DE™ is a registered trademark of Daniels Electronic Ltd. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Printing Date: Dec 2002Daniels Electronics Ltd.
Issue Date:February 2002Previous Issue Date:Nov 99Victoria, BC
Issue:4 Rev APrevious Issue: 3
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The user's authority to operate this equipment could be revoked through any
changes or modifications not expressly approved by Daniels Electronics Ltd.
The design of this equipment is subject to change due to continuous
development. This equipment may incorporate minor changes in detail from the
information contained in this manual.
The CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator module is an optional plug-in component of the MT-3 Radio
Repeater System. This module provides digital and/or analog paging capability for Daniels MT-3
transmitters in all supported frequency bands.
The CI-PM-3 is designed for low power consumption, typically drawing less than 250 mA in
steady state. In its standard configuration, the CI-PM-3 uses an on-board frequency reference
source consi s t ing of a 10 MHz OCXO with a standard stability o f 0.03 PPM. For high stability
applications (such as Simulcast), the CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator may be configured to use an
external high stability reference source (i.e. rubidium, GPS or WWV) with a standard stability
greater than or equal to 0.002 PPM, to discipline the on-board phase-locked loop OCXO oscillator.
To ensure that paging signals are the same relative to each transmitter, the CI-PM-3 also
incorporates a limited delay compensation for the different link propagation paths between
The CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator supports both analog and digital paging formats, and can transmit
POCSAG and other 2-level modulation schemes at data transfer rates of 512, 1200, and 2400
Baud. It can also be configured for use as a data repeater, whereby 2-level paging data is recovered,
re-shaped and then re-transmitted to an additional repeater/paging transmitter. The CI-PM-3
supports 4-level modulation formats in non-repeater mode (i.e. in a base station paging transmitter
application only) at data transfer rates up to 1600 BPS. Each of the four modulation deviation
levels can be independently set, making the CI-PM-3 suitable for use in such pager signaling
schemes as Motorola’s FLEX™ Paging Protocol.
Setup conditions are established via front panel switch settings, while internal jumper settings and
setup adjustments are easily accessible using the EC-96, 96 Pin Extender Card.
The CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator includes the following standard features:
- front panel selection of PLL OCXO using external high stability frequency reference;
- jumper and line selectable analog / digital paging configuration;
- connection for optional CTCSS encoder / decoder;
- balanced 600 Ω / single-ended microphone input;
- selectable digital delay for Simulcast operation
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual1-1
1.2 Construction
The CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator is packaged in a compact Eurostandard shell module housing of
nickel/steel with an anodized aluminum front panel. Corrosion resistant fasteners are used
throughout the assembly.
1.3 Printed Circuit Board Numbering Convention
To ease troubleshooting and maintenance procedures, Daniels Electronics Limited has adopted a
printed circuit board (PCB) numbering convention in which the last two digits o f the Circuit Board
number represent the Circuit Board version. For example:
• PCB number 50002-02 indicates Circuit Board version 2.0.
• PCB number 43-912010 indicates Circuit Board version 1.0;
All PCB's manufactured by Daniels Electronics are identified by one of the above conventions.
1.4 Specifications
1.4.1 General Specifications
Model Number:CI-PM-3
Type:MT-3 Series Paging Modulator
Compatibility:MT-3 Series Radio Systems
Modulation:16K0F3E (FM Analog), and
14K7F1D (FM Data Transmission)
Audio Input:Balanced 600 Ω(tone or voice)
Digital Input:Bipolar:RS-232 compatible
Reference Input:10 MHz, 0.5 to 2.5 V rms, 50 Ω Front Panel SMA
Reference Output:10 MHz (Modulated), 2.5 V rms, 50 Ω Front Panel
1-2CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
Frequency Stability: Standard:±0.03ppm from -40°C to +60°C
Optional: External High Stability ±0.002ppm
from -40°C to +60°C (requires
WWV or GPS reference source).
Duty Cycle:Continuous, 100% from -40°C to +60°C
Audio Response:0 Hz to 3.4 kHz
Maximum Deviation:+/- 50 PPM
Analog / Digital PTT Activation:Front panel connector and rear motherboard
Current Consumption:+13.8 VDC supply:600 mA power
200 mA steady state
+9.5 VDC supply:200mA (all options enabled)
80mA (all options disabled)
70mA (LED indicators off).
