Cochlear 94793 User Manual

Ardium, Baha, Baha Divino, Baha Intenso, Baha SoftWear, BCDrive, DermaLock, Vistafix and WindShield are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB. Cochlear, SmartSound, Hear now. And always and the elliptical logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Cochlear Limited. © Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB 2015. All rights reserved. JAN15.
Remote Control 2
User Manual
Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB
Konstruktionsvägen 14, 435 33 Mölnlycke, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 792 44 00 Fax: +46 31 792 46 95
Regional offices:
Cochlear Ltd (ABN 96 002 618 073) 1 University Avenue, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia Tel: +61 2 9428 6555 Fax: +61 2 9428 6352 Cochlear Americas 13059 E Peakview Avenue, Centennial, CO 80111, USA Tel: +1 303 790 9010 Fax: +1 303 792 9025 Cochlear AG EMEA Headquarters, Peter Merian-Weg 4, 4052 Basel, Switzerland Tel: +41 61 205 0404 Fax: +41 61 205 0405 Cochlear Latinoamerica, S. A. International Business Park Building 3835, Office 403, Panama Pacifico, Panama Tel. +507 830 6220 Fax: +507 830 6218
6 7
1 2
Everyday Noise Noise
1 2
1 2 3
1 2
Noise Noise
1 2
Congratulations on your purchase of a Cochlear™ Baha® Remote Control 2.
Key to device See figu re
1. ON/OFF control
2. Display
3. Streaming (optional TV Streamer or Mini Microphone)
4. Home button
5. Sound Processor microphone mute
6. Increase volume
7. Decrease volume
8. Select left Sound Processor only
9. Select right Sound Processor only
10. Program change
11. Pairing button
Note: Th e instructio ns in this manual des cribe operati on of the Cochlear™ Baha® Remote Control wi th one Cochlear Ba ha sound proces sor. If you are a bilatera l recipient (using tw o Cochlea r sound processo rs), note that one Coch lear Baha Remote Con trol can be used wit h two Bah a sound process ors. If this is the ca se, the same inst ructions app ly to both sound processors.
The Coch lear Baha Remote Control will allow y ou to operate your Co chlear Baha wirel ess sound pr ocessors. It is b oth an elegant and us er-frie ndly Remote Control a s well as a status indicato r that gives you acce ss to other wireless f unctions on you r sound process or. If you are using t wo wireless Bah a sound processo rs, the Cochlea r Baha Remote Control can be used to adju st both of your sound processor s simultaneous ly. Or you can control b oth sound proces sors individual ly, allowing you to per fectly fine tune yo ur sound proces sor to any specific hearing situation.
Please rea d this manual caref ully to fully benefi t from the Cochlear Baha Remote Con trol. Ask your hear ing care professi onal if you have any que stions. For fur ther informat ion you can also visit the www.coch web site.
For your s afety, carefully rea d the chapter “Imp ortant Infor mation”.
The war ranty does not c over defects or damage arisin g from, associate d with, or related to th e use of this pr oduct with any no n-Cochlear processing uni t and/or any non- Cochlear impla nt. See “Coch lear Global Limite d Warranty card ” for more details .
Key to symbols
The follo wing symbol s will be used throu ghout the docum ent.
“Consult instructions for use” or “Operating instructio ns”
“Cautio n” or “Caution, con sult accompany ing document s”
Serial Number
Refer to instructions/booklet
ACMA (Aus tralian Commu nications and M edia Authorit y) compliant
Please as k your hearing ca re professiona l concerning di sposal of this dev ice.
Wireless enabled
Intended use
The Remote Control is inten ded to enable the us er to control a wireles s Baha Sound Processor remotely. T he essential pur pose of the Remote Con trol is to transfer sig nals to a Baha soun d proces sor in order to adjust v olume and selec t a program.
