No part of this reference manual may be reproduced, transcribed, translated into any
language or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of
Codan Limited.
Codan part number 15-04135-EN Issue 1, November 2004
CALM® is a registered trademark of Codan Limited. Other brand, product, and company
names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
The English version takes precedence over any translated versions.
Table 50:Codes for restricting access to Voice Encryptor features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
x2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
1About this manual
This reference manual provides an overview of the 2110 SSB Transceiver, how to
deploy the antenna system, how to operate it, and how to perform advanced setup
procedures. This manual is for system administrators who set up and maintain HF
communication networks.
This manual contains:
Section 1 About this manual—explains the terms and abbreviations used in this
Section 2 2110 SSB Transceiver compliance—compliance information and safety
Section 3 HF radio transmission—provides an overview of HF communication
Section 4 The 2110 SSB Transceiver—explains the transceiver’s components,
standard features and options
Section 5 Preparing the 2110 SSB Transceiver for use—explains how to charge and
install a battery, insert the transceiver into a backpack, and select an
Section 6 Operating the transceiver—explains how to use the transceiver, set your
station self address, and set the time and date
Section 7 Using lists—explains the contents of the Main Menu, how to use lists, and
how to manage them using the List Manager
Section 8 The Channel List—explains the settings in the Channel List and how to
program a channel
Section 9 The Network List—explains the settings in the Network List and how to
program a network
Section 10 The NET List—explains the settings in the NET List and how to program a
Section 11 The Phone Link List—explains the settings in the Phone Link List and how
to program a phone link
Section 12 The Address List—explains the settings in the Address List and how to
program the Address List
Section 13 Making and receiving calls—explains how to make and receive calls
Section 14 The Control List—explains the contents of the Control List
Section 15 The Keypad List—explains the Keypad List
Section 16 The Mode List—explains the Mode List
Section 17 Using the transceiver in free tune and Amateur Mode—explains how to use
the transceiver in free tune
Section 18 Hot keys—explains how to set up, manage and use hot keys
Section 19 Operating the transceiver from a computer—explains how to operate the
transceiver from a computer using CICS
Section 20 Connectors—explains the connectors on the 2110 SSB Transceiver
Section 21 System messages—explains the system messages that may be displayed on
the front panel screen
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual1
About this manual
Section 22 Accessories and hardware options—lists the accessories and hardware
options available for the 2110 SSB Transceiver
Section 23 Specifications—lists the specifications of the 2110 SSB Transceiver
Appendix A Hot key examples—provides examples of hot keys and how to create them
Appendix B Get Status calls—explains the information you can retrieve from another
transceiver by making a Get Status call to that transceiver
Appendix C Forgotten passwords—explains what to do if you have forgotten the
password for the transceiver
Appendix D Limiting user access—describes the Message 10 entries and how to use
There is an index at the end of this manual.
22110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
Standards and icons
The following standards and icons are used in this manual:
This typefaceMeans...
Italic a cross-reference or text requiring emphasis
Bold a key on a computer keyboard
command a command that you can enter from a computer, for example, help
About this manual
This iconMeans...
a variable associated with a command that you enter using a computer,
for example, prompt off|<text string>|time means that
you may enter prompt off, prompt <text string> or prompt time
the information following the command in [] brackets is optional
1a step within a task
NOTEthe text beside this icon may be of interest to you
WARNINGyour actions may cause harm to yourself or the equipment
proceed with caution as your actions may lead to loss of data, privacy
or signal quality
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual3
About this manual
Acronyms and abbreviations
This termMeans...
4WDfour wheel drive
AGCautomatic gain control
ALCautomatic level control
ALEautomatic link establishment
AMamplitude modulation
AMDautomatic message display
ASCIIAmerican standard code for information interchange
BERbit error rate
CALMCodan automated link management
CBcitizen band
CICScomputer interface command set
CRcarriage return
CTSclear to send
DCdirect current
DSPdigital signal processor
DTEdata terminal equipment
DTRdata terminal ready
ESNelectronic serial number
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
GPgeneral purpose
GPIOgeneral purpose input/output
GPSglobal positioning system
HFhigh frequency
ICNIRPInternational Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
IFintermediate frequency
42110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
This termMeans...
