COBY electronic DP-240 User Manual

Portable 2.4” Digital Photo Album with MP3 Playback
Instruction Manual
Please read t his m anua l care ful ly bef ore op eration Page 3


The exclam ation point with in an equilateral t riangle is intended to aler t the use r to the prese nce of impor tant operati on and servi cing instruc ­tions in t he literature ac companying the a ppliance.
For Customer Use:
Enter below the serial number that is located on the rear of the unit. Retain this information for future reference.
Model No.
Serial No.
WARNING: To p revent re or shock hazard , do not expose this devic e to rain or moistu re. Danger ous high voltage is present i nside the enclo sure. Do not open the cabinet.
CAUTION: To prev ent elect ric sho ck, match wide blade o f plug to wide slot of outlet a nd fully insert.
WARNING: Handling the c ords on this pro duct will expose y ou to lead, a chemic al known to the State of California t o cause cancer, and birt h defects or other repro ductive harm. Wash
hands after h andling.
Page 2 Coby Electron ics Co rpo rati on
Protect your hearing: Hearing experts advise against the constant use of personal stereos played at high volume. Constant exposure to high volumes can lead to hearing loss. If you should experience ringing in the ears or hearing loss, discontinue use and seek medical advice.
Note: If th e p roduct suddenly has no respo nse or powers off, an el ectrostatic di scharge may be the cause. In thi s circumstanc e, please follow t he procedures below for recover y:
Use a paper clip to press the Re set button located on the r ear of the unit.
Turn the unit o n again
SD is a trademark of the SD Car d Associatio n. SDHC Logo is a trademar k of SD-3C, LLC.
For recycling or disposal informat ion ab out thi s prod uct, please contac t your loc al authoritie s or the Electron ics Industries Allia nce: Page 3 Page 5
FCC Stat ement:
This device c omplies w ith Part 15 of the FCC Rules. O peration is subject to the fo llowing two conditions:
(1) This devi ce may not cause har mful interfe rence, and
(2) This device must accept a ny interference received, including interf erence tha t may
cause un desired operat ion.
Note: This equipmen t ha s been tested and found to co mply with the limits for Class B digital device s, pursuant to Par t 15 o f the FCC ru les. The se limit s are designed to pr ovide re a­sonabl e protection against harm ful interfe rence in a r esidential installa tion. This e quipment generat es, uses and can radiate radio f requency energy and, if not in stalled and used in accor dance with the instruction s, may cause har mful interfe rence to radio c ommunications. However, t here is no guarante e that inter ference wil l not occur in a parti cular instal lation. If this equipme nt does cause h armful inte rference to radio or television reception, which ca n be deter mined by tur ning the equipment of f and on, th e user is encouraged to tr y to correc t the inter ference by one o r more of the follow ing measures:
Reorie nt or relocate the receiv ing antenna.
Increa se the separation betwe en the equipment a nd receiver.
Connec t the equipment into an outle t on a circuit different fr om that to which th e
receiv er is connected. Consult the deal er or an experienc ed radio/T V technician for h elp
Use of shielde d cable is requ ired to comply with Class B limits in Subpar t B of Part 15 of the FCC ru les.
Do no t make any changes o r modications to the e quipment unless otherwise specied in the manual. If such change s or modicati ons should be made , you could be requ ired to stop operat ion of the equipme nt.
Page 4 Coby Electron ics Co rpo rati on

