Cobra MT250C, MT270K, LRH270K Operator's Manual

ENGINE PART.....................1-16
BRUSH CUTTER................17-27
POLE PRUNER..................28-39
HEDGE TRIMMER..............40-49
Attention Statements
A statem ent pre ceded b y the trian gular atten tion sy mbol an d the wor d "WA RNING "indi cates a p otent ially hazar dous si tuati on whic h, if not avoid ed, COU LD resu lt in dea th or serio us inju ry!
A statem ent pre ceded b y the word "CAUT ION" co ntain s infor mation that sh ould be a cted up on to avo id damag e to the ma chine .
A statem ent pre ceded b y the word "IMPO RTAN T" is one t hat pos sesse s speci al sign ifica nce.
A statem ent pre ceded b y the word "ONTE " conta ins inf ormat ion that is handy t o know an d may mak e your jo b easie r.
A statem ent pre ceded b y the triangular atten tion sy mbol an d the wor d "DANG ER"in dicat es an imm inently hazar dous si tuati on whic h, if not avoid ed, wil l resul t in deat h or serio us inju ry!
Appro achin g or cont actin g electri cal lines w ith the t rimme r could c ause death o r serio us inju ry. Keep t he trimm er at lea st 10me ters aw ay from elect rical l ines or b ranch es that conta ct elec trica l lines .
Long re ach hed ge trim mer 260 0 is desig ned and b uilt to d elive r superio r perfo rmanc e and rel iabil ity witho ut compr omise t o quali ty, comf ort, sa fety or durab ility.
The information contained in these instrucitions describes components available at the time of publication. While every attempt has been made to provide the latest information about your product, there may be some differences between your attachment and what is described here. We reserves the right to make changes to products without prior notice and without obligation to make alterations to components previously manufactured.
The procedures described in this manual are intenaded to help you get the most from your machine as well as to protect you and others from harm. these procedures are guidelines for safe operation under most conditions, and are not intended to replace any safety rules and/or laws that may be in force in your area. If you have questions regarding your power tool, or if you do not understand someting in this manual, your local dealer will be glad to assist you.
Safety Precautions
An arti culat ed hedg e trimm er has the po tenti al to do ser ious da mage if m isuse d, abused o r misha ndled . To reduce t he risk o f injur y, you must ma intai n contr ol at all t imes, and o bserv e all saf ety pre cauti ons dur ing opera tion. Never p ermit a p erson w ithou t trainin g or instr uctio n to oper ate thi s machine !
For spe cific m ainte nance a nd safety infor matio n about y ou long reach Hedg e trimm er T260 0 Multi purpo se Engi ne or long re ach pru ner P26 00 power head, consu lt the ow ner's m anual p rovided with it . If it has b een los t or misp lace, conta ct us for a r eplac ement .
Operating Precautions
Never o perat e this to ol or any other p ower eq uipme nt if you a re tired , ill, or u nder th e influ ence of alcoh ol, dru gs, or an y subst ance that co uld aff ect you r abili ty or judge ment.
Keep by stand ers at le ast 15 me ters (50 fee t) away f rom the o perat ing trimm er to red uce the r isk of be ing struc k by fall ing obj ects or thrown debri s.
Never c ut off br anche s over yo ur head. T he cut- off b ranch es may hit you a nd caus e serio us inju ry.
read an d follo w this ma nual, make su re anyo ne usin g the trimm er dose l ikewi se. Fai lure to do so co uld res ult in se rious perso nal inj ury or ma chine failu re. Kee p this ma nual fo r futur e refer ence.
Alway s wear a ha rd hat to r educe the ris k of head i njuri es during opera tion of t his mac hine. In addit ion, al ways we ar eye an d heari ng prot ectio n. We recom mends w earin g a face shiel d as addi tiona l face an d eye prote ction .
Wear no n-sli p heavy -duty g loves to impr ove you r grip on t he trimm er hand le. Wea r sturd y footw ear wit h nonsh ip sole s to proiv ide goo d footi ng. Ste el-toes safet y boots a re reco mmend ed. Were sn ug-fi tting c lothe s that al so permi ts free dom of mo vemen t.
