This quick guide aims at experienced service personnel who have installed the SAILOR 900 VSAT system
and connected power. It lists the minimum configuration tasks you have to make before the system. can
be used on-air on a satellite.
1. Connect a PC to the front LAN connector or the LAN3 connector at the rear of the Antenna Control
2. Open an Internet Browser and type the default IP address of the SAILOR 900 VSAT:
to access the web interface.
Configuration tasks (minimum)
Configuration taskWhat to do and where to find more information
Heading input
Azimuth calibration
TX cable calibration
VSAT modem connection
Modem profile
Network settings
Configure the heading input to External under SERVICE > Calibration.
For more information see Select the desired heading input, see table below. on page 6-6.
Connect the ship’s heading (RS-422, NMEA0183) to the NMEA 0183 multiconnector. Pin 8 Ship Ground/Shield (connect only one end), Pin 9 Line B +,
and Pin 10 Line A-. For more information see NMEA 0183 connector on
page 4-4.
Make an azimuth calibration under SERVICE > Calibration to ensure that
the SAILOR VSAT can point and receive satellite signal. For more
information see Azimuth calibration on page 6-8.
Make a Tx cable calibration under SERVICE > Calibration to ensure that
Tx power is calibrated at all frequencies. For more information see Cable calibration on page 6-10.
See Appendix E or for DVB-S transponder
Connect cables between the modem and the ACU. For more information
see VMU settings on page C-1.
Configure the modem profile under SETTINGS > Satellite profiles >
VSAT modem profiles. For more information see VSAT modem profile –
New entry and Edit on page 6-25.
Configure the network settings under SETTINGS > Network if the
modem communicates with IP to the ACU. For more information see To configure the LAN network on page 6-29.
Satellite profile
You find a flow chart for the calibration procedure on page 6-12.
Configure the satellite profile under SETTINGS > Satellite profiles and
then activate the satellite profile and wait for the system to acquire the
satellite and start tracking. For more information see Satellite profiles – New entry and Edit on page 6-23 and Satellite profiles on page 6-22.
Installation manual
Document number: 98-138976-C
Release date: 20 February 2014
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the
accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane A/S. The information in this manual is
provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice and may contain errors or
inaccuracies. Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane A/S are periodically revised and updated. Anyone
relying on this information should acquire the most current version e.g. from
or from the distributor. Thrane & Thrane A/S is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any
translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual from any other source.
• Thrane & Thrane is a registered trademark of Thrane & Thrane A/S in the European Union and the
United States.
• Inmarsat is a registered trademark of the International Maritime Satellite Organisation (IMSO) and is
licensed by IMSO to Inmarsat Limited and Inmarsat Ventures plc.
• Other product and company names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or trade names of
their respective owners.
GPL notification
The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL/LGPL.
The verbatim licenses can be found online at:
You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us for a period of three years after our last
shipment of this product, which will be no earlier than 2021, by sending a money order or check for DKK
50 to:
Please write "source for product SAILOR 900 VSAT" in the memo line of your payment. This offer is valid
to anyone in receipt of this information.
Safety summary
No personnel within safety distance
Safety distance:
30 m, 10 W/m
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation,
service and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific
warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture and
intended use of the equipment. Thrane & Thrane A/S assumes no liability for the customer's
failure to comply with these requirements.
Microwave radiation hazards
During transmission the Above Deck Unit (antenna) in this
system radiates Microwave Power.This radiation may be
hazardous to humans close to the Above Deck Unit. During
transmission, make sure that nobody gets closer than the
recommended minimum safety distance.
The minimum safety distance to the Above Deck Unit
reflector on the focal line is 30 m, based on a radiation level
of 10 W/m
drawing below.
. No hazard exists >25° below the Above Deck Unit’s mounting plane. Refer to the
No-transmit zones
In order to protect personnel no-transmit zones can be programmed. For further information
see Blocking zones – azimuth and elevation on page 3-5.
Distance to other equipment
Do not move the Above Deck Unit closer to radars than the minimum safe distance specified in
section Interference on page 3-13 — it may cause damage to the Above Deck Unit.
Compass Safe Distance:
SAILOR 900 VSAT antenna or ADU (Above Deck Unit): min. 170 cm (IEC 60945).
SAILOR 900 VSAT ACU (Antenna Control Unit): min. 10 cm (IEC 60945)
User access to the interior of the ACU is prohibited. Only a technician authorized by Cobham
SATCOM may perform service - failure to comply with this rule will void the warranty.Access to
the interior of the Above Deck Unit is allowed. Replacement of certain modules and general
service may only be performed by a technician authorized by Cobham SATCOM.