Getting Started
Charging the Battery
See figur e
Before using your Remote Con trol, the batter y must be fully ch arged. To do so, plug in th e chargin g cable as shown be low. Then plug the oth er end into a power out let. During char ging, the battery meter will display one , two or three bar s. When fully cha rged, all three ba rs will be shown continuously.
For safet y reasons, rech arge the batter y only with chargers supplie d by Cochlear.
Caution: Do not charge th e Cochlear Remote C ontrol while it is b eing worn.
Turning your Remote Control 2 ON and OFF
See figur e
no. 1
To turn your Rem ote Control ON slide t he ON/OFF control d own to the ON positio n. A white “I” icon w ill be visible at the ba se of the control and t he display will tur n on. To turn your Remote Cont rol OFF, slide the ON/OF F control up to the OFF po sition.
Changing program
See figur e
The “P ” button [no. 10 in figur e 1] is used to change the prog rams that your hea ring care professi onal has program med into your sound processor. The name of the pr ogram displayed can be con figured by your hear ing care professi onal. Each time yo u press the “P” bu tton the progr am advances on e step, returning to pr ogram 1 at the end of eac h cycle (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 1). Each prog ram change is acco mpanied by beep to nes in both sound pr ocessors and th e progra m currently in use is sh own in the display. Fo r optimal perfor mance it is recomm ended that both s ound processors be set to the sa me program.
Program 1 “ Everyday”
Program 2 “Noise”
Adjusting volume
Adjust volume on two sound processors
See figur e
The “+” and “-” keys are u sed to adjust volum e [no. 6 and 7 in figure 1]. Volume m ay be adjusted on both sound processors simultaneously or on each side independently. By default, both soun d processors a re “active,” which is ind icated in the displa y by two arrowhea ds (< and >) located ne xt to the volume bars. Both sou nd processors c an simultaneou sly be made loud er by pressing the “+” key or sof ter by pressing th e “-” key. Each adjustmen t is accompa nied by beep tone s in the sound proce ssors as well as a visual change in t he volume bars sho wn in the display. Th e default volume leve l is indicated by a hor izontal green line i n the volum e bars.
Adjusting volume on the left sound processor only
See figur e
To adjust volum e on the left side on ly, first press the “<” key on the key pad [no. 8 in figure 1]. Doing so makes the left s ound processor “active” and th e right sound proce ssor “inactive”. This is ind icated by a left arro whead (<) in the display, with th e right arrowhead t urned off. Press “+” or “-” to adjus t volume on the left s ound processo r only.
Adjusting volume on the right sound processor only
See figur e
To adjust volum e on the right side on ly, first p ress the “>” key on the keypad [n o. 9 in figure 1]. Doing so ma kes the right side “ac tive” and the left si de “inactive”. This is ind icated by a right arr owhead (>) in the display with t he left arrowhead turned of f. Press “+” or “-” to adjust volume on t he right side only.
To return to simul taneous adjust ment mode, pres s either the < or > keys on t he keypad [no. 8 or 9 in figure 1] un til both arrowhea ds appear in the dis play, indicating tha t both sound proces sors are again “act ive”.
Mute and un mute the sound pro cessors’ microp hones by pressi ng the mute button [n o. 5 in fig 1] on the Rem ote Control.
Muting or u nmuting applie s to both sound proce ssors simultan eously and cann ot be selected for the left or right one separately. When the microphones are muted, the microphone icon will b e replaced by a micro phone muted icon a nd the volume bars w ill be dimmed. To unmute the sound processor microphones, press the mute button again.
Activate streaming
If you are using an optiona l Cochlear stream ing device such as th e Cochlear™ Wireless TV Streamer or Cochlear
Wireless Mini Microp hone, input from t hese devices ca n be activated by pressi ng the streaming button no. 3 in figu re 1. See also the se ction “Using opt ional audio streaming devices”.
