Coby MP-C855 Instruction Manual

USB-Stick MP3 Player with
LCD Display and FM Radio
Please read this manual carefully before operation. Page 3


The exclamatio n point with in an equilat eral triang le is intende d to alert the u ser to th e presence of impor tant oper ation and servicing instruc­tions in t he literature ac companying the a ppliance.
For Cus tomer Use:
Enter bel ow the serial numb er that is located on the unit . Retain this information f or future r eference.
Model N o. MP-C 855
Seria l No.
To prevent re or shock hazard, do not expose thi s devic e to rain or moistur e. Dang erous high voltage is presen t inside the enclo sure. Do not open th e cabinet.
To prevent elec tric shock, match wide bl ade of plug to wide sl ot of outlet and fully inser t.
Handlin g the cords on this pro duct will expose yo u to lead, a chemi cal known to the State of C alifornia to caus e cancer, and birth defects or other reproduc tive harm. Wa sh hands
afte r handling.
For recycl ing or disposal infor mation about this product, plea se contact your loca l author ities or the Elec tronics Indus tries Alliance:
Page 2 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation
Hearing experts advise against th e constant use of p ersonal stereo s played at high volume. C onstant exposur e to high volumes ca n lead to hearing l oss. If you should experi ence ringing in t he ears or hearin g loss, discont inue use and seek me dical advice.
This product is prot ected by cer tain inte llectual proper ty rights of Microsoft. Use or distr ibution of such tec hnology outsi de of this produc t is prohibited wi thout a license f rom Microsof t. Page 3 Page 5