Grounding, cables and connections
To minimize shock hazard and to protect against lightning, the equipment chassis and cabinet
must be connected to an electrical ground. The ACU must be grounded to the ship. For further
grounding information refer to the Installation manual.
Do not extend the cables beyond the lengths specified for the equipment. The cable between
the ACU and Above Deck Unit can be extended if it complies with the specified data
concerning cable losses etc.
Rx and Tx cables for the SAILOR 900 VSAT system are shielded and should not be affected by
magnetic fields. However, try to avoid running cables parallel to high power and AC/RF wiring as
it might cause malfunction of the equipment.
Power supply
The voltage range for the SAILOR 900 VSAT is 20 – 32 VDC. Note that the Above Deck Unit is
powered by the ACU.
If a 24 VDC power bus is not available, an external 115/230 VAC to 28 VDC power supply can
be used, for example a SAILOR 6080 Power Supply.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any
electrical equipment in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Keep away from live circuits
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Component replacement and internal
adjustment must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components
with the power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even
with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge
circuits before touching them.
Failure to comply with the rules above will void the warranty!
CAUTION!Do not manually turn the Polarisation Unit of the antenna, it
may cause damage to the antenna.
If needed to turn the Polarisation Unit manually, remove the connector (1) marked M of the
Polarisation Motor Module (2).
VSAT restrictions
There are restrictions in use of the frequency band 13.75 to 14 GHz in the
following countries:
Contact the VSAT modem provider for local setups.
Record of Revisions
Rev.DescriptionRelease DateInitials
AOriginal document23 April 2013UFO
BThe following sections have been edited: 2.1.1, 3.2.6,
3.3, A.1.2.
The following section has been added: H.3
CThe following sections have been added: 8.6.4, 8.6.5,
C.1, C.4, H4, H.5
The following sections have been edited: 1.3, 2.1,
D.2.11 zone .......................................................................................................................................... D-9
Appendix EDVB-S satellites
Table of Contents
Appendix FGrounding and RF protection
F.1Why is grounding required? ......................................................................................F-1
F.1.1Reasons for grounding ...................................................................................................... F-1
Figure 3-10:Free mast length and bracing for a tall mast.....................................................................................3-10
Figure 3-11:Interference with the vessel’s radar ......................................................................................................3-13
Figure 3-12:Recommended distance to transmitters (m) for frequencies below 1000 MHz.............3-16
Figure 3-13:SAILOR 900: Drain pipe with free space .............................................................................................3-17
Figure 3-14:SAILOR 900: Use of strong sling with a belt and tag lines for safe hoisting...................... 3-18
Figure 3-15:SAILOR 900: Free space for access to the service hatch............................................................3-19
Figure 3-16:SAILOR 900: ADU installation, webbed sling attached to the 4 lifting brackets ............. 3-20
Figure 3-17:Mounting the ADU on the mast flange ...............................................................................................3-20
Figure 3-18:SAILOR 900: Connecting the ADU cable ............................................................................................3-21
Figure 3-19:SAILOR 900: Opening the service hatch .............................................................................................3-22
Figure 3-20:Removing the 2 split pins ...........................................................................................................................3-22
Figure 3-21:SAILOR 900: ADU, bolt for optimum grounding............................................................................. 3-23
Figure 3-22:ACU, On/off switch at the back...............................................................................................................3-25
Figure 3-23:ACU, LAN connector at the front: Service port ............................................................................... 3-25
Figure 5-1:Measuring the ship source impedance ...................................................................................................5-2
Figure 5-2:Connecting power to DC Input..................................................................................................................5-3
Figure 5-3:ACU display after first power on (example with LAN ports 1 and 4 used)............................ 5-4
Chapter 6Configuration
Figure 6-1:LAN connector used for configuring the SAILOR 900 VSAT ....................................................... 6-1
Figure 6-34:Dual-antenna mode, blocking zones — azimuth and elevation.............................................. 6-39
Figure 6-35:Dual-antenna mode, line up......................................................................................................................6-40
Figure 6-42:Display (example) and keypad of the ACU........................................................................................6-46
Figure 6-43:Antenna Control Unit, menu tree...........................................................................................................6-47
Figure 6-44:Reset the system.............................................................................................................................................6-51
Figure 6-45:Download of MIB file ...................................................................................................................................6-52
Figure 8-8:LEDs on the ACU................................................................................................................................................8-8
Figure 8-9:Removal and replacement of the ACU ...................................................................................................8-9
Figure 8-10:SAILOR 900: ADU modules and motor stop switch ...................................................................... 8-10
Figure 8-11:SAILOR 900: Above Deck Unit modules (continued)....................................................................8-12