Operating Temperature Range:-40°C to +60°C
Paging Formats:4-Level Base Station paging only ( Flex )
2-Level Multiple Transmitter paging (POCSAG)
Simulcast Operation:Supported with the addition of WWV/GPS receiver.
IC Type Approval:Approved for use with MT-3 VHF Tx additional
frequency band approvals to be sought.
FCC Type Acceptance:Approved for use with MT-3 VHF Tx additional
frequency band approvals to be sought.
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual1-3
1.4.2 CTCSS Decoder/Encoder (Option)
Manufacturer:Communications Specialists Inc.
Model Number:TS-64
Number of Tones:64
Frequency Range of Tones:33.0 to 254.1 Hz
Signal to Noise:Better than 4 dB SINAD
Decode Time:150 ms nominal
Fade Time:350 ms nominal
Squelch Tail Elimination::160 ms reverse phase burst
Current Consumption:9 mA
1-4CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
1.4.3 Physical Specifications
Physical Dimensions:Width:Height:Depth:
3.5 cm (1.38")12.8 cm (5.05")19 cm (7.5")
Module Weight:0.4 kg (1 lb.)
Corrosion Prevention:Anodized aluminum construction with stainless steel
hardware. Selectively applied Conformal coated
glass epoxy 4 layer printed circuit boards. Gold
plated module connectors.
Module Design:Compac t Eurostandard modular design. Plug-in
module mates with Daniels standard 19" M3 repeater
subrack. Interchangeable for test and repair.
External Connections:REF Input and Output SMA connectors located on
the module’s front panel. Motherboard Connections
(Audio, Modulation, Power, and Control) are made
through a 96 pin, gold plated type C connector on the
rear of the module. User connections (Audio,
Modulation, and Control) are made through a front
panel DB-15 connector as well as through the 96 pin
connector on the rear of the module.
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual1-5
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6-6CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual2-1
3.1 General
The CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator is by default configured for stand-alone base station paging, using
2-Level paging data with a binary polarity of 1, and using the on-board +/-0.03 PPM 10 MHz
OCXO. Table 4-4 contains a complete list of CI-PM-3 default jumper settings. The CI-PM-3 can
also be configured for 4-level signal (base transmitter only) paging, remote paging, link repeater o r
higher stability operation. Each of these configurations is covered separately in the following
3.2 Repair Notes
Removal and replacement o f surface mount components should be performed only in specifically
designed surface mount rework and repair stations complete with electrostatic discharge (ESD)
To help prevent damage to the circuit board pads when removing Surface Mount Solder Jumpers, it
is recommended that solder braid be used in place of manual vacuum de-soldering tools.
3.3 Recommended Equipment List
Alignment of the CI-PM-3 requires the following test and radio equipment, or its equivalent:
• Power Supply:Regulated +13.8 VDC at 2 A
• Oscilloscope / Multi-meter:Fluke 97 Scopemeter
• Current Meter:Fluke 75 Multi-meter
• Radio Communications Test Set:Marconi Instruments 2955R (W/External Reference)
• Sub-rack:Daniels SR-3 Series 19” Sub-rack
• System Monitor:Daniels SM-3 Series System Monitor
• Transmitter Module:Daniels Enhanced Performance VT-3 / UT-3 Series
• Extender Card and Cable:Daniels EC-96K, 96 Pin Extender Card and Cable
• Alignment Tool:Johanson 8766
Note:It is highly recommended that the Radio Communications Test Set be frequency locked to
an external 10 MHz reference (WWV or GPS), especially if the factory-adjusted frequency
settings are to be altered in any way.
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual3-1
3.4 Installation
1. Install the Daniels EC-96 Extender Card in either the far left-hand or the far right-hand slot of
the subrack (as viewed from the front). Remove the side covers of the CI-PM-3 Paging
Modulator and attach the 96-Pin Extender Cable between it and the Extender Card.
2. Apply +13.8 VDC power to the Subrack. Allow approximately 15 minutes for warm-up.
3.5 Alignment
Refer to Figure 5-1 for the location of the CI-PM-3 module front panel controls.