Read Ins truct ions: All th e safety and oper ating inst ructio ns should be read
before th e product i s operate d.
Retai n In stru ction s: Th e s afety and oper ating instruction s s hould be re-
tained fo r future re ference.
Heed Warni ngs: A ll war nings on the product an d in the op erating instruc-
tions sho uld be adhe red to.
Follow Instru ction s: All operating and u sage instructio ns should be fol-
Cleani ng: Un plug th is pro duct f rom t he wall outlet befor e clea ning. D o not
use liqui d cleaner s or aeroso l cleaner s. Use a damp c loth for c leaning.
Attac hment s: Use only at tachme nts recom mended by th e m anufact urer.
Use of othe r attach ments may be ha zardou s.
Water and Mo isture: Do not use thi s produ ct near water (e.g., near a b ath
tub, washb owl, kitc hen sink, la undry tu b, in wet base ments, or ne ar a swim ­ming poo l and the like).
Acces sorie s: Do not place this pro duct on an
unstabl e ca rt, stand, tripod , bra cket, o r ta ble. Use onl y with car ts, sta nds, tr ipods, brackets , or tables rec ommended by the manufac turer or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follo w the manufacture r’s instruct ions and should use a mountin g acce ssor y reco mmended by the manuf acturer.
A p roduct and ca rt combination should be moved
9. with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfa ces may cau se the prod uct and ca rt comb ination t o overtur n.
Ventila tion: Slot s and openings in the c abinet are provi ded for ventila tion to
ensure reliab le ope ration of th e pro duct a nd to protect it from overheat ing. These opening s sho uld neve r be blocked by placing the p roduct on a bed, sofa, rug, or other sim ilar surf ace. This product s hould not be place d in a built-i n inst allatio n suc h as a bo okcase or rack u nless proper ventilation is provide d or the manu facturer i nstruc tions have b een adhere d to.
Power Sources: This product should be operated only from the type of
power so urce ind icated o n the rat ing label . If you ar e not sure of the ty pe of power supp ly to your home, con sult your prod uct dealer or lo cal power co m­pany. For product s intended to ope rate from bat tery powe r or other sourc es, refer to the o peratin g instruc tions.
Grounding or Polariz ation: This pr oduct may be equip ped with a pol arized
alternating- current line plug that has one blade wider than the other. This plug
will only t into the power outlet in one directi on. This is a safety feature. If you
are unable to ins ert the plug fully into the ou tlet, try rever sing the direc tion of
the plug. If the plug shoul d still fail t o t, contac t an electr ician to repl ace the
obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safet y purpose of the polarized plug.
Page 4 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation
Power- Cord Prot ectio n: Power supply cords sh ould be routed so that th ey
are not likely to b e wa lked on or pinched by i tems placed upon or against them, paying par ticular att ention to cords at plugs, conven ience recep tacles, and at the po int which t hey exit fro m the produc t.
Protec tive Attachm ent Plug: The product may b e equippe d with an a t-
tachme nt plug with overload protection. This is a safe ty feature. See the operati ng i nstruc tions for replac ement or direc tions to reset the protec tive device. If re placem ent of the plug is re quired, be sur e the serv ice techni cian has us ed a r eplacem ent plu g that has th e same overlo ad prote ction as the
origin al plug as spe cied by t he manufac turer.
Outdo or Anten na G round ing: If an outside antenna is connec ted to the
produc t, be sure t he antenna system is gro unded so a s to provide some protect ion agai nst volt age surg es and bu ilt-up static c harges. Arti cle 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANS/ NFPA 70 provide s i nformat ion with re ­gard to pro per ground ing of the mast a nd suppor ting str ucture, gr ounding of the lead -in wire to an an tenna- dischar ge unit, size of gr ounding c onducto rs, locati on of antenna- discharge unit, co nnectio n to grounding ele ctrode s, and
require ments for t he groundi ng electr ode (see gu re).
Light ning: For added protectio n for th is product, unplug it fr om the wa ll
outlet and disc onnect the antenna or cable system d uring a lightni ng stor m or w hen i t is left unat tended and unused for long perio ds of time. This will prevent dam age to the pr oduct due to l ightning o r power-li ne surges.
Power Line s: An outside ant enna system sho uld not be locat ed in the vicin-
ity of overhead powe r lines or other electri c light or power circuit s, or where it can fall int o such power li nes or circ uits. When i nstallin g an outside a ntenna system, extreme care sh ould be taken to keep from touchin g such power lines or ci rcuits, a s contac t with them m ight be fat al.
Overl oading: Do no t overload wall out lets, exten sion cords , or integral con -
venienc e recepta cles as th is can resu lt in a risk of  re or elect ric shoc k. Page 5 Page 7
Objec t and Liquid Entr y: Never push ob jects o f any kin d into t his pro duct
through opening s as they m ay touch d angerous voltage points o r shout- out
parts t hat could res ult in a re or elec tric shoc k. Never spill li quid of any kind
on the pro duct.
Serv icing: Do not attemp t to servi ce this pro duct yourself as ope ning or
removin g c overs may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.
Refer all se rvici ng to quali ed serv ice per sonnel.
Damag e Req uirin g Ser vice: Unpl ug th is pro duct from the wall o utlet and
refer ser vicing to qu alied se rvic e personn el under the fo llowing co ndition s:
a) when the power- supply or plug is dam aged; b) if liquid has been spilled or if obj ects have f allen into the prod uct; c) if the product has been ex posed to rain o r water; d) if the pr oduct do es not op erate nor mally by f ollowin g the operati ng instru ctions. Adjust only t hose controls that a re covere d b y t he operati ng instruc tions as impro per adjustme nt of other contro ls may result in damage and wi ll often req uire extens ive work by a quali ed technic ian to re­store the pr oduct to it s normal op eration; e) if the pr oduct has b een droppe d or damaged in any way; f ) when the prod uct exhibit s a distinct change in perfo rmance —this indicat es a need for s ervic e.
Replac ement Parts: When replacement parts are required , be sure that
your ser vice te chnicia n has used replace ment par ts specied by t he manu­facture r or have th e same ch aracter istics as the or iginal pa rt. Un authori zed
substit utions may r esult in re , electr ic shock, o r other haz ards.
Safet y C heck: Upon co mpletion of any service or repair s to this pr oduct,
ask the ser vice technicia n to perfo rm safet y checks to en sure that th e prod­uct is in pr oper oper ating con dition.
Wall or Ceilin g Mount ing: The product should be mounted to a wall or
ceiling o nly as rec ommende d by the manuf acturer.
Heat: The produc t shou ld be situated away from heat source s suc h as ra-
diators , heat registers, stoves, or other pro ducts (inclu ding a mplie rs) that
produc e heat.
Page 6 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation


