COBHAM SAILOR 6300 MF/HF DSC Installation Manual

Installation manual
150W/150W FCC/250W/500W
Table of Contents
150W/150W FCC/250W/500W
Document number: 98-130890-D Release date: November, 2013
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane A/S. The information in this manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane A/S are periodically revised and updated. Anyone relying on this information should acquire the most current version e.g. from or from the distributor. Thrane & Thrane A/S is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual from any other source. Thrane & Thrane A/S is trading as Cobham SATCOM.
© 2013 Thrane & Thrane A/S. All rights reserved.
Trademark Acknowledgements
• Thrane & Thrane is a registered trademark of Thrane & Thrane A/S in the European Union and the Unites States of America.
• SAILOR is a registered trademarks of Thrane & Thrane A/S.
• Other product and company names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
Safety summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service and repair of this
safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the equipment. Thrane & Thrane assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements.
To minimise shock hazard, the equipment chassis and cabinet must be connected to an electrical ground and the cable instructions must be followed.
Donotoperatetheequipmentinthepresenceofammablegasesorfumes. Operationofanyelectricalequipmentinsuchanenvironmentconstitutesadenitesafetyhazard.
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Component replacement and internal adjustment must be madebyqualiedmaintenancepersonnel.Donotservicetheunitwiththepowercableconnected.Alwaysdiscon­nect and discharge circuits before touching them.
General service must be done by skilled service personnel.
Caution! Electric shock hazard. Do not open the equipment. Only skilled service personnel
may service and repair the equipment.
RF exposure hazards and instructions
Your Thrane & Thrane radio generates electromagnetic RF (radio frequency) energy when transmitting. To ensure that you and those around you are not exposed to excessive amounts of energy and thus to avoid health hazards from excessive exposure to RF energy, all persons must obey the following:
Caution! Never touch the Antenna Tuning Unit or feeder wire when the MF/HF radio is transmitting. High voltage which can cause death or serious injury is present at the locations shown in the illustration below.
Warranty limitation
The radio is not a user maintainable unit, and under no circumstances should the unit be opened except by authorized personnel. Unauthorized opening of the unit will invalidate the warranty.
Antenna Tuning
Power Supply
Record of revisions
Rev. Description Relase Date Initials
A Original document January 2011 CMA
B 150 W/250 W FCC added Marts 2011 CMA
C 500 W installation added January 2012 CMA
D Cobham rebranding November 2013 CMA
Radio for occupational use
Terminal Equipment and is intended for use in maritime environment. SAILOR 6300 MF/HF DSC is designed for occupational use only and must be operated by licensed personnel only. SAILOR 6300 MF/HF DSC is not intended for use in an uncontrolled environment by general public.
Training information (for FCC approved equipment)
TheSAILOR6300MF/HFDSCisdesignedforoccupationaluseonlyandisalsoclassiedassuch.Itmustbeope­rated by licensed personnel only. It must only be used in the course of employment by individuals aware of both the hazards as well as the way to minimize those hazards.
The radio is thus NOT intended for use in an uncontrolled environment by general public. The SAILOR 6300 MF/ HF DSC has been tested and complies with the FCC RF exposure limits for Occupational Use Only. The radio also complies with the following guidelines and standards regarding RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels including the recommended levels for human exposure:
• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C, evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human exposure to radio frequencyelectromagneticelds.
• American National Standards Institute (C95.1) IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure toradiofrequencyelectromagneticelds,3kHzto300GHz
• American National Standards Institute (C95.3) IEEE recommended practice for the measurement of potentially hazardouselectromagneticelds-RFandmicrowaves.
Below the RF exposure hazards and instructions in safe operation of the radio within the FCC RF exposure limits established for it are described.
Your Thrane & Thrane radio set generates electromagnetic RF (radio frequency) energy when it is transmitting. To ensure that you and those around you are not exposed to excessive amounts of that energy (beyond FCC allowable limits for occupational use) and thus to avoid health hazards from excessive exposure to RF energy, FCC OET bulletin 65 establishes an Maximum Permissible Page viii Monday, November 14, 2011 2:06 PM ix Exposure (MPE) radius of 6 ft. (1.8 m) for the maximum power of your radio (150 W selected) with a whip antenna having a maximum gain of 3.0 dBi. This means all persons must be at least 6 ft. (1.8m) away from the antenna when the radio is transmitting.
