Comdial DX-80 Installation Manual

DX-80 Technical Manua
Volume I
DX-80 Technical Manual
Volume II
Copyright © 2003 Comdial Corporation
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is
Comdial Corporation
106 Cattleman Road, Sarasota, FL 34232
(941) 554-5000 or (800) 266-3425
Comdial reserves the right to make any
changes and improvements in the product
described in this document at any time and
without prior notice.
DX-80, PC-DBA, and DET are trademarks of Comdial Corporation. All other product names are trademarks of their
respective owners.
First Edition
October, 2003
DX-80 Programming Manual
Version Changes Date
01 Initial version 10-31-2003
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DX-80 Programming Manual


This manual describes how to set up the database and related settings of the DX-80 system once you have installed it. It also contains procedures covering how to modify an existing system’s program­ming.
This manual is intended to provide:
• basic knowledge of the functions and features of the DX-80 hardware and software
• step-by-step procedures for programming the DX-80 database, either on or off site.

Audience Description

This manual is intended for persons who:
• plan for, install, and program hardware and software in support of telecommunications switching systems, using the Comdial DX-80 switch and analog and digital phones.
• maintain and update such phone systems on a day-to-day basis.
• support their onsite client base.
This manual assumes:
• knowledge of the telephony industry, in particular small PBX switches and telephones.
• familiarity with personal computer hardware and software, including modems, and the Microsoft DOS operating environment (applicable to using PC-DBA only).
You should:
• read this manual in normal reading sequence before starting this programming task.
• refer to this manual as necessary while performing programming, servicing, and upgrading tasks.

Related Publications

This manual refers you to related publications, when appropriate, for additional information.
DX-80 Technical Manual, Volume 1, Installation and Maintenance, part number IMI72-001.