Return to Home settings
Home set tings, i.e., thos e that apply when ever the sound pro cessor is first tu rned on, are activa ted by pressing the H ome button [no. 4 in fi gure 1]. Pressing the H ome button will:
1. Activate progr am 1 in your sound pr ocessor
2. Adjust your sou nd processor to th e default volume set tings
3. Set the volume to sim ultaneous adjustment mod e
The hom e button will als o terminate any stre amed audio signal s from any optiona l Cochlear streaming device.
Low battery indicator
Remote Control low batter y indicator
See figur e
The bat tery level of the Re mote Control is indicated by a batter y meter comprisin g three bars. As the ba ttery is gradu ally depleted the ba rs will disappea r one by one. When t he battery is low on powe r, the meter w ill start flashing, indic ating that rechar ging is needed.
Sound Processor low battery indicator
See figur e
When th e sound processo r’s battery is al most flat, you may s till be able to use it, bu t the Remote Cont rol functiona lity may be disabl ed. Should this hap pen, we recomme nd you replace t he battery in yo ur sound process or.
Low batte ry on left soun d processor
Low batte ry on right sound p rocessor
Operating range
See figur e
The ope rating range bet ween the Remote Co ntrol and the soun d processor is app roximately 1 meter (40”). I f the current statu s is not displayed on t he Remote Control, hold Remote Contro l it in front of your chest as s hown in the illustration.
If the Remote Control can not determine the s ound processo r’s status, searc h icons will appear on its display. Hold the Re mote Control as show n above to establis h contact with bot h sound processors.
Searching for two sound processors
Searching for the right sound processor Connected to the left sound processor
To conser ve battery life, th e Remote Control has a p ower saving feature t hat automatically turns of f the display and pu ts the Remote Contro l in standby mode after 20 secon ds of inacti vity. Simply pres s any button on the key pad to reactivate the display and t hen perform the desired action.
Remote control performance
The Remote Control per forms best when buttons ar e pressed one ste p at a time rather tha n in rapid se quence. When ad justing volume, for example, br iefly press a button as descri bed below an d wait for the tone befo re continuing. This t ip applies to all but ton use but is especi ally relevant to volume adjustme nts.
See figur e
Pairing is t he process of est ablishing communication bet ween your sound p rocessor and your Remote Control. Your he aring care profes sional can help you with this pro cedure when fitting yo ur sound proces sor. Alternatively, you c an follow the steps b elow to pair your sou nd processor with the Remote Control:
1. Make sure the Remo te Control is fully cha rged and is turne d on.
2. Turn off y our sound processor.
3. Press the pair ing button on the Re mote Control once. T his will activate th e pairing mode
which wil l be active for 20 seconds.
4. While pairing m ode is activated , turn on your sound p rocessor. Succes sful pairing will b e indicate d by an audible melod y played in your sou nd processor an d program 1 will be sh own as active in the Remote Con trol display
. You are now ready to use the Remo te Control.
Using optional audio streaming devices
The T V Streamer and the M ini Microphone a re optional audio an d speech stream ing devices availab le for your sound pro cessor. The TV St reamer streams a udio signals (stere o) from your TV, stereo , computer, etc., direc tly to your sound pro cessor.
The Mini M icrophone str eams speech and a udio signals direc tly to your sound pr ocessor. To star t audio streaming f rom the TV Stream er or Mini Microph one, press the st reaming button [no. 3 in figure 1] on the Remote Con trol. The sound p rocessor will s tart searching f or your streaming device.
Activating streaming from the Cochlear TV Streamer
See figur e
To start au dio streaming fro m the TV, stereo or any ot her device conne cted to your TV Streamer, simply turn on th e audio device and th en press the strea ming button [no. 3 in fi gure 1]. The sou nd processor wil l immediately sta rt searching for th e TV Streamer and connect to it.
