COM DEV Broadband is the owner of the trademark M/ERGY among others. All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and are trademarks of their respective owners.
Chapter 1: Welcome to M/ERGY for Microsoft Windows. . . 1
Features of M/ERGY and Your NetLink Terminal. . . . . . . . . 1
Welcome to M/ERGY™ for Microsoft
along with your NetLink Terminal, make it easy for you to obtain a wireless
Internet connection from anywhere, including your home, your office, and
even while traveling in a moving vehicle. By simply installing the M/ERGY
software and plugging in your NetLink Terminal, you can quickly begin surfing
the Web and checking your e-mail – all wirelessly.
Your NetLink Terminal allows you to wirelessly access the Internet at speeds
comparable to wired broadband systems such as DSL. While M/ERGY offers
peak data rates of 2.4 Mbps, average data rates are 1.2 Mbps.
NetLink Terminal for Microsoft Windows User Guide
Where You Can
Use Your NetLink
In Different Rooms of Your Home
Enjoy the ease and convenience of browsing the Internet from any spot in
your home, including your living room, bedroom, and even your backyard.
The NetLink Terminal’s light-weight design allows it to be easily transported,
along with your laptop, to anywhere inside or outside your home.
In Different Locations in Your Office
Conduct your daily business activities with the assurance that you can access
the Internet, your corporate intranet, and e-mail from anywhere within your
office. The NetLink Terminal’s light-weight design allows you to freely take it
with you as you move from your office to a conference room, or anywhere
else in your office building.
In Your Car or on the Train
Experience the convenience of browsing the Internet while traveling in the car
on business or vacation. Or you can take care of your e-mail correspondence
and update your schedule on the corporate intranet while traveling to and
from work on the train. No matter what your reasons for accessing the Internet, your NetLink Terminal allows you to do so while traveling at speeds up to
120 km/h (75 mph).
WARNING!Do not use your NetLink Terminal while in control of a moving
What Your System
Getting More
Minimum System Requirements
Before installing the M/ERGY software and your NetLink Terminal, make sure
that your system meets the following requirements:
•Universal Serial Bus (USB) port
•CD-ROM drive
•32 MB RAM
•10 MB free space on hard drive
Windows® 98 or Windows 2000
200 MHz processor
Using the NetLink Terminal for Windows Help System
In case you encounter problems with your NetLink T erminal or its accompanying software, you can find solutions in the online help system that comes with
your M/ERGY software.
To use the help system, click Help in the M/ERGY program group or click
Help on the M/ERGY taskbar menu. This opens your Web browser and
allows you to view the online help.
A table of contents appears, along with an Index and a Search tab. Within the
Contents tab, click on the specific topic you would like to view. Information
about that topic appears in the main window.
When you are working in the main window, you can click on the up or down
arrows to move throughout the various topics. Click on the Index tab to view
an alphabetical list of all help topics. You can also search for a particular topic
by clicking o n the Search tab. Enter the topic you wish to search for in the text
box, and then click Go.
Contacting COM DEV Technical Support
In case you encounter problems with your NetLink T erminal or its accompanying software, you can call COM DEV technical support at 805-544-1089,
extension 2232.
Now that you know the ways in which you can use M/ERGY and your NetLink
Terminal, you are ready to install the M/ERGY software.
If you are not running Windows 2000, you can proceed with the instructions in
the next section titled “Using the Installation Wizard.”
However, if you are running Windows 2000, you must decide whether you
want to make the software available to all people who use your computer or
just yourself. If you indicate that you do not want to make the software available to all users, then anyone who logs onto your computer with a user name
and password other than your own will not be able to access the Internet via
your NetLink Terminal.
Here are some decision-making guidelines:
•If you do not currently use a user name and password to access your
computer, the best option is to make the M/ERGY software available
to all users.
•If you do log on to your computer with a user name and password,
and want to have exclusive Internet access, the best option is to
make the M/ERGY software available to only yourself.
IMPORTANT! You must install the M/ERGY software before plugging in
your NetLink Terminal. Failure to do so will result in improper
software installation .