1. Ensure the CI-PM-3 circuit board jumpers are initialized to their default settings (refer to
Table 4-4). Note any differences so that the jumpers can be returned to their former positions.
2. For alignment procedures in this section, set the front panel switches to the following settings,
unless otherwise noted:
a) SW1 (FREQ REF)set toINT
b) SW2 (MODE)set toSETUP
c) SW3 (SET MOD)set to2 LEVEL
d) SW4 (SET DEV)set toData “1” (Top Position)
3. Ensure the Transmitter Audio Processor circuit board jumpers are initialized to their default
settings (refer to Tables 4-7 or 4-8).
4. Connect the CI-PM-3 REF OUT connector to the transmitter REFERENCE INPUT connector
via a SMA to SMA RF cable.
5. Remove external connections to the DB-15 connector on the CI-PM-3 or the Alarm lines on the
back of the subrack.
Do not connect any other input signal/control lines to the CI-PM-3 at this time.
3.6 Frequency (Digital Paging) Adjustment
CI-PM-3 frequency adjustments are factory set. It is strongly recommended that they not be
altered. The following procedure applies only if field adjustment is required:
1. Set front panel SW1 (FREQ REF) INT and remove shunt jumper JU6-A.
2. Set shunt jumpers JU23-A and JU41-B.
3. Set the transmitter front panel NORM/KEY TX switch to KEY TX.
3-2CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
4. Monitor the Communications Test Set and adjust FREQ ADJ potentiometer R82 for the
transmitter operating frequency +/-1 Hz.
5. Set the transmitter front panel NORM/KEY TX switch to NORM and replace JU6-A.
3.7 Reference (Analog Paging) Adjustment
CI-PM-3 Reference frequency adjustment is factory set. It is strongly recommended that they not
be altered. The following procedure applies only if field adjustment is required.
1. Ensure shunt jumper JU6-A is installed.
2. Set shunt jumpers JU23-A and JU41-A (or not installed).
3. Set the transmitter front panel NORM/KEY TX switch to KEY TX.
4. Monitor the Communications Test Set and adjust REF ADJ potentiometer R24 for the
transmitter operating frequency +/-1 Hz.
5. Set the transmitter front panel NORM/KEY TX switch to NORM.
3.8 Test Data Symmetry Adjustment
1. Set the oscilloscope for 1.0 V/Div (vertical) and 0.5 ms/Div (horizontal). Monitor TP10.
2. Set shunt jumpers JU23-A and JU41-B, and set JU36 to bypass.
3. Set SW3 (SET MOD) to 2 LEVEL and SW4 (SET DEV) to the center or “C ontinuous Bit
Stream” position.
4. Adjust R70 (Test Data Symmetry Adjust) for symmetrical positive and negative pulses (i.e. of
equal width) as measured at TP10.
3.9 2 And 4 Level Deviation Adjustment
1. Set shunt jumpers JU23-A and JU41-A (or not installed).
2. Monitor TP11 with a voltmeter and adjust R110 for approximately 4 volts at TP11.
3. Monitor the transmitter frequency and deviation on the Communications Test Set and set the
transmitter front panel NORM/KEY TX switch to KEY TX.
4. Set shunt jumpers JU23-A and JU41-B.
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual3-3
5. Set SW3 (SET MOD) to 2 LEVEL, and SW4 (SET DEV) to the Data “1” (top) position. For
a VHF system adjust R5 (2-LVL +Dev) for +4.8 kHz deviation (4.8 kHz above center
frequency). For a UHF system adjust R5 for +4.2 kHz deviation.
6. Change SW4 (SET DEV) to the Data “0 ” (bottom) position. For a VHF system adjust R6
(2-LVL -Dev) for -4.8 kHz deviation (4.8 kHz below center fr equency ). For a UHF system
adjust R6 for –4.2 kHz deviation.
7. Set shunt jumper JU23-B.
8. Change SW3 (SET MOD) to 4 LEVEL. Adjust R4 (4-LVL -Dev) for -1.6 kHz deviation.
9. Change SW4 (SET DEV) to the Data “1” (top) position. Adjust R3 (4-LVL +Dev) for + 1.6
kHz deviation.