Operating Precautions
Never p ermit a p erson w ithou t trainin g or inst ructi on to ope rate this machin e.
Alway s make su re the cu tter attac hment i s prope rly installed an d firml y tight ened be fore operation .
Never u se a crac ked or wa rped cu tter or cutt er bar: r eplac e or repa ir before use.
Befor e start ing the e ngine , make sure the cut ter is cl ear of al l objects.
Alway s stop th e engin e immed i-ately and che ck for da mage if y ou strike a forei gn obje ct or if th e machi ne becom es tang led. do n ot operate with broke n or dama -ged eq uipme nt.
When cu tting a b ranch t hat is un der tensi on, be al ert for s pring -back so th at you wil l not be st ruck by t he movi ng branc h.
Stop th e machi ne imme diate ly if it sudde nly beg ins to vi brate o r shake. Inspe ct for br oken, m issing or impro perly i nstal led par ts or attac hment s.
Never s moke or l ight fi res nea r the hedge t rimme r. Keep th e trimmer a way from ex cessi ve heat . Engin e fuel is very fl ammab le and fi re could lead to serio us pers onal in jury or p roperty damag e.-
Never o perat e this ma chine o r other power e quime nt if you a re tire d, ill, or under t he infl uence o f alcohol, drugs , or any ot her sub stanc e that co uld affec t your ab ility o f judge ment. Do not op erate t he arti culated hedge trimm er with t he muff ler rem oved.
Make su re ther e is alwa ys good venti latio n when op erati ng the artic ulate d hedge t rimme r. Fumes fro m engin e exhau st can ca use ser ious injur y or deat h. Neve r run the e ngine indoo rs!
Make su re ther e are no mi ssing o r loose f asten ers, an d that th e stop switc h and thr ottle c ontro ls are work ing prope rly
If a cutt er shou ld bind f ast in a cu t, shut of f the eng ine imm ediat ely. Push the bra nch or tr ee to eas e the bin d and free th e cutte r.
Make su re the cu tters a re corr ectly adjus ted bef ore ope rating the artic ulate d hedge t rimme r (see page 17 for cu tter ad justm ent pro cedures ). Never a ttemp t cutte r adjus tment wit h the eng ine run ning!
Make su re of no fu el leak ing fro m Fuel tank, f uel cap , Fuel pi pe and carbu retor a nd othe r parts which fuel may lea k. Repa ir the ma chine if fuel leaki ng, mak e sure no l eakin g again.
Installing the Powerhead
1.Pla ce the po werhe ad on a cle an, flat surfa ce, spa rk plug f acing up.
2.Use t he 4mm al len wre nch to lo osen the tub e clamp a s shown i n figure 4.
3.Sli p off the p rotec tive co vers fr om two end s of bube .
Do not fo rce the l ower tu be info the pow erhea d! Exce ssive f orce can dam age the c ompon ents.
4.Pus h the low er tube t oward s the tube clamp a nd rota te it by ha nd to che ck that th e mains haft sp lines e ngage the power head, S ee Figu re 5
5.Ins ert the l ower tu be into t he tube clamp u ntil it b ottom s and ali gn the posit ionin g holes o n the tub e and clamp , then in stall t he scre w.
6.Fas ten the c lamp se curel y with 2 clamp s crews .
Connecting the Throttle Cable
1.Rem ove the a ir clea ner cov er.
2.Con nect th e end of th e throt tle cable t o the joi nt on the t op of the c arbur etor. See Fig ure 6, fi gure 7.
Conne cting s witch w ires
conne ct the sw itch wi res bet ween the engin e and the m ain uni t. Pair t he wire s of the sa me colo r. See fig ure 8.
Adjusting the Throttle cable
1.Loo sen the t hrott le cabl e nut at fan cover a s shown i n figur e 9.
2.Adj ust the t hrott le cabl e adjuste r nuts un til you a chiev e a free play on the thr ottle t rigge r of abou t 6mm. See Fig ure 10.
When 6m m free pl ay is ach ieved , tight en the tw o 10mm th rottle cable nuts. W hen the t hrott le cable is corre ctly ad juste d, and th e throttl e trigg er is ful ly depr essed ( full throt tle), t he thro ttle wi ll contac t the stop on t he thro ttle bo dy. See Fi gure
A dab of Nev er-Se ez TM or eq uival ent eases r emova l.