Conventions Used in this Manual

Many of the procedures require you to enter settings or to choose from a list of variables. To signify when you are to act upon an item, parameter, button, etc. we italicize the name of the item being acted upon. For example, the following sentences instruct you to press a specific key on your keyboard.
• Press Enter.
• Press Esc.
• Press Page Up or Page Down.
• Press and hold the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously.
In contrast, the following sentence instructs you to type in a required response; notice the word “Enter” when used in this way is not italicized because you are not pushing a specific key name.
• Enter the value you want to use for this feature.
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Similarly, when you select a menu option, we italicize the name of the menu item because you are required to take the action of choosing it, even though the item may not appear in italics on the system menu or display.
• Use the arrow keys to highlight Programming and press Enter.
At other times in the manual, we discuss prompts that the system displays to you. In these cases, we enclose the exact wording of the prompt in quotation marks to signify that the system is, in essence, speaking to you.
• The system prompts, “Enter your password now.”
If the system is actually playing a recording aloud, we enclose the exact wording of the prompt in quo­tation marks and italics to signify that the system is in actually speaking to you.
• The system says, “You have no more new messages.”
Italics and quotes are also of course used in their normal contexts, that is, for emphasis and to identify what words are spoken.
• This is called a hot transfer, that is, the system transfers the call without ringing the extension.
There are times when this manual will instruct you to enter a number from within a range of numbers. In this instance, we use the “~ “ character to indicate the range. For example, 05-01-1~3-001~100 tells you to enter:
• 05
• 01
• a 1, 2, or 3,
• a three-digit number that falls in the 001 to 100 range.
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DX-80 Programming Manual
Audience Description ..................................................................................................v
Related Publications ...................................................................................................v
Conventions Used in this Manual ...............................................................................v
Chapter 1. Overview
1.1 Programming Methods ...................................................................................... 19
1.2 Upgrading an Existing System .......................................................................... 21
1.3 Programming a New System ............................................................................. 22
1.3.1 Setting Up the System Features .......................................................................... 23
1.3.2 Setting Up CO Lines ............................................................................................ 24
1.3.3 Setting Up Call Handling ...................................................................................... 24
1.3.4 Setting Up Toll Restrictions .................................................................................. 25
1.3.5 Setting Up UCD Groups ....................................................................................... 25
1.3.6 Setting Up Voice Mail ........................................................................................... 26
1.3.7 Setting Up Extensions .......................................................................................... 26
1.3.8 Setting Up Feature Buttons on Phones ............................................................... 27
Chapter 2. Programming Options
2.1 Using PC-Database Administration (PC-DBA) .................................................. 29
2.1.1 Loading PC-DBA Software .................................................................................. 30
2.1.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................... 30
2.1.3 Database Save and Restore ................................................................................ 33 Performing a Save .....................................................................................................33 Performing a Restore ................................................................................................. 34
2.1.4 PC-DBA Control Keys .......................................................................................... 35 F1 – Help .................................................................................................................... 35 F2 – A-Save/U-Save .................................................................................................. 35 F3 – Receive ..............................................................................................................35 F4 – Send ................................................................................................................... 36 F5 – Connect .............................................................................................................. 37 F6 – Disconnect ......................................................................................................... 38 F7 – Print .................................................................................................................... 39 F8 – Initialize .............................................................................................................. 39 F9 – Modem ...............................................................................................................39 F10 – RS232C .........................................................................................................40
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2.2 Using Any Digital Extension Telephone (DET) .................................................. 41
2.2.1 Entering the Database Administration Mode ........................................................41
2.2.2 LCD Interactive buttons ........................................................................................41
2.2.3 Database Item Select Screen ...............................................................................41
2.2.4 Exiting Database Administration ...........................................................................42
2.2.5 Changing Database Administration Password .....................................................42
Chapter 3. Getting Started
3.1 Shortcuts to Help You Work Faster ................................................................... 43
3.1.1 Using a Database Programming Template ...........................................................43
3.1.2 Copying Baseline CO Line Setups .......................................................................45 Programming Using the DET .....................................................................................45 Programming Using PC-DBA .....................................................................................46
3.1.3 Copying Baseline Extension Setups .....................................................................48 Programming Using the DET .....................................................................................49 Programming Using PC-DBA .....................................................................................50
3.1.4 Feature / Directory Number Lookup .....................................................................53 Directory Numbers .....................................................................................................54 Feature Access Codes ...............................................................................................55 Suffix Codes ...............................................................................................................57
3.1.5 Resetting an Extension to the Default Set............................................................ 57
Chapter 4. Programming System Features
4.1 Establishing Database Administrator Password ................................................ 60
4.1.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................60
4.1.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...............................................................................60
4.2 Assigning Attendants ......................................................................................... 61
4.2.1 Programming Using the DET ................................................................................63
4.2.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...............................................................................63
4.3 Assigning System Reminders ............................................................................ 65
4.3.1 Programming Using the DET ................................................................................65
4.3.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...............................................................................65
4.4 Setting User Password Lengths, Setting Passwords for System
Directory Numbers 101, 102, and 108 .............................................................. 67
4.4.1 Programming Using the DET ...............................................................................67
4.4.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...............................................................................68
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DX-80 Programming Manual
4.5 Specifying User Names for x101 and x108 ....................................................... 69
4.5.1 Programming Using the DET .............................................................................. 69
4.5.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................... 69
4.6 Naming CO Lines .............................................................................................. 70
4.6.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................... 70
4.6.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................... 71
4.7 Setting Up Pre-Programmed Messages ............................................................ 72
4.7.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................... 72
4.7.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................... 73
4.8 Programming Speed Dial Numbers ................................................................... 74
4.8.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................... 74
4.8.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................... 76
4.9 Controlling the Number of Caller ID Entries in the CID Table ........................... 80
4.9.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................... 80
4.9.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................... 80
4.10 Establishing Music Sources ............................................................................. 81
4.10.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 82
4.10.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 82
4.11 Assigning External Pager ID ............................................................................ 83
4.11.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 84
4.11.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 84
4.12 Assigning Ancillary Devices (Loud Bell, External Page, or Music on Hold) ..... 85
4.12.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 85
4.12.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 86
4.13 Assigning the DSS Port/Owner ....................................................................... 87
