Comdial DXP General System Description Service Manual 10A

DXP, DXP Plus, and Impact FX
General Description for the Common Code Base Software
Feature Set 13A
The information in this publication is applicable for software feature set 13A.
GCA40–207.02 11/99 Printed in U.S.A.
Comdial®strives to design the features in our communications systems to be fully interactive with one another. However, this is not always possible, as the combinations of accessories and features are too varied and extensive to insure total feature compatibility.
Accordingly, some features identified in this publication will not operate if some other feature is activated. Comdial disclaims allliability relating tofeature non-compatibility or associated in any waywith problems which may be encountered by incompatible features. Notwithstanding anything contained in this publication to the contrary, Comdial makes no representation herein as to the compatibility of features.
Table Of Contents GCA40–207
Introducing Software Release 13A .......................1
Introducing The Software Release ...........................................1
Detailing Hardware And Software Considerations For The DXP System.............2
Detailing The Hardware Considerations ....................................2
Detailing The Software Considerations.....................................2
Explaining Software Release 13A Features ....................3
Argentina National Network Support.........................................3
New Features .........................................................3
Feature Enhancements ..................................................5
Button Mapping Enhancement ..............................................7
Call Forward Outside System (CFOS) Enhancements............................7
Call Park Enhancement ...................................................7
COS Time Of Day Routing.................................................8
Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Enhancement ....................................8
Delayed Hot Line Operation................................................9
E911 Line Type
Enhanced Ringing......................................................10
(FX Series only)............................................9
Holidays ............................................................10
Enhanced Ringing Days and Ringing Modes ...............................10
Enhanced Ringing Devices .............................................11
Hookswitch Timer And Pulse Dial Timer Programmed Per IST Board .............11
Impact Telephone New Model Support ......................................12
Impact SCS Large Screen Display Speakerphone............................12
Bridged Console......................................................13
Impact SCS IST Module ...............................................13
LCD Support Of Multi-Lingual Display......................................15
Loop-Start Line Board With Call Metering (DXP and DXP Plus only) .............15
MF-DID/EM Line Board Support (FX Series only) ............................15
Services Board Chip Change (DXP only) ....................................16
Station Message Detail Reporting (SDR) Enhancements.........................16
Station Speed Dial Enhancement ...........................................17
System Speed Dial Enhancement17
Toll Restriction Override ..............................................17
LCD Digit Display Inhibit .............................................17
VMMI Backwards Compatibility Enhancement ...............................17
Opening Database Files ................................................18
Table Of Contents iii
GCA40–207 Table Of Contents
Translating Database Files..............................................18
Creating New Database Files ...........................................18
Programming The 13A Features........................20
Upgrading The DXP Software .............................................20
Converting The DXP Database ..........................................21
Translating An Earlier DXP Database To A Common Code Base Database .......21
Master Clearing The DXP System........................................22
Upgrading The DXP Plus Software .........................................23
Upgrading the Impact FX Software .........................................24
Using The System Software Key.........................................24
Enabling The Impact FX System Software .................................25
iv Table Of Contents
Introducing the Software Release GCA40–207
Introducing the Software
Introducing the Software Release
Software release 13A contains new features and feature enhancements designed to make the common code base (CCB) systems—the DXP, DXP Plus, and Impact FX Systems— easier for end users to use.