10. Set SW3 (SET MOD) to 2 LEVEL. Set SW4 (SET DEV) to the center position. Adjust R23
(BP DEV ADJ) for maximum deviation of +/-4.8 kHz.
3.10 PLL Setup
CI-PM-3 PLL adjustments are factory set. It is strongly recommended that they not be altered.
The following procedure applies only if field adjustment is required:
1. Install Power Enable surface mount jumpers JU37, JU39, JU56 and JU59.
2. Ensure front panel SW1 (FREQ REF) is set to EXT, and shunt jumper JU6-A is removed.
3. Set shunt jumpers JU23-A and JU41-A (or not installed).
4. Connect the 50 Ohm output of a high stability, 10 MHz reference to front panel REF IN SMA
connector J3. Ensure the output level of the external reference is between 0.5 to 2.5 V rms.
Steps 5 through 7 apply to Daniels VR-3/150 transmitters.
5. Measure and record the voltage at TP13 with the DMM.
6. Measure the voltage at TP12 with the DMM.
7. Adjust PLL CAL potentiometer R101 until the voltage measured at TP12 matches the voltage
measured in step (5) above within ± 0.2 Vdc. Note that when the PLL locks in, the voltage at
TP12 will also lock in to within ±0.2 Vdc of the voltage at TP13. At this point further
adjustment of R101 will not change the value unless it is brought out of lock.
3-4CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
Steps 8 and 9 apply to Daniels UHF transmitters.
8. Monitor TP12 with an oscilloscope.
9. Adjust the PLL CAL potentiometer R101 until the voltage measured at TP12 is over 2.7 volts.
You should observe a clean DC voltage when the PLL locks in. Any voltage below 2.7 volts
results in a badly distorted 10 MHz square wave.
10. Replace shunt jumper JU6-A.
3.11 Data Delay Setup
1. Enable the DATA DELAY option by installing Power Enable surface-mount jumpers JU38
And moving the two DATA DELAY shunt jumpers of JU36 to the DELAY (vertical) position.
2. Set front panel switches SW2 (MODE) to SETUP, SW3 (SET MOD) to 2 LEVEL, and S W4
(SET DEV) to “Continuous Bit Stream” (refer to SW4 DETAIL in Figure 6-1).
To calibrate the positive and negative edge delay:
3. Set the oscilloscope for 1.0 V/Div (vertical) and 0.5 µs/Div (horizontal). Select channel 1 as
trigger input and set Trigger Slope to positive.
4. Monitor the data signal at TP9 on channel 1 of the oscilloscope.
5. Monitor and record the period of the data delay pulse at TP7 on channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
6. Set Trigger Slope to negative.
7. Continue monitoring the data signal at TP9 on channel 1 of the oscilloscope while monitoring
the period of the data delay pulse at TP7 on channel 2.
8. Adjust R95, DELAY SYNC, until the period of the data delay pulse measured at TP7 is
identical to that measured in step (5) above.
To set the delay resolution (output frequency of Programmable Counter U22):
9. With surface mount jumpers JU31A, JU32A and JU33A installed, monitor the frequency of the
signal at TP8.