ISOinternal sales order
LBTlisten before transmit
LCDliquid crystal display
LEDlight emitting diode
LFline feed
LQAlink quality analysis
LSBlower sideband
NiMhnickel metal hydride
NSPNGT system programmer
PApower amplifier
About this manual
PCpersonal computer
PEPpeak envelope power
p–ppeak to peak
RFradio frequency
R&TTEradio and telecommunications terminal equipment
RTSrequest to send
SINAD(signal + noise + distortion)-to-(noise + distortion) ratio
SLAsealed lead acid
SWRstanding wave ratio
TISALE keyword ‘this is’
TPEtransmit program enable
TWASALE keyword ‘this was’
TxDtransmit disabled
TxEtransmit enabled
TxPtransmit prohibited
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual5
About this manual
This termMeans...
USBupper sideband
UTCuniversal time coordinated
Vfirmware/software version
This termMeans...
addressThe HF transceiver equivalent of a telephone number. Your
station self address is used by other stations to call you, and it is
sent when you make calls to identify you as the caller. It is
sometimes referred to as an ID, a station ID, or a self ID.
ALL callAn ALE address syntax used to broadcast to any station that is
tuned to the same frequency in an ALE/CALM network or
scanning the network. The ALL call uses a special address
syntax @?@ that ALE stations recognise.
A selective ALL call addresses a subset of stations. A multiple
selective ALL call addresses these subsets within the one call.
The ALL address syntax may be used in Emergency, Message,
Phone, Selective, and Send Position calls if the FED-STD-1045
ALE/CALM option or MIL-STD-188-141B ALE option is
ANY callAn ALE address syntax used to broadcast to any station that is
tuned to the same frequency in an ALE/CALM network or
scanning the network. The ANY call uses a special address
syntax @@? that ALE stations recognise.
A selective ANY call addresses a subset of stations. A multiple
selective ANY call addresses these subsets within the one call.
The ANY address syntax may be used in Emergency, Message,
Phone, Selective, and Send Position calls if the MIL-STD-188141B ALE option is installed.
automatic gain control
automatic level
control (ALC)
automatic tuning
A process that automatically adjusts the gain with respect to the
input signal to provide a constant output level.
A process that automatically provides a constant output level as
the input level varies.
An antenna designed for use with multichannel transceivers. It
uses a microcontrolled stepper motor to give continuous tuning
over the operating frequency range of the antenna.
62110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
About this manual
This termMeans...
call detect timeThe length of time during scanning that the transceiver pauses
on each channel in order to detect an incoming call. It is the
inverse of the scan rate.
channelFrequencies programmed in the transceiver to transmit and
receive signals on air.
Channel Test callA call that enables you to test the quality of a channel. It is
sometimes referred to as a Beacon call. If you have the MILSTD-188-141B ALE option installed, Channel Test calls may be
made in an ALE/CALM network to replace information in the
LQA database, and to perform a manual sounding operation.
counterpoiseA radial array or a grid network of metallic wires arranged
horizontally around the base of an antenna to provide an
effective earth plane.
Emergency callA call that enables you to trigger an emergency alert tone at a
specific station then speak to an operator there.
frequencyThe number of cycles per second of a radio wave, usually
expressed in kilohertz.
Get Position callA call that gets the GPS position of a specific station.
Get Status callA call that gets diagnostic information about the transceiver at a
specific station.
Group Selective callAn ALE call that is sent to stations specifically addressed in the
call that are tuned to the same frequency in an ALE/CALM
network or scanning the network.
The Group Selective call may be used in Emergency, Message,
Phone, Selective, and Send Position calls if the MIL-STD-188141B ALE option is installed.
front panelThe interface that is used to control the functions of the
2110 SSB Transceiver. It consists of a display, keypad and
connectors for the handset, antenna and earthing.
hot keyA key on the front panel that is pre-programmed with a macro
that enables you to perform a task quickly.
Last Heard LogA log of the last 100 on-air transmissions detected by the current
station. The information gathered from each transmission
includes the self address of the heard station, the time/date of the
transmission, and the channel/mode used for the transmission.
The Last Heard Log is available if the MIL-STD-188-141B
ALE option is installed.
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual7
About this manual
This termMeans...
linkA link is established following a 3-way handshake process.
Scanning is off and a timeout, set using the Cfg In Call Timeout
entry in the Control List, will be active.
