Digital Communications System
Video Display Terminal
Programmmg Instructions
The procedures included in this
publication reflect software releases through
IMI66- 111.04
IS0 so01
Accredited by the Dutch Council
for Certification for certification
and registration activities.
Corndial’s Quality Management System Is
Certified To The IS0 9001 Standard.
VDT Programming Instructions

Table Of Contents

Understanding General Programming jnformation
Reviewing General Programming Considerations
3 Understanding Keyboard And Terminal Definitions
3.2 Reviewing the Control Key Definitions
3.3 Reviewing The Terminal Mode Definitions
4 Reviewing The Command Prompts And Error Reporting
4.1 Reviewing The Command Prompts
4.2 Reporting Errors
Performing The Terminal Emulation Programming
5.1 Reviewing The Programming Progression
Programming Sys tern Features
Reviewing The Keyboard Definitions
Default Functional Programming VDT Display Configurations (Terminal Setup) Messaging
Database Storage Serial Port (Serial Data Port Parameters) Subdued Off-Hook Voice Announce (SOHVA) Programming Speed Dial Programming System Clock (Time and Date) System Timing System Parameters Paging Zones (Paging Programming) Password Programming (Change Password) Feature Renumbering
Programming The Tl Status Log Parameters Major Alarm Alerting
7 Programming Station Feafures
VDT Programming Instructions
7.1 Programming Station Class Of Service Features
7.2 Programming Station Features
7.3 Square/Non-Square System (Button Mapping By Station)
7.4 Telephone Types (Phone Types)
7.5 Copy Model COS, Station, Button Map (Block Programming)
Programming Line Features
Line Programming Line Group Programming
Copy Model Line (Block Programming, Line) Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Support Ground Start Line Support Loop Start Line Support Tie Line Support Direct Inward System Access (DISA) Programming
9 Programming Intercom Numbers
Modifying Intercom Numbers
9.2 Adding Intercom Numbers Removing Intercom Numbers Renumbering Intercom Numbers
10 Pro
De f
ramming Call Costing and Station Message-
ail Accounting and Reporfs (SMDAISMDR Programming)
10.1 SMDA/SMDR Parameters
10.2 SMDA Reports
Account Codes (Forced, With Positive Verification)
10.4 Emergency Numbers
10.5 Authorization Code
Programming Toll Resfricfion
iv Table Of Contents
11.1 Toll Restriction Example 1
11.2 Toll Restriction Example 2
11.4 1 P .5 1 P .6
Toll Restriction Flow Diagram
Restriction Level Programming Toll Groups Programming Restricted Numbers Programming
11.7 Exception Number Programming
VDT Programming Instructions IMIW-111
12 Enabling Automatic Route Selection
12.1 Automatic Route Selection Diagram
ARS Enable
Line Groups for ARS
12.4 Route Tables (ARS
12.5 Costing Information (ARS)
12.6 Automatic Route Selection For Speed Dial Numbers
13 Selecting Sys tern Printouts (Printer Interface) 14 Programming For Peripheral Devices
14.1 Caller ID Programming
14.2 Tracker Paging System Programming
Digital Voice Announce Programming PC Attendant Position Programming
14.5 Voice Mail Programming
Modem Setup
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vi Table Of Contents
VDT Programming Instructions IMIhS-111
Understanding General
Programming Information
It is best that you program the DXP digital communications system from a video display terminal
(VDT) that supports the ANSI standard escape sequences for cursor and video control. The VDT must be a serial-data, RS-232 type, asynchronous device. The DXP system supports ANSI standard, ANSI color, and WYSE 50 terminals with full screen editing of database information. Other types of terminals use a line-by-line editing approach instead of a full screen editing approach and make programming harder to do.