CCB began with software release 10A and provides a uniformity of features across the spectrum of digital communications system platforms. While hardware capacities may limit feature availability for some CCB systems, the CCB software is completely compatible for all system models. The software changes and additions are as follows:
Argentina National Network Support
Button Mapping Enhancement
Call Forward Outside System (CFOS) Enhancements
Call Park Enhancement
— Additional Orbits COS Time Of Day Routing
Direct Inward Dialing Enhancement
— DID/DNIS Translation Table Modification
Database Translation
Delayed Hot Line Operation
E911 Line Type (Impact FX only)
Enhanced Ringing
Hookswitch Timer And Pulse Dial Timer Programmed Per IST Board
Impact SCS Telephone New Model Support
— Large Screen LCD Speakerphone — Bridged Console — IST Module
LCD Support Of Multi-lingual Displays
Loop-Start Line Board With Call Metering (DXP and DXP Plus only)
MF-DID/EM Line Board Support (Impact FX only)
Services Board Chip Change (DXP only)
Station Message Detail Reporting Enhancements
Station Speed Dial Enhancement
— Adding Pauses To Numbers With Intercom Preselects System Speed Dial Enhancements
— Toll Restriction Overrride — LCD Digit Display Inhibit
Introducing the Software Release – 1
GCA40–207 Introducing the Software Release
Detailing Hardware and Software Considerations for the DXP System
Detailing the Hardware Considerations
The DXP system must be operating on a DXCPU–68K CPU board. The 13A software release is not compatible with systems using a DXCPU–186 CPU board found in earlier DXP systems.
If you are upgrading a DXP system to 13A from software 9C or earlier, you must use the DXPSW–DLRP package. In addition to the 13A software card, this package includes the following items that you must install as part of the software upgrade:
new cabinet labeling for board configurations,
new Random Access Memory (RAM) card (DXRAM–EXPC),
VMMI programming software.
If you are upgrading a DXP system to 13A from software 10A or later, you may only need to change the software card (DXPSW–DLRC) on the existing DXRAM–EXPC Random Access Memory (RAM) memory card; however, since the release of software revision 13A for the DXP digital communications system requires a revision B DXRAM–EXPC memory card, you may also need to upgrade the memory card in your system to revision B.
If your DXP should still include a revision A memory card, you must install an DXRAM–UPC upgrade kit to convert it into a revision B card at the time you upgrade the system software to 13A. The DXRAM–UPC kit includes two memory chips (integrated circuit components) and an upgrade label.
NOTE: The DXRAM-UPC kit is not available through normal supply distribution channels. You can
obtain the DXRAM kit through Comdial Distributor Sales by calling 1-800-669-2663 and speaking with a Distributor Sales representative.
Detailing the Software Considerations
The PCMMI (off-line) programming procedure is no longer available with 13A software. A
windows-based, Visual Man-Machine Interface (VMMI) programming system with help files now replaces the PCMMI.
The DXP database must be at least revision 9A before you can translate it to 13A. You can use the 9A
revision of the PCMMI programming software to up-load your current DXP database and then down-load it to a data storage area—such as your computer’s hard drive—as a revision 9A database.* You must then use the new VMMI feature to translate this stored 9A data into an 13A database before you load it back into the system.
The PC Attendant Position software must be at least revision 5A. (You must up-grade the software in
your PC Attendant to this level to be compatible with the 13A software release.*) It is a good practice to up-grade the PC Attendant Position computer to contain at least 2 megabytes of RAM memory. While this may not be necessary for every installation, up-grading to 2 megabytes of RAM memory ensures that the PC Attendant Position functions properly under all conditions.
*Remember, you can download the latest VMMI, and PC Attendant software from the Comdial Technical Services Bulletin Board by calling 1-804-978-2583 or from the World Wide Web at:
2 – Detailing Hardware and Software Considerations for the DXP System
Explaining Software Release 13A Features GCA40–207
Explaining Software Release 13A Features
Argentina National Network Support
Software release 13A includes modifications necessary to support E1/R2 functionality on the Argentina National Network. Included are both new features and modifications to existing features as needed. Although these changes satisfy Argentina requirements, the feature additions and enhancements are applicable for all location codes.
New Features
CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION () provides the network with a means of identifying the calling party. This feature is supported with three modes of operation: default number only, station number only, or default number with station number.
Default Number
out pulsed on the network. Typically, this is the main switchboard number for a business using the system. Different businesses using one system are able to assign different default numbers if they use separate E1 network connections.