4.13.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 87
4.13.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 88
4.14 Setting Up Optional Internal Modem ............................................................... 89
4.14.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 89
4.14.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 89
4.15 Specifying PC-DBA Transmit Rate .................................................................. 90
4.15.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 90
4.15.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 91
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4.16 Selecting SMDR Transmit Rate ....................................................................... 92
4.16.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................92
4.16.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................92
4.17 Setting Up Ring Scheme ................................................................................. 93
4.17.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................94
4.17.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................95
4.18 Setting Up Letter Type (Enhanced Lettering Scheme) .................................... 96
4.18.1 Programming Using the DET .............................................................................98
4.18.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................99
4.19 Setting System Time, Date, and Hour Mode ................................................. 100
4.19.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................100
4.19.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................100
4.20 Customizing the Numbering Plan .................................................................. 102
4.20.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................105
4.20.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................106 Numbering Plan 1 ...................................................................................................106 Numbering Plan 2 ...................................................................................................107 Numbering Plan 3 ...................................................................................................108 Numbering Plan 4 ...................................................................................................109
Chapter 5. Programming CO Lines
5.1 Phantom Lines / Virtual Numbers 112
5.2 Assigning the Tenant Group ............................................................................ 112
5.2.1 Programming Using the DET .............................................................................113
5.2.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................113
5.3 Assigning the CO Group .................................................................................. 114
5.3.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................114
5.3.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................115
5.4 Setting the Day and Evening Class of Services and Music On Hold (MOH)
Source ............................................................................................................ 116
5.4.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................116
5.4.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................117
5.5 Setting the Dial Type ....................................................................................... 118
5.5.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................118
5.5.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................118
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DX-80 Programming Manual
5.6 Setting the CO Line Type ................................................................................ 119
5.6.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 120
5.6.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 120
5.7 Setting Call Abandon ....................................................................................... 121
5.7.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 121
5.7.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 121
5.8 Setting Privacy and Privacy Release ............................................................... 122
5.8.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 123
5.8.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 123
5.9 Assigning Ring Type for the CO Line .............................................................. 124
5.9.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 124
5.9.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 125
5.10 Setting the Answer Position for Day and Evening ........................................ 126
5.10.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 126
5.10.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 127
5.11 Set CO Line Time Switching .......................................................................... 128
5.11.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 129
5.11.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 129
5.12 Setting the Pre-Defined Call Forward No Answer ......................................... 131
5.12.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 131
5.12.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 131
5.13 Setting Up the PBX Code and Hunt Method ................................................. 132
5.13.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 133
5.13.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 133
5.14 Setting Up the Alternate CO Line Group ....................................................... 134
5.14.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 135
5.14.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 136
5.15 Setting Up FAX Detection .............................................................................. 137
5.15.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 137
5.15.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 137
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Chapter 6. Programming Call Handling
6.1 Ringing Line Priority ......................................................................................... 140
6.2 Programming Conference Calls ....................................................................... 141
6.2.1 Programming Using the DET .............................................................................142
6.2.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................142
6.3 Specifying CO Flash Time ............................................................................... 144
6.3.1 Programming Using the DET .............................................................................144
6.3.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................145
6.4 Specifying PBX Flash Time ............................................................................. 146
6.4.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................146
6.4.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................147
6.5 Specifying Pause Time .................................................................................... 147
6.5.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................148
6.5.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................148
6.6 Specifying Ring Abandon ................................................................................ 149
6.6.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................150
6.6.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................150
6.7 Setting Up Hold Remind .................................................................................. 151
6.7.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................151
6.7.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................151
6.8 Selecting Exclusive Hold Time ........................................................................ 152
6.8.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................153
6.8.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................153
6.9 Establishing Warning Time for Limited Call Lengths ....................................... 154
6.9.1 Programming Using the DET ..............................................................................155
6.9.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .............................................................................155
6.10 Setting Up Transfer Recalls for Idle and Busy Extensions ............................ 156
6.10.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................157
6.10.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................158
6.11 Setting Up Hold Recall ................................................................................... 158
6.11.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................159
6.11.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................160
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DX-80 Programming Manual
6.12 Setting Up Dial Wait Time and Dial Delay ..................................................... 161
6.12.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 161
6.12.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 161
6.13 Establishing the Dialing Ratio ........................................................................ 163
6.13.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 163
6.13.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 164
6.14 Establishing Start and End of SLT Hook Flash ............................................. 165
6.14.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 165
6.14.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 166
6.15 Programming Auto Redial ............................................................................. 167
6.15.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 167
6.15.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 168
6.16 Programming External Call Forward ............................................................. 169
6.16.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 169
6.16.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 170
6.17 Setting Conference Talk Time Intervals and Conference Tones ................... 171
6.17.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 171
6.17.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 172
6.18 Setting Up Camp On Interval ......................................................................... 173
6.18.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 173
6.18.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 174
6.19 Setting Up Alarm Play Intervals ..................................................................... 174
6.19.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 175
6.19.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 175
6.20 Enabling/Disabling Hotel Feature .................................................................. 176
6.20.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 176
6.20.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 176
6.21 Enabling/Disabling System Speed Toll Check .............................................. 177
6.21.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 178
6.21.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 178
6.22 Enabling/Disabling TSI Connection ............................................................... 179
6.22.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 179
6.22.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 179
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6.23 Enabling/Disabling Conference Tone ............................................................ 180