1. A whip antenna with a maximum power gain of 3 dBi must be mounted at least 12.6 ft. (3.9m) above the highest deck where people may be staying during radio transmissions. The distance is to be measured vertically from the lowest point of the antenna. This provides the minimum separation distance which is in compliance with RF exposure requirements and is based on the MPE radius of 6 ft. (1,8m) plus the 6.6 ft. (2.0 m) height of an adult.
2. Onvesselsthatcannotfullrequirementsinitem1,theantennamustbemountedsothatitslowestpointis at least 6 ft. (1.8m) vertically above the heads of people on deck and all persons must be outside the 6 ft. (1.8 m) MPE radius during radio transmission.
• Always mount the antenna at least 6 ft (1.8 m) from possible human access.
• Never touch the antenna when transmitting
• Use only authorized T&T accessories.
3. If the antenna has to be placed in public areas or near people with no awareness of the radio transmission, the antenna must be placed at a distance not less than 12 ft. (3.6 m) from possible human access.
Failure to observe any of these warnings may cause you or other people to exceed FCC RF exposure limits or create other dangerous conditions.
Related documents
Title and description Document number
SAILOR 630x MF/HF Control Unit, Installation guide 98-132396
SAILOR 6300 MF/HF Transceiver Unit & Antenna Tuning Unit 150 W/250 W/500 W, Installation Guide
SAILOR 6000 MF/HF DSC 150/250/500W, User Manual 98-131070
SAILOR 6300 MF/HF Radiotelex, User Manual 98-132519
SAILOR 6101 and 6103 Alarm Panel, Installation and user manual 98-130981
Emergency call sheet 98-132369
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 General information
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Technical data ........................................................................................................................... 1-1
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Description ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Mounting the units .................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Ground connections .............................................................................................................2-8
2.4 Grounding considerations .................................................................................................2-9
2.5 Antennas ..................................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.6 DC Power cabling ................................................................................................................... 2-17
2.7 Interconnection of units .....................................................................................................2-18
2.8 Position and time information .......................................................................................... 2-24
2.9 Telex operation ........................................................................................................................2-25
2.10 ID Programming .......................................................................................................................2-26
2.11 Programming Telex ID ......................................................................................................... 2-29
2.12 Conguration ........................................................................................................................... 2-31
2.13 Final installation check ......................................................................................................... 2-35
Chapter 3 Technical description
3.1 Control Unit ...............................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Transceiver Unit ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Control/Intercon module 60-127961 ..........................................................................3-1
3.4 Synth. and DSC WR module 60-131332 ....................................................................3-1
3.5 RX/EX signal path module 60-122880 ..........................................................................3-2
3.6 PA and Filters module 60-122881..................................................................................3-2
3.7 PA and Filters module 60-123937 (FCC) ................................................................... 3-3
3.8 SMPS module 60-122882 (150 W/250 W) ...............................................................3-3
3.9 SMPS module 60-126172 (500 W) ...............................................................................3-3
3.10 SMPS module 60-126236 (500 W) ............................................................................... 3-4
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3.11 Transceiver unit block diagram ........................................................................................3-5
3.12 Transceiver unit interconnection diagram .................................................................. 3-7
3.13 Antenna Tuning Unit ............................................................................................................3-9
3.14 Power control and protection system ...........................................................................3-11
Chapter 4 Service
4.1 Preventive maintenance ..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 CleaningtheAirlter(500WTransceiveronly) ...................................................... 4-1
4.3 Systemtestandverication ..............................................................................................4-2
4.3 Software update ...................................................................................................................... 4-2
Chapter 5 Spare part exchange
5.1 Disassembling the Transceiver Unit (150 W/250 W) ............................................ 5-1
5.2 Disassembling the Transceiver Unit (500 W) ............................................................ 5-2
5.3 Transceiver Unit module location ................................................................................... 5-3
5.4 Module overview ..................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.5 Required service tools ...........................................................................................................5-10
5.6 Accessory list ............................................................................................................................5-10
Glossary ................................................................................................................... Glossary-1
Chapter 1: General information
General information
Technical data
General information
1.1 Introduction
The 150 W/250 W/500 W MF/HF transceiver with integrated DSC and telex is designed for maritime
applications in voluntary as well as compulsorily tted vessels. It offers simplex and semi-duplex SSB radiotelephone communication in the maritime mobile frequency bands between 1.6 and 30 MHz. The basic version of the transceiver includes voice, DSC and a dedicated 2187.5 KHz DSC watch receiver, forming an ideal system for MF GMDSS installations.