10. Adjust tuning capacitor C55 for a frequency of 1.0 MHz (+/- 10 Hz) at TP8.
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual3-5
3.12 Simulcast Delay Setup
A typical Simulcast system is depicted in Figure 5-2. To correctly determine the differing
propagation path delays to each transmitter in a Simulcast system and compensate for them, signal
delays in both the transmission medium and the equipment must be known. For the purposes of
this manual, it is assumed that only Daniels MT-3 radio equipment will b e util ized at each paging
site, and that each radio subrack will be identically configured with CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator
Signal delays from the base transmitter to any paging transmitter are calculated as follows:
=Propagation delay from Base TX to Paging TX
=Delay through Receiver
=Delay through Paging Modulator
=Delay through Transmitter
+ t
+ t
+ t
The delay through the equipment at each paging transmitter site, t
,will be identical for each link,
and can therefore be eliminated from our calculations. As such, the only delay variable(s) of
interest will be the distance from the base transmitter to each paging transmitter. Since radio waves
propagate at or near the speed of light (3x108 m/sec), the delay calculation becomes:
Delay= t
= d (km)
= d (mi)
For the Simulcast system depicted in Figure 5-2, the signal transmitted by PAGING TX #1 will not
be delayed, as this is the furthest site from the BASE TX. However, to ensure identical signal
processing characteristics at each site, the DATA DELAY circuitry of the CI-PM-3 atPAGING
TX #1 will be enabled, bu t with zero delay selected. PAGING TX #2 will have its paging signal
delayed by a value proportional to the difference in distance between PAGING TX #1 and
PAGING TX #2 to the BASE TX. The delay for PAGING TX #2 is therefore calculated as:
(Link B)
(Link A)
(km) - d
(Link B)
(km))× 3.33µsec
(Link A)
(mi) - d
(Link B)
(mi))× 5.37µsec
3-6CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
The delay calculations for any paging transmitter site in a multiple-transmitter system, with
distances measured from the site of interest back to the BASE TX, becomes:
(Site of Interest)
(Furthest Site)
(km) - d
(Site of Interest)
(km))× 3.33µsec
(Furthest Site)
(mi) - d
(Site of Interest)
(mi))× 5.37µsec
To set the delay value: Once the required delay has been calculated for a particular paging site, refer
to Table 4-3 delay settings:
a) Locate the DELAY (µsec) value which is closest to the calculated value.
b) Set surface mount jumpers JU31, JU32, JU33, and JU35 according Table 4-3 in section 4.3.
Data Delay Adjust: To set delay values other than those listed in Table 4-3:
1. Set the oscilloscope for 1.0 V/Div (vertical) and 0.5 µs/Div (horizontal). Select channel 1 as
trigger input and set Trigger Slope to positive.
2. Monitor the test data signal at TP9 on channel 1 of the oscilloscope and the output signal at
TP5 on channel 2.
3. Adjust the oscilloscope for maximum horizontal display of the distance between the signals’
leading edges. Adjust tuning capacitor C55 until the output signal’s leading edge on channel 2
is delayed from the input signal’s leading edge on channel 1 by the desired delay amount.
Example: To set a delay of 44 µsec:
i) Set oscilloscope horizontal resolution to 5 µsec/div.
ii) Install surface mount jumpers JU31B, JU32A, JU33A and JU35E (refer to Table 4-3).
iii) Monitor TP9 on channel 1 of the oscilloscope. Monitor TP5 on channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
Adjust C55 for 8.8 horizontal divisions between the signals’ leading edges
(8.8✕5 µsec = 44 µsec delay).
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual3-7
3.13 Repeater Configuration
The CI-PM-3 modules at both the base transmitter and paging/repeater must be configured
individually. Individual setup procedures must also be followed for analog/digital paging and for
digital-only paging.
Note:The CI-PM-3 modules must be set for 2-level signal operation only when configured for
use in a paging repeater system.
3.13.1 Base Transmitter Site CI-PM-3 Configuration
The setup instructions of sections 3.13.1 through 3.13.3 must be completed prior to commencing
setup of the remote paging/repeater site CI-PM-3. Jumper designators separated by a ‘/’ indicates
an ‘and/or’ selection (eg JU19/JU45 means JU19 and/or JU45). Digital-Only Paging
1. Install shunt jumpers JU7-A, JU8-A, JU10-A, JU41-C and JU23-A, JU23-B or JU23-C.
2. Install surface mount jumpers JU22, JU55, and JU20/JU21.
3. Remove surface mount jumpers JU19, JU28, JU29, JU30, JU34, JU43, JU44, JU45, JU52,
JU53 and JU54. Analog/Digital Paging
Ensure the TS-64 CTCSS Module, MOD1, is installed. Refer to section 3.13.3 for TS-64 CTCSS
Module Configuration and settings for jumpers JU52, JU53 and JU54.
1. Install shunt jumpers JU7-A, JU8-A, JU10-B, JU41-A and JU23-A, JU23-B or JU23-C.
2. Install surface mount jumper JU20/JU21, JU22 and JU55.
3. Remove surface mount jumpers JU19, JU28, JU29, JU30, JU34, JU43, JU44, JU45 and JU51.
3.13.2 Repeater Site CI-PM-3 Configuration
At the remote paging/repeater site, the digital paging signal is received and discriminated by the
receiver, reg enera ted (reshaped) by the CI-PM-3, and re-transmitted through the normal CI-PM-3
data signal path. Analog paging signals are routed from the receiver, through the CI-PM-3, then
directly to the transmitter.