4.Rep lace th e air cle aner co ver.
Assembling the Tube Sections
1.Pla ce the po werhe ad/lower tube assem bly and t he uppe r tube assem bly on a cl ean, fl at surf aceso that bo th asse mblis e fit end t o end. The pow erhea d/low er tube a ssembly shoul d be faci ng up, an d the upp er tube as sembl y shoul d be posi tioned with th e latch P rotec tor fac ing up.
Keep th e open en d of the tu bes clean a nd free o f impur ities !
2.Loo sen the c ouple rscre w.
3.Dep ress th e latch a nd insert the power head/ lower t ube ass embly int o the cou pler un til it bo ttoms . Release the lat ch. Roc k the upp er tube assem bly bac k and for th unti l you are sur e it snap s in plac e by the coupl er lock . See Fig ure 12.
4.Whe n the two t ube hal ves are l ocked toget her, sli de the la tch prote ctor into gr oove of l atch, t hen tig hten the coupl er scre w. See Fig ure 13.
Disas sembl ing The P ole sec tions
1.Wit h the pol e prune r on a clea n, flat surfa ce, loo sen the c ouple r screw. slide t he latc h prote ctor ou t of groove of latc h.
2.Dep ress th e latch . This re lease t he coupl er lock . See Fig ure 14.
3.Pul l the upp er tube a ssemb ly out of the cou pler
This en gine is t o be oper ated on a 25:1 mixtu re cons istin g of unleaded gasol ine and 2 -cycl e mixin g oil only.
Some ga solin es cont ain alc ohol as an oxyge natel O xygen ated fu els may cause i ncrea sed ope ratin g tempe ratur es. Und er cert ain condi tions alcoh ol-ba sed fue ls may al so reduce the lub ricat ing qua lities of some mix ing oils. N ever us e any fue l conta ining more th an 10% al cohol b y volume! When an o xygen ated fu el must be used, f uel con taini ng an oxy genate such as M TBE is to p refer red ove r an alcoh ol base d fuel.
Gener ic oils a nd some o utboa rd motor oils ma y not be in tende d for use i n high- perfo rmanc e air coo led 2-cyc le engin es, and s hould n ever be used in a this en gine!
Mixing Fuel
Alway s minim ize the r isk of fi re when handl ing fue l!
Alway s allow t he prun er to cool befor e refue ling!
Wipe al l spill ed fuel a nd move t he prune r at leas e 3 meter s (10 feet) from th e fueli ng poin t befor e resta rting !
Never s moke or l ight an y fires near the pru ner or fu els!
Never p lace an y flamm able ma terial near th e engin e muffl er!
Never o perat e the eng ine wit hout the muf fler an d spark a rrest or in place a nd prop erly fu nctio ning!
Never o perat e this ma chine if fuel syste m compo nents a re dama ged or are le aking .
Use onl y fresh , clean u nlead ed galoli ne with an o ctane r ating o f 87 or abo ve.
Mix all f uel wit h 2-cyc le Engi ne Oil at a gasol ine/o il rati o of 25:1 .
Mix onl y enoug h fuel fo r your im mediate needs ! If fuel m ust be st ored lo nger than 30day s, it sho uld fir st be tre ated with a
stabi lizer s uch as St aBil
1.Pla ce the pr uner on a f lat, le vel surfa ce.
2.Cle ar any di rt or oth er debr is from aroun d the fue l fille r cap.
3.Rem ove the f uel cap , and fil l the fuel tank wi th clea n, fres h fuel mi xture.
4.Ins tall an d firml y tight en the fuel c ap.
5.Wip e up any sp illed f uel from the power head be fore re start ing.
Starting A Cold Engine-Restarting After Refueling
Contr ol Posi tions ( cold en gine)
1.Set t he thro ttle tr igger to "Fast idl e" as foll ows (Fi gure 24 ):
figure 26
figure 27
figure 25
Engin e ignit ion is co ntrolled by a twopo sitio n START-STOP swit ch moun ted on the th rottl e body, ty pical ly labe led "I" for START and "O" fo r STOP.