Figure 8-12:X-elevation bearing test (service)...........................................................................................................8-14
Figure A-2:Outline drawing: ACU, 19 inch rack..........................................................................................................A-6
Figure A-3:N-Connector interface on the ADU .........................................................................................................A-7
App. BVMU cables
Figure B-1: Modem Cable COMTECH Serial & RSSI TT7016A...........................................................................B-2
Figure D-1:How to use the command line interface (example for telnet)....................................................D-1
Figure D-2:Command line interface, login....................................................................................................................D-2
App. EDVB-S satellites
Figure E-1:Satellite data, example from E-2
App. FGrounding and RF protection
Figure F-1:Extending the ground plane.........................................................................................................................F-2
Figure F-2:Grounding the ADU.......................................................................................................................................... F-3
Figure F-3:Grounding at a dedicated RF ground (alternative)............................................................................ F-4
Figure F-4:Alternative grounding for aluminium hulls ...........................................................................................F-5
Figure F-5:Alternative grounding for fibreglass hulls.............................................................................................. F-6
Table 6-3:SAILOR VSAT acquisition time ...................................................................................................................6-7
Table 6-4:Satellite identifier and NID values.............................................................................................................6-8
Table 6-5:Possible error codes during calibration...................................................................................................6-9
Table 6-6:Satellite elevation and max. allowed inclination............................................................................. 6-11
Table 6-12:SAILOR 900: Elevation cutoff (in degrees) versus VSAT modem bandwidth and power .624
Table 6-13:Setup of LAN connectors ........................................................................................................................... 6-30
Table 6-14:Statistics report, header record ...............................................................................................................6-33
Table 6-15:Parameters recorded in a statistics report..........................................................................................6-33
Table 6-16:Top-level menus of the ACU ....................................................................................................................6-48
Table 6-17:ANTENNA menu of the ACU ....................................................................................................................6-48
Table 6-18:MODEM menu of the ACU ........................................................................................................................6-49
Table 6-19:NETWORK menu of the ACU....................................................................................................................6-49
Table 6-20:SATELLITE menu of the ACU ................................................................................................................... 6-50
Table 6-21:EVENTS menu of the ACU......................................................................................................................... 6-50
Table 7-2:Installation check list: ACU, connectors and wiring .........................................................................7-3
Table 7-3:Installation check list: Functional test in harbour..............................................................................7-5
Chapter 8Service
Table 8-1:LEDs of the ADU modules.............................................................................................................................8-7
Table 8-2:LEDs on the ACU................................................................................................................................................8-8
Table A-2:Technical specifications for the Above Deck Unit............................................................................A-1
Table A-3:Technical specifications for the ACU......................................................................................................A-3
This is an installation manual for the SAILOR 900 VSAT system, intended for installers of
the system and service personnel. Personnel installing or servicing the system must be
properly trained and authorized by Cobham SATCOM. It is important that you observe all
safety requirements listed in the beginning of this manual, and install the system according
to the guidelines in this manual.
1.2Manual overview
This manual has the following chapters:
• Introduction
• Installation
• Inter faces
• Connecting power
• Configuration
• Installation check
• Service
This manual has the following appendices:
• Technical specifications
• VMU cables
• VMU settings
• Command line interface
• DVB-S satellites
• Grounding and RF protection
• System messages
• Approvals
1.3Software version
This manual is intended for SAILOR 900 VSAT with software version 1.48.
In this manual, typography is used as indicated below:
Bold is used for the following purposes:
• To emphasize words.
Example: “Do not touch the antenna”.
• To indicate what the user should select in the user interface.
Example: “Select SETTINGS > LAN”.
Italic is used to emphasize the paragraph title in cross-references.
Example: “For further information, see Connecting Cables on page...”.
1.5.1Warnings, Cautions and Notes
Text marked with “Warning”, “Caution”, “Note” or “Important” show the following type of
• Warning: A Warning is an operation or maintenance procedure that, if not obeyed, can
cause injury or death.
• Caution: A Caution is an operation or maintenance procedure that, if not obeyed, can
cause damage to the equipment.
• Note: A Note gives information to help the reader.
• Important: A text marked Important gives information that is important to the user,
e.g. to make the system work properly. This text does not concern damage on
equipment or personal safety.