You can employ a personal computer (PC) if it will run a communications software program that allows it to emulate a data terminal device (DTE equipment). Many communications software programs are
available for this purpose. One such program that works effectively is known as PROCOMM produced by Datastorm Technologies; however, you can use any that match the following data communications parameters:
0 full duplex,
0 XMODEM communication protocol (8 bit data required). Regardless of the type of programming terminal that you employ, connect it to the common equipment
data port per the discussion found in IMI66-085, Installation Instructions For The DXP Digital
Communications System Main Cabinet Assembly.
You can program the DXP digital communications system remotely using the following equipment:
0 a VDT or a PC and appropriate software program,
a pair of data modems (one for your terminal and one for the remote site).
Refer to GCA40-07.5, Feature Applications For The DXP Digital Communications System, for complete
remote programming details.
It is possible for you to mismatch the data configurations of your programming terminal (VDT) with
those of the DXP and prevent data communications from occurring. You can reconfigure your VDT
until you match the data parameters of the DXP; however, the DXCPU-68K board provides a DIP
switch that changes the DXP data configuration to a fixed set of parameters. You can match your VDT
to this fixed set of parameters and eliminate any configuration guess work. When you set DIP switch 1
to its ON position, you fix the DXP serial data ports to the following parameters: Parameter
Baud Rate In 9600 Baud Rate Out Data Bits Stop Bits Parity Bits
Flow control None
Data Port A
9600 300 8
Data Port B
When you set the DIP switch to OFF, you can program the DXP data port configuration parameters using the procedure detailed in Section 6.5, Serial Ports.
General Programming Information l-l
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General Programming Information
VDT Programming Instructions
IlW66-d 11
Reviewing General
Programming Considerations
Since the programming procedure is menu driven, you should consider all of the following points.
0 The menu presents a list of selections for your consideration. Each selection differs in content and
requires a different response.
0 When you respond to each selection, it either causes the system to present a further breakdown of
selections or causes a particular programming action to take place.
0 Menu lines prompt you for the required response and, where appropriate, will repeat prompts to
allow programming of more than one device without you having to make another menu selection.
0 All of the menus operate in a similar manner. They differ in only the required response that you
must make.
Some menus contain more than one page. On these menus, you can press and hold the CONTROL
key while you type the N key to display the next page (or type P to display the previous page).
@ Each prompt requires a response followed by a Carriage Return (RETURN). A more common label
for this control on most PC keyboards is ENTER.
Most menu responses usually consists of a one-, two-, or three-digit number or a string of numbers (or alpha-numeric characters when programming names and messages). Successive entries are separated by a space or a comma (n n n or n,nn,nnn) while blocks of numbers are indicated by hyphen (n-nnn).
Should programmers introduce a numbering conflict while renumbering a feature dialing code, the
system will prompt them to remove the conflict. They may have to renumber several features to
completely clear any conflicting numbers.
Programming Considerations 2-l
VDT Programming Instructions
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2-2 Programming Considerations
VDT Programming Instructions
Terminal Definrtions
/M&S-1 1 I
Understanding Keyboard And
The following list describes the functional keys on the keyboard.
Number keys: Use keys O-9 for selecting menu items, lines of data to edit, or
Alphabetic keys:
o Punctuation and Symbol keys:
Reviewing The Keyboard Definitions
for editing numeric prompts. Use keys A-Z and a-z for entering string information such as
names and messages. Always begin names of stations, lines, and
so forth with a letter or a space.
Either of these keys will return you to the previous command prompt and cancel whatever input was in progress. This action may or may not cause the previous screen to be redrawn depending on the current mode. When you enter a change at most of the programming menus, you must press the ESCAPE key and type a y followed by the ENTER key to save the change.
Except for comma (which is a field delimiter), use the punctuation and symbols on the keyboard just as you use the
alphabetic keys. Use this key to terminate the response to a command prompt or
to end the editing of a data field. The system ignores a RETURN without any preceding input except when you are editing database information. During this operation, the RETURN key moves the cursor to the next vertical editing position.
Tab Key:
@ Question mark (?):
The space bar steps through the choices for program selections that provide multiple choices.