Station Number
pulsed on the network. Typically, this is the extension of the station placing the call.
Default and Station Numbe
number, followed by the station number is out pulsed to the network. Typically the installer selects this mode when it is necessary to send the office code for the network connection, followed by the extension of the station placing the call.
—When the installer selects the default number only, a programmable network ID is
—When the installer selects the station number, a programmable station ID is out
r—When the installer selects the default and station number, the default
OPEN DIGIT DIALING MODE is a protocol used on lines to indicate to the network when the caller has completed dialing. Locations which do not have a uniform dialing plan (a specific number of digits for national directory numbers) typically use this mode. The system uses the open digit dialing mode to respond to a request from the network for a digit while listening for directory number and CLID digits. The central office (CO) signaling protocol determines the open digit dialing mode. The system supports three modes: compelled, semi-compelled and pulsed.
This tone remains on until the system responds with an appropriate tone. When the installer selects the compelled mode, the system responds to the digit request by sending a digit, or a tone that indicates no more digits are available. When the network receives the system’s response, it removes the request tone and the call progresses.
—In the compelled mode, the network sends an MF tone to the system to request a digit.
Argentina National Network Support – 3
GCA40–207 Explaining Software Release 13A Features
Semi-Compelled—In the semi-compelled mode, the network sends an MF tone to the system to request a digit. The MF tone remains on until the system responds with an appropriate tone, or a network timer expires. When the installer selects the semi-compelled mode, the system responds to the digit request by sending a digit, or by letting the network time out if no more digits are available. When the network receives the system’s response or times out, it removes the request tone and the call progresses.
—In the pulsed mode, the network sends an MF tone to the system to request a digit. It sends this tone for a short duration and then removes it. When the installer selects the pulsed mode, the system responds to the digit request by waiting until the tone is removed, and then sending a digit, or a tone indicating that no more digits are available. When the network receives the response, the call progresses.
FORCE RELEASE TIME is the time period during which a network can release a line before the communications system sets the line to an idle state. In some locations, the network requires the system to maintain a busy state on a line when the outside party hangs up. This is to allow the network sufficient time to prepare its resources for another call. Typically, the network sets the line to an idle state when its resources are ready and the system responds to this action by also setting the line to an idle state. In these locations, protocol requires the system to force the line to an idle state if the network does not set the line to an idle state within a specific time period. If the network does not return the line to an idle state within the force release time period, the system sets the line to an idle state. The network will typically respond by setting the line to an idle state, or to an out of service state. If the network sets the line to an out of service state, the system also sets the line to an out of service state and prevent further access to the line until the network places the line back in service.
CO DISCONNECT RESPONSE allows the installer to select the station response to a CO disconnect on a DID call. Typically, it is desirable to have a station return to an idle condition when the system receives a positive disconnect signal from the network. This action makes the station immediately available for another call. However, the Argentina National Network requires that a station receive an audible indication when the outside party goes on-hook. To meet this requirement, software release 13A adds an option that allows the installer to select the station response to a CO disconnect on a DID call. One option is to release the line and have the station return to idle. The other option is to return the station to the intercom state and give error tone to the station. The station continues to give error tone until it’s user places it on hook or the intercom mode timer expires.
TRANSMIT METERING MODE allows the installer to select the type of transmit metering that is in effect. Some locations allow both inbound (DID) calls and outbound (DOD) calls over the same line and it is possible that metering may be required for calls in one direction and not in the other. The service provider may require the system to transmit a metering pulse to the network on DID calls and receive a metering pulse from the network for DOD calls.
QUIET DIALING, when enabled, mutes the receiver path while the caller dials digits to make a call. The system reestablishes the receiver path after: (a) the dialing complete timer times out, (b) the called party answers the call, or (c) the system makes a match to a toll table entry.
4 – Argentina National Network Support
Explaining Software Release 13A Features GCA40–207
Feature Enhancements
To support the Argentina National Network compatibility testing, software release 13A enhances several existing features. These features include: Call Metering, Call Category, and Call Costing.