3-8CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual Digital-Only Repeater
1. Install shunt jumpers JU41-C and JU23-A, JU23-B or JU23-C.
3. Remove surface mount jumpers JU34, JU51, JU52, JU53 and JU54. Analog/Digital Repeater
Ensure the TS-64 CTCSS Module, MOD1, is installed. Refer to section 3.13.3 for TS-64 CTCSS
Module Configuration and settings for jumpers JU52, JU53 and JU54.
1. Install shunt jumpers JU7-B, JU8-B, JU10-B, JU41-A and JU23-A, JU23-B or JU23-C.
3. To place the TS-64 in monitor mode (i.e. over-ride the decoder and unmute the receiver audio
for channel monitoring):
a) Ensure TS-64 jumper JP11 is removed.
b) Ensure the TS-64 Hang-up Input is floating or above ground potential:
i) Remove jumpers JU52 and JU53, or
ii) Remove jumpe r JU52, install jumper JU53, and leave CT CSS HU/BUSY input J1
Pin 11 floating.
4. To disable paging transmission while the channel is busy:
a) Install TS-64 jumper JP11.
b) Remove jumper JU52, install jumpers JU53 and JU54.
3-10CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
4.1 Data / Control Port (Connector J1) Pin Functions
Table 4-1Data / Control Port (Connector J1) Pin Functions
12-Lvl Data2 Level RS-232 Data input.
24-Lvl Data4 Level RS-232 Data input.
3Ext ClockExternal Clock for 4 Level signal synchronization.
42-Lvl/4-Lvl Select2 Level / 4 Level select. Low = 2 Level, High = 4 Level.
5A/D Mode SelectAnalog / Digital Mode select. Low = Digital, High = Analog.
6Discr O/PDiscriminator Output from Receiver.
7PTTPush To Talk.
9Balanced Audio I/P 1Balanced Audio Input 1. Routed directly to Transmitter.
10Balanced Audio I/P 2Balanced Audio Input 2. Routed directly to Transmitter.
11Data OutRegenerated digital data from receiver.
12HU/BusyCTCSS Hang Up / Busy signal from optional CTCSS module.
13No Connection14No Connection15No Connection-
B15W RX AUDIO5W RX A/RX B Audio From System Monitor
A15W RX AUDIO5W RX A/RX B Audio From System Monitor
B213.8V13.8V from M3 Motherboard J8 (Unregulated)
A213.8V13.8V from M3 Motherboard J8 (Unregulated)
C3IMC2Inter-module Communications Line No. 2
B3RX A AMPD AUDIORX A Amplified Audio Output
A3RX B AMPD AUDIORX B Amplified Audio Output
B49.5VRegulated +9.5V from System Monitor
A49.5VRegulated +9.5V from System Monitor
C5IMC3Inter-module Communications Line No. 3
B5RX A 9.5VRX A Current Sense Output Line (Supply)
A5RX B 9.5VRX B Current Sense Output Line (Supply)
C6ALARM 1Inter-module Alarm Line No. 1.
B6TX A PTTTransmitter A Press To Talk input.
A6TX B PTTTransmitter B Press To Talk input.
C7ALARM 2Inter-module Alarm Line No. 2.