Important Safety Instructions

Read Instructions: All the saf ety and oper ating instructi ons shou ld be
1. read befo re the product is o perate d.
Retain Instr uctions: The safety and operating instructions shoul d be
2. retaine d for fut ure refer ence.
Heed Warnings: All warnin gs on the product and in the o perating in-
3. struc tions sh ould be ad hered to.
Follow Instr uctio ns: Al l ope rating and usage instr uctio ns should b e fol -
4. lowed.
Cleaning: Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not
5. use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Attac hments: Use only attachments recom mended by the manufa cturer.
6. Use of othe r attac hments m ay be haza rdous.
Water and Moisture: Do not use t his product near water (e.g., near a bath
7. tub, washbowl, kitc hen sink, laundry tub, in wet basements, or near a swimmin g pool an d the like).
Acces sorie s: Do n ot plac e this produ ct on a n unstable
8. cart , stand, tripod, bracket , or table. Use only with cart s, st ands, tripo ds, brackets, or t ables recom ­mended by t he manufacturer or sold with the prod­uct. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufac turer ’s in struc tions and shoul d u se a mount­ing accessor y recommende d by the manuf acture r.
A product and car t combinat ion should be moved with care . Quick stops, excessi ve for ce, a nd uneven sur faces may cause the produc t and car t combin ation to overtur n.
Ventilati on: S lots and open ings in the cabi net are provid ed for ventila -
9. tion to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating. These openi ngs should never be blo cked by plac ing the produc t on a bed, sofa, rug, or other simila r surfac e. This produc t should not be placed in a built- in installation such as a bookc ase or rack un­less prop er ventilation is prov ided or the ma nufact urer inst ructi ons have been adhe red to.
Power S ource s: Thi s pro duct should be operated only from the ty pe of
10. power source indicated on the rating label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consul t your product dealer or local power company. For products inte nded to operate from ba tter y power or other source s, refer to t he operating ins truct ions.
Ground ing or Pola rization: This pr oduct may b e equ ipped with a po lar-
11. ized alternating- current line plug that has one blade wider than the other. Page 5 Page 7
Important Safety Instructions
This plug will only t int o the power outlet in one direction. This is a
safety fe ature. If you ar e unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try
reversing the directio n of the plug. If the plug should still fail to t, contact
an electrician to repl ace the obs olete outlet. Do not def eat the safety purpose of the polarize d plug.
Power-C ord Protection: Power suppl y c ords should be routed so that
12. they a re no t like ly to be walked on or pi nched by i tems placed upo n or against t hem, payin g part icular at tenti on to cord s at plugs, c onvenience recept acles, and at the point whic h they exit f rom the product .
Protective Attachment Plug: The produc t may be equipped with an at-
13. tachment plug with over load protec tion. This is a safet y feature. See the operating instructions for replacement or directions to reset the protective device. If replac ement of the plug is required, be sure the service techni­cian has used a r eplacement plug that has the same overload protection
as the original plug as specied by the manufacturer.
Outdoor Antenna Grounding: If an outside antenna is connected to the
14. product, be sure the antenna system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANS/NFPA 70 provides information with re­gard to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna-discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes,
and requirements for the grounding electrode (see gure).
Lightning: For added protection for this product, unplug it from the wall outlet
15. and disconnect the antenna or cable system during a lightning storm or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning or power-line surges.
Page 6 Coby Electron ics Co rpo rati on
Important Safety Instructions
Power Lines: An out side antenna system should not be located in the
16. vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installin g an out­side antenna system, ex treme care should be taken to keep from pressing such power lines or circuits, as cont act with them might be fatal.
Overlo ading: Do not overl oad wall outle ts, extension cords , or integral
conveni ence receptacl es as this can resul t in a risk of re or electric
Object and Liquid Entr y: Never push objects of any kind into this pro duct
18. throug h openings as they may press dan gerous vo ltage points or shout -
out par ts th at coul d resul t in a re or el ectri c shock. Never spill liquid of
any kind on t he produ ct.
Serv icing: D o not attempt to service this produc t yourself as op ening or
19. removin g covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other haz-
ards. Refe r all ser vicin g to quali ed ser vice p ersonnel.
Damage Req uiring Se rvic e: Unplug this produc t from the wall outlet and
20. refer se rvic ing to qualie d ser vice p ersonnel unde r the fo llowin g condi­tions: a) when the powe r-suppl y or plug is damaged; b) if liquid has be en spilled or if objects have falle n into the product; c) if the product has been exposed to rain or water ; d) if t he prod uct does not operate n ormal ly by following th e ope rating instructi ons. A djust only those controls that a re covered by the operating instructi ons as improp er adjustment of other controls may resu lt in damage and will often requi re ex tensive work by
a qua lied technician to restor e th e pr oduct to its normal operatio n; e)
if the product has been dro pped or dama ged in any way; f) whe n the produc t exhibits a distinct chan ge in performance —thi s indicates a need for ser vice.
Replacement Par ts: When replacement parts are required, be sure that
21. your service technician has used replacement parts specied by the manu­facturer or have the same characteristic s as the original part. Unauthorized
substitutions may result in re, electric shock, or other hazards.
Safety Che ck: Upon co mpleti on of any servic e or repairs to thi s product ,
22. ask t he s ervi ce technician to p erfo rm safety checks to ensure that t he produc t is in prop er operating co nditio n.
Wall or Ceilin g M ounting: The p roduct sh ould be mount ed to a wall or
23. ceilin g only as recommended by the m anufac turer.
Heat: The produc t sho uld b e sit uated away f rom heat s ource s suc h as
radiato rs, heat register s, stoves, or other products ( including ampli ers)
that pro duce hea t. Page 7 Page 9

Table of Contents

PRECAUTIONS ................................................................. 2
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ..............................
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................
PACKAGE CONTENTS ...................................................
FEATURES .......................................................................
GETTING STARTED .........................................................
Controls at a Glance ................................................... 12
Powering Your Photo Album ....................................... 13
Charging Your Photo Album .............................. 13
Turning Your Photo Album On/Off ..................... 14
Resetting Your Photo Album ............................... 14
Installing a SD Memor y Card (optional) ................... 14
MAIN MENU ..................................................................
PHOTO MODE ................................................................
Photo Browser Controls ................................................ 16
Photo Viewer Controls .................................................17
Photo Viewer Options .......................................... 17
MUSIC MODE ................................................................
Music Player Controls................................................... 19
Music Player Options ...........................................20
SETUP MODE ..................................................................
USB CONNECTIONS ......................................................
Connecting to a Computer........................................24
Transferring Files ............................................................24
Microsoft Windows ............................................... 25
Macintosh OS X..................................................... 25
Disconnecting from a Computer .............................. 26
Page 8 Coby Electron ics Co rpo rati on
Table of Contents
FIRMWARE UPGRADES ..................................................28
TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................
SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................
32 Page 9 Page 11

Package Contents

Please make sure that the items shown below are in­cluded in the package. Should an item be missing, please contact the local retailer from which you purchased this product.
COBY Photo Album
USB Cable
Instruction Manual
Stereo Earphones
Carrying Case
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+ 23 hidden pages