Searching for a TV
Connected to a TV
No TV fo und
You can have up to 3 C ochlear streami ng devices set up for yo ur sound processor. Each Cochlea r streaming device i s indicated in the dis play by the letter A , B or C. If more than o ne Cochlea r streaming device i s in use, press the st reaming button ag ain until the desire d audio signal is heard.
Streaming mode volume adjustment
When in streaming mod e, both the sound pr ocessor’s volum e (left volume bar) a nd the stream ed audio volume (right v olume bar) are by defa ult set to “active”. This is ind icated in the display by t he two arrows (< and >) loca ted next to the volu me bars. To adjust bot h the sound proces sor and the streamed audio volu me simultaneous ly, press the “+” or “-” key [no. 6 or 7 in figure 1] on th e Remote Control.
Note: If you are u sing two sound p rocessors, any v olume adjustme nts will apply to both of the m. It is also poss ible to make individ ual volume adjus tments for the s ound processors and the streamed audio signal respectively.
Adjust sound processor volume only
See figur e
To adjust the sound proces sor volume, pres s the left “<” key on the keypad [no . 8 in figure 1] once. Th ere will be two ar rows “<>” next to the he aring instrum ent volume bar and t he “stream ed audio” volume bar wi ll be dimmed. Pres s “+” or “-” [no. 6 or 7 in figu re 1] to adjust hearing instrume nt volume. To return to simul taneous adjust ment mode, pres s the “>” key [no. 9 in figur e 1] on the keypad until one arrow app ears next to each v olume bar in the display, ind icating that both vo lume levels are “ac tive”.
Adjust streamed audio volume only
To adjust the s treamed audio volu me, press the right “>” key on the keypad [no. 9 in fi gure 1] once. Th ere will be two ar rows “<>” next to the streamed volu me bar and the “hearing instru ment” volume bar w ill be dimmed. Pre ss “+” or “-” [no. 6 or 7 in fig ure 1] to adjust the stream ed audio volume. To retur n to simultaneous a djustment mode, p ress the “<” key [no. 8 in figure 1] on the keypad until o ne arrow appear s next to each volu me bar in the display, indicating that both volume levels are “active”.
Cochlear Wireless Phone Clip (optional)
See figur e
The Pho ne Clip also work s with the Remote Con trol. The displ ay will indicate whe n the Phone Cli p is in use. Once the ph one call has ended, the sound p rocessor will return to the previou sly used program . That program is sh own on the display of t he Remote Control. Volume adjus tments made du ring the phone ca ll will not be trans ferred to your prev iously used prog ram. Phone cal ls will tempora rily interrupt st reaming from your o ptional streamin g devices b ut streamed audi o will be restored once the phon e call has ended.
Appendix: exceptions to normal operation
If you have b een fitted with tw o sound process ors, it is recomme nded that both of the m be set to the sa me program at all tim es. However, it is pos sible to have different programs on the two s ound processo rs, such as Progra m 1 on the left side and streamed au dio on the right. Under th ese circumstan ces, the remote con trol function s slightly different ly, as the following examples illustrate.
Situation #1: You have star ted with P1 on both sides but have ch anged the right sid e to
P2 by pushing t he button on the right sound pro cessor. If you then pr ess the P button on t he remote cont rol, the left sou nd processor wil l advance to P2, matchi ng the one on the righ t. Furth er presses of the P bu tton will advan ce both sound proce ssors, thus kee ping the same progra m on both sides.
Situation #2: You have set the lef t sound proces sor to P1 and the righ t sound processo r to
P2. If you the n press the Streami ng button, both so und processor s will receive strea med audio from the s ame source (e.g., the T V). If you then p ress the P button on the remote cont rol, streami ng will be cancelled on both sides and both soun d processors wil l return to their previou s programs (P1 and P2).
Situation #3: The left s ound processo r is in program 1. Streaming is activ ated in the right
sound pr ocessor via its s treaming button . If you then press t he “P” button, th e right sound proces sor will return to it s previous progra m, and the left sound process or will advance to th e next p rogram (if availab le). Anoth er press on the “P ” button will align b oth sound proces sors to the sam e program. If you in stead press the Streaming butto n, both sound proc essors will be set to the sa me streamed audio device.