B7RX A 9.5V MONRX A Current Sense Output Line (Module)
A7RX B 9.5V MONRX B Current Sense Output Line (Module)
C8ALARM 3Inter-module Alarm Line No. 3
B8RX A CORRX A Carrier Operated Relay Output
A8RX B CORRX B Carrier Operated Relay Output
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual4-1
C9ALARM 4Inter-module Alarm Line No. 4
B9TX A STANDBYTX A Audio Standby
A9TX B STANDBYTX B Audio Standby
C10RX A SQL OVERRIDERX A Squelch Disable Input
B10RX A DISC O/PRX A Discriminator Output
A10TX A PTT OUTTX A Microphone Press To Talk Output
C11ALARM 5Inter-module Alarm Line No. 5
B11SPARE 5Inter-module Spare Line No. 5
A11SPARE 6Inter-module Spare Line No. 6
C12RX A SQL FLATRX A Squelched, Flat Audio Output
B12RX A ISO COR ARX A Isolated Carrier Operated Relay, Side A O/P
A12RX A ISO COR KRX A Isolated Carrier Operated Relay, Side K O/P
C13ALARM 6Inter-module Alarm Line No. 6
B13RX A DISC L/P O/PRX A Discriminator Low-Pass Audio Output
A13RX B DISC L/P O/PRX B Discriminator Low-Pass Audio Output
C14RX B SQL DE-EMPRX B Squelched, De-Emphasized Audio Output
B14SPARE 3Inter-module Spare Line No. 3
A14SPARE 4Inter-module Spare Line No. 4
C15ALARM 7Inter-module Alarm Line No. 7
B15RX A SIG STRENRX A Signal Strength Indicator Output
A15RX B SIG STRENRX B Signal Strength Indicator Output
C16TX B BAL I/P 1TX B Balanced Audio Input, Side 1
B16TX B SUBT I/P 1TX B Subtone Audio Input No. 1
A16TX B PTT OUTTX B Microphone Press To Talk Output
C17ALARM 8Inter-module Alarm Line No. 8
B17TX A VSWR FWDTX A VSWR Forward Level Indicator Output
A17TX B VSWR FWDTX B VSWR Forward Level Indicator Output
C18TX A BAL I/P 1TX B Balanced Audio Input, Side 1
B18TX A BAL I/P 2TX B Balanced Audio Input, Side 2
A18TX B BAL I/P 2TX B Balanced Audio Input, Side 2
C19SPARE 1Inter-module Spare Line No. 1
B19TX A VSWR REVTX A VSWR Reverse Level Indicator Output
A19TX B VSWR REVTX B VSWR Reverse Level Indicator Output
C20SPARE 2Inter-module Spare Line No. 2
B20TX A DIR MODTX A Direct Modulation Input
A20TX B DIR MODTX B Direct Modulation Input
C21TX A CSEL D0TX A Channel Select Line No. D0
B21TX A CSEL D1TX A Channel Select Line No. D1
A21TX A CSEL D2TX A Channel Select Line No. D2
C22TX A SUBT I/P 1TX A Subtone Audio Input No. 1
B22RX A MUTERX A Mute Input
A22RX A SQL DE-EMPRX A Squelched, De-Emphasized Audio Output
C23TX A CSEL D3TX A Channel Select Line No. D3
B23RX A CSEL D0RX A Channel Select Line No. D0
A23RX A CSEL D1RX A Channel Select Line No. D1
C24TX A SUBT I/P 2TX A Subtone Audio Input No. 2
B24RX A BAL O/P 1RX A Balanced Audio Output, Side 1
A24RX A BAL O/P 2RX A Balanced Audio Output, Side 2
C25RX A CSEL D2RX A Channel Select Line No. D2
B25RX A CSEL D3RX A Channel Select Line No. D3
A25TX B CSEL D0TX B Channel Select Line No. D0
C26TX B SUBT I/P 2TX B Subtone Audio Input No. 2
B26RX B SQL OVERRIDERX B Squelch Disable Input
A26RX B MUTERX B Mute Input
4-2CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual
C27TX B CSEL D1TX B Channel Select Line No. D1
B27TX B CSEL D2TX B Channel Select Line No. D2
A27TX B CSEL D3TX B Channel Select Line No. D3
C28RX B DISC O/PRX B Discriminator Audio Output
B28RX B ISO COR KRX B Isolated Carrier Operated Relay, Side K O/P
A28RX B ISO COR ARX B Isolated Carrier Operated Relay, Side A O/P
C29RX B CSEL D0RX B Channel Select Line No. D0
B29RX B CSEL D1RX B Channel Select Line No. D1
A29RX B CSEL D2RX B Channel Select Line No. D2
C30RX B BAL O/P 1RX B Balanced Audio Output, Side 1
B30RX B BAL O/P 2RX B Balanced Audio Output, Side 2
A30RX B SQL FLATRX B Squelched, Flat Audio Output
C31RX B CSEL D3RX B Channel Select Line No. D3
B31RX A PRIORITY CORRX A Priority COR (not affected by Mute)
4.3 CI-PM-3 Data Delay Jumper Settings
Table 4-3Delay Settings
JU33JU32JU31JU35 (µSec) (km) (mi)
AAAA41.20 0.75
AABA82.40 1.49
AAAC123.60 2.24
ABAA164.80 2.98