Depre ss and ho ld the th rottl e
locko ut leve r.
squee ze and ho ld the th rottl e
trigg er.
Depre ss the th rottl e lock bu tton.
While h oldin g down th e throt tle
lock bu tton, r eleas e the thr ottle trigg er and th rottl e locko ut lever.
Relea se the th rottl e lock bu tton.
2.Sli de the ignit ion switc h to the "I" (st art) Posit ion. Se e Figur e 25.
3.Pri me the en gine by d epressing the carbu retor p rimer b ulb fou r or five times , See Fig ure 26. You s hould be able to s ee fuel i nside t he bulb .
4.Cho ke the en gine by m oving t he choke l ever up t o the "cl osed" posit ion. Se e Figur e 27.
Contr ol Posi tions ( warm en gine)
1.Set t he thro ttle tr igger t o "fast idl e" (see St ep 1 abov e).
2.Sli de the ig nitio n switc h to the "I"
(START) posit ion.
3.Mov ing the c hoke le ver dow n to the "open " posit ion.
figure 24
Figure 28
Figure 29
Cranking The Engine
When st artin g the eng ine, ma ke sure the cut ting at tachm ent is we ll clear of byst ander s, pets o r objec ts. The attac hment m ay rota te duri ng startu p.
Never o perat e the pol e prune r unless a cutti ng atta chmen ts is ins talled.
The rec oil sta rter ca n be dama ged by abus e.
Alway s engag e the sta rter be fore attem pting t o crank t he engi ne.
Never p ull the s tarte r cord to i ts full le ngth.
Alway s rewin d the sta rter co rd slowl y.
1.Pla ce the un it firm ly on the ground, makin g sure it i s stabl e and tha t the cutti ng atta chmen t is free a nd clear of any by stand ers or ob jects , Hold onto th e hand gr ip on the o uter tu be with yo ur left h and gra sp the starter rope ha ndle wi th your r ight ha nd. See Fig ure 28.
2.Pul l the sta rter ha ndle sl owly unti l you fee l the sta rter en gage.
3.Pul l the sta rter ha ndle qu ickly to start t he engi ne.
When Th e Engin e Start s Or Fire s
Open th e choke b y movin g the cho ke lever d own. Se e Figur e 29.
The cut ting at tachm ent wil l engage and rot ate as th e engin e start s and accel erate s.
If the en gine di d not con tinue t o run, repea t the app ropri ate cra nking proce dure (w arm or co ld engi ne).
When th e engin e start s clear e xcess fuel fr om the co mbust ion cha mber ty revvi ng the en gine se veral t imes with the thr ottle t rigge r (oper ating the trigg er will a utoma tically diseng age the "fa st idle " setti ng).
If The en gine Fa ils To Start
Repea t the app ropri ate cra nking proce dure (w arm or co ld engi ne). If the eng ine fai ls to sta rt afte r repeate d attem pts, th e engin e is like ly floode d. Proce ed to the f ollow ing pro cedure.
Start ing A Flo oded En gine
1.Dis conne ct the sp ark plu g lead, and then us e the spa rk plug w rench t o remov e the spa rk lug (t urn count erclo ckwis e to remo ve).See Figur e 30.
If the sp ark plu g is foul ed or soa ked with fu el, cle an the lu g as nece ssary.
Figure 30
Figure 31
2.Ope n the cho ke (Fig ure 31) a nd fully depre ss the th rottl e trigg er with you r left ha nd, the n pull th e start er handle rapid ly with y our rig ht hand t o clear exces s fuel fr om the co mbust ion chamb er.
The cut ting at tachm ent can c ontinue rotat ing aft er the en gine is switched off!
Incor rect sp ark plu g insta llation c an resul t in seri ous eng ine dam age.
3.Rei nstal l the spa rk plug a nd tighte n it firml y. If a torq ue wren ch is ava ilabl e, torqu e the spa rk plug t o 16.7- 18.6 N.m.
4.Rep eat the s tarti ng proc edure for a warm en gine.
5.If th e engin e still f ails to s tart, ref er to the tr ouble s shoot ing sec tion near the end o f the man ual.
