Rotate the cleaning needle lever at base of
frame. Several turns will clean the Generator
Tip. Leave lever pointing down.
Open Fuel valve one fourth turn. Push lighted
match through lighter hole and hold it und mantle. Matle will light instantly when air and gas
mixture reaches them. When Mantle burns
brightly, open Fuel valve all the way to the left.
If lantern dows not burn brightly with Fueal
Valve wide open, rotate Cleaning Needle Lever
several times. Lantern may flicker a bit but
should quickly steady down. Air pressure may
be added to the tank at any time to give
brighter light.
Close Fuel Valve firmly. Light will dim and go
out in a few seconds.
If lantern blazes and smokes more than a few
seconds when first lit, then close valve and
repopen one fourth turn as soon as light dims.
If lantern does not light, check air pressure
and fuel content. Remove Generator and
unscrew Gas Tip to make sure point of needle
has not been bent or curled. Open valve slightly
to make sure gasoline will come through valve.
If mantle burns black, make sure screens in
Burner Caps are clean and open. Check Air
Intake Tube for possible obstruction, such as
spider's nest.
If light dims, check Fuel valve to be certain it
is wide open. Rotate cleaning lever to remove
carbon, if any.
If light pulsates after installation of a new
Generator, pump in additional air pressure until
light is steady.
If lantern is on emergency standby in case
of storm or power failure, empty all gasoline
from Fount occasionally, refill with clean, fresh
fuel. Store in a cool a place as possible.
The gasket in filler cap may deteriorate with
age. It might be well to install a new No. 2206361 Gasket and Disc Assembly occasionally.
If you have occasion to write the dealer or
the factory, mention that your Lantern is a
Model 200A Lantern. If you mail the Lantern,
send it less Globe and ventilator to avoid breakage.
The generator is the heart of your Coleman
lantern. Here liquid fuel is changed into the gas
that burns in the mantles. Factory-tested
Coleman generators - precision-built from bestgrade materials - are made to fit and function
perfectly with other parts.
Be sure Fuel Valve is closed. Turn Cleaning
Needle lever up. Unscrew Jamb Nut at lower
end of Generator. Lift Generator and unhook
Gas Tip Cleaning Needle.
To install new Generator: Pull Cleaning Needle
down about one inch. Slide jamb Nut down over
Generator. Place Cleaning Needle between forfinger and thumb with Generator in upright
position. Push gas tip end of generator into Air
Intake Tube and hook Needle through hole in
Eccentric Block. Tighten Jamb Nut only enough
to prevent leakage.
The Genuine Pyrex Globe on your Coleman
Lantern is made of the best quality heat-resisting glass obtainable. It is glass of superior
transparency and light-refracting qualities.
However, even pyrex Globes can be broken.
When this happens, you can purchase a new
one from your coleman dealer.
Written 2005 by A. Behringer - www.behringer24.de