Use this key during table editing to position the cursor to the next horizontal editing position.
This key will display any help available concerning the currently displayed screen.
Keyboard and Terminal Definitions 3-l
IMl66-111 VDT Programming Instructions
3.2 Reviewing The Control Key Definitions
The following list describes the control key functions. Unless otherwise noted, control keys are valid input at any time during programming.
0 Control C (C for Cancel):
Control E (E for Edit or Erase):
0 Control I (I for Increment):
Control N (N for Next):
0 Control P (P for Previous):
Control R (R for Redraw):
0 Control X (X for exit):
This key will cancel the current mode or function and return you to the last command prompt.
Use this key to edit a selected field or entry. On “smart” terminals, most fields will be automatically cleared when the
first character is entered. Some fields allow the you to add to the current entry. On these types of fields, Control E will clear the entry and position the cursor at the beginning of the field. You can also use this key to erase a field that has blanks for valid input such as an autodial number.
Use this key during table editing to position the cursor to the next horizontal editing position.
Use this key to switch to the next page of data for those database items that fill more that one screen. There will always be an on screen note when this key is valid.
This key is identical to the Control N key except that it displays the previous page of information.
When you press this key the system will redraw the current
screen display. Usually, you use this key when the terminal
display is configured in brief mode. Either of these keys will return you to the previous command
prompt and cancel whatever input was in progress. This action may or may not cause the previous screen to be redrawn
depending on the current mode. When you enter a change at
most of the programming menus, you must press the ESCAPE
key and type a y followed by the ENTER key to save the change.
0 Control S (S for Stop):
Control T (T for Top):
Use this key to stop printouts. Use this key to cancel whatever input was in progress and return
to the top level menu. The top level menu will always be redrawn.
0 Control V:
Use this key to turn the entry field prompting on or off.
3.3 Reviewing The Terminal Mode Definitions
Control A:
o Control D:
0 Control W:
3-2 Keyboard and Terminal Definitions
Use this key to cause the system to send and receive data to an ANSI style terminal.
Use this key to cause the system to send and receive data to a “dumb” terminal.
Use this key to cause the system to send and receive data to a Wyse 50 compatible terminal.
Reviewing The Command
Prompts and Error Reporting
4.1 Reviewina The Command Prompts
There are four different types of command prompts.
0 Menu Selection Prompt: Use this prompt to make a menu selection. The system requires a numeric
input and displays the valid range of numbers in the prompt that corresponds to the number of menu items displayed.
0 Edit Line Prompt: Use this prompt on database editing screens to get to the desired line number to
be edited. The system requires a numeric input and displays the valid range of numbers in the prompt that corresponds to the number of menu items displayed. Entering a RETURN (ENTER) at
this prompt will automatically select the first item.
Station, Line or Class Of Service Prompt: Use this prompt to get to the particular item or items that are to be edited. This prompt is waiting for numbers, a range of numbers, or names. You may specify a single item or multiple items separated by commas. Select a range of items by entering two numbers separated by a dash. The prompt shows the valid range of numbers but the system will accept names. The system accepts an item as a name if the first character is not a number. The system displays the database information of each item one at a time for viewing or editing. When you use the ESCAPE key to exit the database information screen, the system displays the next item in the list. When you use CONTROL C to exit the screen, all list processing stops and the prompt display returns. When you use CONTROL T to exit the screen, the system stops all list processing
and displays the top level menu.
Multiple Choice Question Prompt: This type of prompt asks a specific question concerning the
current screen or function and shows the valid responses. Enter these responses as a single character followed by a RETURN (ENTER).
Pressing unexpected keys (such as letters when only numbers are allowed) or entering an out-of-range
value at a prompt causes the keyboard alarm to sound. The system responds to other types of input errors by displaying an error message on the screen as soon as it detects the error. If the system detects a value-out-of-range error, and if the valid range is not currently shown in the display, the error message includes the valid range of values for reference.