The equipment consists of a compact transceiver control unit, a fully remote controlled transceiver unit
and an automatic antenna tuning unit.
The microprocessor controlled Antenna Tuning Unit automatically matches the impedance of antennas
between 8 and 18 metres in length and requires no presetting at the installation. The typical tuning time is 1 s. It is designed for outdoor installation and may be located up to 100 metres from the Transceiver Unit. The Transceiver Unit contains all receiver and transmitter circuits. The fully protected solid state 150 W/ 250 W /500 Wpower amplier cooled by natural convection matches a 50 ohm antenna system, but is normally used in connection with the Antenna Tuning Unit. The DSC/Telex modem contains two
demodulators, one connected to the built-in watch receiver for continuous watch on the DSC distress
frequency 2187.5 KHz, the other connected to the communication receiver which may be used to keep simultaneous watch on other DSC frequencies or may be used for telex communication. The transceiver can easily be upgraded to include 6 channel scanning DSC watch receiver, and Telex operation to comply with MF/HF requirements in sea area A3. The upgrade is done by entering software license codes. The Control Unit is for operation of radiotelephone as well as DSC and telex functions. Use of the equip­ment is simple, logic and straight forward. DSC operation is based on the use of soft keys. Guiding texts are provided and the large display is able to show the contents of a complete call in one screen. For telex operation the Message Terminal is connected to the system through the CAN bus. The equipment is designed for operation from a 24 V battery. With the optional AC Power Supply unit
installed the equipment may be supplied from 115/230 V AC main or emergency supplies with automatic
switch-over to 24 V DC supply in the absence of AC supply voltage. Also optionally, a battery charger for AC is available in the product line. The built-in test facilities and easy-to-replace module design of the equipment simplies the service concept.
1.2 Technical data
1.2.1 General
Complies with the relevant IMO performance standards for MF/HF GMDSS equipment, the ITU Radio Regulations, the ITU-R recommendations and the relevant performance specications of ETSI, IEC and FCC, in the ITU marine bands.
Operating modes: Simplex and semi-duplex SSB telephony (J3E), DSC (J2B), AM broadcast reception (A3E) and Telex (J2B)
Frequency range: Refer to sections concerning specic characteristics
Frequency stability: Better than 0.35 ppm
Warm-up time. Less than one minute Ageing less than 0.1 ppm/year
Normal operating temperature: from 0°C to +40°C
Extreme operating temperature: From -15°C to +55°C
Chapter 1: General information
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: General information 98-130890-D
Technical data
User-programmable channels: 199 frequency pairs with mode (1-199)
User-programmable stations: 40 stations with name, MMSI and station channel
Output power: Refer to sections concerning Receiver / Transmitter characteristics
Supply voltage: Nominal 24V DC oating (-10 +30%)
With optional external AC power supply:
115/230V AC 50/60 Hz. Automatic change-over to DC in the absence of AC supply
Power consumption:
Rx, 60 W (approx. at 24V DC) 150 W 250 W 500 W
Tx, SSB speech 175 W 300 W 600 W
Tx, SSB two-tone 300 W 550 W 1100 W
Tx, DSC/TELEX 310 W 600 W 1000 W
Compass safe distance:
Compass safe distance in accordance with ISO/R 694 are given below in metres
Control Unit 1.2 0.5
Transceiver Unit 0.4 0.2
Antenna Tuning Unit 0.3 0.1
Handset 0.3 0.2
Cradle 1.1 0.7
Loudspeaker 2.2 1.6
IP ratings (estimated):
System Transceiver Unit
Antenna Tuner
Unit *
Control Unit
150 W IP43 IP56 IP54
250 W IP43 IP56 IP54
500 W IP20 IP56 IP54
* Antenna cable must be carely installed to obtain this IP rating
1.2.2 Receiver characteristics
General: Complies with ETSI 300373 in the ITU marine bands.