CALL METERING may be necessary for calls in one direction and not the other. This is because some locations allow inbound (DID) and outbound (DOD) traffic on the same E1/R2 lines. The network may need the system to transmit a meter pulse on DID calls and may need the system to receive a meter pulse from the network on DOD calls. To prepare for this need,
the line programming option in the VMMI program application, presents a Receive Metering Mode
choice. This programming choice is applicable to all DOD calls on that line,
The DID Block Options programming option presents a Transmit Metering Mode choice. This
setting is applicable to all DID calls for lines in the DID block.
The digital communications system supports three metering modes: Answer, Clear-Back, and C-Bit; , however, a single network connection can only support one mode of metering. Therefore, if metering is necessary for both DID and DOD calls, installers must select the same mode for transmit metering and receive metering. If they choose different modes for DID and DOD calls, the receive metering (DOD) takes precedent.
CATEGORY support for the Argentina National Network requires three additional categories. These categories are: Maintenance, Metered and Operator. The specific function of these category types is determined by the network.
CALL COSTING is based on the fact that the E1/R2 protocol for Argentina provides signaling to indicate when the user initiates a toll free or collect DOD call. If the network confirms either of these call types after the user completes dialing, the SMDA reports for the call will have no cost associated with the duration of the call.
System Programming
Many of the parameters that are required to support E1/R2 lines in Argentina, as well as other locations, are applicable per network connection rather than per individual lines. To accommodate this, software release 13A adds a programming interface that allows installers to select several parameters per E1 board.
Additionally, software 13A adds other options to the line and DID block options programming interface that supports the Argentina National Network compatibility.
E1 Board Programming
Although E1 board programming is initially introduced to support the Argentina National Network compatibility effort, the programming interface for E1 boards is applicable for any location code. One result of adding board programming capabilities for E1 boards is the relocation of certain programming choices from the line programming interface to the E1 board programming interface. This relocation eases the programming burden when default settings are not acceptable.
Argentina National Network Support – 5
GCA40–207 Explaining Software Release 13A Features
In addition to the items moved from the line programming interface, the E1 board programming includes the Calling Line ID (CLID) Mode. This E1 board programing choice has the following selections available: None, Default Number, Station Number, or Default and Station Number. If installers select Default Number, they must then enter a digit string of up to 16 digits. If installers selects Station Number, the system uses the value that they set for the station programming feature titled Outbound Calling Number ID.
R2 MFC Line Programming
The software release 13A adds new features to the R2 MFC line programming interface to support functionality on the Argentina National Network
Open Digit Dialing Mode
—This option is included in line programming and allows installers to select
one of three operating modes: compelled, semi-compelled and pulsed.
Force Release Time
—This option is added to the line programming interface to allow installers to select the time period that the system must wait before forcing an idle condition on a R2 MFC line. The values range from 1 second, typically used for locations which do not require a force to idle functionality, to Never for locations which do not allow the CPE to force an idle condition.
In addition, the 13A software changes the line programming feature titled Metering Mode to one titled Receive Metering Mode to more accurately describe the option function, and the software alters the programming choices to match the receive mode.
DID Block Programming
The 13A software release adds two options to the DID Block Programming interface.
Transmit Metering Mode
—This feature is now part of the DID Block Options programming interface
and provides applicable programming choices for the transmit mode.
CO Disconnect Response
—This new DID Block Options programming interface feature allows
installers to select the station response to a CO disconnect.
The 13A software release adds three categories to the current line programming Call Category selection: Maintenance, Metered, and Operator.
Call Costing
No changes to the programming interface are required for the call costing feature enhancement. If the toll free or collect call signaling is received by the communications system, the SMDA printouts reports a cost equal to the route surcharge that the installer programs through the Toll/ARS programming interface.
6 – Argentina National Network Support
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