There is one circumstance for which the system does not report an entry error and this is when you are listing items at a station, line or COS prompt. In this case, the system processes valid items in the list up to the first invalid item that it encounters. It does not report the encountered invalid item as an error.
Reporting Errors
Command Prompts and Error Reports 41
IMl66- 111
VDT Programming Instructions
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4-2 Command Prompts and Error Reports

Performing The VDT Programming

Once successfully entered, the programming mode causes the VDT to display a welcoming menu. From the welcoming menu, type I S 7 4 6 S (note that you must type a Capital I ), and then press ENTER to display the main programming menu.
REV xxx
Note that the main menu shows
the latest sojiware release number.
From the main programming menu, choose the type of programming that is required.
choice and press ENTER.
Main Menu
1. System
2. Stations
3. Lines
4. Intercom Numbers
6. Toll / ARS
7. Printouts
8. Diagnostics
9. Peripherals
10. Logout
Enter Selection (l-9):
Type the number of the
Programming S-1
Reviewing The Programming Progression
Program the system in the sequence
shown in the following flow diagram.
Determine system programming
parameters. Record them for future
reference in IMI66-110 Records Chart
For The DXP Digital Communications
Turn on AC power to
system and to YDT.
Press ENTER key. (VD’I
displays program title as shown on previous page]
Perform MASTER CLEAR procedure.
(Initial installation procedure only! This action
initializes system prior to programming and clears
all memory.)
procedure*. (Sets time
displayed at LCD
speakerphones to current
* Set the system clock even
LCD speakerphones are used.
If analog telephones or consoles are employed, use
TELEPHONE TYPES procedure to identify
telephone types to station ports. If digital stations
are installed, they automatically identify themselves
to ports at power up; however, if they are not
installed until after power up,use TELEPHONE
TYPES procedure to identify them to the ports.
Program System, Line,
Station COS, and Station
Features in any order desired
and on an as needed basis.
if no
5-2 VDT Programming
VDT Programming Instructions
I 1
Default Functional Programming ............. 6.1
VDTDisplay Configurations (Terminal Setup) ....... 6.2
Database Storage ................... 6.4
Serial Port (Serial Data Port Parameters) ......... 6.5
Subdued Off-Hook Voice Announce
(SOHVA) Programming ................ 6.6
Speed Dial Programming ................ 6.7
System Clock (Time and Date) ............. 6.8
System Timing
System Features
System Parameters ................. 6.10
Paging Programming ................ 6.11
Password Programming (Change Password) ....... 6.12
Feature Renumbering ................
System Feature Programming 6-l
VDT Programming Instructions
Default Functional Programming
6.1.1 Master Clear
The master clear feature in an on-line procedure that returns the entire system to the default
operating parameters, clears all stored speed dial numbers, and clears any other custom
programming as well. Master clear is not part of the off-line PCMMI programming procedure.
The system takes 15 to 20 seconds to exercise a master clear command depending upon the system size. You can take one of three different master clear options.
With master clear mode 1 option, the system assumes a set of parameters that reflect a key
system arrangement. This means that multiline telephones, except stations 101 and 102, receive direct line appearances in their button maps but have no group intercoms assigned to their hunt
lists. Stations 101 and 102 have four group intercom numbers assigned to their hunt lists and are button mapped accordingly. With master clear mode 2 option, the system assumes a set of parameters that reflect a hybrid,
or PBX-like, system arrangement. This means that multiline telephones have no direct line
appearances in their button maps; however, they do have two unique group intercoms assigned
to their button maps and to their hunt lists. With master clear mode 3 option, the system assumes a set of parameters, that does not map any
station buttons, assigns no group intercom access or personal intercom numbers to the stations,
and disables both zone and all-call paging features.
You can only exercise the master clear when you enter the programming session with
the installer password;
the same as the installer password thus giving master clear privileges to the
administrator as well. Refer to Section 6.12, Password Programming to customize the
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. Select master clear and press ENTER.