6.23.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................180
6.23.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................181
6.24 Specifying Call Duration ................................................................................ 181
6.24.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................182
6.24.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................182
6.25 Programming Caller ID Codes and Local Calling Areas ................................ 183
6.25.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................184
6.25.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................185
6.26 Programming Tenant Groups ........................................................................ 186
6.26.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................187
6.26.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................188
6.27 Setting Up SMDR Call Output ....................................................................... 189
6.27.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................190
6.27.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................191
6.28 Programming Voice Mail ................................................................................ 193
6.29 Setting Fax Ring Time ................................................................................... 193
6.29.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................193
6.29.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................194
6.30 Setting Predefined Call Forward Time ........................................................... 195
6.30.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................195
6.30.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................195
6.31 Setting Ring On Recognition Time Interval .................................................... 196
6.31.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................196
6.31.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................197
6.32 Setting Talk Abandon Time Interval ............................................................... 198
6.32.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................198
6.32.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................198
6.33 Setting Hold Abandon Time Interval .............................................................. 199
6.33.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................200
6.33.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................200
6.34 Setting Unsupervised Talk Time .................................................................... 201
6.34.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................201
6.34.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................201
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6.35 Programming Auto Attendant Module (AAM) ................................................ 202
6.35.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 205
6.35.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 207
6.36 Setting Direct Inward System Access (DISA) ................................................ 210
6.36.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................... 211
6.36.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................... 212
Chapter 7. Programming Toll Restrictions
7.1 Class of Service and Digit Intervals ................................................................. 215
7.1.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 216
7.1.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 217
7.2 Account Code Length and Password .............................................................. 219
7.2.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 219
7.2.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 220
Chapter 8. Programming Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Groups
8.1 Controlling Overflow and Reroute Situations ................................................... 225
8.2 UCD Agent Log Off/Log On ............................................................................. 226
8.3 Programming UCDs ........................................................................................ 226
8.3.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................ 226
8.3.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 228
8.4 Setting Up UCD Voice Announce (VA) Groups ............................................... 231
8.4.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................ 231
8.4.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 231
Chapter 9. Programming Voice Mail
9.1 Programming Third Party VM, Analog Ports 234
9.1.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 235
9.1.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 239
9.2 Programming Optional Internal VM, Digital ..................................................... 243
9.2.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................. 244
9.2.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ............................................................................. 245
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Chapter 10. Programming Extensions
10.1 Reminder Tones ............................................................................................ 249
10.2 Assigning a User Name to the Extension ...................................................... 249
10.2.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................250
10.2.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................250
10.3 Assigning a Password to the Extension ......................................................... 251
10.3.1 Programming Using the DET ...........................................................................251
10.3.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................252
10.4 Assigning Extensions to Tenant Groups ........................................................ 253
10.4.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................253
10.4.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................254
10.5 Assigning Extensions to Pickup Groups ........................................................ 255
10.5.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................255
10.5.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................255
10.6 Assigning Extensions to Paging Groups ........................................................ 256
10.6.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................257
10.6.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................257
10.7 Assigning Extensions to a Class of Service ................................................... 258
10.7.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................258
10.7.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................259
10.8 Setting up Monitoring Privileges .................................................................... 260
10.8.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................260
10.8.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................261
10.9 Setting up Intrusion ........................................................................................ 262
10.9.1 Programming Using the DET ............................................................................262
10.9.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ...........................................................................263
10.10 Setting up Warning Tones, Incoming Call Drops, Outgoing Call Drops ...... 264
10.10.1 Programming Using the DET ..........................................................................264
10.10.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .........................................................................265
10.11 Setting Up Off Hook Voice Announce .......................................................... 266
10.11.1 Programming Using the DET ..........................................................................266
10.11.2 Programming Using PC-DBA .........................................................................267
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10.12 Setting Up Paging Privileges ....................................................................... 268
10.12.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 268
10.12.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 269
10.13 Setting Up Call Forward – Extension Predefined ........................................ 270
10.13.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 271
10.13.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 272
10.14 Programming Extensions for SMDR Output ................................................ 273
10.14.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 273
10.14.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 273
10.15 Assigning Recording Announcement Devices ............................................. 274
10.16 Assigning Port Type .................................................................................... 275
10.16.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 276
10.16.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 276
10.17 Assigning Extensions to CO Lines .............................................................. 277
10.17.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 277
10.17.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 278
10.18 Setting Up Receive Assignments ................................................................ 279
10.18.1 Programming Using the DET ........................................................................ 279
10.18.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 279
10.19 Setting Up Extension Ring Level ................................................................. 280
10.20 Assigning Feature Buttons .......................................................................... 281
10.21 Performing Directory/Extension Swapping .................................................. 281
10.21.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 281
10.21.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ......................................................................... 281
10.22 Configuring Single Line Telephones (Analog Device Support) ................... 283
Chapter 11. Programming Feature Buttons
11.1 Programming Using the DET ......................................................................... 285
11.2 Programming Using PC-DBA ........................................................................ 286
11.3 Programming DSS Console Feature Buttons ................................................ 287
11.4 Programming a Release Key ......................................................................... 288
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11.5 Flexible Feature Button Inquiry ...................................................................... 288
11.5.1 Looking up Codes using the DET .....................................................................288
11.6 Feature Key Reset ......................................................................................... 289
Worksheets .......................................................................................................... 291
Button Labeling ................................................................................................... 305
Index ...................................................................................................................... 309
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DX-80 Programming Manual