Situation #4: If your sound p rocessors are u sing different sou nd processor pro grams, only
the progr am numbers for ea ch sound processor will be sho wn. No program la bel/name will be shown.
Situation #5: If one soun d processor is in st reaming mode and t he other one is in one of
the soun d processor prog rams, only the streaming disp lay will be shown wit h no indication of the soun d processor’s pr ogram number an d label/name.
Important information
Maintenance and Care
Clea n the Remote Control u sing a damp cloth. Ne ver use household c leaning produc ts
(washing p owder, soap, etc.) or alco hol to clean the devi ce.
Wh en the Remote Control i s not in use, turn it off a nd store it safely.
Prote ct the Remote Contro l from excessive m oisture (bathing , swimming) an d heat
(radiator, ca r dashboard).
• Protect it f rom excessive sho ck and vibratio n.
General warnings
Keep this de vice out of reach of child ren.
• The Remote Control uses l ow-powered digi tally coded tran smissions in order to
communi cate with other wire less devices. Alt hough unlikely, near by electronic d evices may be affected. In such cases, move the Remote Control away from the affected electronic device.
• When using the Remote Control and it is aff ected by electro magnetic interf erence, move
away from t he source of the inter ference.
General precautions
Do not use this device i n locations wher e the use electro nic devices are pro hibited.
X-r ay radiation (e.g., C T/MRI sca ns) may adversely af fect the func tioning of this device.
Switch it of f before undergoin g the procedure an d keep it outside the r oom.
High-powered electronic equipment, larger electronic install ations and metallic structures
may impai r and significantly r educe the operat ing range.
Your so und processor s and this device were given unique communicatio n codes during
fitting. T his ensures that t he device will not af fect sound proce ssors worn by oth ers.
Do not alter or modif y this device.
Op ening the Remote Cont rol might damage it. If problems occur that cann ot be resolved,
consult your hearing care professional.
Th e Remote Control may on ly be repaired by an au thorized ser vice centre.
Do not use the Remote Co ntrol in areas whe re RF transmissio n is prohibited, e.g., i n
airplanes, etc.
Only connect the Remote Control to connections for which it is explicitly intended.
Built-in battery care
Please observe the following:
Your pro duct is powered by a r echargeable bat tery. A new batte ry perform s optimally after
two or th ree complete charg e and discharge c ycles.
Th e battery can b e charged and disc harged hundred s of times, but will eve ntually wear out.
Unp lug the charger fr om the mains socket a nd the product w hen not in use.
If lef t unused, a fully c harged batter y will lose its cha rge over time.
Leav ing the product in h ot places will redu ce the battery ’s capacity and s ervice life.
A pro duct with a cold bat tery may not work te mporarily, even if f ully charged. Ba ttery
performance is partic ularly limited in temperatures well below freezing.
Battery warning
Caution : The battery u sed in this produc t may present a risk of fi re or chemical bur n if misused.
• The bat tery in your prod uct cannot be rem oved or replaced b y the user. Do not attem pt to
open the p roduct. Any at tempt to do so may result i n damage. Using othe r batteries may presen t a risk of fire or explos ion and void the war ranty.
• Only rec harge the Remote Control with the re charger that was s upplied with the p roduct.
• Dispose o f batteries according to local reg ulations. Pleas e recycle when po ssible.
• Do not disp ose of the batter y as household wa ste or in a fire as it may ex plode.
Charger care
Please ob serve the follow ing if the product i s supplied with a cha rger.
• Do not atte mpt to charge your pro duct with anyt hing other than th e AC adapter provided .
The use of ot her chargers ma y damage or destro y the product and c ould be dangerous . Use of other ch argers may invali date any approval or v oid the warrant y.