Mode Rx/Tx antenna plug DSC/Telex antenna plug
DSC X (Routine calls) X (Distress calls)
Telex X
Frequency range: 150 KHz to 30 MHz
Frequency resolution: 100 Hz by keyboard entry 10 Hz, 100 Hz or 1 KHz search/ne-tune facility is provided 
Chapter 1: General information
General information
Technical data
Input impedance: Rx/Tx : 50 ohm
The Antenna is matched by the antenna amplier in the Antenna Tuning Unit
DSC/Telex: 50 ohm
12V DC / 20 mA is available for possible use of active antenna.
Sensitivity: Telephony (J3E): below 11 dBµV for 20 dB Sinad Broadcast (A3E): below 25 dBµV for 20 dB Sinad DSC/Telex (J2B): below 0 dBµV
Wanted signal Signal
Telephony (J3E) 30 dBµV
Intermodulation level
above 80 dBµV
Telex (J2B) 30 dBµV
Intermodulation level above 90 dBµV
DSC (J2B) 20 dBµV
Intermodulation level above 80 dBµV
Spurious rejection: Signal: above 70 dB
Audio output power: Build-in loudspeaker
Optional loudspeaker output 6 W typical with less than 10 % distortion. Output intended for 8 ohm loudspeaker.
1.2.3 Transmitter characteristics
General: Complies with ETSI 300373 and FCC or better in the ITU marine bands. The Transmitter characteristics are with the Antenna Tuning Unit included.
Frequency range: All frequencies in the range 1605 KHz to 30 MHz however by factory default arranged in the ITU marine bands.
Frequency resolution: 100 Hz
Output power 150 W SSB: ± 1.4 dB into 50 ohm Antenna, voice for a duty cycle less than 55% and
modulation rate greater than 3 baud.  Reduction to 80 W when continuously keyed with duty cycle greater than 55% during 1 min. Automatic power recovery after 1 min.
120 W ± 1.4 dB  Output power 250 WSSB: ±1.4 dB into 50 ohm Antenna, voice for a duty cycle less than 55% and modulation rate greater than 3 baud.  Reduction to 100 W when continuously keyed with duty cycle grater than 55% during 1 min. Automatic power recovery after 1 min.
160 W ± 1.4 dB
Chapter 1: General information 98-130890-D
Technical data
Output power 500W SSB: 1.6-4 MHz 400 W PEP +0/-1.4 dB 4-27 MHz 500 W PEP ±1.4 dB into 50 ohm Antenna, voice for a duty cycle less than 55% and modulation rate greater than 3 baud.  Reduction to 200 W when continuously keyed with duty cycle greater than 55% during 1 min. Automatic power recovery after 1 min.
285 W ± 1.4 dB
Power reduction: Low power: 20 W PEP
Intermodulation: below -31 dB/PEP
Spurious Emission: below -43 dB/PEP below -60 dB/PEP (FCC)
Hum and noise: Less than - 40 dB/PEP
1.2.4 DSC Watch receiver characteristics
General: Complies with ETSI 300338 or better.
Reception: DSC/Telex antenna plug.
Frequency range:
Scanning the following frequencies if upgraded to include 6 channel scanning
DSC watch receiver:
2187.5 KHz, 4207.5 KHz, 6312.0 KHz, 8414.5 KHz, 12577.0 KHz, 16804.5 KHz
Input impedance: DSC/Telex: 50 ohm
12V DC / 20 mA is available for use of active antenna.
Sensitivity: DSC (J2B): below 0 dBµV
Intermodulation: DSC (J2B): Wanted Signal: 20 dBµV
Intermod. level: above 70 dBµV
Spurious rejection: above 70 dB
1.2.5 Antenna Tuning Unit characteristics
General: Complies with ETSI 300373 and FCC or better in the ITU marine bands
Frequency range: 1.6 MHz - 27 MHz
Antenna requirements:  8-18 m wire and/or whip antenna
Antenna tuning:  Fully automatic with no presetting
Tuning speed: 0.1 - 8 sec.
