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Security Classication:
May 2018
Codan Radio Communications
Victoria, BC
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Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
RF Exposure Warning
Exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy has been identied as a potential environmental factor that must be
considered before a radio transmitter can be authorized or licensed. The FCC and IC have therefore developed
maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits for eld strength and power density, listed in FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
and IC RSS-102 Issue 5 Sect 4. The FCC has furthermore determined that determination of compliance with these
exposure limits, and preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) if the limits are exceeded, is necessary
only for facilities, operations and transmitters that fall into certain risk categories, listed in FCC 47 CFR § 1.1307
(b), Table 1. All other facilities, operations and transmitters are categorically excluded from making such studies or
preparing an EA, except as indicated in FCC 47 CFR §§ 1.1307 (c) and (d).
KDB 447198 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06 and IC RSS-102 Issue 5 provide assistance in determining
whether a proposed or existing transmitting facility, operation or device complies with RF exposure limits. In
accordance with KDB 447198 , FCC 47 CFR § 1.1307 (b) and RSS-102 Issue 5 Sect 2.5, the Codan Radio
Communications transmitter manufactured in Canada is categorically excluded from routine evaluation or preparing
an EA for RF emissions and this exclusion is sufcient basis for assuming compliance with FCC/IC MPE limits. This
exclusion is subject to the limits specied in FCC 47 CFR §§ 1.1307 (b), 1.1310 and IC RSS-102 Issue 5 Sect 4.
Codan Radio Communications has no reason to believe that the excluded transmitter encompasses exceptional
characteristics that could cause non-compliance.
•The FCC and IC’s exposure guidelines constitute exposure limits, not emission limits. They are relevant
to locations that are accessible to workers or members of the public. Such access can be restricted or
controlled by appropriate means (i.e., fences, warning signs and others).
•The FCC and IC’s limits apply cumulatively to all sources of RF emissions affecting a given site. Sites
exceeding these limits are subject to an EA and must provide test reports indicating compliance.
RF Safety Guidelines and Information
Base and Repeater radio transmitters are designed to generate and radiate RF energy by means of an external
antenna, typically mounted at a signicant height above ground to provide adequate signal coverage. To reduce
potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent
isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that permitted for successful communication. The following
antenna installation guidelines must be adhered to in order to ensure RF exposure compliance:
Non-building-mounted Antennas:
•Height above ground level to lowest point of antenna ≥ 10 m
•Power ≤ 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP)
Building-mounted Antennas:
Power ≤ 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP)
The following RF Safety Guidelines should be observed when working in or around transmitter sites:
•Do not work on or around any transmitting antenna while RF power is applied.
•Before working on an antenna, disable the appropriate transmitter and ensure a “DO NOT USE”
or similar sign is placed on or near the PTT or key-up control.
•Assume all antennas are active unless specically indicated otherwise.
•Never operate a transmitter with the cover removed.
•Ensure all personnel entering a transmitter site have electromagnetic energy awareness training.
For more information on RF energy exposure and compliance, please refer to the following:
1.FCC Code of Regulations; 47 CFR §§ 1.1307 and 1.1310
4.IC RSS-102 Issue 5, “Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radio Communication
( )
RF Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
Exhibit Requirements for Installations in the United States of America
FCC Part 1, Section 1.1307 table 1- Transmitters, Facilities and Operations Subject to Routine Environmental Evaluation states the following for Part 90 Devices:
•Part 90 devices Non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna <10 m and power >1000 W ERP (1640 W
EIRP). Building-mounted antennas: power >1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP).
Another way of wording this is that Part 90 devices are not Subject to Routine Environmental Evaluation when the antenna is installed a t 10M et ers or higher and
operating total power level of all channels is less than 1640 Watts EIRP.
As an example, a 125W transmitter with a 10dB gain antenna with a low loss cable would translate into 1,000 Watts EIRP in the envelope lobe. If it is mounted
10 Meters or higher above where people could be walking, you have a safe installation and do not have to perform MPE calculations for safe distance.
