Cole Parmer 05012-20, 05012-30, 05012-40 Installation And Operational Manual

MODEL: 05012-20, 05012-30
COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT COMPANY_____________________________________________________________________ 625 East Bunker Court, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 (847) 549-7600 FAX (847) 549-7676
INSTRUCTIONS, 05012-30,05012-40
REV. 5/99 4861302
These units are for professional, industrial or educational use where the preparation or testing of materials is done at approximately atmospheric pressure and no flammable, volatile or combustible materials are being heated. These units are not intended for hazardous or household locations or use.
Your satisfaction and safety require a complete understanding of this unit. Read the instructions thoroughly and be sure all operators are given adequate training before attempting to put the unit in service. NOTE: This equipment must be used only for its intended application; any alterations or modifications will void your warranty.
1.1 Inspection: The carrier, when accepting shipment, also accepts responsibility
for safe delivery and is liable for loss or damage. On delivery, inspect for visible exterior damage, note and describe on the freight bill any damage found, and enter your claim on the form supplied by the carrier.
1.2 Inspect for concealed loss or damage on the unit itself, both interior and exterior. If necessary, the carrier will arrange for official inspection to substantiate your claim.
1.3 Return Shipment: Save the shipping crate until you are sure all is well. If for any reason you must return the unit, first contact your customer representative for authorization. Supply nameplate data, including model number and serial number. Please see the manual cover for information on where to contact customer service.
1.4 Accessories: Verify that all of the equipment indicated on the packing slip is included with the unit. Carefully check all packaging before discarding. These units are equipped with 2 shelves, 8 shelf clips, and 4 leveling feet.
Your oven has been provided with a display of graphic symbols which should help in identifying the use and function of the available user adjustable components.
2.1 This symbol indicates that you should consult your
manual for further description or discussion of a control or user item.
2.2 Indicates ÒAC PowerÓ
2.3 Indicates ÒManual ControlÓ
2.4 Indicates ÒTemperatureÓ
2.5 Indicates ÒOver Temperature SafetyÓ
2.6 Indicates ÒGroundÓ
2.7 Indicates ÒPotential Shock HazardÓ
Local city, county or other ordinances may govern the use of this equipment. If you have any questions about local requirements, please contact the appropriate local agency. Installation may be performed by the end user.
Under normal circumstances this unit is intended for use indoors, at room temperatures
between 5° and 40°C, at no greater than 80% Relative Humidity (at 25°C) and with a
supply voltage that does not vary by more than 10%. Customer service should be contacted for operating conditions outside of these limits.
3.1 Power Source: The electrical supply circuit to the incubator must conform to all national and local electrical codes. Consult the incubatorÕs serial data plate for the voltage and ampere requirements before making connection. VOLTAGE SHOULD NOT VARY MORE THAN 10% FROM THE DATA PLATE RATING. This unit is intended for 50/60 Hz application. A separate circuit is recommended to prevent possible loss of product due to overloading or failure of other equipment on the same circuit. For installation of the units, the cord must be plugged directly into a grounded outlet, without the use of an extension cord.
3. 2Lo ca tio n: In sele cting a locat ion , con sid er all cond it ion s which mig ht ef fect pe rf orm ance, su ch as he at fr om rad ia tor s, ovens, a ut oclave s, et c. Avoid d ir ect su n, fa st mo vin g air cu rr ent s, he ating/ co oling du cts an d hig h-t ra ffic are as. Allow a minimum of 5cm bet we en the unit an d walls or pa rtitions wh ich migh t obstru ct fr ee air flo w.
