COHU 2200 SERIES Installation And Operation Instructions Manual

COHU, INC. Elec tron ics Di vi sion
In stal la tion and Op era tion In struc tions
3912 CALLE FORTUNADA SAN DI EGO, CA 92123-1827 PHONE (858) 277- 6700 FAX (858) 277- 0221
6X- 972(A)
Change 3
NOTE: This equip ment has been tested and found to com ply with the lim its for a Class B digi tal de vice, pur ­su ant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim its are de signed to pro vide rea son able pro tec tion against harm ful in ter fer ence in a resi den tial in stal la tion. This equip ment gen er ates, uses, and can ra di ate ra dio fre ­quency en ergy and, if not in stalled and used in ac cor dance with the in struc tions, may cause harm ful in ter ­fer ence to ra dio com mu ni ca tions. How ever, there is no guar an tee that in ter fer ence will not oc cur in a par ticu lar in stal la tion. If this equip ment does cause harm ful in ter fer ence to ra dio or tele vi sion re cep tion, which can be de ter mined by turn ing the equip ment off and on, the user is en cour aged to try to cor rect the in ter fer ence by on or more of the fol low ing meas ures:
— Re ori ent or re lo cate the re ceiv ing an tenna. — In crease the sepa ra tion be tween the equip ment and re ceiver. — Con nect the equip ment into an out let on a cir cuit dif fer ent from that to which the re ceiver is con nected. — Con sult the dealer or an ex pe ri enced ra dio/TV tech ni cian for help.
UL listed to Stan dard 1409, Video Equip ment,
UL File Num ber E117248(S)
Com plies with VDE, 0871, Class B Re quire ments
Shutter Switch Location
Com plies with CE CISPR- 22, Class B; EN 55022,
Class B; EN 50081-1; EN 50082-1
4 3 2 1
Shut ter
Note 1
Note 2
1/125 1/250
1/500 1/1,000 1/2,000 1/4,000
Set tings
• = ON
No te1. Shut ter off. NTSC 1/60; PAL 1/50 Note 2. Flick er less: NTSC 1/100; PAL 1/120
Lens Connector Pin Functions
2 6X-972(A)
Power Connector Pin Functions
Change 2
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