PRECAUTIONS ...................................................................................... 2
IMPORTANT SAF ETY INSTRUCT IONS ................................................... 4
TABLE OF CO NTEN TS ........................................................................... 7
PACKAGE CONT ENTS .......................................................................... 9
FEATU RES ............................................................................................ 10
GET TING S TARTE D ...............................................................................11
MP-C 855 at a Glance .................................................................................... 11
Connec ting Hea dphones ..............................................................................13
Connec ting Power .........................................................................................13
Loading a B atter y ................................................................................13
USB Power ..........................................................................................13
Using the MP-C 855 Con trols ........................................................................14
Power On/Off ......................................................................................14
Hold Sw itch .........................................................................................14
Reset Function ....................................................................................14
Navigat ing the Me nu Inter face ...........................................................14
Main Men u .....................................................................................................15
PLAY MUSI C ....................................................................................... 16
Play Music Controls .......................................................................................16
Repeat A -B Mod e ...............................................................................17
VOICE ................................................................................................. 18
Voice Controls ...............................................................................................18
Repeat A -B Mod e ...............................................................................19
RECOR D .............................................................................................. 20
Record C ontrols .............................................................................................20
FM TUNER ............................................................................................ 21
FM Tuner Controls .........................................................................................21
Automat ically S aving Pre set Stati ons ................................................21
Manuall y Saving Pr eset Stat ions .......................................................22
Deleting Preset Stations .....................................................................22
FM Tuner Menu ..............................................................................................23
FM Recor ding Cont rols .................................................................................23
SET TING .............................................................................................. 24
FOLDER ............................................................................................... 26
Folder Controls ..............................................................................................26 Page 7 Page 9
USB CON NECTION S .......................................................................... 27
Minimum P C Require ments ..........................................................................27
USB Dri ver Insta llation ( Windo ws 98SE O nly) .............................................27
USB Mod e (MSC/ MTP) .................................................................................28
Connec ting to a Co mputer ............................................................................30
USB- MTP Mo de ..................................................................................30
USB- MSC Mo de .................................................................................30
Transferr ing Files ...........................................................................................31
USB- MTP Mo de ..................................................................................31
USB- MSC Mo de .................................................................................32
Disco nnecting from a Co mputer ...................................................................33
USB- MTP Mo de ..................................................................................33
USB- MSC Mo de .................................................................................33
Build Music Library (USB -MSC Mode On ly) ......................................33
WIND OWS MEDIA PLAYER 10 ...........................................................3 4
Music Fil e Transfers ......................................................................................34
Creatin g Playlist s ...........................................................................................36
Automat ic Windows Media Pl aylist Sy nchroni zation ...................................3 8
FIRMWARE UPGRADE S ......................................................................4 0
Upgrading the Fir mware ................................................................................40
ABOUT M P3/WM A MUSIC FILES ....................................................... 41
TROUB LESH OOTING .......................................................................... 42
SPECI FICATIONS ................................................................................44
Page 8 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation


Please make sure that the items listed be low are include d in the pack age. Should an item be mis sing, p lease c ontac t the l ocal r etailer from which you purchased this pr oduct.
MP-C 855
Stereo E arphones
USB Ex tension C able
1 x “AA A” Batter y
Installation CD
Instru ction Booklet
6. Page 9 Page 11