With ALL calls and NET calls that are set to link immediately,
the linking establishment process is 1-way.
listen before transmit
If enabled, the automatic process that the transceiver uses to
detect whether or not there is traffic on a channel and, when
necessary, select another channel or inform the user that the
channel is busy.
LQA beaconA Channel Test call made in an ALE/CALM network using a
Group Selective or NET address syntax. The LQA beacon tests
all channels within the network to determine the best channel
according to local and remote BER and SINAD measurements.
On completion of the beacon, the information collected replaces
the information for the channel stored in the LQA database. It is
sometimes referred to as an ALE beacon.
The LQA beacon is available if the MIL-STD-188-141B ALE
option is installed.
macroA short set of instructions to automate a task you perform with
the transceiver. When a macro is assigned to a key, the key
becomes a hot key.
manual soundingA Channel Test call made in an ALE/CALM network using the
text SOUNDING as the call address. The station performs a
sounding operation, which other stations use to update the
information in their LQA database.
Manual sounding is available if the MIL-STD-188-141B ALE
option is installed.
Message callA call that enables you to send a message to a specific station.
modeA type of reception or transmission you can use with a channel,
comprising a sideband and an IF filter.
NET callAn ALE address syntax that is used to send a call from one
station to other stations that have the NET programmed in the
NET List. If these stations have their self address in the Member
Address setting they are members of this NET.
The NET address syntax may be used in Emergency, Message,
Phone, Selective, and Send Position calls if the MIL-STD-188141B ALE option is installed.
networkTwo or more stations that use the same frequencies and call
system to communicate.
Phone callA call that enables you to connect to a public telephone network.
82110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
About this manual
This termMeans...
PTT buttonPress-to-talk button, located on the left side of the handset. This
button enables you to communicate during voice calls, switch
mute off temporarily, cancel voice calls prior to the point where
voice can be transmitted, cancel calls where data is being
transmitted, and exit out of editable screens without saving
revertiveA signal sent by a station in response to a call.
transceiver unitThe unit that modulates audio signals onto radio frequencies
that can be transmitted on air, and that demodulates the radio
frequencies it receives into audio signals.
Selective callA call that enables you to contact a specific station then speak to
an operator.
Send Position callA call that sends your GPS position to a specific station.
sidebandA band of frequencies that is above or below a modulated
carrier frequency.
standing wave ratio
The ratio of forward and reflected powers between a transmitter
and its antenna load, which can be measured by an SWR meter.
stationA point of communication consisting of a transceiver, a power
supply, an antenna, control and accessory devices, ancillary
equipment, and appropriate connecting cables.
transceiverA transceiver unit with speaker, handset, and battery.
Wildcard callAn ALE address syntax used to broadcast to any station that is
tuned to the same frequency in an ALE/CALM network or
scanning the network. The Wildcard address syntax, which ALE
stations recognise, uses the wildcard character ? as a placeholder
for characters within a self address of a receiving station.
A multiple Wildcard call addresses matching subsets within the
one call.
The Wildcard address syntax may be used in Emergency,
Message, Selective, and Send Position calls if the MIL-STD188-141B ALE option is installed.
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual9
About this manual
NOTEImperial dimensions are in United States Customary Units.
AreaAmerican wire gaugeAWG
Lengthmetre (inch/feet/yard/mile)m (in/ft/yd/mi)
Power ratiodecibeldB
Temperaturedegrees Celsius (Fahrenheit) °C (°F)
Weightgram (pound)g (lb)
Unit multipliers
Units are expressed in accordance with ISO 1000:1992 ‘SI units and
recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units’.
102110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
About this issue
This is the first issue of the 2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual.
Associated documents
This manual is one of a series of publications related to the 2110 SSB Transceiver.
Associated documents are:
•2110 SSB Transceiver Getting Started Guide (Codan part number 15-04136-EN)
•NGT System Programmer Help (Codan part number 15-04105-EN)
•Antenna Matrix (Codan part number 12-50133)
•2110 SSB Transceiver Technical Service Manual (Codan part number
•2110 SSB Transceiver Repair Guide (Codan part number 15-04139-EN)
About this manual
•Declaration of Conformity for the 2110 SSB Transceiver (Codan part number
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual11
About this manual
This page has been left blank intentionally.