Once you have installed the system hardware, it is time to specify how you want the system to operate, using the programmable DX-80 features. You need to set up the following:
• the numbering plan you want to use, and other system settings such as system date and time and day/evening modes,
• the interface to the CO lines coming into the system,
• how you want the system to handle and process calls,
• any restrictions you want in place for toll calls,
• Uniform Call Distribution (if applicable),
• voice mail (if applicable), internal or external,
• privileges for all extensions, and
• feature buttons on individual DET phones and DSS consoles.

1.1 Programming Methods

There are three approaches you can take when programming a DX-80 system.
• You can program the system on site using any Digital Extension Terminal (DET) phone.
• You can program the system on site using PC-DBA, the PC-based software program.
• Or, you can program the database using PC-DBA on a laptop prior to arriving at your customer’s site. Then when you arrive on site, you can download the pre-programmed database into the DX-80 system in a minimal amount of time.
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Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. You may prefer one approach and use it often, but you may occasionally need to use an alternative approach.
Advantages Disadvantages
DET phone • You do not need a laptop PC
to program the database.
• The phone is a direct interface to the CPU, so there is no chance of database corruption during transmission. If you are having a unidentifiable or persistent problem, use DET phone programming to eliminate the possibility of a corrupt database.
PC-DBA laptop on site
• You can save the existing database residing on the switch via a RECEIVE ALL command. When you need to modify the database, you can use the switch version as a basis so you will not have to reprogram all its custom settings.
• If you lose the switch database because of battery failure or because you must perform a Master Clear, you will NOT have to completely reprogram the database (provided you have previously saved a copy of the custom switch database onto your laptop).
• You have a limited visual interface (the phone display) vs. a menu screen.
• You have to do all programming on site.
• DET phone programming can take longer to perform than PC-DBA programming.
• You cannot save the current switch database. If you lose this database because of battery failure or because you have to perform a Master Clear, you will have to completely reprogram the database.
• You need a laptop with a serial port.
• You do all programming on site.
• PC-DBA is not a direct interface to the CPU. Therefore, the possibility exists that a corruption can occur when transmitting the laptop database to the switch.
• You must be diligent in performing a RECEIVE ALL when first arriving on the customer site, and prior to modifying their database. If you neglect to do so, you may inadvertently perform a SEND ALL first, thus writing over their custom programmed database with whatever database you last used on the laptop.
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PC-DBA laptop remotely
Advantages Disadvantages
• You can program the customer’s database while off site, and simply download it to the switch when you arrive on site. This reduces the amount of time you have to spend on site.
• You can save the existing database residing on the switch via a RECEIVE ALL command. When you need to modify the database, you can use the switch version as a basis so you will not have to reprogram all its custom settings.
• If you lose the switch database because of battery failure or because you must perform a Master Clear, you will NOT have to completely reprogram the database (provided you have previously saved a copy of the switch database on your laptop).
• You need a laptop with a serial port.
• PC-DBA is not a direct interface to the CPU. Therefore, the possibility exists that a corruption can occur when transmitting the database to the switch.
• You must be diligent in performing a RECEIVE ALL prior to modifying their database. If you neglect to do so, you may inadvertently perform a SEND ALL first, thus writing over their custom programmed database with whatever database you last used on the laptop.
For step-by-step procedures on programming using the PC-DBA, see Section 2.1, Using PC-Database Administration (PC-DBA). For step-by-step procedures on programming using the DET phone, see Section 2.2, Using Any Digital Extension Telephone (DET).