512MB Integra ted Flash M emory
High- Contr ast LCD Dis play with B acklig ht
Plays MP3 and WMA Digital Music Files
Plays Digital Music from mo st online stores and subscription ser vice s*
ID3 and LRC support for song and synchr onized lyric informat ion display
Integra ted FM Radi o and Recorder
Integra ted Micr ophone fo r Digital Voice Rec ording
Mobile D ata Stor age Functi on
USB 2.0 for Ultra -Fast Fil e Transfers (up to 40x faster t han USB 1.0)
* Music Se rvice must sup port Windows M edia DRM (WM DRM). WMDRM10 requires Window s XP and Windows Me dia Player 10 or n ewer.
Page 10 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation


MP-C8 55 at a Glance

Top View
MENU but ton
Volume +
Volume -
Previou s/Rever se
Next /Forward
Bottom View
HOLD Sw itch
Batter y Comp artment Cover
Front View
LCD Displ ay
Integra ted Micr ophone
Neckst rap Hook
Righ t View
Headphone Out Jac k
13. Page 11 Page 13
Play Mode Di splay
Record M ode Di splay
Page 12 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation

Conne cting Headphon es

Connec t headphones/ear phones to the Head phone Out jack for pr ivate listening.
Lower the volume level before
connecting headphones, then gradually incr ease the volume for comfort able listening.
Hearing experts advise against the constant use of personal stereos played
at high volume.
Constant high-volume use can lead to hear ing loss. If you experience
ringin g in your ears or hear ing loss, discontinue use immediately and seek medical adv ice.

Conne cting Power

The MP- C855 operate s on 1 x “AA A” batter y for music playback.

Loading a Ba tte ry

Remove the USB Cap.
Remove the B atter y Cover.
Inser t 1 x “A AA” bat tery, taking
care t o match the “+” a nd “–” polarities of the batte ry with the markin gs inside the battery com­partment.
Replac e the Batt ery Cove r.

USB Power

When t he MP- C85 5 is c onnected to a comp uter’s powered USB p ort, it wil l draw power over the USB connec tion. Page 13 Page 15

Usin g the MP-C855 Cont rols

Power On/O ff

To turn your playe r on, pres s . The LED ind icator w ill light.
To turn your player off, hold for at least 3 seco nds. The LED indic ator
will dar ken.

Hold Sw itch

The Hold feat ure locks (disab les) your player’s controls to prevent ac cident al key presse s when it is in your pocket or bag.
To lo ck the player’s controls, slide t he HOLD switch to the ri ght in the
direct ion of the ar row. A Lock ic on will be d isplayed o n the scre en.
To unlock the pl ayer’s con trols, sl ide the HO LD switc h to the lef t.

Reset Function

You may reset your player if it should freeze or otherwise behave abnormall y.
Disco nnect you r player if it i s connec ted to a com puter.
Remove the battery from the player. Wait 10 seconds, and t hen re place
the battery.
Power on you r player. Your player has n ow been res et.

Navi gating the Menu Inter face

It i s easy to use th e M P-C8 55 contro ls t o se lect menu options, items, and
les on your player.
To move th e sele ction curso r (hig hlight), press the arrow keys. To move
quickl y in any direc tion, pre ss and hol d the arrow keys.
To highlight th e previou s item to the left (or up), pres s .
To highlight th e next item t o the right (or down), press .
To conrm and enter the current se lectio n, press .
To return to the p revious screen, pr ess .
Page 14 Coby Electron ics Cor por ation

Main Menu

The Main M enu gives you acce ss to the di ffere nt funct ion modes of your player.
To en ter the Ma in Menu, press and ho ld . To exit t he Main Menu,
press an d hold .
To select a function mode in the Main Menu, press or to highlight
the mode, and then press to conrm.
Play Mus ic
Play your digital MP 3 or WMA music les.
Play your digital voi ce reco rdings.
Recor d
Record f rom the in tegrated microphone.
FM Tuner
Listen to FM radio bro adcast s. Record F M radio broadcasts.
Sett ing
Set your pl ayer’s inter nal opti ons.
Play, view, or dele te les fr om your playe r. Page 15
+ 33 hidden pages