5. Type y or n (yes or no) to confirm master clear; press ENTER.
6. Select system default mode (1 = mode 1,2 = mode 2,3 = mode 3) and press ENTER.
however, in a defaulted system, the administrator password is
6-2 System Feature Programming
VDT Programming Instructions
Central Processor Unit Switched Master Clear
Description: When following the installation procedures for software replacement as described in publication
Card and SojIware Upgrade Card,
and replace the memory card. If you do not master clear the system, it is possible the DXP will not perform properly with the new memory card. The DXCPU-68K board provides a method for the master clear to occur automatically at the initial power up after you have changed or upgraded the software card. When you perform an upgrade, you must execute the following
sequence of events exactly as they are stated here:
Programming: 1. Save the system data base. This step is critical. Refer to Section 6.4, Database Storage
for programming details.
2. Turn off the AC power to the DXP and replace the memory card on the DXCPU-68K board. Refer to IMI89-095 for mechanical details.
3. Set DIP switch 8 to its ON position. This step enables the DXP to perform the
master clear and is a required step; otherwise, the software upgrade will not occur.
4. Install the DXCPU-68K board and new software card in the DXP, and turn on the
AC power. The DXP automatically executes a master clear operation.
5. After system powers up, set DIP switch 8 to its OFF position, and restore the data base
using the Section 6.4 procedure.
NOTE: The system performs the automatic master clear once following the initial power up after you
Installation Instructions DXP Digital Communications System Expanded Memory
you are told to save the data base, master clear the system,
have up-graded the software. It will not pe$orm an automatic master clear operation again after subsequent power ups.
System Feature Programming 6-3
VDT Programming Instructions
6.1.2 System Default
Description: The system default sets the system configuration features to the default operating parameters.
When the system default is performed, certain programmed data, such as custom LCD messages
and system speed dial numbers, are lost.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select system and press ENTER.
5. Type y to confirm default or n to deny.
6.1.3 Class Of Service Default
Description: There are 32 station class of service (COS) feature sets or grouping of features. Each set can
have differently configured features. This default programming returns one or all station COS
sets to the default configured parameters.
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From the main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From the system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From the defaults menu, select station COS and press ENTER.
5. Type l-32 to enter class of service to be defaulted. Enter the numbers for the COS sets to be defaulted (n,n,nn) or enter a range of numbers (n-nn).
6.1.4 Station Default
Description: Each station can have individually configured operating features. The station default sets the
configuration of these features to the default parameters. Personal speed dial numbers and autodial numbers are cleared with the station default action.
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select stations and press ENTER.
5. Type intercom number or station name.
6-4 System Feature Programming
VDT Programming Instructions
fMl66-I 11
Button Map Default
Every programmable button at each telephone connected to the system provides line selection, direct station selection, or other functions. Programming action for a particular station assigns a function to each button. Unique button function assignment, known as button mapping, at each
station is possible. This default erases all unique button function assignments.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select button maps and press ENTER.
5. Type intercom number or station name.
6.1.6 Line Default
Each line can have individually configured operating conditions. The line default sets these conditions to the default parameters.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select lines and press ENTER.
5. Type line port number (l- 128) or name.
6. Enter the numbers for the lines to be defaulted (n,n,nn) or enter a range of numbers (n-nnn).
6.1.7 Tables Default
Various system-wide operating features depend upon tables of information to control their parameters. These tables are programmable to let the features match a broad range of site requirements. This table default procedure resets the following programmable tables to the
default conditions: SOHVA tables, toll restriction tables, ARS route tables, modify digits tables, and account code verify tables.
Remember, the system erases all programmed entries when you take this defaulting action.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select tables and press ENTER.