Stopping The Engine
1.Coo l the engin e by allow ing it to idle fo r two or thre e minut es.
2.Sli de the ignit ion switc h to the "O" or ST OP posit ion. Se e Figur e 31.
The cut ting at tachm ent mus t never rotat e at engi ne idle s peed.
Adjusting The Carburetor
The eng ine mus t retur n to idle s peed whene ver the t hrott le trig ger is rele ased. Idle sp eed is ad justa ble and m ust be set low e nough t o permi t the eng ine clutc h to dise ngage t he chai n saw when th rottl e trigg er is rel eased.
Check and Adjust Idle Speed
1.Sta rt the en gine an d allow i t to idle two or th ree min utes, o r until i t warms u p.
If the cu tting a ttach ment ro tates at engin e idle, r educe i dle spe ed by turni ng the id le adju sting s crew count er cloc kwise a s neces sary. Se e Figur e 32.
Use a tac homet er, if one i s available, to set en gine id le. Sta ndard i dle speed i s:
300±200 rpm
Figure 32
3.If th e engin e is stal ling an d won't idle, i ncrea se idle s peed by turning the idl e adjus tment s crew cl ockwise .
The mix ture of t he carb ureto r on this unit ca nnot be a djust ed.
Safety Operation
This ma chine i s desig ned esp ecially for cut ting br anche s. Never u se this m achin e for any o ther purpo ses. Ne ver try t o cut sto nes, metal s, plas tics or a ny othe r hard objec ts. Using f or othe r purpo ses tha n cutting branc hes may d amage t he mach ine or cause s eriou s injur y.
Wear su itabl e prote ctive c lothi ng and equ ipmen t-see s ectio n "safety Preca ution s".
Choos e the bes t work po sitio n for safet y again st the fa lling o bject (Bran ch etc)
Start t he engi ne.
Put on th e strap .
Never s tand di rectl y under neath the branc h you are c uttin g-be wa ry of falli ng bran ches. N ote tha t a branch may spr ing bac k at you af ter it hi ts the groun d.
Cutti ng sequ ence: To allow br anche s a free fa ll, always cut the l ower br anche s first . Prune heavy b ranch es (Lar ge diam eter) in sever al cont rolla ble pie ces.
Worki ng posi tion: Hold th e contr ol hand le with y our right hand, a nd the sh aft wit h your le ft hand. Your l eft arm s hould b e exten ded to the mos t comfo rtabl e posit ion.
The sha ft shou ld alwa ys be hel d at an
angle o f 60° or les s.
General maintenance
Befor e perfo rming a ny main tenance , repai r, or clea ning wo rk on the machi ne, mak e sure th e engin e and cutti ng atta chmen t are com pletely stopp ed. Dis conne ct the spark plug wire be fore pe rform ing service or maint enanc e work.
Non-s tanda rd part s may not operate prope rly wit h your un it and ma y cause damag e and lea d to pers onal in jury.
Opera ting th e engin e witho ut a muffl er or wit h a muffler th at is damag ed or imp roper ly suff icien tly to
lead to h earin g loss
This ma chine m ust nev er be ope rated with a fa ulty or m issin g spark arrestor o r muffl er is wel l secur ed and in g ood condi tion, A wor n or dama ged muffler is a fire ha zard an d may als o cause heari ng loss .
Keep th e spark p lug and w ire conne ction s tight a nd clea n.
Daily maintenance
Prior t o each wo rk day, pe rform t he follo wing:
Remov e all dir t and deb ris from the engin e, chec k the coo ling fi ns and air clean er for cl oggin g, and cl ean as
neces sary. se e Figure 33 .
Caref ully re move an y accum ulating o f
dirt or d ebris f rom the muffler an d fu el 
tank firs t bu ild-up in these are as c an 
lead to engin e ov erhea ting , fire or 
prema ture wear
Check f or loos e or miss ing scr ews or compo nents . Make su re the cu tting attac hment i s free of d ebris and secur ely fas tened .
Check t he enti re mach ine for leaking fuel or g rease .
Make su re nuts , bolts a nd scre ws (expe ct carb ureto r adjus ting scre ws) and tig ht.
Figure 33
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