1.2 Upgrading an Existing System

Occasionally you may need to perform maintenance programming or install an upgrade to an existing system.
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When you are upgrading an existing system, the database is already in place and functional. You may want to program your changes offline using PC-DBA on a laptop, and then download the newly mod­ified database to the system. When you use this method, be sure to perform a RECEIVE ALL command first to overwrite the database currently on your laptop with the database the switch is using. Then make your programming changes to the laptop database, and when you are finished perform a SEND ALL to upload the new modified version onto the DX-80 switch.
If you fail to perform a RECEIVE ALL before you make your pro-
gramming changes and you then perform a SEND ALL, the system
writes over the switch database with whatever DX-80 database resides on your desktop.
Use care that you do not overwrite the current site’s database with a database residing on
your laptop from your previous customer site. It is a good practice to always perform a
RECEIVE ALL when first arriving at a new customer site or prior to modifying your
customer’s database.
During a hardware upgrade, you need to add the new hardware and then program the corresponding feature set in the existing database. There are specific procedures to follow when adding new hardware to an existing system. See the DX-80 Technical Manual, Volume 1, Installation and Mainte- nance, part number IMI72-001, for more information.

1.3 Programming a New System

This manual provides information for completely programming a new DX-80 system from scratch. Comdial also provides you with some tools you can use to reduce your programming time. These tools include:
• a series of worksheets for you to plan your system structure, and record the programming for future reference if necessary. For more details, see Appendix A, Worksheets.
• copying a base CO line or extension’s setups to several other CO line or extensions thereby eliminating the need to program them individually, and
• using one of four standard database programming templates provided with the DX-80 on CD part number DX80UTILCD. You can choose the template that most closely matches your new customer’s site needs, and then add whatever custom changes you need to make. This approach saves you the time of programming the entire system from scratch.
For more information on these and other aids the DX-80 provides to allow you to program a system efficiently, see Section 3.1, Shortcuts to Help You Work Faster.
When you are programming a new system from scratch, perform the following basic tasks:
1. Set up the system features.
2. Set up the CO lines.
3. Set up call handling.
4. Set up the toll restrictions.
5. Set up the UCD groups.
6. Set up Voice Mail (if applicable).
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DX-80 Programming Manual
7. Set up the extensions.
8. Program the feature buttons on the individual DET phones and DSS consoles.
The DX-80 provides some shortcuts to help you perform these tasks efficiently. For example, when you are setting up the individual extensions, you can first set up a “base” extension that is typical of how you will set up the majority of extensions. After you have set up this base extension, you can copy its programming to all of the other extensions in the system. Then, you can modify the few spe­cific extensions that require different programming.
The DX-80 provides a similar shortcut for setting up CO lines with a CO Line Copy command. For more details on helpful shortcuts provided with your system, see Section 3.1, Shortcuts to Help You Work Faster.