122110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
22110 SSB Transceiver compliance
This section contains the following topics:
Introduction (14)
European Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive (15)
Electromagnetic compatibility and safety notices (16)
C-tick approval (18)
Care and safety information (19)
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual13
2110 SSB Transceiver compliance
This section describes how to ensure the 2110 SSB Transceiver complies with the
European Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC and the European Low
Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC as called up in the European Radio and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC.
The CE Declaration of Conformity and Expert Letter of Opinion for the product is listed
on page 11, Associated documents. This document can be made available upon request to
Codan or a Codan-authorised supplier.
This section also contains the requirements for C-tick.
142110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
2110 SSB Transceiver compliance
European Radio and Telecommunications Terminal
Equipment Directive
The 2110 SSB Transceiver has been tested and complies with the following standards
and requirements (articles of the R&TTE Directive):
•Article 3.1b: ETSI EN 301 489-1
•Article 3.1b: ETSI EN 301 489-15
•Article 3.2: Australian type approval according to AZ/NZS 4770:2003
•Article 3.1a: assessed against ICNIRP requirements
•Article 3.1a: EN 60950
Compliance with these standards is deemed sufficient to fulfil the requirements of the
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC.
Product marking and labelling
Any equipment supplied by Codan that satisfies these requirements is identified by the
Declaration of Conformity and Expert Letter of Opinion
The CE Declaration of Conformity and Expert Letter of Opinion for this product is listed
on page 11, Associated documents. This document can be made available upon request to
Codan or a Codan-authorised supplier.
Protection of the radio spectrum
, , or markings on the model label of the product.
Most countries restrict the use of HF radio communications equipment to
certain frequency bands and/or require such equipment to be licensed. It is
the user’s responsibility to check the specific requirements with the
appropriate communications authorities. If necessary, contact Codan for
more information.
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual15
2110 SSB Transceiver compliance
Electromagnetic compatibility and safety notices
Radiation safety
To ensure optimal transceiver performance and to avoid exposure to excessive
electromagnetic fields, the antenna system must be installed according to the instructions
Safe working distance is based on continuous exposure to CW type transmissions, as set
out in the ICNIRP Exposure Guidelines 1998 for occupational exposure. Safe working
distance can be reduced with normal voice communication.
Electromagnetic compatibility
To ensure compliance with the EMC Directive is maintained, you must:
High voltages exist on the antenna during transmission and tuning. Do not
touch the antenna during these activities. RF burns may result.
Install the grounding system or counterpoise as directed to prevent RF
burns from any metal part of the transceiver.
You should not transmit from your transceiver or tune the antenna unless
people are beyond the safe working distance of:
•0.2 m (8 in) from a long wire, end-fed broadband, broadband dipole,
or wire dipole antenna
•0.6 m (2 ft) from any whip antenna
1Cover unused connectors with the protective caps supplied to prevent electrostatic
discharge passing through your equipment.
Electrical safety
To ensure compliance with the European Low Voltage Directive is maintained, you must
deploy and use the 2110 SSB Transceiver and antennas in accordance with the
instructions in the 2110 SSB Transceiver Getting Started Guide, the Quick Reference Cards supplied with each antenna, and the 2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual.
When using equipment that is connected directly to the AC mains these precautions must
be followed and checked before apply AC power to the unit:
1Use the standard AC mains cable supplied.
1Ensure the covers for the equipment are fitted correctly.
The 3121 AC Battery Charger is double insulated and marked with .
If it is necessary to remove the covers during service by a qualified
162110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
electronics technician, they must be refitted correctly before using the
2110 SSB Transceiver compliance
The protective cover must always be fitted when the 3121 AC
Battery Charger is connected to the AC mains.
Battery cells are electrically live at all times and must be treated with extreme caution.
They may supply high short-circuit currents even if they appear to be damaged or
Batteries should be used to provide power to the transceiver only, using the supplied
The batteries will not charge at temperatures higher than 40°C.
Earth symbols
An antenna earth connection point is provided on the 2110 SSB Transceiver. The symbol
shown in Table 1 is used to identify the earth on the equipment.
Table 1:Earth symbol
Antenna earth
2110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual17
2110 SSB Transceiver compliance
C-tick approval
The 2110 SSB Transceiver meets the requirements of the Australian Communications
Authority Radiocommunications (MF and HF Radiotelephone equipment—Land Mobile
Services) Standard 2003 (AS/NZS 4770).
182110 SSB Transceiver Reference Manual
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