5. Type y to confirm default or n to deny.
Sys tern Feature Programming 6-5
6.1.8 DID Translation Table, Default
Description: If you have programmed translation tables for DID use (Section 8.4.4, DID Translation Table
Programming), you can clear them with this procedure.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select DID translation table and press ENTER.
5. Type DID table number (l-4) and press ENTER.
6. Repeat step 5 until finished.
Press ESCAPE to end.
6.1.9 Clear Svstem Status Loa
Description: If you have enabled system status reporting (Section 6.10.6, System Status Reporting) at a
station, you can turn off its status light by using this procedure. Use the Section 13 procedure to view the status report before turning off the light at the status reporting station.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select clear system status log and press ENTER.
Press ESCAPE to end.
6-6 Sys tern Feature Programming
VDT Programming Instructions
6.1.10 Voice Prompts/Programming Default
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
Description: You must match the system to the type of VDT that you use to program it.
If your system includes a Digital Voice Announcer (DVA) you can use the following procedure to clear voice messages, the translation digits, and the voice analysis report of all existing information. Refer to Section 14.3.3, Programming for DVA Operation, for the programming discussion about these features.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select voice prompts/programming and press ENTER.
5. Type letter code for DVA feature to be defaulted.
6. Press ESCAPE to end.
Terminal Setup (VDT Display Configurations)
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select terminal setup and press ENTER.
4. From terminal setup menu, type selection (l-4) for terminal choice.
5. Press SPACE bar to change or ENTER to maintain.
6. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
7. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
System Feature Programming 6-7
6.3 Messaging
6.3. I LCD Messaging
Programming: To enable feature for class of service,
This procedure enables a class of service messaging feature. It allows station users to set a message at their stations that will be displayed on calling LCD speakerphones. You can use the
second part of this procedure to program the actual LCD messages. Alternately, The attendant can program the LCD messages using procedures found in the attendant guide. Also refer to Section
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
3. From stations menu, select COS programming and press ENTER.
4. Type class of service number (l-32) and press ENTER.
5. From COS programming menu Type item number for feature and press ENTER.
6. Press SPACE bar for feature setting.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each COS or press ESCAPE to end.
To program LCD Messages,
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
4. From LCD messages menu, type selection (l-10) and press ENTER.
5. Type message and press ENTER. Message can be 16 characters long.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all messages. Press CONTROL N for more LCD message lines.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
63.2, Message Deposit.
6-6 System Feature Programming
Turn message on: press INTERCOM, dial S 02, then dial message code ( 01 through 30) #.
Turn Message off: press INTERCOM, dial # 02.
VDT Programming Instructions
/M/66-1 11
6.3.2 Message Deposit (Response Messaging)
Description: This procedure enables a class of service messaging feature that allows station users to call an
LCD speakerphone and arrange for a message to be left on its display. The message is for the called party to read if she or he is unable to answer the caller.
can use the procedure detailed in Section
themselves if they need the button.
for details about programming the LCD messages that can be deposited. Also, you
7.3, SquareBVonsquare System-Button Mapping By
to assign a Response Message button to the telephone; however, users can do this for
Refer to Section 6.3.1, ECD
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
3. From stations menu, select COS programming and press ENTER.
4. Type class of service number (l-32) and press ENTER.
5. From COS programming menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each COS or press ESCAPE to end.
6.3.3 Message Waiting (Message Wait Originate)
Desctiption: When you enable this feature, a station user can dial a feature code to control the message
waiting light at another station.
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
3. From stations menu, select COS programming and press ENTER.
4. Type class of service number (l-32) and press ENTER.
5. From COS programming menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
6. Press SPACE bar for feature setting.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each COS or press ESCAPE to end.
Operation: Turn message waiting light on: press INTERCOM, dial X 3.
Turn message waiting light off: press INTERCOM, dial # 3.