No antenna
If the antenna is lo wer than 10Meters then you need to verify that your installation is at a safe distance for Exposure to the General Population.
For United States installations, you must ensure that your installation complies with the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) requirem ents for general
population that are specified unde r FCC Part 1 Section 1.1310 Table 1.
is supplied with this unit. Some suggested antennas are:
For US Installations, the maximum power density resulting from the co mposite Effect ive Isotopic Radiated Power (EIRP) from the antenna connected to this
equipment must be limited to the maximum permissible exposure as stated below:
•Power density limit for the band 152 to 174MHz = 0.2 mW/cm²
MPE and Safe Di stance Calculations fo r USA Installations
This Power Density value is determined by the combination of RF output, cable loss, antenna gain, and distance from the an tenna when energized.
The MPE calculation for US installations is expressed as follows:
•Power Density Pd (mW/cm²) = (
•d = distance from the antenna expressed in cm.
EIRP expressed in mW
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•Tx Power (dBm) = 10*log[Tx Power (mW)]
As an example, with the transmitter running at 125 watts output into an antenna with a gain of 10 dBi using a short cable with 0dB loss, to verify if 650cm
(6.5meters) is a safe distance from the antenna to ensure ex posure compliance of 0.2mW/cm
1)125 Wa
2)EIRP (mW) = 10
3)Pd (mW/cm2 ) =
tts Tx Power = 51dBm
���� ������ (50������)+
) = (
������ �������� (10������)−
) = (
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���� (0����)
=0.19 mW/cm
= 1,000,000mW
•6.5 meters (21.125 Feet) is a safe distance for US installations when using a 10dBi Antenna.
The minimum safe distance, from a radiating structure using different Gain Antennas”
•For the Band 152 to 174MHz with 2dBi Gain Antenna: d (safe distance) = 2.6 m
•For the Band 152 to 174MHz with 6dBi Gain Antenna: d (safe distance) = 4.0 m
•For the Band 152 to 174MHz with 10dB i Gain Antenna: d (safe distance) = 6.5 m
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
( )
RF Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
-Manufacturer: Sinclair
Model: SC225
Gain: 0 dBd (2.15 dBi)
-Manufacturer: Sinclair
Model: SC233
Gain: 3 dBd (5.15 dBi)
-Manufacturer: Sinclair
Model: SD114
Gain: 7.5 dBd (9.65 dBi)
Exhibit Requirements for Installations in Canada
No antenna is supplied with this unit. Some suggested antenna s a re :
For Canada installations, you must ensure that your installation complies with the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) requirements for general population
that are specified under RSS-102 Section 4 Table 4.
MPE and Safe Distance Calculations for Canada Installations
For Canada installations, the maximum power density resulting from the composite Effective Isotopic Radiated Power (EIRP) from the antenna connected to this
equipment must be limited to the maximum permissible exposure as stated below:
Power density limit for the band 152 to 174MHz
The MPE calculation for US is expressed as follows:
Power Density Pd (W/m²) =
= distance from the antenna expressed in meters (m).
As an example, with the transmitter running at 125 watts output into an antenna with a gain of 10 dBi using a short cable with 0dB loss, to verify if 7.5meters is
a safe distance from the antenna to ensure exposure compliance of 1.21W/m2:
8.5 meters is a safe dista nce for Canada installa t i o ns when using a 10dBi gain antenna.
When installing the a
) = (
ntenna, the above relationship should be used to ensure the combination of power, antenna gain, and distance is such that the maximum
permissible power density is not exceeded. Different combinations of output power and antenna gain will result in different minimum safe distances.
