1. Features
• USB low speed interface
• Full USB V1.1/2.0 compliance
• Full USB HID 1.1 compliance
• 64 keys in 8x8 matrix or three incremental
encoders and 9 keys
• Media control and application keys supported
• Two function shift keys to switch to a second
and third key table
• Up to 34 macros with up to 31 keys each
• Factory programmed keyboard layout
• Custom chips for volume production
• Support for Caps lock, Num lock and Scroll
lock LEDs on matrix chips
• Single +5V power supply
• Low power consumption: 40mA max.
• Available in 24 pin DIL and SOIC
1.1 Variants
KeyWarrior24 are available in three factory
programmed versions with a fixed keyboard
KeyWarrior24-8 and KeyWarrior24-8M support a
8x8 key matrix.
KeyWarrior24-8 is preprogrammed with general
keyboard layouts.
KeyWarrior24-8M is preprogrammed with media
control keys like "Mute", "Play/Pause" etc. and
general keyboard layouts.
KeyWarrior24-S3 supports nine direct connected
keys and three incremental encoders to produce
key strokes from jog wheels and similar devices.
KeyWarrior24-S3 is preprogammed with media
controls and other keys typically used for jog
Custom variants are available for production
• Supports up to 64 keys in 8x8 matrix
• Preprogrammed with three layouts for general
use, POS, and gaming
• Support for Caps lock, Num lock and Scroll
lock LEDs
• Supports diodes in the key matrix
• Supports up to 64 keys in 8x8 matrix
• Preprogrammed with three layouts for media
control and general use
• Supports Mute, Eject, Play/Pause, Forward,
• Support for Caps lock, Num lock and Scroll
lock LEDs
• Supports diodes in the key matrix
• Supports three incremental encoders
• Encoder pulses turned into key strokes
• Supports nine direct connected keys
• Supports Mute, Eject, Play/Pause, Forward,
• Preprogrammed for media control and general
2. Functional Overview
KeyWarrior24 is a low cost variant of the
KeyWarrior family. It is primarily designed to
reduce hardware requirements and costs for
smaller keyboard designs that don't need the
complexity of the main KeyWarrior family line.
KeyWarrior24 supports USB only and uses a
factory programmed keyboard layout. This reduces
the external circuitry to almost zero.
The standard KeyWarrior24 chips are available as
off the shelf standard parts with a fixed keyboard
layout. For production volumes (>100) it is
possible to order KeyWarrior24 with a custom key
layout, including up to 34 macros.
KeyWarrior24 implements the KeyWarrior
Commander macro function, restricting the number
of macros to 34 (instead of 48), while retaining all
the other options, like using up to 31 keycodes per
macro and assigning each of the macros to any of
the 64 keys or three encoders and nine keys and
any of the three FN-levels.
V 1.1.2, December 2nd 2013, for chip revision and up
FFFFiiiixxxxeeeedddd PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmm UUUUSSSSBBBB KKKKeeeeyyyybbbbooooaaaarrrrdddd CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooolllllllleeeerrrr FFFFaaaammmmiiiillllyy
nnnntttt ttttoooo tttthhhheeee KKKKeeeeyyyyWWWWaaaarrrrrrrriiiioooorrrr DDDDaaaattttaaaa SSSShhhheeeeeeeett