AAAE206.00 3.73
ABBC247.20 4.47
ABBA329.60 5.97
AABE4012.00 7.46
ABAC4814.40 8.95
BAAA6419.20 11.93
ABAE8024.00 14.91
ABBC9628.80 17.90
BABA12838.40 23.86
ABBE16048.00 29.83
BAAC19257.60 35.79
BBAA25676.80 47.72
BAAE32096.00 59.65
BABC384115.20 71.59
BBAB512153.60 95.45
BABE640192.00 119.31
BBAC768230.40 143.17
BBAD1024307.20 190.89
BBAE1280384.00 238.62
BBAF1536460.80 286.34
CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual4-3
4.4 CI-PM-3 Circuit Board Jumpers
Table 4-4CI-PM-3 Default Jumper Settings
JU12-LVL Polarity Select (A = Inverted ; B = Normal)ShuntB
JU24-LVL Polarity Select (A = Normal; B = Inverted)ShuntA
JU3RX A Balanced O/P 1 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU4RX A Balanced O/P 2 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU5XO Polarity Select (A = Normal; B = Inverted)ShuntB
JU6XO Select (A=OCXO; B=VCXO)ShuntA
JU7Data Regeneration (A = Disable; B = Enable)SM SolderA
JU8Data Input (A = Data/Ctrl Port; B=RX A Regenerated Data)SM SolderA
JU9Discriminator O/P To Front Panel J1 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU10Repeater CTCSS Enable (A = Disable; B = Enable)SM SolderA
JU11TX A Direct Modulation EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU12TX B Direct Modulation EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU13TX A Subtone I/P 2 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU14TX B Subtone I/P 2 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU15TX A Balanced I/P 1 EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU16TX B Balanced I/P 1 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU17TX A Audio Control EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU18TX B Audio Control EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU19RX A COR EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU20TX A PTT EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU21TX B PTT EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU22Repeater PTT EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU23Level Select (A=2/4-LVL; B=4-LVL)ShuntA
JU24TX A Balanced I/P 2 EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU25TX B Balanced I/P 2 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU26Alarm 7 To TX A and B Balanced O/P 1 EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU27Alarm 5 To TX A and B Balanced O/P 2 EnableSM SolderInstalled
JU28CTCSS RX A Mute BypassSM SolderNot Installed
JU29RX A Discriminator Output EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU30RX A Mute EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU31Data Delay Selection (Refer to Table 4-3)SM SolderA
JU32Data Delay Selection (Refer to Table 4-3)SM SolderA
JU33Data Delay Selection (Refer to Table 4-3)SM SolderA
JU34CTCSS PTT BypassSM SolderInstalled
JU35Data Delay Selection (A - F, Refer to Table 4-3)SM SolderA
JU36Data Delay/By-PassShuntBypass
JU37Switched 8.0 Volts For PLL I/O CircuitrySM SolderNot Installed
JU38Switched 8.0 Volts For Data Delay CircuitrySM SolderNot Installed
JU39Switched 5.0 Volts For PLL I/O CircuitrySM SolderNot Installed
JU40Switched 5.0 Volts For Regenerated PTT and Data Delay CircuitrySM SolderNot Installed
JU41Analog/Digital Mode Over-rideShuntA
JU42Low Frequency Deviation EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU43RX B Discriminator O/P EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU44RX B Mute EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU45RX B COR EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU46RX B Balanced O/P 1 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU47RX B Balanced O/P 2 EnableSM SolderNot Installed
JU48External Clock Enable (A = Disable; B = Enable)ShuntA
JU49Switched 5.0 Volts For 2-LVL / 4-LVL Switching CircuitrySM SolderInstalled
JU50RS-232 Data Out EnableSM SolderNot Installed