System Feature Programming 6-9
VDT Programming Instructions
6.4 Database Storage
6.4.1 Save/Restore Database
Description: This feature will save a database externally from the DXP and restore it after you have turned
the DXP off and upgraded the operating system software. Also, you can use this feature anytime to back up the stored programming as a security measure. Employ a personal computer with an XMODEM communications program to store the database on a magnetic diskette and reload it from the diskette after software upgrades. The saved and reloaded database includes the following data: system information, station parameters, line parameters, toll restriction and
automatic route selection parameters, and system speed dial numbers but it does not include the SMDA/SMDR records. If you need these SMDABMDR records, you must make a printout of
them before you perform the database storage. This is necessary because this save/restore
feature does not record the stored records and they will be lost. Use the Section 13, Selecting
System Printouts,
software upgrade considerations.
NOTE: This programming procedure details steps that one follows when using the communications
software program known as PROCOMM (produced by Datastonn Technologies). If you are using a different communications software, your steps may be different.
During programming, the system stores feature data at several places in its database. To ensure that a database save procedure includes all of a feature’s stored data, the system saves the entire database whenever you perform the save/restore database programming procedure.
procedure for this purpose. Also refer to Section 6.4.2,
Soj?ware Upgrade,
Programming: To save the database,
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select save/restore database menu and press ENTER.
4. Type item number for save database and press ENTER.
5. Press page-down button.
6. Type prompted number to choose XMODEM protocol.
7. Type name of file where database is to be stored, and press ENTER.
Database save is automatic.
8. To quit, press ESCAPE. To restore the database,
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select save/restore database menu and press ENTER.
4. Type item number for restore database and press ENTER,
5. Press page-up button.
6. Type prompted number to choose XMODEM protocol.
7. Type name of file where database is stored and press ENTER. Database restore is automatic.
8. To quit, press ESCAPE.
6-70 System Feature Programming
VDT Programming Instructions
1111116611 d
Software Upgrade
This feature will save a database internally within the memory of the DXP and restore that database after you have turned the DXP off and upgraded the operating system software. Saving the database in this manner eliminates the need for a personal computer with an XMODEM communications program to translate the database between software upgrades. The
saved and reloaded database includes all of the following data: system information, station
parameters, line parameters, toll restriction and automatic route selection parameters, and
system speed dial numbers but it does not include the SMDABMDR records. If you need these SMDABMDR records, you must make a printout of them before you can perform the database storage. This is necessary because this save/restore feature overwrites the current stored records and they will be lost. Use the Section 6.13,
For this procedure to work properly, the system must include the expanded memory card (DXRAM-EXP68K). If the system has the standard memory card (DXRAM-STD68K), you should use the procedures detailed in Sections 6.1.1, Master Clear, and 6.4.7, Save/Restore Database.
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select default and press ENTER.
4. From default menu, select onboard software upgrade and press ENTER.
5. Type y for yes or n for no to respond to prompt concerning SMDABMDR records.
6. After the system saves the database, turn off the AC power to the system, upgrade the operating software, and turn the AC power back on. The system will automatically reload the saved database into the upgraded operating software and log out of the programming mode.
NOTE: The system will take an additional two to three minutes to power up after it receives ACpower
because of the time requiredfor the database restore processing.
Feature Renumbering,
procedure for this purpose.
System Feature Programming 6-1 I
IMl66-111 VDT Programming hstructions
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
Serial Ports (Serial Data Port Parameters)
The DXP provides two main serial data ports on the CPU board. In addition, it provides four
auxiliary serial ports on each DXOPT-COM communications card that your installer adds to each DXAUX auxiliary circuit board. Since a DXAUX board accepts two DXOPT-COM cards and the system accepts two DXAUX boards, the DXP can provide a maximum of 16 auxiliary serial data ports. Coupled with the two main serial data ports, the system provides a total of 18 serial data ports. Every serial data port provides an RS-232 interface that you can use for such things as VDT and data printer connection. The system recognizes the serial data ports by unique number identifiers. The main serial data ports are 1 and 2, and the serial data ports on the first DXAUX board are 3-6 (upper slot) and 7-10 (lower slot). The serial data ports on the second DXAUX board are 11-14 (upper slot) and 15-18 (lower slot). The port numbering of the auxiliary serial data ports are fixed. This means that if the system provides only one DXOPT-COM located in the lower slot on the first DXAUX board, the auxiliary serial data ports are 7-10. Use this procedure to set the data communications parameters of the serial data ports. The serial data parameters that you set using this procedure remain in effect until you reprogram them. The settings will not change even if you perform a master clear of the system unless you use the
switched master clear method detailed in Section 6.1, Central Processor Unit Switched Muster Clear. With that procedure, the system also defaults its serial data ports.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select serial ports and press ENTER.