Power capability 150W/250W: 350 W PEP into 50 ohm antenna 500W: 600 W PEP into 50 ohm antenna
Extreme operating temperature: from -25°C to +55°C
Chapter 1: General information
General information
Technical data
1.2.6 DSC/Telex modem characteristics
DSC: DSC Equipment class: Class A
Protocols:  ITU-R M. 493-13, M. 541-9
Ship’s identity:  9-digit identity number
Navigator interface: According to IEC 61162-1 GLL, RMC, ZDA, GGA, GNS
TELEX: Protocols:  ITU-R M. 625-3 (incl. M. 476-5), M. 490, M. 491-1, and 492-6 NBDP telex in ARQ, FEC and SELFEC modes
Ship’s identity:  5- and/or 9-digit identity number
1.2.7 Dimensions and weight
Control Unit 6301/02/03: Width: 241 mm (9.5")
Height: 107 mm (4.2") Depth: 99 mm (3.9") Weight: 0.82 kg (1.8 lbs)
Transceiver Unit 150 W/250 W 6360/62/63: Width: 390 mm (15.3")
Height: 445 mm (17.5") Depth: 127 mm (5") Weight: 19 kg (41.9 lbs)
Transceiver Unit 500 W 6364: Width: 392 mm (15.4")
Height: 507 mm (20") Depth: 217 mm (8.5") Weight: 28 kg (61.7 lbs)
Antenna Tuning Unit 150 W/250 W 6381/82: Width: 290 mm (11.4")
Height: 500 mm (19.7") Depth: 80 mm (3.1") Weight: 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs)
Antenna Tuning Unit 500 W 6383: Width: 401 mm (15.8")
Height: 617 mm (24.3") Depth: 356 mm (14") Weight: 17 kg (7.3 lbs)
Equipment category: Control Unit: Protected Transceiver Unit: Protected Antenna Tuning Unit: Exposed
Chapter 1: General information 98-130890-D
Technical data
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
2.1 Description
Correct installation of the equipment is important for maximum performance and reliability. Antennas and earth connections must be installed with the greatest care using corrosion resistant materials. Cable routing shall be made so the cables are protected from physical damage. Sharp cable bends
especially on coaxial cables must be avoided and a sufcient number of clips or straps should be used
to secure the cables.
2.2 Mounting the units
2.2.1 Mounting the Control Unit (CU)
One Unit shall be connected to the Transceiver Unit using the build-in local bus (CU-TU Bus). The CU may be mounted up to 100 m from the Transceiver Unit using just a multicable 5 x 2 x 0.5 mm2 screened. The Control Unit may be tabletop or bulkhead mounted.
Control Units with mounting bracket
Mounting option Drilling plan for bracket
Chapter 2
Control unit connector panel
Control Unit 0.82 kg Mounting Bracket 0.20 kg
4 x M4 or hole for self-tapping ø3.9
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
Control Units with ush mounting bracket
Drilling plan
Flush mount template
Remove material from shaded area only!
R2.5mm x 4
Weight: Flush mount bracket 0.04 kg
WARNING: Only use screws supplied with
mounting kit for attaching ush
mounting bracket to Control Unit.
Handset for Control Unit
This Handset has a hook-on/off function,
which is activated by a small magnet embedded in the cradle. The cradle must be installed as illustrated in order to ensure the hook-on/off functionality of the Handset.
* 120
min. 100
Space for handset access
Space for cable and handset cable
Drilling plan
Weight: Handset for Control Unit 0.4 kg (0.02 lbs)
Dimensions are in mm
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
2.2.2 Mounting the Transceiver Unit (TU)
The Transceiver Unit should be installed in a dry place and consideration should be given to acces-
sibility for servicing. It is important to provide sufcient airspace below, above and in front of the unit for adequate air circulation through the cooling ns. The drawing below shows the outer dimensions, mounting possibilities and the minimum distance to other objects, as well as a drilling plan.
Transceiver Unit 150 W/250 W
4 x ø8
Cable fitting
1) Space for cable: min. 150 mm
Space for airow and service: min. 500 mm
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
Transceiver Unit 500 W
1) Space for cable and airflow: min. 150 mm.
