Cobra Pistol Shadow S38 Parts List

Cobra Enterprises of Utah, Inc.
1960 S Milestone Drive, Suite F Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Shadow Revolver Parts
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Part No. Description Cost Qty Total
RS900-4 Hammer $9.00 X =
RS900-5 Trigger $8.00 X =
RS900-6 Disconnector $4.00 X =
RS900-7 Cylinder Stop $4.00 X =
RS900-8 Rotating Pin $3.50 X =
RS900-9 Slide Bar $4.50 X =
RS900-10 Strut $5.00 X =
RS900-11 Cylinder Release Button $4.50 X =
RS900-13 Main Spring Rod $2.25 X =
RS900-14 Strut Pin $2.00 X =
RS900-15 Cylinder Holding Pin $1.80 X =
RS900-16 Firing Pin $4.50 X =
RS900-17 Cylinder $57.00 X =
RS900-18 Cylinder Rod 1 $3.75 X =
RS900-19 Cylinder Rod 2 $4.50 X =
RS900-20 Cylinder Ejector $22.25 X =
RS900-24 Barrel Pin $3.50 X =
RS900-26 Cylinder Arm $69.00 X =
RS900-27 Screw Cap $2.00 X =
RS900-29A Cylinder Screw Retaining Assembly $10.00 X =
RS900-30 Cover Plate Screw $2.25 X =
RS900-31 Disconnector Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-32 Main Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-33 Trigger Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-34 Cylinder Rod Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-35 Cylinder Lock Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-36 Firing Pin Return Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-37 Barrel Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-38 Ejector Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-39 Trigger Return Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-40 Strut Spring $1.70 X =
RS900-44 Firing Pin Retaining Pin $3.50 X =
RS900-45 Bushing $1.70 X =
RS900-46 Grip Locating Pin $1.70 X =
RS900-47 Black Rubber Grips (set) $18.00 X =
RS900-48 Rosewood Grips (set) $60.00 X =
RS900-50 Ebonywood Grips (set) $60.00 X =
RS900-52 Maple Display Case - Lined with Glass Lid $50.00 X =
RS900-90A Actuation Assembly $10.00 X =
C700-20 Blue Plastic Lockable Lined Case $15.00 X =
Shadow Instruction Manual
$0.00 X =
C703-2 Gun Cable Lock $5.00 X =
C800-31 Black Cordura Belt Holster $22.00 X =
Prices subject to change
Subtotal =
Utah residents please add 6.60% sales tax Shipping/Handling + $5.00
Total =
You may order parts & accessories online at or by completing this form and returning it
with payment to the address listed above. We accept check, cashiers check, credit cards or money order. No COD's allowed.