The system features allow you to control system administration and to assign system resources. Perform the following steps.
1. Establish the database administrator password.
2. Assign the attendant extension for each tenant group.
3. Assign the system reminder for each tenant group.
4. Set the user passwords for extensions 101, 102, and 108.
5. Specify the user names for extensions 101 and 108.
6. Name each CO line (1-8).
7. Set up the pre-programmed incoming and outbound messages.
8. Program speed dial numbers.
9. Set the number of items in the Caller ID table.
10. Establish the music source for the each tenant group.
11. Assign the external pager ID to a tenant group. Enable/disable page group 1 and 8.
12. Program ancillary devices (loud bell, external page, music on hold source).
13. Allocate the DSS.
14. Set up the optional internal modem.
15. Select the PC-DBA transmit rate.
16. Select the SMDR transmit rate.
17. Set up the ring scheme.
18. Specify the letter type.
19. Set up the system time, date, and hour mode.
20. Set up the numbering plan you want to use. The DX-80 has a built-in numbering plan that you can use as is or modify if necessary.
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 4, Programming System Features. The DX-80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.
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Once you have set up the extensions, you can begin programming the CO lines into the system. Perform the following tasks for each CO line.
1. Assign the CO line to a tenant group.
2. Assign the CO line to a pickup group.
3. Assign the Day classification for the CO line.
4. Assign the Evening classification for the CO line.
5. Select the MOH source for the CO line.
6. Assign the dial type this CO line.
7. Assign the CO line type.
8. Enable/disable call abandon.
9. Set up privacy for this CO line.
10. Set up the CO ring type.
11. Assign the answer position for Day and Evening modes for this CO line.
12. Set up Time Switching.
13. Set up Pre-Defined Call Forward for this line.
14. Set up the PBX code for line group 1-8.
15. Set up the hunt method
16. Set up the alternate CO group.
17. Set up Fax detection.
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 5, Programming CO Lines. The DX-80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.


Next, set up how you want the DX-80 to handle calls. Perform the following steps.
1. Program conference calls.
2. Specify the CO flash time.
3. Specify the PBX flash time.
4. Specify the pause time.
5. Specify the ring abandon.
6. Set up the hold remind.
7. Select the exclusive hold time.
8. Establish the warning time.
9. Set the transfer intercom recall and transfer busy recall.
10. Set up hold recall.
11. Set up the dial wait time and dial delay.
12. Establish the dialing ratio.
13. Establish the start and end of the SLT hook flash.
14. Program auto redial.
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15. Set up external call forward.
16. Set up conference talk time intervals and conference tones.
17. Set up the camp on interval.
18. Set up the alarm play intervals.
19. Enable/disable the hotel feature.
20. Enable/disable the system speed check.
21. Enable/disable the TSI connection.
22. Enable/disable the conference tone.
23. Specify the call duration.
24. Specify caller ID codes and establish the local area code.
25. Enable/disable tenant calling per tenant group.
26. Enable/disable SMDR call output.
27. Program the voice mail
28. Set the Fax ring time.
29. Set the pre-defined call forward time.
30. Program the recognition time interval.
31. Set the conference talk time intervals.
32. Set the hold abandon time interval.
33. Set the unsupervised talk time.
34. Program the auto attendant.
35. Set the DISA access.
DX-80 Programming Manual
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 6, Programming Call Handling. The DX-80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.


Toll restrictions allow you to place restrictions on outbound toll calls, per tenant group and account code. Perform the following steps.
1. Set up the Class of Services.
2. Set up the digit interval from 1 to 100, per tenant group.
3. Assign the account code length.
4. Program the account code passwords, from 1 to 600 as necessary.
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 7, Programming Toll Restrictions. The DX-80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.


Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) groups allow you to link extensions for call handling. To set up the UCD groups, perform the following steps for each UCD group (maximum of 24).
1. Assign the tenant group for this UCD.
2. Select the UCD attribute (UCD or VA).
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3. Assign the UCD group member numbers 1 through 24 as applicable.
4. Select the hunt method you want to use for this UCD group.
5. Specify the no answer time.
6. Set up the timer and destination for overflow 1.
7. Set up the timer and destination for overflow 2.
8. Specify the overflow count.
9. Specify the reroute destination (extension number).
10. Set the UCD Voice Announce (VA) groups.
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 8, Programming Uniform Call Distri- bution (UCD) Groups. The DX-80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.