4. From serial ports menu, type item number for main port or for auxiliary port and press ENTER.
5. From serial port type menu, select the serial port number and press ENTER.
6. Press SPACE bar for feature setting
7. Press TAB for next parameter.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all parameters.
9. Press ENTER to accept settings.
10. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
11. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
12. Press ESCAPE to end.
6-72 System feature Programming
VDT Programming Instructions
Subdued Off-Hook Voice Announce
(SOHVA) Programming
6.6. I Busy On SOHVA
Description: At default, the system returns a ring back tone to users who make SOHVA calls to busy
stations; however, this procedure allows you to arrange for telephone users to receive a busy signal instead of the ring back tone. This feature lets non-LCD telephone users know that a called station is busy.
Press CONTROL T for main menu.
From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
From stations menu, select station programming and press ENTER.
Type personal intercom number or previously assigned name and press ENTER.
From station programming menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
Press SPACE BAR for feature setting and press ENTER.
When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER. Repeat steps 4-8 for each station or press ESCAPE to end.
6.6.2 SOHVA Beeps (SOHVA Tone Bursts)
Description: You can choose the number of tone bursts that each telephone user hears preceding a SOHVA
message to be from one to six.
Programming: 1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select station and press ENTER.
3. From stations menu, select station programming and press ENTER.
4. Type personal intercom number or previously assigned name for station and press ENTER.
5. From station programming menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
6. Type choice (l-6) and press ENTER.
7. Press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
9. Repeat steps 4-9 for each station or press ESCAPE to end.
System Feature Programming 6-13
VDT Programming Instructions
SOHVA calling groups control the pattern in which station ports receive and/or originate SOHVA calls to one another. You must first form the SOHVA groups and then assign the groups to individual stations. Use the Section 7.2.18,
groups to individual stations.
Form the SOHVA groups with this procedure.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select SOHVA table and press ENTER.
4. Type t, r, c to select transmit or receive group or to clear SOHVA table and press ENTER.
5. Type 1-16 ENTER to select SOHVA group for programming.
6. Type SOHVA groups (1-16) to receive from or transmit to selected SOHVA group. Enter the numbers for the groups to be assigned (n,n,nn) or enter a range of numbers
(for example, n-nn) to set.
7. Press ENTER and repeat steps 5 and 6.
8. When finished, press ESCAPE.
9. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
EXAMPLE: As illustrated in the following menu, programming action enables group 12 to
transmit to groups 3, 5 and 7. System default enables each group to transmit
and receive with itself and enables group 16 to transmit and receive with all groups.
SOHVA Groups,
procedure to assign
SOHVA Receive
12 3 4 5 61 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
lo......... * . . . . . *
11..........* . . - .*
12.. *. *. * . . . . * . . . *
13............ * . . *
14.............* .*
k * 3~ ,c * 3~ * ?T * * * * * * *
Use this procedure to assign stations to SOHVA groups.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
3. From stations menu, select station programming and press ENTER.
4. Type personal intercom number or previously assigned name and press ENTER.
5. Select SOHVA groups and press ENTER.
6. Type group number O-16 (n,n,nn or n-nn) and press ENTER.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each station or press ESCAPE to end.
6-14 System Feature Programming
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