• For availability of approved accessories, please check with your hearing care professional.
• Charge the product according to the instructions provided.
Charger warning
When you d isconnect the p ower cord or any acce ssory, grasp an d pull the plug, not t he cord.
• Never use a charger that i s damaged.
• Do not atte mpt to disassembl e the charger bec ause it may expos e you to a dangerous
electric shock.
• Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock or fire when the product is subsequently used.
• Avoid char ging your produc t in extremely high or low temper atures and do not us e the
charge r outdoors or in dam p areas.
Technical specifications
Temperature test, transport and storage information
Operating range Up to 3 meters
Wireless 2,4 GHz
Operating temperature 0 to 55 °C
Storage tem perature -20 to 60 °C
The pro duct is subject to va rious tests in temperature a nd damp heating cycling betw een -25 °C and +70 °C ac cording to internal a nd industry st andards.
Wireless Accessory type designations for models included in this User Manual are:
FCC ID QZ3R C-2, IC 8039C-R C2, IC model: R C-2
This dev ice complies wit h Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operatio n is subject to the fo llowing two cond itions: (1) this dev ice may not cause ha rmful interfe rence, and (2) this de vice must acce pt any interfere nce received, in cluding inter ference that may ca use undesired operat ion. Note: This e quipment has b een tested and fou nd to comply with the l imits for a Class B di gital device, pur suant to part 15 of t he FCC Rules. The se limits are des igned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not instal led and used in acco rdance with the in structions , may cause harmf ul interferen ce to radio co mmunication s. However, there is no g uarantee that in terference wi ll not occur in a par ticular instal lation. If this e quipment does c ause harmful i nterference to r adio or televis ion reception, w hich can be deter mined by turnin g the equipmen t off and on, the user i s encouraged to tr y to correct the i nterference by o ne or more of the foll owing measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connec t the equipment i nto an outlet on a circu it different fro m that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the d ealer or an expe rienced radio /TV techn ician for help.
Changes o r modification s can void the user ’s authority to o perate the equi pment.
List of countries:
The pro ducts are in com pliance with the f ollowing regulat ory requirem ents:
In EU: the dev ice conforms to the E ssential Requ irements acco rding to Annex I of
Council Directive 93/42/EEC for medical devices (MDD) and essential requirements and othe r relevant provis ions of Directiv e 1999/5/EC (R&TT E). The declar ation of conform ity may be consulte d at www. cochle
Product s with wireless f unctionalit y are intended fo r sale in countri es within the
Europea n Economic Area as w ell as Switzerl and. Specific ation of restri ctions: You are not allo wed to operate the e quipment with in 20 km of the centre o f Ny Ålesund, Nor way.
In US: FCC CFR 47 P art 15, subpar t C, section 1 5.249.
Other identified applicable international regulatory requirements in countries outside
the EU and U S. Please refer to loc al country req uirements for t hese areas.
Product s are in complian ce with EN 300 328.
In Canada t he Remote Control i s certified un der the following c ertificatio n number:
This devi ce complies with I ndustry Ca nada license exe mpt RSS standa rd(s)
This Clas s B digital appar atus complies w ith Canadian IC ES-003. C et appareil
numér ique de la classe B e st conforme à la no rme NMB- 003 du Canada .
Operat ion is subject to th e following two con ditions: (1) this dev ice may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may ca use undesired o peration of the d evice. L’exploitatio n est autorisée a ux deux conditi ons suivantes : (1) l’ap pareil ne doit pa s produire de brou illage, et (2) l’utilis ateur de l’appar eil doit accepter to ut brouillage ra dioélectriq ue subi, même si le b rouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Equipment includes RF transmitter.
6 7
1 2
Everyday Noise Noise
1 2
1 2 3
1 2
Noise Noise
1 2
Gratulujeme vám ke koupi dálkového ovládání Cochlear™ Baha® Remote Control 2.
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