You can set up the DX-80 to interface with either an external, analog third party voice mail system or to the internal digital DX-80 Voice option. If you use analog voice mail, you must assign system ports to the voice mail system. If you use the digital in-skin voice mail, you do not use analog system ports and therefore do not have any port loss.
To set up voice mail, perform the following tasks for each tenant group.
1. Program third-party voice mail on analog ports.
2. Program the optional, internal, digital voice mail.
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 9, Programming Voice Mail. The DX-80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.


Once you have set up the system, CO line, call handling, toll restriction, UCD (if applicable), and voice mail (if applicable), the next task in setting up a new system is to program the extensions. To program the extensions in the system, perform the following steps for each extension in the system.
1. Assign a user name and password to the extension.
2. Assign the extension to a tenant group.
3. Assign the extension to a pickup group.
4. Assign the extension to a paging group.
5. Assign a class of service to the extension.
6. Set up the Monitor classification.
7. Set up intrusion—active, accept, and tone.
8. Set up warning tones, incoming call drops, outgoing call drops.
9. Set up Off Hook Voice Announce (OHVA).
10. Enable/disable paging.
11. Set up external call forward.
12. Set up SMDR output.
26 Comdial October, ‘03
DX-80 Programming Manual
13. Assign RAD devices.
14. Enable/disable recording.
15. Set up port type.
16. Set up CO line assignment
17. Set up receive assignment.
18. Set up extension ring level.
19. Assign feature buttons.
20. Perform directory/extension swapping.
21. Configure Single Line Telephones (SLTs).
Details on how to perform these tasks are included in Section 10, Programming Extensions. The DX­80 provides programmable features that allow you to establish these various settings.


The final task in setting up a new system is to program the feature buttons on the individual DET phones and DSS consoles. You can program feature buttons for directory numbers or feature codes.
Note: You can only program feature buttons on DSS consoles for directory numbers. Buttons assigned to feature codes are not permitted on the DSS.
Details on programming feature buttons for the DET and the DSS are provided in Section 11, Pro­gramming Feature Buttons.
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There are two programming interfaces you can use to program the DX-80:
• Digital Extension Telephone (DET).

2.1 Using PC-Database Administration (PC-DBA)

The DX-80 system allows you to administer system database parameters using any IBM® compatible Personal Computer (PC).
The use of a PC has distinct advantages over programming the system using the digital telephone, including:
• specific database archiving (via save function),
• remote programming, and
• outboard programming (programming the system template in the PC memory, then downloading
it to the DX-80 switch memory when ready).
The PC program that interfaces with the DX-80 system is called PC-Database Administration (PC­DBA).
PC-DBA requires the following resources in the PC environment:
• PC running DOS. Note: While you can run PC-DBA in a DOS Window, performance can be
impacted by other Windows modules. Comdial does not guarantee or provide warranty for any level of performance in the Windows environment.
• 640k minimum RAM.
• 386 minimum microprocessor.
• minimum 2 megabytes space on the hard disk.
PC-DBA is available on the Comdial Web page at
This software is not available by any other means.
You must have a well-rounded understanding of the PC environment and the DOS file
structure to use this DX-80 utility. Comdial cannot support users who are unfamiliar with
these basic requirements. If any of these issues concern you, program the DX-80 instead
by using any DET phone. (See Section 2.2, Using Any Digital Extension Telephone
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Programming Options


When you download PC-DBA from the Comdial web site it is contained in an archived format to expedite the download. Comdial recommends that you perform the following steps when down­loading PC-DBA.
1. Create a separate directory on the PC where you can load PC-DBA (typically “DX-80”). This becomes the working directory.
2. Copy the archive file into that directory and then open the archived format.
When you want to use PC-DBA, start the computer and open the PC-DBA directory. To start PC-DBA type DX-80 at the DOS prompt. Then press Enter.


1. Enter PC-DBA by typing DX-80 at the DOS prompt in the PC-DBA working directory, and then pressing Enter. The system responds by displaying the title page.
2. When you press a key, the system displays the Main menu and positions the cursor on PC-DBA.
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