The factory set M as te r Code is #1234.
This should be ch an ge d immediately
after installatio n (s ee program 10).
The Master Code a nd optional
Sub-Master Code a lw ays start with
the # pre fix. This puts the lock in to
Program mi ng Mode
When th e Master or Sub-Master Co de
is entere d 3 times consecutively wit ho ut
performing a programming function, a
penalty time of 1 0 seconds is activated.
This feature is to discourage the ca su al
use of Master Cod es as User Codes.
The length of the Master Code determines
the length of the U ser Code and the
Sub-Master Code.
If the Mas te r Code is changed to anothe r
of the same lengt h then the Sub-Master
and all User Code s will be retained.
If the Mas te r Code is changed to one of
a diffe rent length then th e Sub-Master
and all User Code s will be deleted.
Codes may be 4, 5 o r 6 digits long.
The lock memory w il l store 80 different
User Codes, each id entified by a User
Code ID - 01 to 8 0.
The lock memory c an store 10 different
One Time User Cod es . Each One Time
User Code is iden ti fied by a One Time
User Code ID - 81 t o 90.
When in Programming Mode a Program
Code must be ente red within 5 second s,
otherwise the Red l ight will flash and
beep and the lock w ill revert to nor ma l.
If a programming mistake is m ad e wait
5 seconds, the Re d light will flash and
beep and the lock w ill revert to nor ma l.
A new c ode will be rej ec te d if it is alre ad y
in the memory.
The CL5000 lo ck has a 12 but to n keypad includ in g
The CL2000 an d CL4000 locks ha ve an 11 button
keypad incl ud ing the Badge B ar which
acts as the
The factory p re-set UN LO CK time is
4 seconds. Th is may be chang ed –
(see Program 06).
Entering 3 in correct c od es will cause t he
lock to sus pe nd activity for a penalty time
of 10 secon ds .
For the CL5 00 0 and CL4000 th e Key-in-Lever al lo ws
the lock to be opened for Se curity and Hous ek eeping
Functions. Turn the k ey clockwise 90
the lever h an dle to open the d oor. For the CL2000
turning the key c lo ckwise will retract the la tc h
allowing th e door to be open ed .
Using the M as ter or the Sub- Ma ster Code, programs
08 and 09 w il l put the lock in to, and out of, C ode
Free Mo de. In Code Free Mode batt er y power is not
being used.
For the CL4 00 0 and CL5000 on ly, if Mas te r and SubMaster Code s cannot be issue d for this purpos e it
is possible t o use the Key-i n- Lever to put th e lock
into Code F ree Mode. T hi s requires that the cy linder
tailpiece b e changed according to the i ns truction on
pages 4 and 5 .
If the Mast er Code is not kn ow n the lock memo ry
can be clea red and mad e to revert t o the factory
Master Code a s follows:
(Continued ne xt page).
and depress
1 Remove on e battery.
2 Pres s and hold the ‘0 ’ button, rep lace the batter y,
the Blue LE D will flash twic e, beep will soun d
twice, then release th e ‘0’ button.
3 Within 3 s ec onds pres s the ‘*’ button 3 ti mes.
For CL2000 an d CL4000 locks press the
‘0’ button 3 times. The Blue L ED will light
continuousl y for 7 seconds a nd then 2 beeps w il l
sound. The lo ck will have reverted to t he factory
set Master Co de,
be erased.
The lock ha s 2 sets of
terminals f or remote
relea se , labelled REM 1
and REM 2 o n the printed
circu it board in t he front
housing. Ca bl es are
provi de d with the lock f or these connec ti ons.
REM 1 is in te nded for use wh en there is a need to
allow a vis it or to open the do or after having b een
identified by intercom o r by sight from within. REM 1
would be co nn ected to a push bu tton on a reception
desk, or to t he approp ri ate button on a n intercom.
Pushing the b utton would cau se the Blue LED t o
light and w ou ld releas e the lock for th e normal
set time.
REM 2 is in te nded for use wh en there is a need for
the door to b e release d by an alarm sys te m, such
as a fire alarm. This en ables emergency personne l
to rapidly ch eck that no one i s trapped/overl oo ked
in classrooms, wards, guest rooms, etc. during an
emergency evacuation , or during a fire drill. Wh en
activated b y an alarm REM 2 wi ll maintain the
unlocked co nd ition for 30 mi nu tes. During thi s time
the red LED will flash o nce every secon d and beep
to indicate t he unlocked con di tion. The lock wi ll
automatical ly revert t o normal after 30 m inutes. If
requi red Pro gram 11 can be us ed to rever t the lock
to normal b ef ore the 3 0 minute period h as finished.
1234, and a ll other settings w ill
1. Bat tery
2. Rem ote 1
3. Rem ote 2
4. Clu tch /
Ac tuat or
Using Program 15 the B lu e and Red LED’s can be
progr am med to indicate l ocked and unloc ke d status.
The CL5000 an d CL4000 Electronic Codelo ck s
should provide in exce ss of 200,000 ope ni ngs from
the 4 x AA ce lls rated at 2, 90 0 mAh. The CL20 00
should provide in exce ss of 80,000 open in gs from
the 2 x AA ce lls rated at 2, 90 0 mAh.
When the ba tt ery power is lo w the Red LED wil l
flash 5 tim es before t he Blue LED flash es to signal
acceptance of the code. Batt er ies should be
changed as so on as this happ en s.
The CL2000 se ries has been d es igned so that a
PP3 battery c an be used to o pe n the lock shou ld
batteries f ai l. See image be lo w.
The pro cedure is a s follows:
Place the t er minals of the P P3 battery agains t
the cont ac t points on the l ock.
The positiv e +PP3 terminal t o the left hand
The Negativ e -PP3 terminal t o the right hand
On secure maintained c on tact the
lock wil l beep twice and th e blue
light wi ll flash twice.
Maintaining c ontact enter th e
master c od e.
The clutch wi ll releas e allowing
the lock t o be opened.
Fit the new b atteries to the l ock
by removing the bat te ry cover
on the i ns ide of the door.