3.3 L if ti ng / Ha n dl in g: T he se un it s are hea vy an d car e sho uld be ta ken to use a pp ro pr iat e lif ting de vices tha t are su ff icien tly rat ed fo r t he se lo ad s. Units sh ou ld o nly be lift e d fr om th eir bot to m sur f aces. Do or s, ha nd les an d kn ob s are no t a de qu at e for lift in g or sta bilizat io n . Th e unit sho uld be co m plet ely rest ra in ed fr om t ip ping du rin g lift ing or tra nsp or t. All mo ving pa rt s, su ch as she lve s and tra ys sho uld be re m oved an d do o rs nee d to be po sit ively locke d in the clo sed po sition d ur in g tra nsf er t o pre ve n t sh if t in g and d am a ge .
3 .4 L ev el in g : T he unit must sit le ve l and solidly. Leveling fe et are su pp lie d an d must
b e in st a lled in the fo ur ho le s in th e bot to m cor n er s of th e unit. Wit h the fee t insta lle d an d the un it st an ding up rig ht , ea ch fo o t ca n be ra ise d by tu rn ing it in a cou nt er clo ckwise dir ectio n. Ad just the foo t at each co r ne r unt il th e un it st an d s level an d so lid wit h ou t rocking . If th e un it mu st be mo ve d, tu rn th e le velin g fee t all t he way clockwise t o p re ven t da m ag e while m o ving .
3 .5 Adj us tme n ts : Whe n re m ovin g int er ior it em s fo r cle a ning or any ot he r rea so n ,
n ot e th a t yo u must, first rem ove the line r bot to m inser t bef o re rem o ving line r sid e inser ts. Th is re qu ire s a 8 /3 2 nut d r iver t o r em o ve t he ca p nut s.
3.6 Cle an in g : The un it ch am be r sho uld be cle an ed an d disin fe cte d pr ior to use . Rem ove all of the in te rio r pa rt s, if asse mb led , and cle a n th o ro ug hly, in clu ding all cor ne rs usin g a suit ab le disinf e ct an t tha t is ap p ro pr ia t e to yo ur ap plica tion . Reg ular pe rio dic cle an in g is re q uire d . Spe cia l car e sh o uld be ta ke n whe n cle an ing a ro un d sen sin g he ad s to pre ve nt da ma g e. DO NOT USE chlorine-based bleaches or abrasive cleaners as this will damage the stainless steel interior. DO NOT USE spray cleaners that might leak through openings and cracks and get on electrical parts or that may contain solvents that will harm the coatings. F or M od els 050 12 - 30 a nd 05 01 2 -4 0 se e Sectio n 6 fo r f ur t he r in str uct io n.
Warning: Never clean the unit with alcohol or flammable cleaners with the unit connected to the electrical supply. Always disconnect the unit from the electrical service when cleaning and assure all volatile or flammable cleaners are evaporated and dry before reattaching the unit to the power supply.
3 .7 Pla ce sh elve s in th e cha m be r as de sir ed .
4.1 Power Switch: The main power I/O (on/off) switch controls all power to the unit
and must be in the I/ON position before any systems are operational.
4.2 High Limit Thermostat: This control is marked HIGH LIMIT and is equipped with an adjustable knob and a graduated dial from 0-10. It is independent of the Main Controller and guards against any failure which would allow the temperature to rise past the Main Controllers set point. This allows continued operation of the oven until the problem can be corrected or service can be arranged. It is not recommended that the unit be operated for extended periods of time using only the Overtemperature Safety as the controller as temperature uniformity will suffer.
4.3 High Limit Activated: This pilot lamp will come on when the High Limit Thermostat is activated and taken control of the heating element. Under normal operating conditions this pilot lamp should never be on.
4.4 Main Temperature Controller: This is a microprocessor based temperature / Time Control with ramp and soak capabilities ( Watlow model 981 ).
4.5 Fuse: Located at the back of the unit next to the power cord, the fuse provides protection for the units electrical circuitry against power fluctuations. When blown, the fuses must be replaced before the unit can continue operation.
4.6 Power Exhaust Outlet: Located at the back of the unit next to the power cord, for easy installation of a power exhaust accessory. The 05012-30 does not come equipped with this feature.
Figure One
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