The minimum sa f e distance , fr om a radiat i ng s tructure using differe nt Gain Antennas”
For the Band 152 to 174MHz with 2dBi Gain Antenna: d (safe distance) = 3.5 m
For the Band 152 to 174MHz with 6dBi Gain Antenna: d (safe distance) = 5.5 m
For the Band 152 to 174MHz with 10dBi Gain Antenna: d (safe distance) = 8.5 m
=1.11 W/m
���� (0����)]
= 1,000W
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Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
General Information ...............................................................9
Power Amplier Labels ............................................................................41
Front Panel and Subrack Labels .............................................................. 42
Glossary of Terms ................................................................ 43
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
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Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
The CASCADE product continues the Codan Radio Communications tradition of module-based
products, where module capability expands into systems capability. CASCADE comes in a compact
rack form factor of 19-inch width and 4U height, providing the exibility of a mix of transceivers /
power amplifier pairs; six receivers only or a mix of modules. From a transmitting point of view,
CASCADE offers up to two 125-watt power amplifier / transceiver pairs capable of not only P25
Phase I, but also LSM and P25 Phase II.
This guide covers operation information for the CASCADE System subrack and front panel, and
includes details on individual modules: DC-DC Power Supply, VHF Power Ampli
er and VHF
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
General Information
FCC Frequency Band:150.8 to 173.4 MHz
IC Frequency Band:148 to 174 MHz
Channel Spacing:12.5 kHz
Channel Step Size:1.25 kHz
Blocking Rejection:≥ 100 dB
Frequency Switching Range:Full Band
Reference Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD & 5% BER):≤ -120 dBm
Adjacent Channel Rejection:≥ 60 dB
Conducted Spurious Output Power (Analog):≤ -95 dBm (9 kHz to 1 GHz)
Transmit Current:≤ 7.25A @ -48 VDC (@ 125W with fans)
Operating Temperature:-30 to +60°C
Dimensions (4RU):Width:Height:Depth:
48.3 cm / 19 in17.6 cm / 6.95 in50.2 cm / 19.8 in
General Information
20.1 kg / 44.3 lbs [1 channel]
25.9 kg / 57.1 lbs [2 channel]
* CASCADE is not equipped with an analog audio input or output.
Values noted are typical.
Equipment descriptions and specications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
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Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
To reduce the risk of personal injury and property damage, exercise caution and look for and comply
with the safety symbols shown below.
When this symbol is shown, DO NOT continue until the safety items identied
have been noted and addressed. Ignoring this reminder violates Codan
standards of design for the product and will most likely result in severe
personal injury or equipment damage.
When this symbol is shown, exercise caution and read the information
carefully. If the corresponding procedure or information is not performed
or applied correctly, the equipment may fail or performance may be
compromised and personal safety could also be compromised.
When this symbol is shown, the selected information will add clarity
to a procedure or provide additional information that will enhance the
equipment performance.
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
Safety Information
• Equipment Modication – DO NOT modify any parts on this
equipment. Contact Codan Radio Communications Service
• Radiation from Radio Frequency (RF) – DO NOT touch the
antenna when using the Transmitter. Always follow RF Safety
• Exploding Hazard – DO NOT operate the CASCADE equipment if
ammable gas or gas fumes are present.
• RF Burn Hazard – DO NOT touch the output connector in an open
circuit condition while transmitting. The amplier RF output connector
may produce risk of RF burns if operated with the output connector
in an open-circuit condition. The power amplier should always be
operated with the specied load and connectors.
• Personal Safety – DO NOT operate or perform maintenance on the
system without direct authority from Codan Radio Communications.
Comply with all material handling regulations as many components
are heavy and moving or lifting could cause physical injury.
• Airow Restriction – DO NOT cover or restrict the cooling fans or
vents; overheating can occur and cause serious damage.
• Equipment Damage – DO NOT lift the subrack by the front panel
handles. The handles are not designed to bear the full weight of the
subrack and tted modules.
• Hot Surface Hazard – The Power Amplier surface temperature may
exceed safe touch temperatures when operated under high-power
and/or high-ambient temperature conditions.
• Shock Hazard – Protect all CASCADE equipment from the possibility
of lightning strikes and contact from any unspecied external power
Cascade System Modules Operation Guide
Assembled subrack and modules weigh
over 40 pounds (18+ kilograms). A twoperson lift may be required.
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