1.5.2General precautions
All personnel who operate equipment or do maintenance as specified in this manual must
know and follow the safety precautions. The warnings and cautions that follow apply to all
parts of this manual.
WARNING!Before using any material, refer to the manufacturers’ material
safety data sheets for safety information. Some materials can be dangerous.
CAUTION!Do not use materials that are not equivalent to materials
specified by Thrane & Thrane. Materials that are not equivalent can cause
damage to the equipment.
CAUTION!The system contains items that are electrostatic discharge
sensitive. Use approved industry precautions to keep the risk of damage to a
minimum when you touch, remove or insert parts or assemblies.
1-2Chapter 1: About this manual98-138976-C
Chapter 2
Above Deck Unit (ADU)
Antenna Control Unit (ACU)
This chapter is organised in the following sections:
• SAILOR 900 VSAT system
• Part numbers and options
2.1SAILOR 900 VSAT system
The SAILOR 900 VSAT is a unique stabilized maritime VSAT antenna system operating in
the Ku-band (10.7 to 14.5 GHz). It provides bi-directional IP data connections both on
regional satellite beams and quasi-global Ku-band satellite networks. The system only
requires a single 50 Ohm cable to provide the Above Deck Unit with both DC power, data
and control information. The radome does not have to be removed neither before nor after
the installation. To protect the Above Deck Unit the built-in DC motors act as brakes during
transport and when the Above Deck Unit is not powered. The ADU system can be accessed
remotely and in-depth performance analysis can be done using the built-in web interface.
The SAILOR 900 VSAT system consists of the following units:
•Above Deck Unit (ADU)
• Antenna Control Unit (ACU)
The following figure shows the SAILOR 900 VSAT system.
Figure 2-1: Above Deck Unit and Antenna Control Unit (ACU)
SAILOR 900 VSAT system
SAILOR 900 VSAT features
Single 50 Ohm coax cable for the ADU.
Support of several VSAT modems.
Gyro-free operation.
Ku-to-Ka-band conversion
Dual antenna mode.
SNMP support.
Service communication using SAILOR FleetBroadband over WAN.
Remote or local simultaneous software update of ADU and ACU via PC and Internet
Global RF configuration.
Full remote control and troubleshooting with built-in test equipment (BITE).
ACU with 4 x LAN, NMEA 0183, NMEA 2000, RS-232 and RS-422.
All interfaces at the ACU, no additional units required.
DC powered. Start up voltage: 22 VDC guaranteed, operating range: 20 – 32 VDC.
No scheduled maintenance.
2.1.1Above Deck Unit (ADU)
The SAILOR 900 VSAT ADU is a 103 cm VSAT stabilised tracking antenna, consisting of a
suspended antenna with a standard global RF configuration. The ADU’s weight is 126,5 kg.
It is stabilized by heavy duty vibration dampers in 3-axis (plus skew) and can be used in
environments with elevations of -25° to + 125°. The ADU is powered by the ACU and
protected by a radome.
Figure 2-2: Above Deck Unit (ADU)
2-2Chapter 2: Introduction98-138976-C
Modules in the SAILOR 900 VSAT ADU
SAILOR 900 VSAT system
1. GPS module.
2. VSAT Interface Module (VIM).
3. Pedestal Control Module (PCM).
4. Service switch.
5. DC-Motor Driver Module for cross elevation (DDM).
6. Cross elevation motor and encoder.
7. Zero Reference Module (x4) (ZRM) (not visible on photo). (3 on this figure)
8. DC-Motor Driver Module for elevation (on the bottom) (DDM).
9. Elevation motor and encoder (not visible).
10.Polarisation Motor Module (PMM).
98-138976-CChapter 2: Introduction2-3
Figure 2-3: SAILOR 900: Above Deck Unit modules 1/2
SAILOR 900 VSAT system
11.Polarisation motor.
12.Polarisation encoder.
13.Block Up Converter (BUC).
14.Low Noise Block downconverter (x2), (LNB).
15.Ortho Mode Transducer (OMT) (not visible on photo).
16.Inertial Sensor Module (ISM).
17.Elevation locking pin to lock the antenna dish in a fixed position.
In switch-off position the DC Motor Driver modules and the BUC are turned off for safe
conditions during service and repair. The switch must be in on position for normal ADU
Figure 2-4: SAILOR 900: Above Deck Unit modules 2/2
18.DC-Motor Driver Module for Azimuth (DDM).
19.Azimuth motor.
20.Azimuth encoder.
21.Rotary joint.
22.Feed horn.
2-4Chapter 2: Introduction98-138976-C
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