extensions can be listed in each Dial branch. To change an extension once entered, advance through the list of extensions and replace it with a new extension number. Replacing
an extension number with 00 deletes it. Example: to enter extensions 123 and 131
in Dial branch ID 12:
Enter Branch”
12# “12, Dial Branch, Record” Record or # to advance
# “Extension None, Enter Extension” 123# 131# “131, Enter Ext:” input ext or # to next branch
Reroute to Mailbox- Entering a 9XXX (Xxx denoting a mailbox number) as the last entry in the dial branch list of extensions will have a caller transferred to that mailbox when all of the extensions in the Dial Branch are busy or no answer.
Branch 9999- a special hidden branch 9999 is always available and provides for Elo­quence to disconnect. Therefore, if at any point in the routing you wish to have Elo­quence disconnect, create a jump branch that jumps to Branch 9999. An announce­ment can be recorded if desired to precede the disconnect (example: “Thank you, we are now disconnecting.“). Using a jump to 9999 as one of all menu choices will allow
Eloquence to be available for the next caller more quickly.
“123, Enter Ext:”
“Enter Branch”
Input dial branch ID Input ext number
Input next ext or # to exit
Go to next branch or # to exit
Function 346 Dial Branch Call Distribution
Default = 1
Function 356 Re-record Announcements
An additional rotating scheme or uniform call distribution can be selected on a Dial Branch-by-Dial Branch basis. Choosing this optional setting will have Eloquence ro­tate the attempts evenly among the total number of extensions listed. 1 = standard in-order or 2 = uniform distribution. Example: to set Dial Branch ID 12 for uniform call distribution:
INPUT Eloquence RESPONDS ACTION 346 # “346, Enter Dial Branch” Input Dial Branch ID
12# 12, 1, Confirm” * to back up, # to confirm or in-
put 2 for uniform distribution
2# “2, Confirm” * to back up, #to confirm
# “Enter Dial Branch” Input next Dial Branch ID or #to
# “Enter Function”
This function permits all previous recordings to be re-recorded from either the pro-
grammers or administrator’s password. Input the branch ID, listen to the existing re­cording and re-record or press # to accept as is. In this function the system an­nouncements can also be re-recorded by inputting the function numbers 328 through 338 as if they were branch IDS. Example:
INPUT Eloquence RESPONDS ACTION 356 # “356, Enter Branch” Input branch ID or function 14# “14, Menu Branch,
, Confirm” Re-record or #to confirm
# “Enter Function” Go to next function
1 u.-..--2
# “Enter Branch” Input ID, function or # to exit
Time 5, Confirm” * to back up, 1 1 to rere-
Go to next function
cord, # confirms
+ 37 hidden pages