This en gine is t o be oper ated on a 25:1
mixtu re cons istin g of unleaded
gasol ine and 2 -cycl e mixin g oil only.
Some ga solin es cont ain alc ohol as an
oxyge natel O xygen ated fu els may
cause i ncrea sed ope ratin g
tempe ratur es. Und er cert ain condi tions
alcoh ol-ba sed fue ls may al so reduce
the lub ricat ing qua lities of some mix ing
oils. N ever us e any fue l conta ining
more th an 10% al cohol b y volume!
When an o xygen ated fu el must be
used, f uel con taini ng an oxy genate
such as M TBE is to p refer red ove r an
alcoh ol base d fuel.
Gener ic oils a nd some o utboa rd motor
oils ma y not be in tende d for use i n
high- perfo rmanc e air coo led 2-cyc le
engin es, and s hould n ever be used in a
this en gine!
Mixing Fuel
Alway s minim ize the r isk of fi re when
handl ing fue l!
Alway s allow t he prun er to cool
befor e refue ling!
Wipe al l spill ed fuel a nd move t he
prune r at leas e 3 meter s (10 feet)
from th e fueli ng poin t befor e
resta rting !
Never s moke or l ight an y fires near
the pru ner or fu els!
Never p lace an y flamm able ma terial
near th e engin e muffl er!
Never o perat e the eng ine wit hout
the muf fler an d spark a rrest or in
place a nd prop erly fu nctio ning!
Never o perat e this ma chine if fuel
syste m compo nents a re dama ged
or are le aking .
Use onl y fresh , clean u nlead ed galoli ne
with an o ctane r ating o f 87 or abo ve.
Mix all f uel wit h 2-cyc le Engi ne Oil at a
gasol ine/o il rati o of 25:1 .
Mix onl y enoug h fuel fo r your im mediate
needs ! If fuel m ust be st ored lo nger than
30day s, it sho uld fir st be tre ated with a
stabi lizer s uch as St aBil
1.Pla ce the pr uner on a f lat, le vel surfa ce.
2.Cle ar any di rt or oth er debr is from
aroun d the fue l fille r cap.
3.Rem ove the f uel cap , and fil l the fuel
tank wi th clea n, fres h fuel mi xture.
4.Ins tall an d firml y tight en the fuel c ap.
5.Wip e up any sp illed f uel from the
power head be fore re start ing.