Cobra PR250WX User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Nothing comes close to a Cobra
PR 250 WX
Printed in China
Version A
EEnngglliiss hh
IInnttrroo dd uu ccttiioonn
©2005 Cobra®Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA
MMaakkiinngg LLiiffee EEaassiieerr aanndd SSaaffeerr
SSttaayyiinngg iinn ttoouucchh wwiitthh yyoouurr ffaammiillyy aanndd ffrriieennddss iiss ccoonnvveenniieenntt aanndd eeaassyy wwhheenn uussiinngg yyoouurr mmiiccrrooTTAALLKK
rraaddiioo.. SSoommee ooff tthhee mmaannyy uusseess yyoouu wwiillll ddiissccoovveerr iinncclluuddee::
Communicating with others while hiking, biking, and working; keeping track of family and friends at a crowded public event; checking with travel companions in another car; talking with neighbors; arranging meeting spots with others while shopping at the mall.
SSeeccuurree yyoouurr mmiiccrrooTTAALL KK
rraaddiioo wwhhiillee oonn tthhee ggoo..
Carrying your microTALK
radio with you is easy
when using the belt clip or optional wrist strap. The belt clip easily attaches to your belt, purse,
or backpack. Simply squeeze the clip and place it where you prefer.
FFoorr AAssssiissttaannccee iinn CCaannaaddaa oorr tthhee UU..SS..AA..
In this user’s manual, you should find all the information you need to operate your microTALK
radio. If you require further assistance after reading this manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following customer assistance services:
Automated Help Desk
English only. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 773-889-3087 (phone).
Customer Assistance Operators
English and Spanish. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday (except holidays) 773-889-3087 (phone).
English and Spanish. Faxes can be received at 773-622-2269 (fax).
Technical Assistance
English only. (on-line: Frequently Asked Questions). English and Spanish. productinfo (e-mail).
FFoorr AAssssiissttaannccee OOuuttssiiddee CCaannaaddaa,, tthhee UU..SS..AA.. oorr iinn FFrreenncchh
Contact Your Local Dealer
BBeelltt CClliipp
WWrr iisstt SSttrraapp
CCuussttoommeerr AAssssiissttaa nnccee
The Cobra line of quality products includes:
CB Radios • microTALK®Radios • Radar/Laser Detectors • Safety Alert®Traffic Warning Systems • Handheld GPS Receivers • Mobile GPS Navigation Systems • HighGear®Accessories • CobraMarine™ VHF Radios • Power Inverters • Accessories
Nothing comes close to a Cobra
For more information or to
order any of our products,
please visit our website:
Battery Door
Belt Clip
Wrist Strap Connection
EEnngglliiss hh
PPrroodduucctt FFeeaattuurreess
IInnttrroo dd uu ccttiioonn
Backlit LCD Display
CChh aannnn eell UUpp //DDoowwnn
Speaker/ Microphone
LL oocc kk
VVoolluummee UUpp // DD oowwnn
External Speaker/ Microphone Jack
LL iigghh tt// MMaaxx RRaannggee
MMooddee // PPoowwee rr
EEnngglliiss hh
PPrroodduucctt FFeeaattuurreess
IInnttrroodd uucc ttiioonn
BBaacckklliitt LLCCDD DDiissppllaayy
Transmit Icon
Roger Beep Icon
Lock Icon
Saver Icon
Battery Low Indicator
CTCSS Privacy Code Numbers
Two-Way Radio
With up to a 8 miles (13 km) range.
22 Channels
Seven shared with FRS/GMRS, seven FRS only, eight GMRS only.
38 Privacy Codes
10 Channel NOAA
All Hazards Radio
Channel, privacy code
Backlit LCD Display
Call Alert
Five selectable tones
Button Lock
Microphone Jack
Roger Beep
Selectable On/Off
Battery/Power Saver
Keystroke Tones
Auto Squelch
Range Extender
Belt Clip
NOAA All Hazards
Radio Icon
NN oott hhiinngg
comes close to a Cobra
IImm ppoo rrttaanntt FFCCCC LLiicceennssiinngg IInn ffoorrmmaattiioonn
This radio operates on General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) frequencies which require a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license. See page 14 for licensing and other related information.
Maximum range may vary and is based on unobstructed line-of-sight communication under ideal conditions.
Customer Assistance
IInnttrroodd uucc ttiioonn
Caring for Your microTALK®Radio
Your microTALK
radio will give you years of trouble-free service if cared for properly. Handle the radio gently. Keep the radio away from dust. Never put the radio in water or in a damp place. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.
To install or replace batteries:
1. Remove belt clip by releasing belt clip
latch and sliding clip up.
2. Pull up on the battery door latch to
remove the battery compartment cover.
3. Insert four AAA batteries. (Always use
high quality alkaline batteries.) Position batteries according to polarity markings.
4. Replace battery compartment cover and
belt clip.
Contact your local Cobra dealer or Cobra directly for optional accessories. Only Cobra authorized accessories are recommended.
IInnsseerrtt BBaattttee rriiee ss
PPuullll UUpp LLoo cckk LLaattcchh
RReemmoovvee BBee lltt CClliipp
The Basics to Get You Started
Your microTALK
radio is easy to use.
To get started, simply:
1. Press and hold the Mode/Power button to turn on your radio.
2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down button to select a channel.
Both radios must be tuned to the same channel to communicate.
3. Press and hold the Talk button while speaking into the microphone.
4. When finished talking, release the Talk button and listen for a response.
NN oott hhiinngg
comes close to a Cobra
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction
OOppee rr aattiioonn
Communicating with Another Person
To talk to another person:
1. Press and hold the Talk button.
2. With the microphone about two inches
(five cm) from your mouth, speak in a normal voice.
3. Release the Talk button when you are
finished talking and listen for a response.
You cannot receive incoming calls while pressing the Talk button.
Both radios must be tuned to the same channel to communicate.
To select a channel:
1. With the radio on, select any of the
22 channels by pressing the Channel Up or Channel Down button.
Both radios must be tuned to the same channel to communicate.
Channels 1 through 7 are shared with FRS/ GMRS. Channels 8 through 14 are FRS only. Channels 15 through 22 are GMRS only.
See page 13 for FRS/GMRS frequency allocations and compatibility charts.
CChhaannnn ee ll BB uutttt oonn
CChhaannnneell NNuummbb eerr
TTaallkk BBuu ttttoo nn
TTwwoo IInncchheess (( ffiivvee cc mm )) ffrroomm MMoouutthh
EEnngglliiss hh
Turning on Your microTALK®Radio
To turn on your radio:
1. Press and hold the Mode/Power button until
you hear a series of audible tones indicating the radio is on.
Your microTALK
radio is now in Standby mode,
ready to receive transmissions. The radio is always in Standby mode except when the Talk, Call or Mode/Power buttons are pressed.
Battery Low
When battery power is low, the Battery Low icon will blink. Your batteries should be replaced or recharged, if using rechargeable batteries.
Auto Battery Save
Your microTALK
radio has a unique circuit designed to extend battery life. If there are no transmissions within 10 seconds, the radio will automatically switch to Battery Save mode and the Power Saver icon will flash in the display. This will not affect the radio’s ability to receive incoming transmissions.
UUssiinngg YYoouurr RRaaddiioo
OOpp ee rraattiioonn
MMooddee//PPoo wweerr BBuu ttttoo nn
BBaattttee rr yy LLooww
BBaatttteerryy SSaa vvee MMoo dd ee
NN oott hhiinngg
comes close to a Cobra
+ 7 hidden pages