Code Single-Bay Battery Charger User Manual

The Single Bay Battery Charger has an LED light to indicate the charging status of
the reader. Once the reader is engaged with the charging clips - the LED will turn red
or green. (Figure 3)
A red LED = reader/battery is charging
A green LED = reader/battery is fully charged*
*Note: In certain reader congurations, the radio is required to
always be on, therefore requiring a constant power draw. In these
instances, while the power draw is minimal, the LED light may
never turn green when charging a reader.
Figure 3
Installing the Single Bay Charger to the Wall Mount:
1. Attach the wall mount to a wall (because surface types differ, screws are not
included to secure the wall mount to a wall).
The Single Bay Battery Charger has an LED light to indicate the charging status of
the reader. Once the reader is engaged with the charging clips - the LED will turn red
or green. (Figure 3)
A red LED = reader/battery is charging
A green LED = reader/battery is fully charged*
*Note: In certain reader congurations, the radio is required to
always be on, therefore requiring a constant power draw. In these
instances, while the power draw is minimal, the LED light may
never turn green when charging a reader.
Figure 3
Installing the Single Bay Charger to the Wall Mount:
1. Attach the wall mount to a wall (because surface types differ, screws are not
included to secure the wall mount to a wall).
2. Using the two screws provided, follow the step shown in Figure 4 to install the
charger to the wall mount. Once the charger is installed, set a reader onto the
charging post to charge a reader. (Figure 5)
Figure 4
14870 S. Pony Express Rd. #200 Bluffdale, UT 84065 (801) 495-2200
Figure 5
© 2012 Code Corporation. All rights reserved.
2. Using the two screws provided, follow the step shown in Figure 4 to install the
charger to the wall mount. Once the charger is installed, set a reader onto the
charging post to charge a reader. (Figure 5)
Figure 4
14870 S. Pony Express Rd. #200 Bluffdale, UT 84065 (801) 495-2200
© 2012 Code Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 5
Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide
Single Bay Charger
The Single Bay Charger features a charging bay
that can accommodate hand-held wireless
congurations of the CR2, CR2500, CR3 and
CR3500, with or without an Elastomer Boot.
(Figure 1)
Figure 1 Figure 1
Single Bay Charger
The Single Bay Charger features a charging bay
that can accommodate hand-held wireless
congurations of the CR2, CR2500, CR3 and
CR3500, with or without an Elastomer Boot.
(Figure 1)
Charger and Power Supply (if ordered)
Wall Mount & 2 Screws to secure the charger to wall mount.
Charging a bar code reader:
To begin, plug the power cord into the back of the charger, and plug the adapter into a wall socket.
To charge a reader, simply place the reader,
facing forward, onto the charging post. (Figure 2)
Note: Fully charge batteries before rst use.
The approximate charge time is 4 hours.
Figure 2
Charger and Power Supply (if ordered)
Wall Mount & 2 Screws to secure the charger to wall mount.
Charging a bar code reader:
To begin, plug the power cord into the back of the charger, and plug the adapter into a wall socket.
To charge a reader, simply place the reader,
facing forward, onto the charging post. (Figure 2)
Note: Fully charge batteries before rst use.
The approximate charge time is 4 hours.
Figure 2