2) Space for service access: min. 200 mm.
All dimensions are in mm.
3) Space for service access: min. 1000 mm.
Cable fitting
Cable tting
Dimensions are in mm
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
2.2.3 Mounting the Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU)
The ATU may be mounted up to 100 metres from the Transceiver Unit using just one RG-213/U or better coaxial cable.
The ATU must be installed outside in a convenient position to have good access for sufcient length
of feeder wire to meet the antenna connection point.
Antenna Tuning Unit 150 W/250 W
6 x ø6.50
1) Space to nearest overhang: min. 50 mm
2) Space for service access: min. 500 mm
3) Space for cable and service access: min. 200 mm Dimensions are in mm
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
Antenna Tuning Unit 500 W
1) Distance to metal constructions: min. 150
2) Space for service access: min. 500
3) Space for cable and service access: min. 200 Dimensions are in mm Tolerance: +/- 1 mm Mounting hole: ø8 Weight: 17 Kg
Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Units
2.2.4 SAILOR 6208 Control Unit Connection Box
The SAILOR 6208 is used to convert the small cable dimension from LTW plug to spring loaded terminals with strain relief for connection to larger cable dimensions. The box is used to connect the Transceiver Unit to Control Units and Message Terminal respectively.
The box is tted with optional 120 ohm CAN-BUS termination.
SAILOR 6208 0.5 kg.
2.2.5 SAILOR 6209 Accessory Connection Box
The SAILOR 6209 is used to convert the small cable dimension from LTW plug to screw terminals with strain relief for connection larger cable dimensions. The box is used to connect the Transceiver Unit and /or the Control Unit to peripheral equipment e.g.
GPS, external loudspeaker etc.
4 pcs. ø5.50
SAILOR 6209 0.4 kg.
Dimensions are in mm
The SAILOR 6208 and the SAILOR 6209 may be ordered as accessory. Please nd accessory list on the
last page of this manual.
Drilling Plan
Drilling Plan
Chapter 2: Installation
Ground connections
2.3 Ground connections
2.3.1 Antenna Tuning Unit
As the earth connection of a transmitter is a very
important part of the antenna system, it is of the
utmost importance to keep in mind that the earth connection of the Antenna Tuning Unit must have the lowest possible RF-impedance. Losses in the earth connection will result in a decrease in radiated power which means that the range of the transmitter will be reduced. In steel ships a 100 x
0.5 mm copper strap as short as possible is con­nected between the earth terminal at the bottom of the Antenna Tuning Unit and two or three 1/2" or M12 bolts welded to the superstructure. Vessels constructed of non-conducting materials must be equipped with a copper earth plate having a mini­mum area of 1 square metre mounted below the water line. From a copper earth bolt hard soldered to the earth plate a 100 x 0.5 mm copper strap is
run, preferably uninterrupted to the earth terminal
at the bottom of the Antenna Tuning Unit.
Should it be necessary to break the copper strap, for example to pass through a deck, two or three 1/2" or M12 bolts should be used for this feed through. On wooden ships having a superstructure of metal,
this superstructure should also be effectively connected to the copper strap by using stainless steel bolts
and preferably pieces of stainless steel strips between the metal parts. On bre glass boats, such as yachts and sailing boats, it may be difcult to install a sufciently good earth. Short copper straps are bolted to conducting parts on the engine, the keel and other conducting objects. Many copper straps can be
glued to the inner surface of the hull below the water line to produce a large capacitance to the water. It is important that the total area of copper is large and that the distance between the copper surface and the water is as small as possible. The copper straps are connected directly to the ATU. On ships where the environmental conditions require shielded grounding downlead in order to avoid
radiation from same downlead, it is recommended to use a shielded cable with a non-stranded wire
having adequate wire dimension to securee the proper grounding. Cable shielding should be connected at ATU mounting kit and left open at the earth connection side.
2.3.2 Transceiver Unit and Control Unit
The Transceiver Unit is preferably grounded separately to the ships metal in the shortest possible way. A 10 to 16mm sq. ground wire is connected to the ground terminal (cable clamp) at the bottom of the unit.
Copper strap 100 x 0.5mm
Dimensions are in mm.
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