Examples of a change of contact/vehicle details are:
- you change your mobile phone number,
- you change the registration number to your vehicle,
- you change your address,
- you change/forget your identity questions/answers.
The Service Provider (NSP) can be contacted during normal offi ce
hours (see Terms and Conditions in the Service Manual).
Change your identity questions.
The identity questions/answers specifi ed in your Stolen Vehicle
Recovery Service Agreement are preliminary. The answers
are known to the dealer. Therefore, we strongly recommend
that you change the identity questions/answers by calling the
Service Provider (NSP).
1.3 What Happens if your Vehicle is Stolen
The device installed in your vehicle can detect a number of
parameters about the vehicle. When these are detected, messages
(also known as alerts) are sent to the Secure Operating Centre
(SOC) and/or your mobile phone.
Depending on the Connex Guardian service you have subscribed
to, certain messages may start the theft tracking automatically. You
can also start the theft tracking by contacting the Secure Operating
Centre (SOC) and voluntarily declaring the vehicle as stolen. For
details of the different services, please see Chapter 3.
1.3.1 You Detect that your Vehicle is Stolen
If you detect that your vehicle has been stolen you can start the
theft tracking by a Voluntary Declaration.
You should:
1. Contact the Secure Operating Centre (SOC) immediately. The
Secure Operating Centre (SOC) will commence tracking your
2. Follow the Secure Operating Centre (SOC) instructions precisely.
3. For UK services you will need to contact the local Police to report
the theft and obtain a Crime Reference Number which you will
then provide to the Secure Operating Centre (SOC).
1.3.2 The System Detects that your Vehicle is Stolen
If your device detects an event which it interprets as a possible theft,
the theft tracking is started immediately and the device informs the
Secure Operating Centre (SOC). They will contact you immediately
to verify the theft and then proceed with recovering the vehicle,
liaising with the appropriate authorities. Depending on the service
to which you have subscribed, the device can alert the Secure
Operating Centre (SOC) in the following cases:
• Vehicle Intrusion
• Unauthorised movement of the vehicle, i.e., your vehicle is moved
without the ignition key ON.
• Attempted tampering of the device in your vehicle.
• Radio Frequency Jamming
• A hijack attempt